Forward by Carol Christ or Gloria Orenstein

Forward by Carol Christ or Gloria Orenstein?
Victoria Christian will begin by discussing the mission of the book as well as her research on
Goddess Art, which will include a discussion of prior research (or an article) by Gloria
Orenstein. She will also define feminine mysticism, particularly its importance in contemporary
society and explain the essential role female mystics and visionary artists play in both the
Women's Spirituality Movement and Transcendental Art Movement. Lastly, she will introduce
the contributors and the purpose of the sacred images in the book.
Part One: The Primordial Sacred Union
The book will begin with an introduction essay by Victoria Christian on the Primordial Sacred
Union, which will include a short description of "The Sacred Marriage" altar by Christine
Dawson. Several artists will contribute images that relate to the sacred union. Next, Margaret
Starbird will submit an article titled “Imaging God as Partners” which will include images by
several artists. Claudia Connelly will submit an article titled, “Something Calls to be
Remembered: Envisioning the Land of Magic and Mysticism, which will reveal her images as
well as various pagan images of unicorns, fairies and nymphs. Next, Riane Eisler? will write an
essay titled "The Gaia Tradition and The Slaying of the Dragon” which will incorporate images
by Victoria Christian and Martina Hoffman. Lastly, Victoria Christian will submit an article
titled “The Patriarchal Era and the Tyranny of Rationality,” which will include images by herself
and other artists.
Part Two:
Chapter One: The Goddess of Fertility
This chapter will begin with an essay by ? titled “The Goddess of Fertility: Mother of All
Creation,” which will include an assortment of images and quotes by various artists. In this
essay, she will draw from interviews with various artists and experts in eco-feminism, Native
American spirituality and deep ecology. Next, Paula Gun Allen? will submit an article titled
"Women and Nature: Reclaiming the Body of Earth and Mother, which will include images by
Alba Elena. Photographers Raechel Running and/or Dana Palmer will then delve into an
assortment of issues involving body politics in an article titled "Photography and Body Politics."
Next, mid-wife and professor of women's spirituality, Arizika Razak will submit an article titled
"Sacred Images of African and African American Women, which will include
images by an assortment of African American artists. Next, Linda Savage will submit an article
titled "Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way," which will incorporate
images by various artists. Creative writer, Kyce Bello will submit an article titled "How to Make
Love in the Mountains," which is a sensual and erotic short story about the eroticism in nature
and how this is played out between two lovers. Lastly, magical realist Beth Avary will submit an
essay entitled, “Nature as Spiritual Path: Experiencing the Divine of Nature.” In this essay, she
will explain how nature has healed her in times of utter despair. She will not only reveal some of
her magical landscapes, but discuss the works and experiences of other artists as well.
Chapter Two: Goddess of Creativity
The opening article will be an interview with Martina Hoffman entitled “The Transcendental
Power of Creativity,” which will discuss some transcendental experiences Martina has
experienced as well as incorporate some of her visionary images. Next, visionary artist and
shaman Cher Lynn will submit an article titled "The Healing Power of Art," which will explain
how art has brought healing and direction to her life. Then, artist Denise Kester will discuss the
various ways in which the creative process has brought about self empowerment and focus in her
article titled " Creativity and Self Empowerment: Finding My Way Through Art." Next, Pamela
Becker will include an article titled “Art and Surrender: My Marriage to Creativity,” which
discusses her intimate relationship with creativity and incorporates some of her muse images.
Susan Garden will provide an article titled "Divine Inspiration: The Visionary Art of Eva
Sullivan, which will incorporate Eva's visionary images. And lastly, artist, feminist and poet,
Jane Evershed will discusses how art has been a source of knowing herself and the world in her
article, "Reclaiming a Woman's Way of Knowing through Art."
Chapter Three: The Goddess of Emotion
Sherab Khandro will open the chapter with an article titled "The Goddess of Compassion,"
which will incorporate images of Tara and Kuan Yin by several artists. Ausmaminea will include
a short poem about her image “Life Pattern.” Next, Grace Mantle will provide an article titled
"The Heart of the Mother," which will incorporate her visionary images. Poet and creative writer
Jennifer Ferrero will submit an article titled "Feminine Alchemy in Poetry" which will
incorporate some of her poems and images. Reiki Master Karen Keister will submit an article
titled "Cultivating Emotional Wisdom," which will be a personal recollection of her life path and
the difficulties she's encountered as a healer. Healing artist and therapist Julia Weaver will
provide an essay on "The Ocean Goddess and Healers of the Sea," which will incorporate some
of her mandalas as well as images by other artists. Next, Lotus Linton will talk about her travels
to an assortment of healing springs and the use of sound therapy as a source of healing. Lastly,
Victoria Christian will submit an article titled "Embracing Your Inner Child: The Path to
Authentic Joy, which will incorporate a few of her images.
Chapter Four: Goddess of Intuition and the Unconscious
Patricia Garfield? will begin the chapter with an article titled "The Deep Well of Inspiration:
Dreams, Transcendental Experiences and the Old Crone," which will incorporate images by
various artists. Next, visionary artist and feminist Rose Wagnum Frances will submit an article,
about her sacred art process, which will include some of her images. Yoga instructor and creative
writer Marcia Moyle will provide an article titled "Listening to the Still Small Voice Within,"
which will incorporate the work of Christine Dawson. Next, Bonnie Moondancer will submit an
article titled, “The Wisdom of the Moon,” which will include the works of various artists. Artist
and speaker Max Dashu will then discuss the role of the Priestess in Paganism, which will
incorporate a few of her images. Next, Anyaa McAndrew will go into detail about the process of
becoming a priestess in her article titled "Reclaiming Initiation: The Priestess Path."
Chapter Five: The Goddess of Transformation
Watercolorist Melissa Harris? will discuss the concept of Chrysalis, particularly how the
butterfly has been a powerful symbol of transformation in her life. Her article will include some
of her butterfly images and personal experiences. Then belly dancer and artist Barbara B. will
submit an article on “Sexuality, Eroticism and Tantra as Transformative Power,” which will
include her art work and the erotic works of a couple other artists. Next, Victoria Christian will
submit an article titled “Wheels of Transformation and Change: Biking Goddess Medicine,”
which will explain how the warrior, biking goddess brought healing and direction to her life and
other women’s lives. Susan Stedman will then discuss the connection between some of the Dark
Goddesses, chaos theory and rage in her article “The Goddess of Destruction, Chaos and the
Power of Rage,” which will incorporate various images of the Dark Goddesses. Next,
mythologist and astrologer Kelley Hunter will include an article titled, “The Dark Goddess
Lilith,” which will include some of her Lilith images. Victoria Christian will include a short
article about her image "Into the Labyrinth and Back: Breaking the Chains of Bondage and SelfHatred. Next, visionary artist and creative writer Uma Rose will then provide an article titled,
“The Light of the Feminine in the Dark Night of the Soul,” which will include personal stories
and images by various artists. Uma Rose will also submit a short story titled "Song of Sedna."
Lastly, Rose Sharrar will submit an article titled "Reclaiming Lost Will Through Emotional
Release Therapy," which include her images and poetry.
Chapter Six: The Goddess of Interconnectivity
Author and Shamanic Practitioner Sandra Ingerman will open the chapter with an article titled
“The Way of the Shaman: Our Connection to Earth and Animals, which will incorporate
Shamanistic images by Susan Deveuve and Cher Lyn. Next will be a "Statement of the
International Council of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers." Then, Lakota artist and
educator Nadema Agard will submit an article titled "The Divine Feminine in Native American
Cosmology," which will incorporate her images. Next, primitive artist Anna Christensen will
provide a short essay on the artistic and spiritual process involved in the creation of medicine
wheels. Magical Realist Theresa Sharrar will include an essay entitled “Sister to Sister:
Transcending Barriers between Women,” which will incorporate some of their images. Lastly,
Marriage and family counselors ?, will submit an essay titled "Healing the Gap between Male
and Female," which will propose a new paradigm for modern day relationships.
Chapter Seven: Emerging Male Mystics and Artists
Chapter seven will incorporate the writings and artworks of emerging male mystics and artists.
Because men play an equally crucial role in the universal remembrance of the Divine Mother,
it’s especially important that they have a voice in the Goddess Movement. Not only are their
writings and images essential to the construction of healthy role models for the complex,
postmodern male in search of soul, they are powerful reminders of the value of the sacred
feminine. While this chapter is still in the process of development, I've selected some powerful
male role models that are assisting people in their remembrance of the Great Mother. This
chapter will begin with an essay by creative writer and photographer Eric Alan who discusses the
importance of inculcating an ecological imagination in his article "Envisioning Wild Grace."
Next, Native American actor, writer and poet Robert Greygrass will discuss the role of
indigenous cultures as keepers of the flame, which will include the works of Shonto Begay? and
David Joaquin. Then, Gnostic minister Reverend Charles will discuss the importance and
benefits of men integrating their feminine side in his article "The Postmodern Male: The Value
of Integrating the Feminine Side. Next, Mark Henson will submit an article titled "The Giver of
Life," which will reveal some of his images. Swami Amar Jyoti will discuss the "Secrets of the
Feminine in Creation. And Lastly, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee will then submit an article titled
“Awakening to Oneness: Consecrating the Masculine and Feminine Principles within.”