Cultural Components Characters Gallery Tour


Cultural Components Characters Gallery Tour

Take a “tour” of the other Components Characters. Pick out five depictions on the character and explain how they represent the particular component of culture. Then identify two depictions that don’t seem to represent that component or are confusing.

Describe them and explain why they do not seem to represent that component.

Character #1 represents ___________________________ component of culture.

5 Depictions of this Cultural Component and Explanations

Two depictions that seem NOT to represent the component and why.

Character #2 represents ___________________________ component of culture.

5 Depictions of this Cultural Component and Explanations

Two depictions that seem NOT to represent the component and why.

Character #3 represents ___________________________ component of culture.

5 Depictions of this Cultural Component and Explanations

Two depictions that seem NOT to represent the component and why.
