Claims List (.doc) - Stanford University

November 3, 2009
List of Claims
(Use for Coding CLAIMS, Question # 18)
For each Claim, there are two variables:
(1) A four digit code indicating the CLAIM, and
(2) A two digit code indicating the VALENCE or "pro" or "con" indication (VAL).
Note that items in the list below with an asterisk (*) are Claims that should be coded with a
Detailed code (see next page for Detailed Codes).
Code up to four (4) CLAIMS.
Remember to list the main or primary claim of the event first on the codesheet (CLAIM1&VAL1).
I. General Claims Codes
Anti Nuclear (Power) Movement
Anti-Immigrant/Anti-Foreigner/Anti-Asylum Movement
Small or Family Farmers or Organic Movement (Not Farm-workers)
Anti-“Transnational Union” Movements
Feminist or Women’s Movement
Peace Movement
International Human and Civil Rights/Democratization
Environmental or Green Movement
Civil Rights--African Americans
Civil Rights--Gay and Lesbian (Including AIDS/HIV)
Civil Rights--Native Americans
Civil Rights--Mexican Americans
Civil Rights--Asian Americans
Civil Rights–Pan Latino (detailed codes below include non-Mexican Latino Issues)
Civil Rights--Disabled
Civil Rights--Farm Workers/Migrant Farmers
Civil Rights -- Undifferentiated Minority Groups
Anti-Ethnic Attacks/Hate or Bias Crimes
Animal Rights
Civil Rights - Seniors
November 3, 2009
For each, claim, there is a second variable, which is a two-digit qualifier for the valence of the
event: Pro (01), Anti (02), Cannot be determined (03).
Valence (VAL) of the event: Pro or Anti the goals of the social movement/CLAIM?
01 Pro
02 Anti
03 Cannot be determined.
Note: This should be applied to the general category which represents the Social
Movement. Examples: A pro-Native American protest would be: 1700-01. A prodisarmament protest would be: 0702-01. A rally about the detrimental effects of
pesticides on farmworkers would be coded pro-farmworkers: 2200-01. The valence
code of “03" will primarily be used for codes under “Social 1300", “Anti-Ethnic Attacks
2500", and “Other 1400" since the valence of these issues is difficult to determine. If
you are inclined to use “03" for any other Claim, please bring it to the coder meeting for
discussion and approval.
II. Detailed Claims Codes
0200 Anti-Nuclear (Power) Movement
Anti-Nuclear Plant Construction
Anti-Nuclear Plant Operating Procedures
Anti-Current Method of Nuclear Waste Disposal or Transportation
0300 Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Foreigner, Anti-Asylum Movement
Anti- Poor Treatment of Undocumented Immigrants
Anti-Sanctuary for Central American Refugees
Anti-Sanctuary for Other Refugees
Anti- Political Asylum
0400 Small or Family Farmers or Organic Movement (Not Farm-workers)
Improvement of farmers’ conditions, general (including plight of ‘Family Farm’)
Restriction on agricultural imports
Federal Subsidies to farmers
Anti-Corporate Farming
0500 Anti-“Transnational Union” Movements
0501 Anti-NAFTA
0502 Anti-UN
0503 Anti-NATO
November 3, 2009
0600 Feminist or Women’s Movement
0600 Women’s Civil Rights, general
0603 Federal/state funding for women’s initiative (shelters, clinics, etc)
0604 Anti-Violence against women
0606 Equal Pay/Comparable worth
0607 Gender quotas/Affirmative Action, as applied to gender, solely
0608 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
0609 More positive media depictions, more depictions, fewer negative media
0610 Anti-Discrimination in Employment
0611 Equality in Education
0700 Peace Movement
0700 Peace, pacifism, general
0702 Disarmament, general
0703 Anti-Atomic testing
0704 Anti-Atomic weapons (construction, purchase, distribution, storage)
0705 Anti-Biological/chemical weapons (construction, purchase, distribution, storage)
0708 Anti-Afghanistan War
0709 Anti-Gulf War
0710 Anti-Yugoslavia War
0711 Anti-Vietnam War
0712 Anti-Military maneuvers
0713 Anti-Military infrastructure
0721 Anti-Export of conventional weapons
0722 Anti-Conventional weapons (construction, purchase, distribution, storage)
0723 Anti-Draft
0726 Anti-Korean War
0727 Anti-US Military Involvement in Cuba
0728 Anti-ROTC, Military/CIA recruitment on campus
0729 Anti- US Involvement in non-US Wars
0740 Pro- Retrieving or Recovering POW/MIA’s
0741 Anti-US Involvement in Central America
1000 International Human and Civil Rights/Democratization
1006 Anti-Apartheid/Pro-University or Corporate Divestment
Indigenous Peoples’ (outside of US) Rights
Amnesty for political prisoners
Intelligence services (CIA, Role of US Govt. in Supporting Right Wing Govt.)
US Foreign Policy
Non-US War (with no US participation)
1100 Environmental or Green Movement (excluding nuclear power)
1100 Environment, general
November 3, 2009
Soil protection
Landscape protection (plants, trees)
Reducing noise pollution
Air quality protection
Anti-Current Method of Solid Waste disposal
Limiting waste/recycle
Restriction of Pharmaceutical/chemicals
Water quality protection
Rainforest Preservation
Ozone Protection to prevent Global Warming, etc.
Zero Population Growth, as environmental issue
1300 Miscellaneous Social Issues
1302 Legalization of Illegal Substances
1305 Increasing prices, general
1306 Tax Increases
1311 Plight of Homeless
1318 Tenants' Rights Movement
1323 Social Security Benefits
1324 Medicaid/Medicare Benefits
1325 AFDC/ADC (“Welfare”) or Unemployment Benefits
1326 Drug Control
1327 Gun Control
1328 Drunk Driving
1329 Healthy Nutrition/School Lunches
1330 Consumer Protection
1331 Housing Issues Other
1333 Poverty/hunger, general
1334 Government surveillance/Prosecution of Protesters
1335 Child abuse, sexual crimes
1336 Political figure
1337 Anti-Crime Movement
1338 Government policy, n.e.c.
1340 Freedom of Speech/Assembly
1341 Veteran’s Issues (not incl. POW)
1342 Education
1343 Victims’ Rights
1344 Prisoners’ Rights
1345 Death Penalty
1350 Not In My Backyard (NIMBY)
1351 Misc. Religious Claims
1352 Anti-Pornography
1353 AIDS/HIV Prevention, HIV/AIDS victims’ rights (different from 1608/1609)
November 3, 2009
1500 Civil Rights--African American
1500 African American Civil Rights, general
1501 Any Desegregation Claim as applied to African Americans (School,
Neighborhood, Public and Commercial Facilities)
1502 Pro-Voting Rights/Political Power
1505 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
1506 Affirmative Action, as applied solely to African Americans
1509 Black Pride, entrepreneurship, separatist
1517 Reduction of Black Poverty
1518 Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
1519 More positive media depictions, more depictions, fewer negative depictions
1520 Anti- Environmental Racism
1600 Civil Rights--Gay and Lesbian
1600 Gay and Lesbian Rights, general
1602 Gay rights (males)
1603 Lesbian rights (female)
1604 Pro-Cohabitation/Domestic Partners Legislation
1605 Pro-Same Sex Marriage
1606 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
1608 Increased Funding for AIDS/HIV Research
1609 Anti-FDA Bureaucracy, which slows down the approval of AIDS Medication
1610 More positive media depictions, more depictions, fewer negative media
1611 Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
1612 Anti-Political Under-representation
1700 Civil Rights--Native Americans
1700 Native Am. Civil Rights, general
1705 Anti-Environmental Racism
1706 Pro-Bicultural/Bilingual education
1708 Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
1709 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
1711 More positive media depictions, more depictions, fewer negative media
1712 Anti-Political Under-representation
1713 Historical Grievances, Anti-Land Seizures
1720 Affirmative Action, as applied to NA
1800 Civil Rights--Mexican Americans
1800 Mexican Am. Civil Rights, general
1803 Anti-Environmental Racism
1804 Pro-Bicultural/Bilingual education
November 3, 2009
Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
More Positive Media Depictions, more depictions, fewer negative depictions
Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
Anti-Political Under-representation
Affirmative Action, as applied to Mexican Americans, solely.
1900 Civil Rights--Asian Americans
1900 Asian Am. Civil Rights, general
1901 Affirmative Action, as applied to Asian Americans, solely
1902 Compensation for WWII Internment of Japanese Americans
1903 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
1905 Anti-Political Under-representation
1907 Anti-Environmental Racism
1908 More Positive Media Depictions, more depictions, fewer negative depictions
1912 Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
2000 Civil Rights– Pan Latino
2000 Pan Latino Civil Rights, general
2001 Pro-Bicultural/Bilingual education
2002 Anti-Environmental Racism
2003 More Positive Media Depictions, more depictions, fewer negative depictions
2004 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment
2006 Anti-Police Brutality/Harassment
2007 Affirmative action, as applied to all or several Latino groups
Civil Rights – Non-Mexican Latino Group
2020 Anti-Castro/Cuba
2021 Puerto Rican Nationalism
2022 Other movement on behalf of non-Mexican Latino Group
2100 Civil Rights--Disabled
2100 Disabled Civil Rights, general
2101 Access for Disabled (Public or Private buildings,curbs, ramps, braille signs,
parking spaces, etc)
2102 Anti-Discrimination in Housing or Employment or Schools
2104 More Positive Media Depictions, more depictions, fewer negative depictions
2105 Provision of more humane medical treatment for disabled
2106 Increase funding for disabled programs, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, etc.
2200 Civil Rights--Farm Workers/Migrant
Anti-Pesticides (as they affect Farm Workers)
Increase in Wages
Improvement of Working Conditions
November 3, 2009
2300 Civil Rights -- Undifferentiated Minority Groups
Affirmative Action, as applied to several/all minority groups
Pro Diversity
Desegregation, as applied to several/all minority groups
2400 Abortion
2500 Anti-Ethnic Attacks/Hate or Bias Crimes
2502 White Supremacy, generally
2503 Anti-Semitism
2508 Anti-Asian
2504 Anti-Black
2505 Anti-Latino
2506 Anti-Native American
2507 Anti-Mexican
2510 English-Only
2517 Ethnic/Racial Conflict, Melees, Riots, Confrontations (2+ groups unclear target or
2525 Anti-Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual
2600 Animal Rights
Protection of Animals, general
Anti-Scientific Studies/laboratory animals
Anti-Factory Farming/Anti-Corporate Farming because of animal rights issues (not
Farmers’ Issues)
2900 Civil Rights - Senior Citizens
General Senior Citizen’s Rights
Social security
Housing (affordable, decent) for elderly
Health care, Medicare
1400 Other
Basic Ideological Stance
Historic Preservation
Large Scale Spectacles