Disaster Risk Reduction Under Changing Climate Conditions: Roles for the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services Heather Auld Adaptation and Impacts Research Division Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate Environment Canada Toronto, Canada ABSTRACT Evidence from around the world indicates that the costs of weather related disasters are increasing over time, in spite of greater disaster awareness. The rising losses, even under current climate conditions, point to a need for comprehensive disaster risk reduction actions for weather and climate hazards that support all pillars of risk reduction. Effective management of disaster risks requires coordinated and comprehensive integration over the four pillars of risk reduction: Risk Management actions consisting of (1) disaster prevention or mitigation and (2) disaster preparedness, and Crises Management actions through (3) emergency response and (4) recovery actions and plans. The need for more comprehensive disaster risk reduction programs, products and services is likely to grow as the climate changes. While changing climate and weather extremes add significant challenges to this process of disaster risk management, adaptation steps taken today to reduce the impacts of hydrometeorological hazards also provide opportunities for regions to become better prepared for future climate change. INTRODUCTION Evidence from around the world indicates that the costs of weather related disasters are increasing over time. Since the decades of the 1950s, the annual direct losses from natural catastrophes in the 1990s increased 14 times, rising from US$3.9 billion to US$40 billion a year using 1999 dollars (Munich Re, 2005; IPCC, 2001), while population grew only by 2.4-fold. In reality, these losses are larger by a factor of two, when losses from less severe weather-related events are included. Of these rising losses, hydro-meteorological hazards from weather, climate and water events such as floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, heat waves and severe storms account for the majority. In fact, hydro-meteorological hazards accounted for close to 90 per cent of the lives lost in natural disasters during the last decade (WMO, 2004). Over the last 30 years, the number of lives lost to natural disasters declined and levelled off at about 80,000 per year, while the number of people affected and the estimated economic losses have been steadily increasing. While the debate continues on whether increases in climate extremes are contributing to the escalating disaster losses, it is known that changing socioeconomic and demographic trends have also contributed to the rising trends and vulnerabilities (IPCC, 2001). While it is normal to expect large year-to-year variations in the number and intensity of natural hazards, it is not normal for the costs of natural hazards to continue rising over time. When a natural hazard becomes a disaster, the result is as much as function of the way that the community does business or adapts to the hazard as it is of the natural hazard itself. The fact that both insured and uninsured losses have been rising rapidly in constant monetary terms reflects a failure of communities and society to adapt well enough to current climate variability and extremes. MEASURES TO MANAGE RISKS AND VULNERABILITIES National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) have two windows to act in the disaster risk management process: (i) before disasters, through disaster prevention and emergency preparedness (risk management); and (ii) imminently before, during and after disasters in support of disaster relief, recovery and reconstruction (crises management). Effective endto-end management of disasters requires the coordinated and comprehensive integration of the four pillars of action, as shown in Figure 1: (1) disaster risk mitigation, (2) emergency preparedness, (3) emergency response and relief, and (4) disaster recovery and rebuilding actions. The combination tries to minimize existing vulnerabilities, prevent adverse impacts and to ensure that comprehensive plans are in place to react to emergencies and recover from disaster impacts (ISDR, 2002). In most countries, natural hazard policies traditionally focus on actions that minimize the impacts during a disaster and provide immediate relief and support to victims. Although disaster response is important, it fails to address the causes of disaster losses. The World Bank has estimated that every dollar spent in preparing for a natural Hazards; climatic information Forecasts; Risk guidance disaster saves seven in response (World Bank, 2004). During the 1990s, for example, the World Bank estimates that economic losses due to natural disasters could have been cut by US$ 280 billion through just US$ 40 billion of appropriate advance spending. NMHSs are well-placed to support all the pillars of disaster risk management, including: provision of hazards information for community risk impact assessments and land use planning; improvements to climatic design information for safer infrastructure; development of environmental prediction products and risk guidance so that potential impacts and risks can be better interpreted; monitoring to detect hazards and emerging threats; dissemination of forecasts and timely early warnings for operational emergency response actions; assistance in risk management education and community capacity building; and provision of forecasts and risk guidance for recovery operations, including changing climate risks for rebuilding and recovery. Risk management Crisis management Emergency Planning; Warnings Forecast support Figure 1: NMHS’s riles in Disaster/Emergency Management Systems and its four pillars: Prevention, Preparedness, Emergency Response and Recovery or Risk Management and Crisis Management. HAZARD AND VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENTS There is a saying: “forewarned is forearmed. When we know the threats we face, we are better able to prepare for them” (Dr. Klaus Töpfer - UNEP Executive Director). Although natural disasters are not always predictable, they are most often foreseeable and can be planned or risk managed ahead of a disaster. Many natural hazards can be foreseen, or anticipated using past experience, climatological analyses of atmospheric hazards, analysis of vulnerabilities including current land uses and forensic analyses. 2 A very critical part of a disaster risk management strategy is the completion of a Vulnerability or Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment Process (HIRA) that integrates the probability of hazards in a region with critical infrastructure vulnerability and risk assessments. As illustration, two provinces in Canada have passed legislation requiring that all municipal and regional governments adopt emergency management assessment and planning (Auld et al, 2006). The province of Ontario passed its provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act legislation in April 2003, requiring all municipal and regional governments in the province to identify and assess various hazards and risks to public safety that may give rise to an emergency situation (Government of Ontario, 2003). The Act requires that a HIRA process be completed and all priority hazards be assessed, that vulnerable groups, infrastructure and likely risks be prioritized, potential interventions be identified and comprehensive disaster management planning adopted (Auld et al, 2006). The risk assessment process is needed to determine how often and how severe the impacts to public safety could become and relies heavily on hydrometeorological information and tools. In response to municipal demands for hazards information to meet this HIRA process, Canada’s Meteorological Service and its provincial government partner, Emergency Management Ontario, developed a web site (www.hazards.ca) and publication on atmospheric hazards that allows regional emergency managers to access climatological hazards information, customize atmospheric maps for their localities and to overlay regional combinations of hazards maps (Auld et al, 2002). The website and publications contain peerreviewed or “defensible” maps of various hydrometeorological hazards and climatological trends, Weather Warning criteria and guidance on potential impacts of specific hazards, including extreme heat and cold, drought, extreme rainfall, blizzards, hurricanes, ice storms, tornadoes, wind storms, smog, UV radiation, etc (Auld et al, 2006a). The website highlights the probability of occurrence of each hazard and compares the relative frequency of these hazards across various regions of Ontario. The web site also includes a feature allowing users to assess multi-hazard risks using co-recognition software and “stacking" maps together in order to align places on the different maps, even though maps might have different scales and projections. All maps included in the Hazards collection used for Ontario needed to be scientifically defensible (e.g. journal publications, data meeting WMO requirements for weather data archiving and analyses). Ideally, these maps, graphs and information should be assembled, assessed by theme and accompanied by documentation describing its information holdings, the data used to develop the mapped fields, methodologies, uncertainties and limitations for use of the maps and references. New and evolving threats (e.g. changing climate hazards, pandemics) also needed to be considered in the HIRA process. Where trends existed, the record and analyses from the past 15 years was not considered sufficient for the risk assessment. For these cases, historical trends as well as climate change scenarios were developed to highlight hydro-meteorological variables where the frequency and risks from specific hazards were known to be increasing. The Canadian experience showed the importance of having hazards information that meets the emergency and disaster management planning needs of a wide variety of users. A significant challenge remains the need to communicate scientific information on hazards simply to all users, including the non-technical users responsible for emergency planning, and to ensure that the information remains scientifically defensible. FAILURE OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND DISASTER RISK REDUCTION It has been said that “the house is the first line of defense against hazards”1. In future, better early warnings of impending disasters may benefit from links to critical thresholds for infrastructure failure. Structural failures can result when climate extremes approach their design values and the engineering performance of the structure 1 4th World Water Forum, Dec 10, 2005; Framework theme 5 3 encroaches or exceeds uncertainty limits (Auld et al, 2006b). Forensic studies have shown that, above critical thresholds, small increases in weather and climate extremes have the potential to bring large increases in damage to existing infrastructure. These studies indicate that damage from extreme weather events tends to increase dramatically above critical thresholds, even though the high impact storms associated with these damages may not be much more severe than the type of storm intensity that occurs regularly each year (Munich Re., 1997; Swiss Re., 1997; Coleman, 2002). In many cases, it is likely that the critical thresholds reflect storm intensities that exceed average design conditions for a variety of infrastructure of varying ages and condition. An investigation of claims by the Insurance Australia Group (IAG), as shown in Figure 2, indicates that a 25% increase in peak wind gust strength above a critical threshold can generate a 650% increase in building claims (Coleman, 2002). Similar studies indicate that once wind gusts reach or exceed a certain level, entire roof sections of buildings often are blown off, or additional damages are caused by falling trees. Typically, minimal damages are reported below this threshold (Munich Re., 1997; Swiss Re., 1997; Freeman and Warner, 2001; Coleman, 2002). Similar results have been obtained for flood and hailstone damages. This information on thresholds for widespread infrastructure failure needs to be incorporated into weather warning criteria and considered in updates to climatic design values used in construction codes and standards. Climatic design values that are used for the design of reliable and economical infrastructure include quantities like the 10, 50, or 100 year return period “worst storm” wind speed, rainfall or snow conditions that are typically derived from historical climate data. Almost all of today’s infrastructure has been designed using climatic design values that have been calculated using historical climate data and assuming that the average and extreme conditions of the past will represent conditions over the future lifespan of the structure. While this assumption has worked in the past, it will hold less as the climate changes. The climatic design values used in codes and standards of today need to reflect these changing climate conditions and need to be assessed regularly against regional climate trends to determine whether existing margins of safety for structures have any remaining tolerances to accommodate increases in climate loadings. IMPROVING WEATHER WARNINGS FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE: MOVING FROM WEATHER PREDICTION TO RISK AND IMPACTS PREDICTION One of the most effective measures for disaster readiness and emergency response is a wellfunctioning early warning system that delivers accurate information dependably and on-time. Warnings buy the critical time needed in response to hazards to evacuate populations, reinforce infrastructure, reduce potential damages or prepare for emergency response. All too often, warnings are issued without the NMHSs having an appreciation of the relative severity and potential impacts of the forecast severe weather event. As a result, warnings can, and frequently do fail for any of four primary reasons (UNISDR, 2001). These include: (1) a failure of forecasting, such as an inability to understand a hazard or a failure to locate it properly, in time or space; (2) an ignorance of prevailing conditions of vulnerability, determined by physical, social, or economic inadequacies; (3) a failure to communicate the threat accurately or in sufficient time; and finally, (4) a failure by the recipients of a warning to understand it, to believe it or to take suitable action. The success of an early warning depends on the extent to which it triggers effective response measures. Warning messages need to suggest the appropriate actions that those at risk should take. This is difficult when information is incomplete, when there are conflicting recommendations or when the liability of the NMHS is of concern. Because emergency responders often are unable to translate the scientific information on atmospheric and hydrological hazards in warnings into risk levels and thresholds for response, future work is needed that can identify the most dangerous impacts, consider the contribution of cumulative and sequential events to risks (e.g. antecedent 4 Figure 2. Building claims as a function of peak gust speed (Australia). Source: (Coleman, 2002). rainfall accumulations) and determine the meteorological thresholds linked to risks for infrastructure, communities and disaster response. These shortfalls are leading some NMHSs to consider Environmental Prediction Programs to move weather and hydrological forecasts towards impacts and risk forecasts. This step requires a greater investment in the science of impacts in order to translate the intensity of forecast meteorological parameters into potential risk levels. The incorporation of breaking points for infrastructure into warning systems, for example, could be used to highlight differences between weather events that could prove disruptive compared to those likely to require widespread emergency response actions. Several NMHSs are investigating tiered or escalating warning systems to differentiate potential impacts, to varying degrees. For example, MeteoFrance is investing in a Meteorological Vigilance system that works with four levels of hazard warning and has resulted in new hazards being added to their system (e.g. heat wave warnings). The European Multi-services Meteorological Awareness (EMMA) Program is based on MeteoFrance’s Meteorological Vigilance system and uses a similar four-colour code, using a corresponding risk awareness level to highlight the most dangerous events (Gérard, 2002). China uses a colour-coded warning system for 11 extreme weather conditions including typhoons, rainstorms, heat and cold waves, fog, sandstorms, lightning storms, gales, hailstorms, snowstorms and road icing. Here, warnings are labelled blue, yellow, orange and red in an ascending order matching national standards of seriousness. The increasing levels of warning severity require escalating actions. For example, shops are to remain closed and classes suspended if typhoon warnings change from orange to red. A red warning for rainfall intensity means emergency squads must be ready for rescue operations as rainfalls are expected to reach 100 millimeters or higher in 3 hours, creating the possibility of floods. In the United States, NOAA is piloting a project in Florida to present daily hazards forecasts in graphical format by relative “degree of threat” (Sharp et al, 2000). Increasingly, studies are highlighting the risks from less “traditional” weather events. These events or “creeping hazards” often result from cumulative or sequential multi-hazard events that also enhance vulnerabilities to disasters (e.g. drought, waterborne disease potential). For example, flooding events can result from smaller rainfall events if amounts have been preceded by five days of antecedent rainfall and saturated ground conditions. As a result, specific criteria for issuing rainfall warnings benefit when antecedent rainfall and ground conditions are considered before deciding to issue a warning. Whether addressing fast or slow onset hazards, more effective early warning systems must provide adequate lead times for the activation of emergency response plans and identification of the most significant risks. The U.K. Meteorological Office, for example, currently provides Early Warnings of potentially disastrous weather events to emergency responders up to five days in advance so they can be prepared for the effects of potentially high impact weather. Because prediction of severe weather at this range in any detail is difficult, these Early Warnings are expressed in terms of probabilities, with warnings issued when the probability of disruption due to severe weather somewhere in the UK is 60% or more (U.K. Meteorological Office, 2004). CLIMATE CHANGE The climate is changing globally and regionally and will continue to do so, even with the most ambitious of mitigation successes. One of the most threatening aspects of global climate change is the likelihood that extreme weather events will become more variable, more intense and more frequent as storm tracks shift and storm frequencies and intensities increase regionally. A report by the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) financial services initiative anticipates that the global cost of natural disasters will top US$300 by the year 2050 (ISDR, 2004) if the likely impacts of the changing climate are not countered with aggressive disaster reduction measures. Adaptation steps taken today to reduce the impacts of weather hazards will provide opportunities for regions to become better prepared for future climate change challenges. As a first step to reducing climate change disaster risks, a “no regrets approach” that reduces vulnerability to existing hazards becomes an even more effective strategy for reducing future risks. The barriers to managing the risks associated with current climate variability are the same barriers that will inhibit regions and nations in addressing the future increases in the complexity and uncertainty of risk due to climate change (UNDP, 2004). THE FUTURE The implementation of disaster reduction strategies poses global challenges today and for the future. While the 1990-1999 UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) was dedicated to promoting solutions to reduce risk from natural hazards, the decade ended with more disasters, involving greater economic losses and more human dislocation and suffering than when it began (ISDR, 2004). As a successor to the IDNDR, the UN General Assembly founded the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) in 2000 to continue the promotion of work and commitment in disaster reduction. The ISDR has worked to shift its primary focus from hazards and their physical consequences to greater emphasis on the processes involved in incorporating physical and socio-economic dimensions of vulnerability into the wider understanding, assessment and management of disaster risks (ISDR, 2004). The WMO supports the achievement of the international Millennium Development Goals to “halve the loss of life associated with natural disasters of meteorological, hydrological and climatic origin” and accordingly, has set a target to reduce by 50 per cent over the next 15 years the 10-year average fatalities (relative to 1994-2003) from all natural disasters related to weather, climate and water (WMO, 2005). WMO and its NMHSs have the capability to develop and deliver critical products and services to the entire disaster risk management decision process. These include the multidisciplinary science to understand the vulnerability of communities to weather-, climateand water-related hazards using historical records, climatic design values and climate projections from NMHS. Similarly, WMO's early warning systems can provide communities with the information needed to activate disaster plans in time to protect life and minimize economic losses. These systems need to operate alongside educational and capacity-building services that help ensure nations can move decisively to better protect lives and property against natural hazards. Without the existing preventative services through NMHSs, it is sobering to think that the disaster statistics on loss of life and property during the 6 International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction likely would have been even higher than the current values show (Golnaraghi, 2004). But, in future, changing climate conditions will likely translate into more frequent occurrences of extreme weather in one form or another. Without aggressive disaster management actions, it is likely that new and unexpected vulnerabilities will arise from unfamiliar hazards. In the end, surprise has the potential to become the biggest killer. Prudent planning for disaster risk management should therefore factor in current and future risk reduction adaptation actions to current and evolving hazards and risks. 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