The Development of Space and Depth Perception DEP 3115 Part 1 Information for Depth and Distance I. Binocular information for depth (two eyes) A. B. II. Monocular, static, or pictorial depth cues (one eye) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. III. Convergence and divergence Binocular disparity (or binocular parallax) 1. Vision requires correct amount of disparity 2. Stereopsis-- ability to see depth from disparity Accomodation of the lens Interposition Lighting and shadow Aerial perspective Relative brightness Linear perspective Relative size Familiar size Texture gradients Relative height (in the picture plane) Kinetic information for depth (motion) A. B. C. Motion parallax Optical expansion and contraction Accretion and deletion of texture Part 2 J.J. and E.J. Gibson's Theory of Perception I Introduction II. Traditional depth cues don't explain real 3-d perception A. They were developed to compensate for 2-d retinal displays B. Appropriate only for perceiving pictures or when normal info is not available III. Gibson Assumption 1: Perception of space is direct A. No inference needed B. Gibson Assumption 2: Psychologists should start by analyzing information in the world, not on the retina C. Gibson Assumption 3: Observer and object motion is the norm in the real world IV. Faulty assumptions of the traditional view A. Starts with the 2-d retinal display and thus must explain how we derive the 3rd dimension from it. B. Static 2D information on the retina is ambiguous; we can't use it like a picture 1. The problem of shape and size constancy 2. Gibson Assumption 4: We don’t look at the retinal display- we look at the world and detect invariants 3. The problem of distance perception- visual angle and image height V. Gibson’s Solution A. We use changes in the optic structure generated by motion B. Gibson Assumption 5: Invariants unambiguously specify spatial layout (that which remains constant across change over time) C. Evidence shows that adults and infants detect invariants VI. Gibson: Development of space perception A. Infants should perceive depth on the basis of kinetic information prior to monocular information B. Motion should facilitate space perception, not hinder it, because it provides invariants Part 3 Piaget's View of Cognitive Development and Space Perception I. Cognitive development theory A. B. C. D. II. Broad theory Stage theory (qualitative change) All knowledge is derived from the child's actions on objects Knowledge of the world is a construction Assumptions: Space perception during first 6-mo of life A. B. C. D. III. No perception of 3-d form Hand teaches the eye - touch predominates over vision Visual perception is based on the 2-d retinal display No size or shape constancy Other assumptions about development during the first 6 months A. B. C. D. Infant can't yet differentiate self from other objects Senses are not yet integrated No ability to represent absent objects No object permanence Part 4 Evidence for Depth Perception in Infancy I. Visual cliff studies A. Newborn animals avoid deep side B. Two methods: direct placement vs crossing C. Young infants perceive depth but no HR acceleration; older infants show HR acceleration D. Self produced locomotion underlies fear of heights (Campos) E. 6 wks crawling experience required for cliff avoidance (Adolph) F. Cliff avoidance is specific to posture (Adolph) II. Infants' use of binocular information for depth A. Virtual object studies (binocular disparity and convergence) 1. 2. III. Stereoscopic shadow caster - intangible object Bower, Broughton & Moore (1970) a. 6 day to 6-mo olds reached and were upset when couldn't feel the virtual object b. Anticipatory hand shaping c. Replication with 3 ½ mo olds d. Conclusions—Infants detect binocular info by 3 mos; touch and vision are integrated; inconsistent with Piaget Infants’ use of static monocular depth cues A. B. Hochberg & Brooks (1962) - picture perception required little experience Dirks & Gibson (1977) - 5-mo-olds perceive similarity between a person and their photo IV. V. C. Relative size: Granrud, Yonas, & Pettersen 1. DV was reaching 2. Ss perceived the larger of two identical objects as closer when they were viewed monocularly but not binocularly 3. By 5 1/2 months infants use relative size info D. Familiar size: Yonas, Pettersen, & Granrud (1982) 1. Must be familiar with actual size to accurately perceive distance 2. Larger of 2 faces seen as closer in monocular but not binocular condition by 7 months 3. 7-mo-olds use familiar size info E. Familiar size learning study: Granrud Hake & Yonas (1985) 1. Infants were taught the actual sizes of 2 novel objects 2. Infants perceived the object that was now larger than before as closer when viewed monocularly but not binocularly (at 7 & not 5 mo) 3. Many abilities involved in this task Infants' use of kinetic information for depth A. Accretion and deletion of texture - 5 and 7 mos (Yonas, Granrud, & Smith 1982) B. Looming studies--tests use of optical (radial) expansion as information for impending collision 1. Integrated avoidance response to looming and not to zooming 2. Ball & Tronick (1971)- avoidance to hit, not miss trials, and approach but not retreat at 2-11 wks 3. Controversy over interpretation of results; Yonas measured blinking 4. Conclusion- infants use kinetic information (optical expansion) to perceive depth by 3 wks (Nanez & Yonas) Summary--the use of kinetic information develops first (by 1 mo), binocular next ( by 3½ mos), and monocular last (5 ½ -7mos) Part 5 Evaluating Gibson and Piaget’s Theories of Depth Perception in Light of Current Data I. Developmental progression (kineticī binocularī monocular) supports Gibson’s view A. Kinetic information is fundamental and provides basis for invariant detection II. Other studies demonstrate that motion facilitates perception and support Gibson view A. Infants use motion to perceive shape more accurately (Owsely) B. Infants use motion to perceive shape of occluded objects (Kellman & Spelke) C. Infants perceive figural coherence in point light displays of walkers D. Infants show visually guided reaching (VonHofsten) III. Early sensitivity to motion information supports Gibson’s view and is inconsistent with Piaget