List of Publications - Computer Science Home

1. Linda Kaufman, Seok-Min Bang, Brian Heacook, William Landon, Daniel
Savacool, Nick Woronokin, “ Designing Optical Fibers: Fitting the Derivatives of
a Nonlinear Pde-Eigenvalue Problem”, American J. of Computational
Mathematics, Volume 2, No. 4, December 2012.
2. Linda Kaufman.”Solving Separable nonlinear least squares problems with
multiple data sets”, chapter in Bentham ebooks, V. Pereyra, editor, 2010
3. Linda Kaufman , “An Algorithm for factoring banded symmetric matrix”,
Numerical Linear algebra with Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2007,pp.237-254
Linda Kaufman, "Calculating dispersion in fiber optics design", IEEE Journal
on Lightwave Technology, Vol.25, No. 3,March 2007 , pp.811-819
5. Linda Kaufman, “Eigenvalue Problems in Fiber Optic Design”, SIAM J. on
Matrix Analysis and Applications, January 2006, pp. 105-117
6. L.S. Blackford, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, I. Duff, S. Hammarling, G. Henry, M.
Heroux, L. Kaufman, A. Lumsdaine, A. Petitet, R. Pozo, K. Remington, R. C.
Whaley, “An Updated Set of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms”, ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 28, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 135151
7. .Linda Kaufman, "Band Reduction Algorithms Revisited", ACM Transactions
on Mathematical Software, Vol. 26, No. 4, Dec. 2000, pp. 551-567.
8. Linda Kaufman, "An Observation on Bisection Software for the Symmetric
Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Vol. 26, No. 4, Dec. 2000, pp. 520-526.
9. Linda Kaufman " Reduced storage, quasi-Newton trust region approaches to
function optimization", SIAM J. on Optimization, Oct. 1999, p. 56-69
10. Linda Kaufman, "Solving the Quadratic Programming problem arising in
support vector classification", in Advances in Kernel Methods - Support Vector
Learning, Scholkopf, Burges, and Smola, eds. MIT Press, 1998, pp. 147-168.
11. H. Drucker, C,J.C. Burges, L. Kaufman, A. Smola, and V. Vapnik, "Support
vector regression machines", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
9, M. Mozer, M. Jordan, and T. Petsche, eds., MIT Press, 1997.
12. Linda Kaufman and Arnold Neumaier " Regularization of Ill-Posed Problems
by Envelope Guided Conjugate Gradients", J. of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, Dec. 1997, pp. 451-463
13. Linda Kaufman and Arnold Neumaier, "PET Regularization by Envelope
Guided Conjugate Gradients", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 15,
no. 3, June 1996, pp. 385-389
14. Linda Kaufman, "Implementing the MDM(transpose) Decomposition", ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software,Vol. 21, no. 4, December 1995, pp.
15. Linda Kaufman, Garret Sylvester, and Margaret Wright, "Structured Linear
Least-Squares Problems in System Identification and Separable Nonlinear Data
Fitting", SIAM J. on Optimization November, 1994, pp.847-871
16. Linda Kaufman, "Solving Some Structured Linear Least Squares Problems", in
Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra John
Lewis, ed., SIAM, 1994, pp. 465-469.
17. Linda Kaufman, "A Parallel QR Algorithm for the Symmetric Tridiagonal
Eigenvalue Problem". Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 23,
no. 3, November 1994, pp.429-434
18. Linda Kaufman, "Maximum Likelihood, Least Squares, and Penalized Least
Squares for PET", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol . 12, No.2, June
1993, pp.200-214.
19. Linda Kaufman, "An Algorithm for the banded Symmetric Generalized Matrix
Eigenvalue Problem" SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol.14,
No. 2, April 1993, pp. 372-389
20. Linda Kaufman, "Solving a least squares problem with boundary constraints",
in Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-Time Applications NATO- ASI
Series, Moon, Golub, DeMoor editors, pp.399-400, 1993.
21. Linda Kaufman and Garret Sylvester, "Separable nonlinear least squares with
multiple right hand sides" SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol. 13,
No. 1, January 1992, pp.68-89.
22. David Gay and Linda Kaufman, "Tradeoffs in Algorithms for Separable and
Block-Separable Nonlinear Least Squares", Proceedings of IMACS 91. 1991
23. Linda Kaufman and Daniel D. Warner, "A Program for solving Separable
Elliptic Equations", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol.16, N.
4, Dec. 1990, pp.325-351
24. Linda Kaufman, "Solving Emission Tomography Problems on Vector Machines",
Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputers and Large-Scale
Optimization special volume of the Annals of Operation Research. Vol.22,
Feb. 1990, pp.325-353
25. R. Bartels and L. Kaufman " Cholesky Factor Updating Techniques for
Rank-Two Matrix Modifications", SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications
Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 1989, pp. 557-592
26. Linda Kaufman and Norm Schryer, " Solving Two dimensional partial
Differential Equations on Vector and Scalar Machines", Int. Journal on
Supercomputer Applications, Vol.3. No. 1, Spring 1989, pp.10-33.
27. Linda Kaufman, "Vectorizing the Construction of Galerkin Matrices" in
Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations-VI,
Proceedings of the Sixth Imacs International Symposium on Computer Methods
for Partial Differential Equations., pp..142-146, June 1987
28. Linda Kaufman, "The Generalized Householder Transformation and Sparse
Matrices", Linear Algebra and its Applications Vol. 90, May 1987, pp.221-235.
29. Linda Kaufman, "Implementing and accelerating the EM algorithm
Positron Emission Tomography", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Vol. mi-6, number 1, March 1987, pp.37-51.
30. J. Dongarra, L. Kaufman, and S. Hammarling, "Squeezing the most out of
Eigenvalue Solvers on High-performance Computers", Linear Algebra and its
Applications Vol.77, June 1986, pp.113-136.
31. Y. Vardi., L. Shepp, and L. Kaufman, "A Statistical Model For Positron
Tomography", Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 80, No. 389,
March 1985, pp .8-37
32. L. Kaufman, S. Morgenthaler, and Y. Vardi, "Maximum likelihood
reconstruction in emission tomography with time-of-flight information: A
limited study." Automated Image Analysis: Theory and Experiments. Cooper,
Laurner, and McClure (eds) Academic Press, 1984
33. Linda Kaufman and Daniel D. Warner, "High-order, fast direct methods for
Separable Elliptical Equations", SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis,
Vol.21, No. 4,August 1984, pp.672-695
34. Linda Kaufman, "Banded Eigenvalue Solvers on Vector Machines", ACM
Transactions on Math Software Vol.10,No. 1, March 1984, pp.73-85.
35. Linda Kaufman, "Matrix Methods for Queueing Problems", SIAM Journal on
Scientific and Statistical Computing Vol 4., No. 3, Sept. 1983, pp. 525-552
36. Linda Kaufman, "Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems Arising in Queuing
Problems." Numerical Integration of Differential Equations and Large Linear
Systems, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Mathematics 968. Ed. Juergen
Hinze, 1982, pp.352-360
37. D. Edelson, L. Kaufman, and D.D. Warner, "The Use of a High Speed Vector
Processor Machine for Chemical Kinetics Sensitivity Analysis." Supercomputers
and Chemistry ACS Symposium Series 173, Eds. Peter Lykos and I. Shavitt,
1981, pp. 79-88.
38. J. Morrison, L. Kaufman, and J. Seery, " Overflow Models for Dimension PBX
Feature Packages " Bell System Technical Journal Vol. 60, No.
May-June1981, pp. 661-676.
39. B. Gopinath, L. Kaufman, and E.F. Wunderlich, "Analysis of Packet Network
Congestion Control Using Sparse Matrix Algorithms." IEEE Transactions on
Communications Vol.29, No.4, April 1981, pp.453-465
40. James R. Bunch and Linda Kaufman, "A Computational Method for the
Indefinite Quadratic Programming Problem" Linear
Applications Vol. 34, December 1980, pp.341-370.
41. B. Gopinath, L. Kaufman, and E.F. Wunderlich, "The Control of Store and
Forward Congestion In Packet Switched Networks," The Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Computer Communication October 1980.
42. Linda Kaufman, "Application of Householder Transformations to Sparse
Matrices," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Vol. 5, No. 4,
December 1979, pp.442-450.
43. Linda Kaufman and Victor Pereyra, "A Method for Separable Nonlinear Least
Squares Problems with Separable Nonlinear Equality Constraints," SIAM J.
Numer. Anal., Vol. 15, No. 1, February 1978 ,pp.12-20.
44. Linda Kaufman, "Some Thoughts on the QZ Algorithm for Solving the
Generalized Eigenvalue Problem," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Vol. 3, No. 1, March1977, pp.65-75.
45. J.R. Bunch and L. Kaufman, "Some Stable Methods for Calculating Inertia
and Solving Symmetric Linear Systems," Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 31,
No. 137, January 1977, pp.163-179[
46. J.R. Bunch, L. Kaufman, and B. Parlett, "Decomposition of a Symmetric
Matrix," Numer. Math. 27, 1976, pp. 95-109
47. J. Daniel, W. Gragg, L. Kaufman, and G.W. Stewart, "Stable Algorithms for
Updating the Gram Schmidt QR Factorization," Mathematics of Computation,
Vol. 30, No. 136, October 1976, pp.772-795.
48. Linda Kaufman, "The LZ Algorithm to Solve the Generalized Eigenvalue
Problem for Complex Matrices," ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
Vol.1, No. 3, September 1975, pp.271-281
49. Linda Kaufman, "A Variable Projection Method for Solving Separable
Nonlinear Least Squares Problems," BIT 15, 1975,pp.49-57
50. Linda Kaufman, "The LZ Algorithm to Solve the Generalized Eigenvalue
Problem", SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 11, No. 5, October 1974,pp.997-1023
b. Unpublished Technical Reports not subsumed above
1. L. Kaufman and A. Neumaier, "Image reconstruction through regularization
by envelope guided conjugate gradients", Technical Report CS94/4-14, ATT
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill,N.J.,1994. (available through the WW,, 2MB)
2. Linda Kaufman and Garrett Sylvester, "A block separable nonlinear-least squares
problem" NA manuscript 11274- 901029-04, Nov. 1990
3. Linda Kaufman, "TTGU - A Package for Solving Time Varying Partial
Differential Equations on a Union of Rect angles", Bell Labs Computer Science
Technical Report 154, November 1990.
4. Linda Kaufman and Norm Schryer, "TTGR- A Package for Solving Partial
Differential Equations in Two Space Variables " Bell Labs Computer Science
Technical Report 135, June 1985.
5. Linda Kaufman "Usage of the Sparse Matrix programs in the PORT Library"
Bell Labs TM 81-11274-2, February 1981.
6. B. Gopinath, L. Kaufman, and E.F. Wunderlich, `Sparse Matrix Algorithms for
a Packet Network Control Analysis." Bell Labs Computer Science Technical
Report 82, October 1980.
7. Linda Kaufman, "Programs for Solving Linear Equations in the PORT Library,"
Bell Labs TM 78-1274-11, November 1978.
8. Linda Kaufman, "Methods for Updating the Singular Value Decomposition",
University of Arhus Computer Science Report 26, March 1974.
9. Linda Kaufman, "Function Minimization and Automatic Therapeutic Control,"
Stanford Computer Science Report 228, July 1971.
c. Bell Labs Proprietary Memorandums not subsumed above.
1. Ellen Hahne, Linda Kaufman, and R. Kurshan, "Notes on Computing mean
First Passage Times in Markov Chains", Bell Labs 11274-851010-14 TMS,
October 1985.
2. J.K. Hodgins and L. Kaufman, "Some FORTRAN subroutines for computing
the singular value decomposition of a real matrix", Bell Labs TM 83-11274-6,
March 1983.
3. R.A. Levy, S.M.Vincent, T.E.McGahan, and L. Kaufman, "Evaluation of the
Phosphorous Concentration and Its Effects on Viscous Flow and Reflow in
Phosphosilicate Glass", Bell Labs TM 83-11274-1, January 1983.
4. J.K. Hodgins and L. Kaufman, "A Program for the Quadratic Programming
Problem" Bell Labs TM 82-11274-7, Sept. 1982.
5. L. Kaufman and N. Levine, "An Implementation of a Simplex-like Algorithm
for the Linear Programming Problem" Bell Labs TM 81-11274-4, May 1981.
6. M.R. Celis and L. Kaufman, "Usage of Nonlinear Least Squares Programs" Bell
Labs TM 80-1274-5, October 1980.
7. Linda Kaufman, "A Program for Solving Separable Nonlinear Least Squares
Problems," Bell Labs TM 78-1274-7, July 1978.
8. J.L. Flanagan, K. Ishizaka, L. Kaufman, and K. Shipley, "Adaptive Control of
Vocal Cord/Vocal Track Model to Estimate Articulatory Parameters" Bell Labs
TM 77-1274-16, November 1977.