Mini-Update - May 2015 - Missouri Cancer Registry

Fellow Registrars,
I hope that you enjoyed doing something special during National Cancer Registrars Week and
that some of you will be able to attend the NCRA meeting in San Antonio this month. If not,
remember that AJCC Curriculum for Registrars and MCR both have educational offerings to
keep you sharp on AJCC Stage and SEER Summary Staging, respectively.
Large hospitals (>500 cases/yr.) are to report Oct 2014 cases by May 15 and smaller facilities (<300 cases
/yr.) report the 4th Quarter of 2014 by July 15.
NAACCR Webinars – Get 3 CEs By Viewing Recorded Webinars. Request Access Now! Check out our
Education and Training page to find out how you can receive access to the recorded NAACCR Webinars.
May 7, 2015 – Collecting Cancer Data: Larynx and Thyroid
GoToMeeting - There are only 25 lines available so it will be a first come first serve on the day of the
meeting. I recommend that if there are several of you from one facility that want to participate in a
meeting that you call in together. For those of you not familiar with GoToMeeting, you can listen via
your computers speakers and ask questions via a microphone or the chat within GoToMeeting. If you
have to call in you will be charged a long distance call.
June 10, 2015 – SEER Summary Stage: Corpus Uteri
To register for any of our educational opportunities, call 1-866-240-8809 or contact Shari Ackerman at
CancerCare: Connect Education workshop - These workshops are free – no phone charges apply. You
can listen to leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information on the telephone or
via live streaming. Please feel free to forward to your colleagues or anyone affected by cancer.
These workshops will be taking place from 1:30pm to 2:30pm EST:
May 5, 2015 – New Perspective in Immuno-Oncology in the Treatment of Lung Cancer
May 6, 2015 – Understanding Diagnostic Technologies and Biomarkers
May 11, 2015 – Progress in the Treatment of Polycythemia Vera
May 12, 2015 – Advances in the Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
May 15, 2015 – Emerging Treatments for Metastatic Melanoma
May 27, 2015 – Treatment of Estrogen Receptor (ER) Positive & Progesterone Receptor (PR)
Positive Breast Cancer & Triple Negative Breast Cancer
For more information and to register, visit the CancerCare Website or call 1-800-813-HOPE (4673).
MCR issues first Gold-level Certificates
Gold-level Certificates have been issued for the first time to hospitals exhibiting excellent compliance
with MCR standards for timely and complete reporting. This award is given to those registries that meet
both of the following standards:
 Timeliness: consistently report cases to MCR by published submission dates (allowance give for
software conversion downtime)
 Completeness: report 95% or more of their annual cases by July 15 of the following year.
When we set the standard baseline two years ago 9% of hospitals would have qualified. As the 2013
case reporting period opened, we encouraged facilities to strive to earn this recognition. We are excited
to see now, that 15% of hospitals did so. Congratulations!
MCR 2015 Abstract Code Manual
The MCR 2015 Abstract Code Manual is being revised and will be posted soon to the MCR website. As
usual, the additions are shown in blue font to make them easier to identify. Major changes include:
 Carcinoid tumors of the appendix (C18.1) are now coded 8240/3 and are reportable
 Code 999 is used for non-US residents when reporting county at diagnosis
 There are new codes to identify the natal sex of persons who are transsexual
 Classes of case requiring the fields Institution Referred To/From are clarified
 FORDS clarified the definition of staff physician
 SEER Summary Staging 2000 is required of all facilities
 AJCC TNM staging is required from CoC approved facilities
 Date of Most Definitive Surgery or the associated Date Flag are now required
 Several Date Flag coding instructions were clarified
Changes were made to align with NPCR requirements and FORDS 2015. NPCR has just recently decided
that we will not adopt reportability changes (dysplasias, etc.) that were made in the SEER 2015 Coding
Manual. Changes in reportability will be considered for 2016.
MCR Casefinding Audit
A casefinding audit of 13 hospitals has been completed. Results continue to show that missed cases are
most often from lung, pancreas and hematopoietic sites. This reveals the continuing need to assure that
case-finding processes are in place to catch cases which are only diagnosed radiographically or clinically.
Death Clearance
Preliminary preparation of the Death Clearance files by the DC Team is underway. You will receive
instructions and notification before the hospital follow-back component begins in coming months.
Melanoma – CS Extension
When coding CS Extension for melanomas, enter code 400 instead of 999 when the Clark level is not
cited in the pathology report and there is no evidence that the primary tumor extends beyond the
Treatment Modality Changes for 6 Drugs
Reminder: Per SEER Rx, drugs that changed from Chemo to BRM/Immunotherapy in 2013:
Alemtuzumab/Campath, Bevacizumab/Avastin, Rituximab, Trastuzumab/Herceptin,
Pertuzumab/Perjeta, Cetuxumab/Erbitux
AJCC Curriculum for Registrars
The topic for Module III will be TNM nuances, exceptions and assignment in complex cases. Module III
lessons will be posted by May 15 for registration at
Take the pre-quiz, read the lessons at your own pace and then log on to the June 23 webinar to hear the
material presented. You can earn 2 hours of free CE credits for this module. If you missed modules I and
II, it is recommended that you listen to the recordings before continuing on to Module III as lessons do
build on each other.
CDC Activities Summary
This 3-page infographic “DCPC WORKS” gives a snapshot of the CDC Division of Cancer Prevention and
Control activities over the past year. They thank you for your contribution of data!
Open the PDF with this link:
NCI: Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2011, Featuring Incidence of Breast
Cancer Subtypes by Race/Ethnicity, Poverty, and State
This report is full of statistics and trend information. It also has a section focusing on breast cancer
subtypes and a helpful infographic.
The report is at:
A recorded presentation of the findings and copy of those slides is on the NAACCR website:
American Cancer Society: Cancer Prevention & Early Detection, Facts & Figures, 2015-2016
This is a good overview of each of the areas where attention could be focused on prevention of cancer.
SEER: Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2012
The updated Cancer Statistics Review presents the most recent cancer incidence, mortality, survival, and
prevalence statistics. The report is now available at
Materials posted include:
• SEER CSR, 1975-2012
• Updated Cancer Stat Fact Sheets and Fast Stats
• Delay Adjusted Incidence Rates for SEER 9 and SEER 13
In addition, the latest SEER data (1973-2012) were released on April 15, 2015. The data are available at
Vegetarian dietary patterns and the risk of colorectal cancers (linkage with state registries)
Racial disparity narrowing in cancer mortality (SEER data)
Use of the Oncotype DX score in breast cancer patients (SEER data)
Breast cancer survivors at increased risk for thyroid cancer (SEER data)
Survival in your women with early stage breast cancer – mastectomy vs. BCT (SEER data)
Comparative effectiveness of surgery and radiosurgery for stage I NSCLC (SEER data);jsessionid=ABEFA0F77851740FDEB1E1
Effect of age on efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy for resected NSCLC (VA Central Cancer Registry)
Old cancer drug could have new use in fighting cancer (MU research)
Mobility and metastasis
Aromatase inhibitors and male breast cancer*~hmac=9946a397d37611566fddb37f5255850a9bc195ad609ca26c61258647156b20f1
Variations in the prevalence of axillary lymph node evaluation in DCIS
Re-excision margins, residual disease and local recurrence monitors
Transformation from non-small cell to small cell lung cancer
Lenvatinib approved for differentiated thyroid cancer
Circulating tumor cells and outcome in early colorectal cancer
A digital field guide to cancer cells
Possible biomarker for glioblastoma
Tumor cells using vascular mimicry as a path to metastasis
Common myths about cancer and health disparities
NCI health disparities webpages
Keep that data flowing, your work is important!
Nancy H. Rold, CTR
Operations Manager
Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center