2nd Nine Weeks Essays

4th Nine Weeks Essays
US History Honors
In the third nine weeks there are 9 possible essays that can be completed. All essays you turn in will be
graded. Of the 9 assigned essays, I will record the 5 essays in which you have received the highest score.
This means that you do not have to complete all 9 but that you can use all 9 opportunities to increase
your score. There will be no rewrites and all papers are due on Friday as stated in the Syllabus. No essay
will be accepted late (with the exception of illness) It would be wise for you to complete as many essays
early in the marking period and tackle essays that you understand well.
All essays are to be 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12 point and Times News font.
Sources must be listed and internal citations used.
Essay # 1 –Due 3/28
Were big business leaders “captains of industry” or “robber barons?”
Essay #2 –Due 4/4
Late 19th century and early 20th century expansionism by the United States was seen by
many as a continuation of earlier 19th century Manifest Destiny. Evaluate the accuracy
of this statement.
Essay # 3 –Due 4/11
Parallel the conditions of the Alien and Sedition Acts 1798 and the Espionage and
Sedition Acts of World War I and the Patriot Act of 2001.
Essay # 4 –Due 4/17
The 1920’s were a time of great change economically, socially and politically in the
United States. Discuss three ways in which society changed in the 1920’s.
Essay #5 –Due 5/2
How successful were the programs of the New Deal in solving the problems of the Great
Depression? Assess with respect to two of the following: Relief, Recovery, and Reform
Essay # 6 –Due 5/9
To a greater or lesser extent, three factors were involved in explaining US response to
Japanese and German aggression:
national security
democratic values
Select two to support the US response to Japan and Germany in WWII
Essay # 7 –Due 5/16
Analyze the effects of the Cold War on TWO of the following from 1946 to 1952.
Civil liberties
election politics
government size and spending
Essay # 8 –Due 5/23
Analyze the ways that these events reformed United States society during the 1960s:
Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965
Warren Court decisions
Essay # 9 –Due 5/23
Evaluate whether or not Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy was a success, using two of the
following events in your analysis
Human rights policy
Panama Canal Treaty
Camp David Accords
Iranian Revolution
Vocabulary terms will be assigned each week, you will be provided with a list of terms
and definitions and you will need to complete one of the following options with that
week’s terms. Those terms will also be part of your weekly quiz on Friday.
Option A -draw a picture that represents the meaning of the term
Option B –have an interview with the term, minimum 2 questions that shows the meaning
of the word
Option C –propose another way to Ms. Johannesen to demonstrate your understanding of
the terms