Grammar Exercise: Comparatives

How to make comparisons in English
There are some rules to help you make comparisons in English.
1 If the adjective (describing word) is one syllable, you can add -er.
For example, small – smaller; big – bigger; nice – nicer.
2 If the adjective has two syllables, but ends in -y, you can change the end to -ier.
For example, lucky – luckier; happy – happier.
3 With other English adjectives of two syllables and more, you can't change their endings. Instead, you should
use more + adjective.
For example, handsome – more handsome; beautiful – more beautiful and so on.
4 When you compare two things, use 'than'.
"She's younger than me."
"This exercise is more difficult than the last one."
5 When you want to say something is similar, use 'as – as'.
For example, "She's as tall as her brother" or "It's as nice today as it was yesterday."
6 When you want to say one thing is less than another, you can either use 'less than' or 'not as – as'.
For example, "This programme is less interesting than I thought" or "This programme is not as interesting as I
7 Remember that some adjectives are irregular and change form when you make comparisons.
For example, good – better; bad – worse; far – further.
Using qualifying expressions
You can vary the strength of the comparison by using "qualifying" expressions.
1. Comparing two things
You can use "a lot", "much", "a little", "slightly" and "far" before "more / less than":
"She's a lot more intelligent than him."
"This car is much faster than the other one."
"They are much less wealthy than they used to be."
"He's a little taller than his sister."
"She's slightly less interested in football than him.
"We are far more involved in charity than they are."
When you use these qualifying expressions in English, remember the rules about using -er. If the adjective is
one syllable, or ends in -y, add -er:
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Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788
Londrina - PR
"He's far taller than her." (NOT "He's far more taller…")
"I'm much lazier than you!"
When the adjective is two syllables and more, you need either "more" or "less":
"He's a little more prepared for the exam than she is." (NOT "He's a little prepareder…")
2. Saying how two things are similar
You can use "almost as … as", "not quite as … as", "(not) nearly as … as", "nowhere near as … as", "twice as
… as" and "half as … as" to change the extent of the similarity.
"She's almost as good as you!"
"He's not quite as confident as Susie."
"I'm not nearly as intelligent as her!"
"This painting is nowhere near as famous as the first."
"She's twice as old as him!
"He's half as interesting as you!"
Grammar Exercise: Comparatives
1. He is __ me.
6. This quiz is __ the last one.
as easy as
more old than
as easy than
older than
2. Her garden is __ mine.
7. He's less rich __ his brother.
more pretty than
prettyer than
prettier than
3. This exercise is __ the last one.
8. Milan is __ Rome.
more difficult
more beautiful as
more difficult than
as beautiful than
difficult than
less beautiful than
4. He's more __ his brother.
9. Her car is __ than mine.
much more old
handsome than
much older
much old
5. She's __ her mother.
10. I'm a __ you.
as tall as
little more old than
as tall
little older
little older than
Rua Belo Horizonte, 688
Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788
Londrina - PR
11. The lesson is __ than I thought.
16. She's __ her sister at tennis.
far more difficult
more good than
far difficult
better than
as better than
12. He __ his father.
17. He's __ his brother at driving.
isn't as tall as
worse than
not as tall as
worst than
is tall as
more bad than
13. She isn't __ her mother.
18. Cambridge is __ Oxford from London.
more beautiful as
farer than
beautiful than
more far than
as beautiful as
further than
14. His new film __ the last one.
19. Italy is __ France.
isn't as funny than
more hotter than
is funnier
a bit hotter than
a bit hot than
is funnier than
20. Lemons __ oranges.
15. The situation is __ we thought.
aren't as sweet as
much complicated than
aren't sweet as
more complicated
aren't more sweet as
more complicated than
Rua Belo Horizonte, 688
Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788
Londrina - PR
1. Older than
2. Prettier than
3. More difficult than
4. Handsome than
5. As tall as
6. As easy as
7. Than
8. Less beautiful than
9. Much older
10.Little older than
11.Far more difficult
12.Isn’t as tall as
13.As beautiful as
14.Is funnier than
15.More complicated than
16.Better than
17.Worse than
18.Further than
19.A bit hotter than
20.Aren’t as sweet as
Rua Belo Horizonte, 688
Fone/fax(43) 3337-7788
Londrina - PR