Hand Book - Western Brown Local Schools

HANDBOOK (Grades 7-12)
Activities subject to Extracurricular Eligibility Policy:
Drama Play (Non-Drama Class Student Only), Color Guard, Mock Trial, Marching Band, National Honor Society,
Academic Team, Student Council and all Athletic Organizations (including cheerleading) in grades 7-12.
This handbook has been designed to provide the student athletes and parents of Western Brown School District with a
detailed outline of the athletic policy adopted by the Western Brown Local School District Board of Education.
It shall be the purpose of the Western Brown School District to provide a well-planned and well-balanced program of
interscholastic athletics for as many students as possible, consistent with available facilities, personnel and financial
support; and to operate and manage these athletic activities in harmony with the basic policies of the Western Brown
Board of Education and the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA).
This program shall be based on the following premises:
1. That interscholastic athletics/extracurricular activities are an important part of the overall educational program.
2. That the total development of the student is our main concern.
3. That athletics is a prime area in the total operation of the school’s program, which is exposed to public display.
4. That our athletic program is directed toward good sportsmanship and fair play. It is imperative that we never lose
sight of these principles.
5. That no student-athlete at the high school level is guaranteed a starting position or playing time. This decision will
be based solely on the coach’s judgment combining skill level, work ethic and a positive attitude.
NOTE: When a student makes the decision to participate in athletics he/she is expected to follow training rules dealing
with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco 24 hours a day and 12 months a year. Failing to abide by these rules even in the offseason may jeopardize the athlete’s eligibility.
Participation in extracurricular competition will be in accordance with Board policies and regulations. While the Board
takes great pride in winning, it does not condone “winning at any cost” and discourages any pressures which might tend
to submerge good sportsmanship and good mental health beneath the desire to win.
The Principal and Athletic Administrator will schedule frequent conferences with all extracurricular coaches/sponsors
and parents throughout the School District to develop a constructive approach to extracurricular activities and to
maintain a program that is an educational activity.
Extracurricular activity programs are subject to approval by the Board. The building principal is responsible for the
administration of the interscholastic athletic program within his/her school. In discharging this responsibility the
principal will consult with the extracurricular sponsors on various aspects of the extracurricular activity program. It is
the responsibility of the principal and his/her staff to ensure the proper management of public attendance at all
extracurricular activity programs and the safety of students and the public.
Eligibility requirements for participating in extracurricular activity programs are as follows:
 All students participating in extracurricular activities must have the written permission of his/her parents or
guardians and that permission also certifies that the students are physically fit for participation in the chosen
 All students participating in extracurricular activities must purchase insurance available through the school, or
the parent or guardian must sign a waiver ensuring that such coverage is not necessary.
 As character building is one of the major objectives of extracurricular activities, the student assumes
responsibility for regulating his/her personal life in such ways as will make him/her an efficient member of a
team and a worthy representative of the school.
 All athletic related forms must be completed and turned in to the coach who will file them in the high Athletic
Office before the athlete is eligible to participate in practice and/or a contest.
 Any student may be suspended from an extracurricular activity practice and competition for a period of time,
designated by the principal, for infraction of school rules and regulations or for any other unacceptable conduct
in or out of school.
High School students participating in interscholastic athletics must also comply with the Ohio High School Athletic
Association regulations (i.e., must have been enrolled in and passed classes/subjects that totaled five credits the previous
nine weeks and must be currently enrolled in and passing classes/subjects that total five credits during the current nine
If you are involved in Post-Secondary, it is the student-athlete’s responsibility to contact the Athletic Administrator
and/or Guidance Counselor to be sure you are eligible.
During any 9 week grading period, students in grades 9-12 may participate in extracurricular activities if they have no
failing grades or no more than one failing grade for any course or subject and have a 75% or higher grade point average
for the immediately preceding grade period. Once an extracurricular activity season begins, eligibility will be
determined at the end of each nine weeks period. Participation means involvement in interscholastic contests including
scrimmages. You may practice during this period of ineligibility with the coach’s permission.
Nine weeks grades are the only grades used to determine eligibility for this policy. Summer school or semester grades
will not be used for eligibility purposes. Incoming freshmen must be passing a minimum of five credits during their 4 th
nine weeks grades from their 8th grade year to be eligible for the first nine weeks of their freshmen year. Incoming 7th
graders are eligible immediately during the 1st 9 weeks. During the 7/8 grade eligibility, they must be passing a
minimum of 5 classes and have no more than 1 F. If they have one F they must have a 75% GPA or higher for the
immediate preceding grade period..
Participation in athletic competition will be in accordance with Board policies and regulations. While the Board takes
great pride in winning, it does not condone “winning at any cost” and discourages any pressures which might tend to
submerge good sportsmanship and good mental health beneath the desire to win.
The Principal and Athletic Director will schedule frequent conferences with all coaches and parents to develop a
constructive approach to athletics throughout the School District and to maintain a program that is an educational
Interscholastic sports programs are subject to approval by the Board. The building principal is responsible for the
administration of the interscholastic athletic program within his school. In discharging this responsibility the principal
will consult with the athletic directors, and coaches on various aspects of the interscholastic athletic program. It is the
responsibility of the principal and his staff to ensure the proper management of public attendance at all athletic
programs and the safety of students and the public.
 Coaches will be required to complete an approved course in sports-related first aid training (the pupil validity
certification), a course in CPR, a course in Concussion Management and complete the NFHS “Fundamentals
of Coaching” course in order to qualify to serve as a coach.
 Coaches must also complete a BCI and FBI background check.
 In the conduct of interscholastic athletic programs, the rules, regulations and limitations outlined by the Ohio
High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) must be followed. It will be the responsibility of the District’s
voting delegate to OHSAA to advise the management team of all pending changes in OHSAA’s regulations.
Eligibility requirements for participation in athletic programs are as follows:
 All students participating in interscholastic athletics must have the written permission of his/her parents or
guardians and shall have been determined as physically fit for the chosen sport by a licensed physician.
 All students participating in interscholastic athletics must purchase insurance available through the school, or
the parent or guardian must sign a waiver ensuring that such coverage is not necessary.
 As character building is one of the major objectives of interscholastic athletics, the athlete assumes
responsibility for regulating his/her personal life in such ways as will make him/her an efficient member of a
team and a worthy representative of the school.
 Any student may be suspended from an athletic team practice and competition for a period of time, designated
by the principal, for infraction of school rules and regulations or for any other unacceptable conduct in or out
of school.
 When there are concerns regarding a student-athlete’s position on the team, proper policy would be for the
athlete to discuss the concern with the coach first and then the parents should call the Athletic Director if they
still have an issue or concern.
Any absence must be accompanied by a doctor’s excuse in order to participate in that day’s events. Students must be in
school ½ day to participate with a doctor’s excuse. At WBHS and MOMS, ½ day is arriving after 9:00 a.m. or leaving
before 1:00 p.m. Athletes/students who arrive after 9:00 a.m. or leave before 1:00 p.m. must have a doctor’s excuse in
order to participate in after school activities that day. HEMS will be arriving after 10:00 am or leaving before 2:15 pm.
(Extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by the Administration). Saturday and Sunday activities are not affected
by this policy. Students who participate in extra curriculars have elected to do so. They have made a commitment to
the particular program; therefore they should attend every scheduled practice unless there is an illness or an emergency.
Out of common courtesy, be sure to contact your coach/sponsor if you will not be able to attend practice or an event.
Coaches/sponsors shall be in charge of discipline for practice attendance. A student who is ill Friday, but well on
Saturday, may participate in Saturday’s events.
Students must ride the assigned school bus to extracurricular activities to be eligible to participate in that day’s event.
Should conflicts occur, prior approval for alternate transportation must be approved through the Athletic Administrator.
Students may ride home with their parents or other designee that the parents have signed off on the waiver form if prior
approval has been made with the head coach/sponsor. If a student is approved (by the administration) to not ride the bus
to a game, they must ride with their parents (some extenuating circumstances may be approved by the athletic
The head coach/sponsor will determine the participation status of a student who misses practices and/or
competitions/exhibitions due to vacation. Extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by the administration.
A. The Ohio High School Athletic Association statement of parental permission and a record of a physical
examination must be kept on file in the school office for all participants in athletics. The official OHSAA player
participation form is used for this purpose. All students must have this form on file in the Athletic Director’s Office
prior to official participation (first mandatory practice). Physicals may be provided by local doctors for athletes on
a year to year basis. Physical Exams forms must be on the official OHSAA physical form and signed by the
participant’s parent/guardian.
B. It is recommended that students arrange for their physical exams with their family doctor well in advance of the
commencement of the appropriate sport season. Student athletes must have record of a current physical exam on
file in the school Athletic Directors office prior to participating in any practices or tryouts. Physical examinations
are good for a period of one calendar year. If the physical is taken in May for the following year it is good until the
end of the spring season of the next school year. This period is to begin at date of physician’s issuance to the
student athlete. Undated and/or unsigned physical exam forms will not be honored.
The OHSAA Concussion form MUST be completed, signed and turned into the coach before EACH season and kept on
file at the school.
The parental consent/warning form must be completed by the student athlete’s parent(s)/guardian in order for the
student athlete to participate in any athletic activities. The completed parental consent/warning form shall be kept on file
in the Athletic Administrators Office.
A. All schools are required to keep medical authorization forms on hand for all athletes. These forms give permission
for doctors and hospitals to perform necessary emergency procedures in those instances when the
parent(s)/guardian cannot be present to give such authorization.
B. Student athletes will receive the emergency medical authorization forms from their respective coaches. The form
must be properly completed and signed by the parent(s)/guardian, and must be returned to the appropriate coach
prior to the student athlete’s participation in any practice or competition.
C. The OHSAA Authorization Form requires that each student/athlete sign and return the form to the school to be kept
on file in the Athletic Administrators Office.
Every student athlete must be covered by an insurance policy. If the athlete does not have such coverage, the
parent(s)/guardian must acquire a policy through a private firm or through the District’s insurance carrier. For every
student athlete, an insurance information sheet must be completed and kept on file in the Athletic Administrators Office.
An annual fee of $65.00 (HS) and $35.00 (MS) will be assessed to each athlete that will help with the cost of
transportation. This fee must be paid in full by Friday of the second week of preseason practice. Cheerleading
uniforms require a deposit of ½ of the total cost of the uniform before the uniform is ordered and the full amount must
be paid before the uniform is issued to the athlete.
Any unreturned uniforms or equipment belonging to the school, will be the athlete’s obligation to pay the replacement
fee as determined by the Athletic Director.
Note: Participation in graduation ceremonies requires that ALL fees must be paid.
A. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT – A participant in the District’s athletic program is a representative of the
participant’s team, his/her particular school and of the District, and a student athlete’s personal conduct reflects
upon his or her fellow athletes, his/her particular school, and the district in general. Consequently, inappropriate
conduct by a student athlete will not be tolerated, and shall be grounds for denial of participation in the athletic
program. Exceptions for a student athlete’s conduct and training are not limited to the time period between an
athlete’s first team practice and its last contest. Rather, inappropriate conduct by a student athlete at any time may
result in denial of participation in the athletic program.
B. RULES AND REGULATIONS – Student athletes are subject to all district rules governing student behavior,
including but not limited to those found in the Athletic Handbook, the Code of Student Conduct, Student
Handbooks, Board of Education policies, and rules established by the coach of each sport. It must be noted that
compliance with the minimum standards of dress, conduct and appearance set by the school for all students may not
necessarily constitute compliance with the dress, conduct and appearance standards for student athlete or member
of specific extracurricular teams. Failure of a student athlete to comply with rules found in the Athletic Handbook,
the Code of Student Conduct, Student Handbook, Board of Education policies, and rules established by the coach
of each sport will subject the student athlete to disciplinary action, up to and including denial of participation in the
District’s athletic program.
NOTE: Every student athlete must take 3 days off from athletic activities immediately following the last regular
season contest. This is mandatory and cannot be held against the athlete.
C. NON-SCHOOL ATHLETIC PROGRAMS – Student athletes are discouraged from participating in demanding
non-school athletic programs simultaneously with school-sponsored athletic programs. Excessive pressures, and
possible violations of OHSAA rules and regulations pertaining to eligibility, are reasons for this recommendation.
D. DUAL SPORT AGREEMENT-Any student/athlete who is participating in two extra-curricular activities in the
same season must sign a form indicating their primary sport in case of a conflict. This form is available in the
Athletic Administrator’s office and must be signed by the parent and student athlete and turned into the Athletic
Administrator’s office before the first contest.
E. A participant who quits a team after the first regular season contest is ineligible to participate in the remainder of
the current sport season and following sports season. Exceptions may be granted in extraordinary circumstances
and only upon agreement of all coaches involved, the athletic director and the principal.
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, ABUSE OF TOBACCO – The use/abuse of these substances is contrary to standards of
training of all participants in the District’s athletic program. With this in mind, student athletes should be aware of
the following:
1) The uses, sale or possession of tobacco, alcohol, narcotics and other controlled substances, including anabolic
steroids, is strictly prohibited, unless such use is the result of a medical prescription, or is part of an established
religious or family ritual or ceremony. In these instances where the student athlete uses tobacco, alcohol, narcotics,
or any other controlled substance in connection with an established religious or family ritual or ceremony, it is the
student athlete’s responsibility to promptly report such use to the appropriate coach.
2) If any school staff member or law officer observes any participant in the athletic program (including athletes,
cheerleaders, trainers, statisticians, managers, etc.), engaging in the conduct prohibited in Paragraph (F)(1) above,
the individual should report the observation to any of the following: the appropriate team coach, Resource Officer,
the athletic administrator, the assistant building principal or the building principal. An investigation will be
initiated upon information obtained by other sources. Once an alleged violation has been reported, the due process
procedure set forth in this handbook will be initiated.
G. SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL – An extracurricular participant who has been placed in the Northern Brown
Academy (alternative school) for a period of five or more days, or out-of-school suspension will be ineligible to
participate in any practice or contest for the duration of the placement/suspension, which ends at 2:30 p.m. on the last
day of suspension.
Non-participation includes each calendar day beginning with the first day of placement/suspension through the last day
of placement/suspension.
Extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by administration.
G. RESPECT FOR PROPERTY – Athletes are to respect the property of the District, the school and of others. The
theft or willful destruction of property or of equipment will call for severe disciplinary action, up to and including
denial of participation in the District’s athletic program.
H. UNBECOMING BEHAVIOR – Profanity, outbursts of temper, or other such unbecoming or disrespectful
behavior will not be tolerated, and will call for disciplinary action, up to and including denial of participation in the
District’s athletic program. Misbehaviors that occur during or outside of the athletic season may result in loss of
privileges at any activity or ceremony including, but not limited to, awards and recognition nights.
VIOLATION OF DISTRICT POLICIES – At all time, student athletes are subject to all District policies
concerning student behavior. Any violation of these policies by a student athlete at any time shall be ground for
disciplinary action, up to and including denial of participation in the District’s athletic program. Any student who
is convicted of a felony will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity.
REPEATED OFFENSES – Repeated offenses calling for disciplinary action may result in the denial of
participation in the District’s athletic program.
L. EJECTION FROM CONTEST – Any athlete ejected from a contest due to unsportsmanlike conduct, technical
foul, etc., will be suspended from competing in a set number of games in accordance with OHSAA Rules and
Regulations. The Principal, Athletic Director, or Coach may impose additional disciplinary actions as deemed
Athletes facing suspension or dismissal from an athletic team, or denial of participation in the District’s athletic
program, will be afforded the following due process procedure:
1) The student athlete will be provided with a written statement of the charges which form the basis for the possible
suspension or dismissal from the team or denial of participation in the District’s athletic program. In those instances
where the student athlete is subject to an out-of-school suspension, or a Northern Brown Academy placement, or an
expulsion, the written notice of intent to suspend, notice of suspension, notice of intent to expel or notice of
expulsion will serve as the written statement of the charges. The written statement of the charges will be provided
to the student athlete by the appropriate team coach, the athletic director, or, in cases of suspension or expulsion, by
the building principal.
2) Upon receiving a written statement of the charges, the student athlete will be afforded the opportunity to explain
his/her side of the story to the individual providing the written statement of the charges.
3) In the event that the team coach determines that the student athlete would be suspended or dismissed from the team,
or denied participation in the District’s athletic program, the student athlete may appeal this decision to the athletic
director. In the event that the athletic director determines that the student athlete would be suspended or dismissed
from the team, or denied participation in the District’s athletic program, the student athlete may appeal this decision
to the building principal.
4) In those instances where the athletic director upholds the decision of a team coach to suspend or dismiss the student
athlete from the team, or to deny participation in the District’s athletic program, the student athlete may appeal to
the building principal.
5) In all cases of suspension or dismissal from an athletic team, or denial of participation in the District’s athletic
program, the decision of the building principal shall be final.
6) Any student who violates the WBHS code of conduct, including but not limited to issues of alcohol, drugs, tobacco,
etc., for students and/or extracurricular activities may be subject to suspension from any extracurricular
activity/activities for up to 20% of the “season”. The WBHS Athletic Administrator and/or WBHS Principal define
the term “season”. This time period will begin with the date of decision as determined by the coach, Athletic
Administrator or Principal as proper for the issue of concern. Students who successfully complete an approved
counseling program may have their suspension reduced. This possible reduction is at the discretion of the WBHS
Principal. Counseling sessions provided by the WBHS may be arranged and the student must participate on the
date(s) as arranged. If approved by the WBHS Principal counseling outside the domain of WBHS may be utilized.
Any costs or fees associated with such counseling are completely the responsibility of the student and/or their
parent/guardian. Any further violations of the WBHS conduct code, including but not limited to issues of alcohol,
drugs, tobacco, and etc. will subject the student to suspension from extracurricular activities for one calendar year.
Regarding extracurricular activities, disciplinary decisions of the WBHS Principal is final.
Note: Student practice during this time period is permitted.
The WBHS Principal reserves the right to review extenuating circumstances.
The number of athletes selected to the athletic teams will be determined by:
 Availability of equipment
 Number of participants needed as determined by the head coach, athletic director and the principal
 Board policy
With respect to some athletic teams, tryouts will determine which students will make the team. In these instances, the
appropriate team coach shall explain the tryout procedure prior to the first tryout practice. Tryouts will be limited to
those who participate in tryout practice. Extenuating circumstances, such as injury, will be reviewed.
Middle school athletes do not receive awards.
All high school participants will receive a certificate of participation.
NOTE: (FRESHMEN ONLY) Whether the freshman “letters” or not, he/she will receive only one set of numerals in
their first sport of participation.
1st Letter – chenille “W” with a metal insert representing the sport. If the athlete receives an additional first letter in
another sport, he/she will receive a metal insert representing that sport.
2nd thru 4th LETTER – metal bar.
To qualify for a varsity letter, “W”, an athlete must participate in a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
Injured athletes may still qualify for a varsity letter. Provisions for this possibility include:
1) Presentation of a physician’s letter to the athletic director stipulating that the student athlete is unable to perform the
activity in question.
2) The student athlete participates in a supplemental manner in at least 50% of the activities as determined by the head
An athlete who does not letter but plays predominately on the reserve team will receive a reserve patch (one time only).
SPECIAL AWARDS – Coaches will have the opportunity to present a most valuable trophy and most improved
plaque. Other special awards may be presented if approved by the athletic director.
LEAGUE CHAMPION AWARDS (VARSITY) – Each member of the championship varsity team will receive a
plaque with a team photo and a t-shirt. (JV) Each member of the championship JV team will receive a t-shirt.
TRIPLE CROWN AWARD – Any athlete who receives a minimum of 3 varsity letters in the same school year will
receive a plaque.
SENIOR AWARD – Any senior who participates in a sport during their senior year will receive a special award as
determined by the athletic administrator.
I have read and understand the rules and regulations of the Western
Brown Local Schools (7-12) Athletic Handbook.
(Parent Signature)
(Student Signature)