Old Dominion Soccer Club P.O. Box 9291 Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Dear High School Senior: Old Dominion Soccer Club (ODSC) is happy to announce that we are awarding two scholarships in the amount of $500 each to a college bound senior. One will be awarded to a female soccer player who has played with ODSC and one will be awarded to a male soccer player who has played with ODSC! Applications must be received at the above address and postmarked no later than June 30, 2015. Eligibility for the scholarship is as follows: 1) 2015 High School graduating senior 2) Played in ODSC for the past two years 3) Provided a letter of recommendation from a current or previous soccer coach 4) Provided a Transcript and SAT/ACT verification 5) Completed the attached ODSC Scholarship Application and mailed to the above address, postmarked no later than June 30, 2015. Applications will be evaluated on the following basis: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Academic achievement High school extracurricular activities, awards, and honors Community service and employment Personal statements to essay questions Coach’s recommendation After a review of the applications by the Scholarship Committee and approval by the ODSC Board of Directors, each applicant will be notified of the results by phone and/or mail. Should you have any questions, please contact Susan Murrell, ODSC 2015 College Scholarship Coordinator, at president@olddominionsc.org . OLD DOMINION SOCCER CLUB COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Instructions: Please PRINT or TYPE and answer each question completely. You may attach supplemental pages, if necessary. Return your signed, completed application, with attachments, postmarked NO LATER THAN June 30, 2015 to: ODSC College Scholarship, Attn: Susan Murrell, P. O. Box 9291, Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9291 Player Name: Address: Phone Number: Email: Date of Birth: High School ACADEMIC RECORD Current GPA: Highest SAT/ACT Score College you will be attending High School Activities, Awards, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ODSC Soccer League Participation Team Name/Year 1. 2. 3. Employer/Club/Church 1. 2. 3. 4. Year Coach Position/Hours Worked/Date 5. 6. Career Plans following graduation from college Attach an essay (150 words or less) stating the reason for submitting this scholarship application. Please attach a letter of recommendation from one of your soccer coaches within the last two years. Please attach 1) latest report card, 2) copy of your high school transcript, and 3) verification of your SAT/ACT scores. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ___________________________________ Date: ________________ I authorize the ODSC Scholarship Committee to obtain all necessary information to evaluate this application for scholarship as submitted to the committee. I agree not to hold ODSC liable for matters occurring in relation to this application: SIGNED: __________________________________ (Parent or Guardian if applicant is under 18) Date: ___________ Dear High School Guidance Counselor: RE: _____________________________________________________________ (Student’s Name) We are pleased to announce that Old Dominion Soccer Club (ODSC) will be awarding two Educational Scholarships in the amount of $500 for two college bound seniors (one male and one female). Eligibility for Scholarship requires: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2015 high school graduating senior Played in ODSC for the past two years Provided a letter of recommendation from a current or previous soccer coach Provided a Transcript and SAT/ACT verification Completed the attached ODSC Scholarship Application and mailed to the above address, postmarked no later than June 30, 2015 Applications will be evaluated on the following basis: 6) Academic achievement 7) High school extracurricular activities, awards, and honors 8) Community service and employment 9) Personal statements to essay questions 10) Coach’s recommendation Please submit the student’s high school transcript and verification of their best SAT/ACT scores and date taken. You may use this letter or submit a standard form from the high school. Should you have any questions, please contact Susan Murrell, ODSC 2015 College Scholarship Coordinator, at president@olddominionsc.org. TO BE FILLED OUT BY GUIDANCE COUNSELOR STUDENT:_______________________________________________________ HIGH SCHOOL:____________________________________________________ SAT/ACT SCORES: Math:___________ Verbal:________ Total:________ _____________________________________ Guidance Counselor Date:__________________ PLEASE RETURN TO STUDENT OR MAIL TO: ODSC College Scholarship Attn: Susan Murrell P. O. Box 9291 Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9291