Lyonsmarche Ithra March 15-16th. College of Lyonsmarche Pullman, WA Please join The College of Lyonsmarche March 15th and 16th in an Ithra filled with wonderful classes taught by superb teachers. This is a general Ithra with classes intended to give hands-on experience and increased skill & knowledge in a variety of subjects. Included are classes on period culinary, pewter casting, entering Kingdom A&S Competition, book binding, fabric painting, Middle Eastern Dance, Middle Eastern Garb, Inkle Weaving, Scribal arts, gorget construction. Wow ! Saturday night will include a potluck for all. For catalogues and to register please Contact Chancelor HL Nikita Gadanskya (Glenda Collins), 2336 University Lane #21, Cheney, WA 99004, (509) 235-8505 Autocrat Mistress Morgaina (Jeanne Wood) email: , 3408 Hwy. 8, East, Moscow, ID 83843 telephone (208) 882-1135. Total fees will depend on the classes taken. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED, Registrations are not accepted on site. Site Info: Pullman City Hall, 325 S.E. Paradise, Pullman, WA 99163, check in on second floor, watch for signs. Driving directions will be available in the Catalogue. SATURDAY: 9:00-11:00 = Tools and Materials of Beginning being a Scribe = Katya Middle Eastern Dance = Guliana Conference room, kitchenette 11:00-1:00 = How to win at Kingdom A&S = Linette Conference room, kitchenette 1:00-2:00 = lunch 2:00-6:00 Middle Eastern Costuming = Guliana Large Conference room Large Conference Room Inkle Weaving = Katya Large Conference room Medieval Cooking from Primary Sources = Anne Marie Kitchen (continued from 9:00am class) Medieval Cooking from Primary Sources =Anne Marie kitchen Medieval Book Construction =Linette Kitchen and adjoining room 7:00= potluck: kitchen and adjoining room SUNDAY: 9:00am Painting on Cloth = Linette (non Ithra class) Pewter Casting =Anne Marie Held at Fredrick’s garage in Pullman. Map will be given on site. 1:00pm= kitchen and adjoining room east Construction of a Gorget = Ian Kitchen and adjoining room, west CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Pewter Casting for Beginners Anne Marie d’Ailleurs Hours: 4 Minimum Attendance: 3 Maximum Attendance: 10 Cost: $7 Course Description: Learn how to easily and cheaply produce small tokens, jewelry and dress accessories the way it was done in the Middle Ages. Students will learn about the use of pewter tokens, badges and trinkets in the 14th and 15th centuries, and will have the opportunity to produce a small piece of their own, carving a soapstone mold and casting it themselves. Students should wear natural fiber clothing only, no long sleeves, long hair should be tied back, and eye protection of some kind. Instructors will provide soapstone for a mold, metal for casting, all tools, dust masks and a handout of period examples. We may very well be working outside so dress accordingly. Wool is perfect! Instuctor Supplied Materials: some tools, stone, metal, hand and lung protection Student Supplied Materials: natural fiber clothing, closed toed shoes, leather work gloves. Medieval Cooking from Primary Sources Anne-Marie d’ Ailleurs Hours: 4 Minimum Attendance: 3 Maximum Attendance: 12 Cost: $10 Course Description: Join us as we explore the wonderful world of medieval and renaissance cuisine. We will be taking real medieval manuscripts and using them to create wonderful and authentic medieval dishes. This class is well suited to beginners...reconstructing your own recipes isn't as hard as it looks! We'll be using a variety of sources from ancient Roman to Middle Eastern to Elizabethan. Students should wear comfy cooking clothes, and bring their feast gear and notetaking materials. They'll receive a huge handout of recipes and a large bibliography, as well as getting to eat the fruits of their labors. People with food allergies and restrictions should tell the instructor at least 7 days before the class so they can be accommodated. Instuctor Supplied Materials: all foodstuffs, large, handout, pots, and pans, depending on location Student Supplied Materials: comfy cooking clothes note taking material feast gear How To Win Kingdom A&S. Linnet Kestral 2 hours, $2 for handout no minimum, no maximum Discussion from a previous AnTir Arts and Sciences Champion of the experience of preparing and entering, what the judges are looking for, what works and what doesn't. Painting on Cloth, Linnet Kestral 4 hours, $5 for handout and materials minimum 3, maximum 10 no prereqs A brief discussion of painted cloth in period (no, not everything was embroidered) and Current Middle Ages uses for a cheap, fast, and long-lasting decorating method. Followed by a hands-on session, where students will each design and paint a small banner or hanging on canvas with acrylic paint. Introduction to Medieval Book Construction, Linnet Kestral 4 hours, $4 for handout and use of materials minimum 3, maximum 10, no prereqs Discussion of how books were put together in period, with some hands-on practice in folding quires, pricking and ruling, sewing on cords and attaching covers. If time permits, cutting quills will also be covered. Intro to Middle Eastern Dance Guliana Auduchi 2 hours $1 Minimum 2 Maximum 15 We will review the basic dance movements and steps, focusing on performing at the bardic circle. The instruction can adjust to all skill levels. Class includes period costuming demonstration and handout with costume illustrations, music, and video sources. Wear comfortable, loose clothing. Bring a sash or scarf long enough to tie around hips. Middle Eastern Costuming Guliana Auduchi 3 hours $4 Minimum 3 maximum 15 Overview of Persian, Turkish, Arabian, and North African clothing from the beginning of Islam to the 17th century. Class includes garment display and extensive handout. Beginning Inkle Weaving Baroness Katya in Raudhara Minimum 2; Maximum 10 Class fee $5.00 2 Hours. Learn how to weave on an Inkle Loom! The Inkle Loom is perfect for weaving belts, decorative bands and trim. Class will include history of the loom and weaving, the process of warping and weaving and how to read and work with various patterns. If you have an inkle loom, please bring it to class. If not, don’t let that stop you! There will be some looms available for use in class. No previous experience necessary. Class will be both lecture and hands-on. Many examples of inkle weaving will be shown in class. Please wear clothing that is non-restrictive; your hands and arms need to be able to move freely. Fee will cover extensive handout, yarn and string for weaving with, and one shuttle for you to take home. I will have new looms available in class for students' use, and I will have them available for sale to the students as well. Please bring note taking materials. If you have questions prior to class, please feel free to contact me at TOOLS AND MATERIALS OF BEING A SCRIBE Baroness Katya in Raudhara Minimum 4, Maximum 25 Class length: 2 hrs. Class fee $1.50 Learn all about the tools and materials that a scribe needs to work with to create beautiful scrolls. Basic supplies will be covered, as well as more advanced tools and materials. A lot of examples will be shown in class, of tools, materials and actual SCA scrolls at all levels. No scribal experience necessary; all skill levels are welcome! Fee will cover extensive handout.