CLIL activity - innovaciomaster










CLIL activity



Understand the differences between Prehistory and


Place the origin of human beings in Prehistory and get to know their physical evolution and settings.

Define the different prehistoric periods and explain their characteristics.

Recognise and understand the first artistic manifestations in history.

Learn the evolution of tools and techniques throughout Prehistory.

Appearance and evolution of the first human beings.

Life in the Palaeolithic: first hunters and gatherers.

Neolithic revolution: farming (agriculture and animal farming)

Metal Ages: inventions and origin of the first urban centres.

Artistic manifestations: prehistoric paintings and megaliths.

Learning specific terminology: Prehistory, Palaeolithic

Age, Neolithic Age, Metal Ages, human beings, ancestors, nomadic, Stone Age, hunting, gathering, tribes, cave art, agriculture, sedentary, villages, pottery, wheel, trade, bronze, iron, megalithic monuments, dolmens, menhirs, etc.

Practising past simple tense, passive voice.

Using adjectives to describe painting and buildings: realistic, enormous, big, long, vertical, horizontal, etc.

Students should interact with the teacher and other classmates when doing most of the activities (oral and written skills).

They also watch some videos in English (listening skills).

Language assistant class: students interact with teacher and also between them (oral and written skills).

Cognitive (thinking) skills

Cultural element

Define and study specific terminology.

Reading, understanding and interpreting a time line about the prehistoric periods and the evolution of human beings.

Filling gaps about the works in Prehistory.

Completing tables for comparing the lifestyle in the

Palaeolithic and the Neolithic Ages.

Draw the different types of Megalithic monuments.

Draw the different inventions of each period of


Oral exercise to identify each picture with the corresponding period and comment on its characteristics.

Promote an interest in historical research in order to get to know the past and understand the present.

Preserve the archaeological remains as a manifestation of different cultures and develop personal initiatives.

Value the inventions of man as important steps towards our current knowledge.


The unit is divided into 7 sessions of 50 minutes each.

Session 1

Some activities related to the chronological order to familiarize students with centuries and BC / AD years. (10’)

Video explaining the historical periods (15’)

Early human beings explanations + some related activities (25’)

Reading text about the discovery of fire + 3 comprehension questions (homework)

Session 2

Introductory activity: quiz about the Ice Age to check students survival skills (5’)

The Palaeolithic Age: explanation + some related activities (tests, picture matching, etc.) (25’)

A virtual visit to the archaeological excavations in

Atapuerca (to relate Prehistory to geographical areas in our country) (20’)

Session 3

Class with a language assistant about Prehistory

(comparing the three periods but mainly talking about the Palaeolithic). It is based on doing different activities (fill in the gaps, picture matching, short reading texts + true/false sentences). The important aspect in this activity is the oral communication between teacher-student and student-student (50’)

Session 4


The Neolithic Age: explanation (20’)

Activity comparing the Palaeolithic and the

Neolithic (10’)

Activities related to the Neolithic (tests, picture matching, finish the sentences, etc.) (20’)

Activity “Life in the Iron Age”: reading + quiz


Session 5

The Metal Ages: explanation + interactive activities (25’)

Activity comparing the Palaeolithic, the Neolithic and the Metal Ages (10’)

Artistic manifestations I: megalithic monuments

(videos + questionnaire) (15’)




Session 6

Artistic manifestations II: prehistoric paintings

 cave art video (10’)

The Altamira Cave video (5’)

Review of all ages in Prehistory + interactive activities and games to finish the unit (crosswords, fill in the gaps, puzzles, etc.) (35’)

Session 7


Exam of the unit (50’)

Schemes on the blackboard.

Presentations with the computer.

Internet (pictures, interactive exercises, etc.)

Educational films

Virtual visits to archaeological sites: Atapuerca,

Altamira cave, etc.

Activities (tests, fill in the gaps, pictures matching, etc.) through the Internet + homework (readings, comprehension questions)


Language assistant class + activities done in class in that session


Exam of the unit


Participation in class


Adapted from: story1/prehistory1.html
