Supplementary information Materials and Methods Study species and sampling locations Wild emmer wheat, Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides is a predominantly selfpollinating (>95% for the whole Triticum-Aegilops group, Mendlinger and Zohary, 1995) annual grass. The spike at maturity disarticulates into arrow-shaped 2- or rarely 3-grained spikelets shattered close to the mother plant. The awns balance the unit as it falls and propel it on and into the ground. Consistent with limited seed and pollen dispersal distance, and very short pollen life (less than 1 hour, Fritz and Lukaszewski, 1989), a sharp decrease in gene flow beyond the first distance class of 5-7 m was reported in this species (Golenberg, 1987). The species occupies various habitats in terms of topography (different rockiness, aspect) and soil types, which include basaltic soils on basalt bedrock, terra rossa soil on hard limestone bedrock and rendzina. Ammiad conservation site from which two of the populations are derived (K = Ammiad Karst and N = Ammiad North) is located north of the Sea of Galilee in Northeastern Galilee at altitudes between 240 and 350 m above sea level (Anikster and Noy-Meir, 1991). The soil there is terra rossa with limestone uneven micro-relief. It features a typical Mediterranean climate with an average annual rainfall of 580 mm (+/- 151 mm SD). Ammiad North is located on a moderate northfacing slope at an elevation of 260-280 m with relatively low rock cover (20-60%). Ammiad Karst is on a steep south-facing slope of rockier micro-relief (40-80% rock cover) at 320-340 m above sea level. Mount Hermon (MH) population is the northern-most population that was found in Israel. The site is located on south facing slope of the mountain at an elevation of 1500 m. The mean annual rainfall is more than 1300 mm (at Majdal Shams, few kms apart) and the climate is much cooler then in Ammiad (the area is covered with snow during winter months). Har Amasa (HA) population is the southern-most population that was found in Israel 19 Km south of Hebron and on the edge of 1 Judean desert. It was found at an elevation of about 900 m and on east facing slope. The climate is steppical and the mean annual rainfall is assumed to amount to less than 300 mm (383 mm was measured in Daharyyia, about 15 Km northwestwards on Judean Mountains).The plants grow in soil pockets between large rocks. References Anikster Y, Noy-Meir I (1991). The wild-wheat field laboratory at Ammiad. Israel Journal of Botany 40: 351-362. Fritz SE, Lukaszewski AJ (1989). Pollen longevity in wheat, rye and triticale. Plant Breeding 102: 31-34. Golenberg EM (1987). Estimation of gene flow and genetic neighborhood size by indirect methods in a selfing annual, Triticum dicoccoides. Evolution 41: 1326-1334. Mendlinger S, Zohary D (1995). The extent and structure of genetic variation in species of the Sitopsis group of Aegilops. Heredity 74: 616-627. 2 Supplementary Table 1 Table 1. Rotated Factors' loadings for eight highly intercorrelated traits. Major factor loadings are in bold. Trait FLL FLW PLL PLW SPL AWL DAW DMT Variance explained (%) RF1 0.23 0.59 0.36 0.70 0.13 0.22 -0.91 -0.89 34.1 RF2 0.32 0.14 0.18 0.06 0.94 0.93 -0.23 -0.23 25.2 RF3 0.86 0.70 0.85 0.56 0.20 0.15 -0.27 -0.26 30.8 3