
Project Title: Creative Links
Through partnership working with Sustrans for the creation of the Clay Trails, the idea of working
with local communities to research their industrial, landscape and cultural heritage and to exhibit
those findings through physical interpretational installations came about.
Results from an initial survey carried out at the Clay Trails launch indicates that there have been
several events to celebrate the areas industrial heritage but that none have had a permanent
tangible outcome.
To work with local community groups to research the industrial heritage of the Clay Area and
reflect those findings in landmarks sculptures installed at the three gateway points of the Clay
Set up a steering group of partners, stake holders and volunteers from the community to meet
at key points during project delivery.
Organise and hold an Open Day to short list artists and publicise the project and its
opportunities to the widest possible audience.
Formal interviews, judged by a panel of community group members and project partners.
Heritage related seminars by bring in speakers and experts.
Trips to museums and galleries
Two 3 hour research and design workshops with artist in the three areas.
Three 3 hour creative workshops with artists in the three areas.
Create and install 3 sculptures.
Produce marketing material and hold celebratory event.
Increased public understanding and awareness of china clay heritage
Increased community capacity and generational cohesion
Increased use of Clay Trails
Improvement to Clay Trails through additional interpretational features
Description of Project
The heritage, which has shaped the areas industry, culture and landscape for over 260 years,
has been celebrated by a number of means, one of which is through the creation of the Clay
Trails, which provides access to a range of geographical and archaeological industrial heritage
assets, another is the China Clay Country Park, Mining and Heritage Centre that is situated at the
end of one of the trails.
Through initial consultation workshops, interested community groups already exist in each area.
However, an open day at the start of the project will take place to publicise the project to the
wider community, provide information about the project and form the first part of the artist
selection process.
Working in groups near the three gateway points of the clay trails, local people will be engaged in
meetings, trips and creative workshops to discover and discuss the china clay heritage and then
interpret it through subjective sculptures to be installed at the three gateways to the trails.
Participants may then develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for the completed artworks
and the historic environment.
The selected artists will each deliver two research and design workshops in each area to identify
what elements of the industry will be reflected. Three creative workshops will then take place in
each area, where participants have the opportunity to contribute to the final piece. This project
has the scope to boost self-confidence, encourage community activism and help people to
discover new skills and abilities by offering training and support by professional artists and
heritage experts.
Landowners – Enhancement of property.
Sustrans - Raise the profile of the trails and organisation.
China Clay Country Park, Mining and Heritage Centre - Raise the profile of the museum and
possible increase sales.
Groundwork - Raise the profile of Groundwork in Cornwall. Contribute to the regional arts
Local Heritage organisations and groups - Profile raising. Opportunities to build on existing
archives and research.
Community - Develop social cohesion through engaging a diverse range of people from the local
community. Build an increased sense of self-esteem and ownership through the researching of
their heritage. The engaging of young people aims to give them more confidence in themselves
and educate them about their local community and culture.
Youth organisations - Build heritage into work schemes.
Schools - Free resource for school outings / projects. Opportunity to become involved in
community led heritage project.
Visitors to Clay Trails - This project will enable Clay Trails users to appreciate and understand the
cultural and historical significance of the archaeological features visible from the trails.
Opportunity for Artists
The Heritage Lottery Fund has awarded a grant of £43,868.00 to Groundwork Devon and
Cornwall’s Creative Links project that aims to increase public understanding and awareness
of china clay heritage by reflecting heritage research in landmark sculptures for the Clay
This is a unique opportunity for three artists to work with three community groups in the
areas of Par, Penwithick and Bugle to create three piece of community art.
The main features of each contract:
 Facilitate five, three-hour workshops with the community group. Using the research
collected, agree on a theme, design and other practicalities such as material and scale.
There is a budget of £500 for each artist to attend these sessions and a small budget for
Further community involvement through practical participation in the production of the
sculpture sometime during the workshops
Installation of sculpture at identified site
There is a budget of £10,000 for each sculpture
Additional requirements:
 Allow photographs to be taken of the whole process
 Attend a celebration launch event in early 2008
 Take part in the production of publicity material to raise awareness of the project
 May be required to attend steering group meetings in May and November 2007.
The workshops will be held in a local venue to each community group and will be organised
by Groundwork in the period between May to November 2007.
The delivery of the workshops must be completed by November 2007 and the sculpture
installed by January 2008. The launch is scheduled to take place after the production of
marketing material in May 2008.
Travel expenses for attendance at the open day and interview will be paid for by Groundwork
upon completion of the attached form.