Ellery Queen AND Alfred Hitchcock Writing Requirements

Writers' Guidelines
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine welcomes submissions from both new and
established writers. We publish every kind of mystery short story: the
psychological suspense tale, the deductive puzzle, the private eye case-the
gamut of crime and detection from the realistic (including the policeman's lot and
stories of police procedure) to the more imaginative (including "locked rooms"
and "impossible crimes"). We need hard-boiled stories as well as "cozies," but we
are not interested in explicit sex or violence. We do not want true detective or
crime stories. With the exception of a regular book review column and a mystery
crossword, EQMM publishes only fiction. We are especially happy to review first
stories by authors who have never before published fiction professionally. Firststory submissions should be addressed to EQMM's Department of First Stories.
EQMM has been in continuous publication since 1941. From the beginning three
general criteria have been employed in evaluating submissions: We look for
strong writing, an original and exciting plot, and professional craftsmanship. We
encourage writers whose work meets these general criteria to read an issue of
EQMM before making a submission. EQMM's range in the mystery genre is
extensive: Almost any story that involves crime or the threat of crime comes
within our purview. However, like all magazines, EQMM has a distinctive tone
and style and you can only get a sense of whether your work will suit us by
reading an issue. To receive a sample copy send a check or money order for
$5.00 to the address below.
EQMM uses stories of almost every length. 2,500-8,000 words is the preferred
range, but we occasionally use stories of up to 12,000 words and we feature one
or two short novels (up to 20,000 words) each year, although these spaces are
usually reserved for established writers. Shorter stories are also considered,
including minute mysteries of as little as 250 words. Our rates for original stories
are from 5 to 8 ¢ a word, sometimes higher for established authors. EQMM does
not accept stories previously published in the United States.
It is not necessary to query EQMM as to subject matter or to ask permission to
submit a story. All manuscripts should be printed on one side of the paper and
double-spaced. If you would like the manuscript returned in the event that we
cannot use it, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope of suitable
size. If you do not want the manuscript returned, please indicate this and enclose
a self-addressed stamped envelope for a reply; if you live outside the U.S.,
please use International Postal Reply coupons for return postage.
We regret that we cannot provide criticism with returned stories. Response time
is up to three months.
Manuscripts should be sent to:
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
475 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016
Writers' Guidelines
Finding new authors is a great pleasure for all of us here, and we look
forward to reading the fiction you send us. Since we do read all submissions,
there is no need to query first; please send the entire story. You don't need
an agent.
Because this is a mystery magazine, the stories we buy must fall into that
genre in some sense or another. We are interested in nearly every kind of
mystery: stories of detection of the classic kind, police procedurals, private
eye tales, suspense, courtroom dramas, stories of espionage, and so on. We
ask only that the story be about a crime (or the threat or fear of one). We
sometimes accept ghost stories or supernatural tales, but those also should
involve a crime.
You might find it useful to read one or more issues of AHMM; that should
give you an idea of the kind of fiction we buy. For a sample copy, send a
check made out to AHMM for $5.00 to 475 Park Avenue South
11th Floor
New York, NY 10016.
Style. We prefer that stories not be longer than 12,000 words; most of the
stories in the magazine are considerably shorter than that. They should, of
course, be well written. We are looking for stories that have not been
previously published elsewhere, and among them for those that are fresh,
well told, and absorbing. They should be entirely fiction: please do not send
us stories based on actual crimes, for instance, or other real-life events.
Manuscript preparation. Manuscripts should be typed on plain white paper
(not erasable paper) and double-spaced (not space-and-a-half), with your
name and address at the top of the first page. The title of the story as well as
the byline you want to use should be on the first page of the story also. (We
prefer that there not be a separate title page.)
Please do not justify the right-hand margin. The number of lines per page
should be uniform. Indicate line breaks with a single line and a centered
pound sign (#).
Every page of the story should be numbered, preferably in the upper righthand corner. If you number the pages by hand, be sure before you start that
no page has been omitted.
Do not use the italic, large-size, or boldface characters some computers are
capable of generating. Underline words to indicate italics.
Indent for each paragraph. Do not leave 1-line spaces between paragraphs.
Stories should be mailed to us flat, with the pages bound together by a paper
clip only-not stapled or enclosed in a binder. A cover letter isn't necessary. If
you want the manuscript returned in the event we cannot use it, you must
include a self-addressed stamped envelope; contributors outside the U.S.A.
should send prepaid International Reply Coupons in lieu of stamps. If you
have sent us a photocopy and do not want it back, please advise us of that
and enclose a smaller SASE for our response. Please keep a copy of any
material submitted, since we cannot be responsible for lost or misdelivered
If you would like acknowledgement of receipt of your story, include a selfaddressed stamped postcard in your original mailing that will be returned to
you when your submission is opened.
We do not accept electronic submissions. Please do not send disks or e-mail
attachments unless we specifically ask you to.
Revisions. Revised versions of a story should be submitted only on our
request, as a rule. At the very least, tell us in a cover letter that the story has
been submitted before but has been revised, and explain how.
NOTE: Stories submitted to AHMM are not also considered by or for Ellery
Queen's Mystery Magazine, though we share the same address.
Submissions to EQMM must be made separately.
We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
Querying the status of your submission. We give each submission
thorough consideration before responding. Our reply may take three to five
months. When querying the status of your story, include your name, the title
of the work, and the date you sent it in an e-mail to alfredhitchcock AT
dellmagazines.com. Manuscripts are filed by week of receipt, so the more
precise your query, the faster we will be able to locate your story.