Collaborative Review - Proforma for Collaborative Partner Critical Appraisal Report (for a single programme partnership) This proforma provides the key headings to be addressed within your critical appraisal report (CAR) – the list is not exhaustive and partners should add/append to this as appropriate. The report is to be completed by the collaborative partner Programme Co-ordinator in consultation with his/her senior managers and members of the teaching team. In preparation for writing the report you are advised to review previous quality reports (including any conditions/recommendations) and monitoring material produced during the period covered by the review. For further advice on preparing for collaborative review see the DAQ website ( or contact Educational Partnerships. Collaborative partner Name of programme Collaborative partner principal/chief executive Partner programme co-ordinator DMU faculty responsible DMU programme leader/co-ordinator Validated numbers max/min MANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP/PROVISION Communication Describe how effective liaison has been with the University at senior level within the Faculty State what modes of communication are used (e.g face to face, email, skype?) and frequency etc. Provide details of any other Higher Education partners and how this fits with the DMU relationship. (Please append a organisational chart showing the structure of higher education within the institution) SWOT analysis Provide an analysis of the main Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats associated with the partnership/programme over the next three to five years (i.e. strategic developments and improvements plans) Revised partner proforma (single programme) – August 2012 Conditions/recommendations at the previous review or partner approval Confirm that all conditions have been met (or provide details of any outstanding action) Provide details of progress made on recommendations following the six month review of initial partnership approval or previous collaborative review. PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT Curriculum modifications since last review List any modifications to the validated programme that have been approved since the last review (e.g. changes to module delivery, validated numbers, etc) Title of provision/module Details of modification Date approved Communication with the faculty (programme level) Frequency of liaison - provide a summary of meetings and visits since partnership approval or the previous collaborative review and purpose of these meetings. Describe how effective ongoing communication has been with the Faculty State how liaison is undertaken Identify any areas for improvement or good practice is relation to communication at this level. Communication with other central departments Provide details of liaison with DMU outside of the Faculty, including Educational Partnerships, Library and Learning Services, Student Union, Student Advice Centre Identify any areas for improvement or good practice in relation to this. 2 Marketing and promotion Provide details and comment on the effectiveness of marketing activities related to the programme (include a web address for the appropriate area of the website and append examples of marketing material as appropriate). Student recruitment, retention and progression Provide commentary and analysis on the past three years (please also append a table showing data on student profiles and progression including intended exit awards as appropriate) Staff Development to support delivery Provide details of mechanisms for identifying staff development needs and an overview of events / courses attended by teaching staff relevant to delivery of the programme.(subject specific and pedagogic development) Provide details of any opportunities provided by DMU undertaken by staff. STUDENT ISSUES Student guidance and support Provide details of guidance and welfare available to students (formal and informal arrangements) and any specialist HE arrangements – pre and post-course details to be included. Provide details of personal tutoring arrangements, including examples of good practice and issues that have arisen. 3 Student administration Provide an evaluation of how administrative processes are operating (e.g. enrolment/induction/student ID cards) and highlight any issues to be addressed Student evaluation and feedback Indicate what methods are used to collect student feedback (e.g surveys, forums, face to face). Provide an analysis of key issues and how they were responded to and how feedback on action taken was communicated to students. Highlight any areas for improvement or good practice in relation to this. RESOURCES TO SUPPORT DELIVERY NB. Commentary on learning resources (include use of VLE/Blackboard in delivery) should be included on the separate Learning Resources Proforma Staffing Provide details of current/future staffing levels in support of the programme Provide details of any input by visiting lecturers/industry specialists Provide confirmation that DMU programme board chairs have received and approved CVs for all new staff teaching on the programme Physical resources Provide details of the main learning and teaching environment and any specialist equipment/resources available to students 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES Annual report/PEP Outline the process for preparing the annual report or programme enhancement plan (PEP) Provide commentary on how this is used to enhance the quality of the programme External examiner reports Provide a summary of key strengths and areas for improvement identified in reports Outline the process for sharing the content of reports with staff and students and how any issues raised have been addressed (if none please indicate) GOOD PRACTICE / AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Provide a summary of good practice and areas for improvement (NB. These items will be noted as areas for consideration at the review meeting) Good practice Areas for improvement 5 ADDITIONAL COMMENTARY Provide any further comments which have not been covered elsewhere LIST OF APPENDICES Please indicate any supplementary information included as appendices to the completed proforma Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Partners should include as a minimum an organizational/higher education structure chart, copies of PEPs/annual programme monitoring reports from the past three years and example marketing/publicity material. AUTHORISATION OF REPORT Signature: ______________________________ (Partner Programme Leader) Date: ______________________ 6