Evidence of very rapid reef growth under high turbidity and terrigenous sedimentation Chris T. Perry1, Scott G. Smithers2, Pauline Gulliver3 and Nicola K. Browne2,4 1 Geography, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4RJ. UK School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811Australia 3 NERC Radiocarbon Laboratory, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, Rankin Avenue, East Kilbride, Scotland, G75 0QF, UK 4 DHI Water & Environment (S) Pte Ltd, 200 Pandan Loop, #08-03 Pantech 21, Singapore 128388 2 Email: nkb@dhi.com.sg ABSTRACT Global-scale deteriorations in coral reef health are projected to lead to a progressive decline in reef-building potential and ultimately to states of net reef erosion. The ecological changes may be driven by a wide range of direct human disturbances and by climate change, butincreased terrestrial sediment and nutrient yields from anthropogenically modified coastal catchments are widely recognised as a major threat. As water quality deteriorates , reduced coral cover and species diversity are commonly inferred, and lower reef accretion rates and impaired reef development are an assumed consequence. Here we present a detailed chronostratigraphic growth history, constrained by 40 AMS radiocarbon dates for Middle Reef, an inshore turbid-zone reef (ITZR) on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which challenges the simplistic assumption that high terrestrial sediment inputs restrict reef accretion rates and inhibit reef development . We establish that Middle Reef has vertically accreted very rapidly for more than 700 years, at an average rate of 8.3 mm yr-1. Accretion rates have varied across the reef at different times but, significantly, the periods of most rapid vertical accretion (averaging 13.0 mm yr-1) coincide with phases of reef development dominated by fine-grained terrigenoclastic sediment accumulation. Both maximum and siteaveraged accretion rates match or exceed those documented for most clear-water, midand outer-shelf reefs in the region at any point over the last ~9,000 years, and those determined for many reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific over the same time period. Whilst examples of inshore coral reefs that have been degraded in the short-term by excessive terrestrial sedimentation clearly exist, others clearly tolerate high sedimentation and turbidity, and our data confirm that sustained and long-term rapid vertical reef growth can occur in these environments. Indeed, in contrast to many reefs, where there is often an order of magnitude difference between coral growth rates and net long-term reef accretion rates, largely due to biologically-driven post-mortem breakdown of the coral framework, long-term vertical accretion rates in these turbid zone environments more closely approximate short-term coral growth rates.Our findings of such rapid reef growth thus necessitate a re-think over the assumed negative influence of terrestrial sedimentation on coral reef development. INTRODUCTION Regional-scale deteriorations in coral cover and reef architectural complexity, linked to a suite of environmental and climate-change related disturbances, have been documented (Bruno and Selig 2007; Gardner et al. 2003; Alvarez-Filip et al. 2009). These changes raise important questions about reef resilience and often have immediate ecological consequences for reef-associated species (Graham et al. 2007). A growing debate has thus arisen about the impact of ecological change on reef growth potential and the maintenance of reefs as threedimensional structures (Hoegh-Gulberg et al. 2008; Pandolfi et al. 2011), underpinned by the knowledge that in most ‘healthy’ reef ecosystemscorals are the primary reef-builders, promoting high rates of carbonate production, and rapid vertical reef accretion and structural development. Conversely, factors that degrade environmental conditions, or a reef’s ecological condition, are inferred to limit reef accretion potential, either by reducing coral growth rates and/or by increasing rates of reef erosion (Perry et al. 2008b). Increased terrestrial sediment and nutrient yields, linked to anthropogenic modification of coastal catchments, are widely regarded as a major threat to continued coral reef ‘health’ and development (Kleypas and Eakin 2007). This is because nearshore turbidity and/or sedimentation rates, as well as nutrient and contaminant concentrations, can be increased to levels that directly influence reef communities (Fabricius 2005). Resultant impacts may include lowercoral cover and diversity, reduced coral calcification and linear skeletal extension, and modified competitive interactions between corals and macroalgae. Because many inner-shelf and fringing reefs occur close to the point sources of sediment and nutrient input (rivers), and because tropical coastal land use is changing at an unprecedented rate in many regions, these water quality issues are increasingly relevant in the context of the ongoing debate about present and future coral reef ‘health’ and reef accretion potential. The inner-shelf of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) provides a particularly useful case study in this respect. The inner-shelf seafloor is dominated by terrigenous sediment, with wave-driven sediment resuspension causing conditions of high turbidity and high terrigenous sediment flux. In addition, many coastal catchments along the Queensland coast were cleared for pastoral and agricultural purposes following European settlement (from ~1850 AD) (Lewis et al. 2007). Catchment sediment yields have reportedly increased markedly since (Neil et al. 2002), possibly increasing five-tenfold (McCulloch et al. 2003). Recent modelling also suggests that total nitrogen discharge has increased by a factor of four, and nitrate and total phosphorus by a factor of ten (Devlin and Brodie 2005). These increases have been argued to negatively impact reef condition, but critical questions are yet to be answered regarding reef growth and development in these environments. Specifically, what are the implications of long-term high turbidity and terrigenous sediment flux regimes for reef accretion, and how do rates of reef accretion differ from those documented in clear water settings? FIELD SETTING AND METHODS To address these questions we examined the accretionary history of Middle Reef, an ITZR located in Cleveland Bay ~ 4 km offshore from Townsville in the central GBR (Fig. 1A). Muddy sands dominate the surrounding seafloor (Carter et al. 1993), and the reef is regularly exposed to high turbidity levels (up to 50 mg l-1) generated by wave-driven sediment resuspension or by episodic flood plumes (Larcombe et al. 1995). Middle Reef has a complex morphology but is characterised by relatively high live coral cover and coral species diversity (Browne et al. 2010). We collected eight cores from three cross-reef transects, located to ensure a spatially representative record of reef growth (Fig. 1B). Cores were recovered using percussion techniques (using aluminium core piping with an internal diameter of 9.5 cm) and had 100 % recovery. Rates and depths of core penetration were recorded throughout to ensure a reliable depth chronology and to constrain for sediment compaction (typically ~15-20%, and which, based on core penetration rates, was uniform down-core). All cores penetrated the entire Holocene reef to terminate in Pleistocene clays. Immediately after collection cores were split in half using a circular saw and digital photo composites of each prepared. Cores were logged to record basic biosedimentary facies information. Data collected included; the ratio of coral clasts to matrix, description of framework fabrics, preliminary coral species identification, sediment textural characteristics using the Udden-Wentworth nomenclature, as well as a visual assessment of sediment composition. These criteria were used to delineate basic facies units within the cores. Facies analysis and the recovery of in-situ coral samples for AMS Radiocarbon dating (Table S1) allowed the. In-situ coral samples were selected for AMS radiocarbon dating to allow us to establish a detailed chronostratigraphic record of reef accretion. Samples were prepared for dating by sectioning and microsampling to remove surficial calcareous encrustation, washed in distilled water, subjected to ultrasonic agitation in distilled water to remove detrital particles, oven dried (40oC) and then sealed in plastic bags. Dates were calibrated using Calib 6.0 and calibration curve Marine04 (http://calib.qub.ac.uk/marine). The conventionally employed Marine Reservoir Correction in Australian waters is 450 ± 35 years (Gillespie, 1977). However, various studies have indicated significant deviations in regional marine reservoir signatures. The geographically closest sites to Middle Reef are from Port Curtis and Gladstone where marine reservoir ages ranging from 240 ± 61 to 419 ± 61 14C y BP are reported (Ulm, 2002). These combined give a weighted mean ΔR value of +10 ± 7, currently the best estimate of variance in the local open water marine reservoir effect for the central Queensland coast (Ulm, 2002). Resultant calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates were used to determine average rates of accretion, as based on interpretations of the depth-age relationship of the basal reefal facies compared to the reeftop age in each core, and accretion rates for each facies type based on interpreted depth-age relationships for the top and bottom of each facies boundary in core. RESULTS Our data show that Middle Reef initiated above a thin transgressive lithic sand and graveldominated unit in water depths of 4-5 m below present Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) level. Abraded coral clasts in this pre-reefal unit return ages of 1,293 and 1,495 cal yBP (Fig. 1C). Dates from corals interpreted as in-situ on taphonomic and orientation criteria collected from the overlying reefal facies indicate, however, that the main phase of reef development started in the period ~600-700 cal yBP, initially along the SW flank and towards the SE end of the reef complex (Fig. 1C), with younger start up dates occurring towards the NW end of the reef. Vertical accretion has occurred throughout this period, but different areas of the reef have attained present sea level at different times: those areas with established reef flats mostly reached sea level in the last < 100 years, whilst vertical accretion continues within sub-tidal areas. Mud-rich (>50 weight % fines) reefal facies occur in all of the cores recovered: this distinctive reef growth unit is a volumetrically dominant component of the reef’s interior structure, and indicates significant net mud deposition within the coral constructed fabric of the reef. Corals (especially platy forms of Turbinaria sp. and Montipora sp.) are abundant and exceptionally well-preserved throughout, implying rapid post-mortem burial occurs. Most importantly, it should be noted that this rapid burial has occurred throughout reef accretion (i.e., over the last ~700 year period) and has significantly pre-dated European settlement in the region. DISCUSSION Chronostratigraphic reconstructions indicate that Middle Reef has vertically accretedvery rapidly throughout its history(average across all cores 8.3 mm yr-1: range 4 to 13 mm yr-1) including over the past 100-200 years. Furthermore, the most rapid vertical accretion rates (averaging 13.0 mm yr-1) coincide with the parts of the reef dominated by the most mud-rich facies (Fig. 2). Thus, rather than being inhibitory to reef development and accretion, the deposition and retention of terrigenous sediment has actually been contiguous with the periods of most rapid vertical accretion. Clearly it is inappropriate to attribute the rapid accretion rates to the high terrigenous sedimentation and turbidity, however it must be noted that the widely inferred inhibitory impacts of this sedimentary regime are also not supported by our detailed dataset. A scenario of corals growing rapidly upwards above an accumulating muddy substrate can be envisaged, analogous to the concepts of superstratal growth as invoked for mud-rich reefal environments in the Jurassic (Insalaco 2008). The presence of an open Turbinaria and Montipora dominated framework on the contemporary reef surface, with a muddy sediment infill at the base of that open framework, provides supporting evidence that this process is on-going. AMS radiocarbon dating indicates that deposition of this mud-dominated facies has occurred in a time-independent way, with the timing of its accumulation varying with location on the reef (Figs. 1C; 2): starting ~600 cal yBP in the SE areas of the reef, but only in the last ~ 100 years along the NE flank. There is thus no indication of an influence of regional European landuse change and changed sediment yields (since circa 1850 AD) either on styles of reef fabric development or on rates of vertical accretion. Core records from some areas of the reef indicate that mud-rich sequences accumulated entirely or largely in the period post-1850, but in other areas these accumulated entirely before this period. Thus the initial accumulation of this mud-rich reef framework significantly predates recent landuse changes (and any increase in sediment flux) and has not resulted in lowreef accretion rates. Rather it has been a natural and enduring features ofthe reef’s growth history in this inner-shelf setting. The accumulation of mud is, however, constrained vertically in most parts of the reef, with much lower mud content in the cores at depths shallower than ~1 m below present LAT level. This most likely reflects a transition, as respective areas of the reef shallowed (at different times), to water depths at which rates of sediment re-suspension are much higher, thus slowing net rates of sediment accumulation (see also Wolanski et al. 2005). Overall rates of reef accretion also slow in the upper ~1 m of each core, presumably due to increased sediment resuspension and export, but still remain high and average ~10 mm yr-1. Rates of reef accretion at Middle Reef are particularly impressive when compared to those from other reef localities in the region. Both maximum and site-averaged accretion rates exceed those documented not only for other turbid-zone (inner-shelf) reefs on the GBR (Fig. 3A), but also the long-term rates calculated for individual clear-water, mid- and outer-shelf reefs (Fig. 3B). They also far exceed regional average rates of accretion for all reef types on the GBR over the last ~9,000 years (Fig. 4) and, by some margin, accretion rates measured at sites over the last 1-2,000 year period. The relatively high rates established in this study are also significant when compared against many other Indo-Pacific reefs across a range of settings and depositional environments (Fig. 5). Only a very few of these reefs exhibit significantly higher maximum accretion rates and only a few have higher average accretion rates, despite the fact that most are located in ‘more optimal’ marine settings and are mostly dominated by in-situ carbonate production. The key questions that arise from these data are why are these rates so high, and what does this mean in terms of the drivers of reef accretion? The prevailing view of reef development is that rapid reef accretion occurs as a function of high rate coral growth and the net retention of largely in-situ produced reefal carbonate (both coral framework and carbonate sediment). Middle Reef, and other ITZRs, clearly develop under a different set of conditions. In these environments, a high proportion of the material contributing to the internal structure (and thus development) of the reefs derives not from within, but from outside the reef, in this case in the form of fine-grained terrigenous sediments that are resuspended from the surrounding seafloor or introduced during major flood events. Whilst such inputs are commonlyassumed to negatively influence both reef communities and reef accretion rates, field evidence argues strongly against the former (Browne et al. 2010) and ourcore data demonstrates that the latter view is also incorrect. In these inshore turbid-zone environments a model of reef development that differs from the traditional ‘clear water’ reef accretion scenario can thus be envisaged whereby high rates of coral growth, by species adapted to deal with high turbidity and sedimentation stress, enable rapid vertical reef framework accumulation. Concomitant high rates of sedimentation rapidly infill the open reef fabric, inhibiting post-depositional destruction of the coral skeletons, and aiding the preservation of the primary coral framework structure. Thus in contrast to many reefs, where there is often an order of magnitude difference between coral growth rates and net long-term reef accretion rates (Dullo 2005), largely due to biologically-driven post-mortem breakdown of the coral framework, long-term vertical accretion rates in these turbid zone environments more closely approximate shortterm coral growth rates. Whilst this can probably only occur in locations where the coral communities are already adapted to deal with high sedimentation regimes and to the periodically low light conditions associated with fluctuating turbidity, our findings clearly question the assumption that environments dominated by terrigenous sediments are inherently detrimental to coral reef development, and necessitate a re-think of prevailing models of reef growth dynamics. Methods References [1] Hoegh-Guldberg O, Mumby PJ, Hooten AJ et al. (2007) Coral reefs under rapid climate change and ocean acidification. Science, 318, 1737-1742 [2] Bellwood DR, Hughes TP, Folke C, Nyström M (2004) Confronting the coral reef crisis. Nature, 429, 827-833. [3] Fabricius KE (2005) Effects of terrestrial runoff on the ecology of corals and coral reefs: review and synthesis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50, 125-146. [4] Y. Loya Y. (l976). Effects of water turbidity and sedimentation on community structure of Puerto Rican corals. Bull. 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N.K.B. collected field data and contributed to writing. Additional information The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information accompanies this paper on www.nature.com/naturegeoscience. Reprints and permissions information is available online at http://npg.nature.com/reprintsandpermissions. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed toC.T.P. Figure 1. Location map, core sites and core logs from Middle Reef. (A) Location of Middle Reefs on the inner-shelf of the central Great Barrier Reef; (B) Aerial photograph of Middle Reef showing the location of core sites; (C) Core logs showing the depositional structure and age history of Middle Reef relative to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) level. White circles show the position of radiocarbon dated corals and the age is shown as the median probability age in calibrated years before present (cal yr BP). Note that samples containing bomb carbon occur to depths of 70 cm below LAT in some cores and indicate very rapid rates of vertical accretion in recent years at these localities. Figure 2. Accretion rate trendlines derived for individual cores from Middle Reef. White circles denote the age and depth relative to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) of dated corals in individual cores. The dashed line sections for Cores PC6 and PC7 indicate the lag that occurred between the top of the transgressive pre-reefal unit (see Fig 1A) and the initiation of vertical reef growth. Periods of accretion associated with the accumulation of the terrigenous mud-dominated sequences are shown overlain with the bold grey lines. Note that the main phases of mud deposition are coincident with the periods of most rapid vertical reef accretion (the steepest line sections) and that their accumulation has been time independent i.e., unrelated to the period of European settlement and landuse change. Fig. 3. Average accretion rates established for Middle Reef, compared to other inner-, mid- and outer-shelf reefs on the Great Barrier Reef. (A) Average accretion rate trendlines for individual reef cores from Middle Reef (top left) compared against available data from other late Holocene turbid-zone reefs from the central-northern Great Barrier Reef. Data from: Lugger Shoal (Perry et al. 2009); Paluma Shoals (Palmer et al. 2010); Dunk Island (Perry & Smithers 2010); Offshore Paluma Shoals (Perry & Smithers, unpublished). (B) Average accretion rate trendlines for individual cores through Middle Reef (top left of plot) compared with those derived from the most reliable radiocarbon dated cores from mid- and outer-shelf reefs on the Great Barrier Reef (From: Hopley et al. 2007). Figure 4. Accretion rates from Middle Reef compared to temporal records from other reef sites on the Great Barrier Reef. Average growth rates based on core and radiocarbon data for the last 9000 years for (A) fringing, (B) outer-shelf, and (C) all reefs for which reef growth data is available for the Great Barrier Reef Shelf (after: Hopley et al. 2007). Average and range of growth rate data from Middle Reef is shown for comparison. Figure 5. Vertical accretion rates determined for Middle Reef compared to other reef environments across the Indo-Pacific. Published mean, minimum and maximum vertical accretion rates (mm yr-1) for back reef/lagoon, semi-exposed/sheltered reef margin, and exposed reef margin Pacific sites from outside of the Great Barrier Reef region (data from Montaggioni 2005) shown against the minimum and maximum (grey box) and mean (bold line) vertical accretion rates established from Middle Reef. Where multiple data from the same sites exist, only the highest rates are shown. 1. Kabira, Ryukyus; 2. Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea; 3. SW New Caledonia; 4. Mouillage, Chesterfield Island; 5. Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; 6. Pukapuka, Cook Islands; 7. Rakahanga, Cook Islands; 8. Tahiti, Society Islands; 9. Okierabu-Jima, Ryukyus;10. Tonoshiro, Ryukyus; 11. Kabira, Ryukyus; 12. Minna-Jima, Ryukyus; 13. Tonaki-Jima, Ryukyus; 14. Kuma-Jima, Ryukyus; 15. Okinawa-Hontou, Ryukyus; 16. Seksei, Ryukyus; 17. Koror, Palau; 18. Lord Howe Island, Tasman Sea; 19. East coast New Caledonia; 20. West coast, New Caledonia; 21. Moorea, Society Islands; 22. Punta Island, Costa Rica; 23. Punta Island, Costa Rica; 24. Uva Island, Panama; 25. Secas, Panama; 26. Saboga Island, Panama; 27. Kabira, Ryukyus; 28. Yoron-tou, Ryukyus; 29. Kuma-Jima, Ryukyus; 30. Kikai-Jima, Ryukyus; 31. Yam, Torres Strait; 32. Warraber, Torres Strait; 33. Bellona, Chesterfield Island; 34. Mamie, New Caledonia; 35. Huon, Papua New Guinea; 36. Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu; 37. Rota, Mariana Island; 38. Guam, Mariana Island; 39. Enewetak, Marshall Island; 40. Tarawa, Kiribati; 41. Funafuti, Tuvalu; 42. Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; 43. Molokai, Hawaiian Islands; 44. Mangaia, Cook Islands; 45. Tahiti, Society Islands; 46. Moorea, Society Islands; 47. Mururoa, Tuamotu Core/sample code Table S1 Material Lab Ref. Elevation (m rel to LAT) 14C age (yr BP) 14C age error (yr BP) Calibrated age range (1) Median probability age Max Eastern transect MR-PC7-20 Acropora MR-PC7-50 Acropora MR-PC7-115 Montipora MR-PC7-150 Goniastrea MR-PC7-275 Goniastrea MR-PC6-15 Montipora MR-PC6-45 Montipora MR-PC6-75 Montipora MR-PC6-140 Montipora MR-PC6-155 Acropora MR-PC6-370 Montipora MR-PC6-390 Acropora MR-PC6-430 Acropora MR-PC11-15 Goniopora MR-PC11-100 Turbinaria MR-PC11-140 Acropora MR-PC11-175 Favid Central transect MR-PC8-18 Acropora MR-PC8-150 Cyphastrea MR-PC8-210 Acropora MR-PC4-25 Montipora MR-PC4-55 Montipora MR-PC4-135 Montipora MR-PC4-200 Montipora MR-PC4-230 Montipora MR-PC9-20 Montipora MR-PC9-45 Montipora MR-PC9-65 Acropora MR-PC9-100 Acropora MR-PC9-120 Acropora MR-PC9-340 Pachyseris MR-PC9-360 Favid MR-PC9-400 Goniopora Western transect MR-PC10-15 Montipora MR-PC10-25 Acropora MR-PC10-49 Acropora MR-PC10-152 Acropora MR-PC10-223 Turbinaria MR-PC10-305 Goniopora MR-PC10-440 Goniopora Wk 27408 Wk 27409 Wk 27410 Wk 27411 Wk 27412 SUERC 31713 SUERC 31714 SUERC 31715 SUERC 31716 SUERC 31717 SUERC 31718 SUERC 31719 SUERC 31722 Wk 27421 Wk 27422 Wk 27423 Wk 27424 -0.9 -1.1 -2.2 -2.9 -4.5 +0.1 -0.2 -0.5 -1.2 -1.3 -3.5 -3.7 -4.1 -0.5 -2.5 -3.1 -3.5 663 642 862 975 1753 Modern Modern Modern 536 582 698 702 957 111.4 459 469 591 32 37 37 30 33 n/a n/a n/a 44 37 37 37 35 0.4 31 32 35 Wk 27413 Wk 27414 Wk 27415 Wk 26563 Wk 26564 Wk 26565 Wk 26566 Wk 26567 SUERC 31723 SUERC 32446 SUERC 32447 SUERC 32488 SUERC 32451 SUERC 32452 SUERC 32453 SUERC 32454 SUERC 32455 Wk 27416 Wk 27417 Wk 27418 Wk 27419 Wk 27420 SUERC 32456 -0.7 -3.0 -4.0 -0.1 -1.2 -2.3 -2.6 -3.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.9 -1.2 -3.4 -3.6 -4.0 114.5 714 1034 113.17 584 531 621 626 Modern 76 514 445 525 637 1144 1149 0.4 31 32 0.6 35 41 54 30 n/a 37 37 35 35 35 35 37 +0.1 -0.5 -1.0 -1.9 -3.2 -3.9 -4.2 Modern 375 459 655 662 1069 1125 n/a 31 31 32 32 29 35 Min 331 258 321 240 508 454 597 575 1324 1261 Modern Modern Modern 244 102 292 88 380 286 383 289 1544 1435 Modern 83 0 94 0 273 188 299 280 481 560 1293 Modern Modern Modern 157 204 340 343 1495 Modern 59 68 216 Modern 301 563 Modern 165 146 240 97 305 180 300 238 Modern 149 63 200 160 Invalid 233 92 313 239 713 652 718 654 Modern 352 599 Modern 207 152 251 265 Modern 127 145 Modern Modern Modern Modern 59 291 298 630 671 390 634 83 321 330 993 699 0 254 257 603 640 145 275 685 689