Cultural Chair Job Description

UTSAV Cultural Chair Job Description
The Northeastern University UTSAV Cultural Chair is responsible for maintaining and
promoting a sense of culture throughout the organization. The Cultural Chair will help in
planning initiatives that increase cultural awareness among members and participants,
and spread knowledge of the role diversity plays in our lives. In addition, the Cultural
Chair will be responsible for working/partnering with other organizations to host
collaborative events that increase cultural presence on campus. Since UTSAV represents
six different countries, it is vital that the Cultural Chair is able to sufficiently incorporate
all of them within the organization. Being cultural chair is not limited just to the culture
of the organization – he/she will be expected to take on responsibility for other tasks
and projects during the course of their tenure.
Responsibilities of Cultural Chair include:
 Act as ISSI and PAAC Representatives from UTSAV and attend respective
meetings throughout the year
 Responsible for planning and executing novel/engaging activities to
incorporate culture into events and meetings
 Establish relationship with other student organizations and
collaborate/support for events
 Lead community service initiatives and projects
 Help plan cultural events (i.e. Diwali, Garba) and bring speakers to events
 Assist in planning fundraising events within the community
 Be present at bi-weekly General Body meetings and events
 Meet strict deadlines
 Be on time
It is important to set aside a significant amount of time each week for UTSAV. Being on
the executive board is both an honor and responsibility, and your commitment should
reflect your dedication to the organization. As a leader, your contribution is critical to
the success and quality of UTSAV.
UTSAV Cultural Chair Application 2012-2013
Name: ___________________________________ Class Year: ____________________
Email: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________
Major: ___________________________________ GPA: ______
1. You have $150 dollars to spend- plan the first general body meeting of the
semester. The meeting will be held on a Wednesday from 7-8:30pm in the
Curry Student Center Ballroom. Please provide a simple itinerary of the
meeting. What organizational goals do you plan to achieve at this meeting?
2. What past leadership experience do you have that will help you succeed in
UTSAV? What experience do you have with a cultural position specifically?
3. Please list other commitments that you anticipate for yourself for the 20122013 year (in order of priority).
4. Please let us know if you prefer your interview on Tuesday, April 10th or
Wednesday, April 11th. Interviews will be 10 minutes and will take place from
6-8 P.M.
Tuesday, April 10th, 2012_____
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012 ______
No preference _____
Thank you for your interest!
Please email this application along with your resume to by
Monday, April 9th, 2012 at 10:00 PM. Late applications will not be accepted.
Make sure you have been nominated appropriately before submitting this application.
Please prepare for your interview on Tuesday or Wednesday in front of the current
Executive Board. If chosen to be on the ballot, please prepare a one-minute speech
explaining why you are well-qualified for this position. Speeches will be presented at
Election Night on Thursday, April 12th, 2012.