Progress Report Format Guide

General Format for Progress Reports
Progress reports help me to keep track of your progress in the lab, and you to organize your data, and
to develop writing skills needed for publishing papers. Accordingly, the progress report should be written
like a publication! That means, it should be as short and as well organized as possible, while containing
all necessary detail.
The progress report should be divided into the following sections:
- a title
- a list of contents (a list of contents with page numbers can be generated easily with MS word, if the main
text is formatted with headings).
- a brief introduction section, incl. an outline of the goal of the project, and relevance to other published
- a main results and discussion section, which contains a description of all relevant experiments, incl. the
ones which did not work, if they are meaningful, and their interpretation. Schemes, (AFM, SEM) Images,
Spectra, and Tables should support the descriptions. If other papers are included in the discussion, these
should be referenced (format see below). The main section can be subdivided into additional categories, like
preparation of compounds, characterization by nmr, characterization be IR, etc. When writing the main
section, try to be as organized as possible. For example, instead of describing the solubility of each
compound separately in a different section, you could contrast solubility of several compounds in one
common section. Use tables for the presentation of suitable data. Don't try to conceal inconsistent results, or
to inflate low yields, because this makes your results look better. Fake 'data' doesn't help anyone. Instead, in
your own interest and as a scientist: be objective.
- a brief outlook section, which describes experiments planned in the future. Try to summarize briefly here,
what you plan to do in the future, and how syntheses can be optimized.
- an experimental section, with a detailed description of the procedures for synthesis and isolation, yield,
characterization, incl. solubility, spectral and other data. Example see below. This section is the most
important of the entire report, because it summarizes what you have done experimentally, and it allows
others to repeat your experiments. The experimental section is the extract of weeks of misery and hard labor
in the lab! A sample is listed below.
Experimental Section
Preparation of Compounds. Unless noted otherwise, all operations were carried out at room
temperature in dried and degassed solvents and under a pure nitrogen atmosphere by using glove
boxes and applying Schlenk techniques. The clusters (TEA)2[(Cl4cat)(CH3CN)MoFe3S4Cl3]
(meida = methyliminodiacetate) were synthesized according to the
published procedures. PEt3 (Aldrich), PPri3, and P(Cy)3 (Strem) were commercially available and
used without further purification.......
[(Cl4cat)MoFe3S4(PBut3)3(CH3CN)] (1a). To a stirred solution of 560 mg (0.564 mmol) of (TEA)2[(Cl4cat)(CH3CN)MoFe3S4Cl3] in 3 ml of acetonitrile was added 540 mg (2.42 mmol) of PBut3
(90.5% in benzene) in 1 ml of CH3CN and then 550 mg (1.61 mmol) of NaBPh4 dissolved in 1 ml of
CH3CN. The resulting brown solution was then stored at room temperature for 2d. The black illgrown crystals which separated were isolated by decanting off the mother liquor, washed three times
with CH3CN and dried in vacuo to yield 508 mg (0.395 mmol, 79%) of crude product which was
used for further reactions. As second crop of crystals (50 mg) was obtained by taking the mother
liquor to dryness, extraction with CH2Cl2 and recrystallization from CH2Cl2 / CH3CN. The crystals
dissolve in CH2Cl2, THF, CH3CN, and DMF. IR (KBr): cat 1433 cm-1, 1H-NMR (CDCl3): 6.6 ppm
(s, 27H, PBut3), 1.39 ppm (s, 3H, CH3CN). Mass-Spec (FAB+): (M - CH3CN)+ 1243 m/z , CV
(CH2Cl2, vs. SCE): ox – 0.40 V (rev), ox. + 0.74 V (rev), red. – 1.54 V (rev). UV/Vis in CH2Cl2
(/103): 280 nm (230), 376nm (42).
- a reference section, which lists journal references in the following format:
() Palermo, R. E.; Holm, R. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1983, 105, 4310-4314.
- a supporting information section. This section contains printouts of IR, UV/vis, nmr spectra and of other
data (conductivity, elemental analysis) obtained during the characterization of the compounds