The Beauty of St. Mary

The Beauty of St. Mary
By Nagwa Abdou
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive
and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (Isaiah 7:14).
In the Old Testament we saw signs, symbols, and prophecies and all pointed to a
special virgin girl that will conceive and bear a son and His name Immanuel.
"Behold, the Lord God shall come with a strong hand, and His arm shall rule for
Him; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him. He will feed His
flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in
His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young" (Isaiah 40:10-11)
A little girl who grow in the house of the Lord since very young age and loved
Him and learned His words and commandments by heart and served His people
and longed to be pure and virgin for Him.
Many people were hoping and waiting for salvation but God was waiting for the
one who He found her worthy of that honor. People from difference walks of life
exalt her and glorify her for she is blessed among women (Luke 1:28).
The Life of Holy virgin St. Mary is our example for she is unlike any human being
and her due to our glorification and praise. We find her obedience to the angle and
his word without any fear or question. She endured the talk and the looks of others
while she was at very young age. God find her worthy to carry Jesus Christ in her
womb and dwell in it, breast feeding Him, care for Him through His childhood and
taught Him God's ways and He submitted to her and that made us realize:
Her full submission to God's will
Opened her heart mind and soul for God's words
Remained in constant adoration of God
She seeks spiritual growth as part of her daily life
When angel Gabriel announced to her that Elizabeth is with a child she hurried to
help her in the city of Judah and went back home before anyone see her in her
cousin's house which showed us her:
Care for others
Serving others
Compassion and love
Through her life we can see the love of God and her longing to be pure and holy.
We see that she remained brief and silent and avoided the glory of being the
mother of God and lived a quiet earthy life and even during her son's crucifixion
never expressed any judgment and always forgive others.
In the wedding of Cana, we see St. Mary's love for others appear in her caring
about people immediate needs and asking Her son to supply wine for the feast.
During her life she struggled and suffered but most of all the time when she faced
with Her son being misunderstood, degraded, suffered and as a mother watching
her only beloved son tortured and dying on the cross this experience showed us
how through her suffering and the loss of Her loved ones she find grace through
silence, tears, and prayers and also accept life graciously and that teach us to
change ourselves to better, to except what life bring and by incorporate her
qualities in our life and that will allow us to come closer to Jesus Christ.
God allow St. Mary to be honored and exulted through generation after generation
and to be intercessor for us and He also allowed her to appear on so many
occasions to comfort and do miracles among the human race.
The Beauty of St. Mary
Mary what did you feel?
When the angel announce to you
That you're the one
That Jesus will be your son
That your life will never be the same
Mary what did you feel?
When you touched him with your own hands
When you carried Him in your arms
When you hugged him for the first time
Mary what did you feel?
When He looked at you with His eyes
When He give you a smile
When He spoke His first word
Mary what did you feel?
When you're the one who need Him
When you're the one who long for Him
When you're the one who want to be cared by Him
I wonder!
What the angels did
Did they look with surprise
Did they have many questions to ask
Did they Marvel with joy
I wonder!
Did the angels know
What kind of life that He will endure
What kind of suffering that awaits Him
What kind of pain He will go through
Mary what did you feel?
When you no longer held him in your arms
When you saw Him suffering in agony
When everyone doubt it Him
Your silent is amazing
I saw you broken in pieces
I saw your tears gushing from your heart
I saw you trampling with agony
How did you keep all you're suffering inside
How did you give and never receive
How did you handle looking at His falling body
Thank you for all that you teach us
Thank you for your love and compassion for us
Thank you for being you