Parallel Session Proposal Form The British Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2016 Harrogate, Tuesday 10 May-Thursday 12 May 2016 NOTES: Each parallel slot is 90 minutes long. Typically, a parallel session will have 2-3 speakers and the organiser will be a speaker or a chair. Where no chairperson is provided, The British Pain Society will assign one. Speakers will receive free registration for the duration of the Meeting. The chairperson will only qualify for free registration if he/she is also a speaker in this or another session. A maximum of 3 speakers will receive free registration; additional speakers will need to cover the registration cost themselves. Please note travel and accommodation expenses are not covered by the Society. Speakers should generally not be from a single clinical or academic unit. Please ensure that your workshop has a clear evidence base. Organisers should approach speakers/chair on the basis that at this stage it is only being considered for inclusion in the BPS ASM programme. Title of Session Title here Session Organiser Name here (including title and position as you want it to appear in the brochure) Organisers contact details Full postal address here Email address and telephone numbers Session summary 100 words on the content of the session that will be appear in print in the brochure Speaker 1 Name here (including title and position as you want it to appear in the brochure) Title here Presentation Title Contact details Speaker 2 Presentation Title Contact details Speaker 3 Presentation Title Contact details Full postal address here Email address and telephone numbers Name here (including title and position as you want it to appear in the brochure) Title here Full postal address here Email address and telephone numbers Name here (including title and position as you want it to appear in the brochure) Title here Full postal address here Email address and telephone numbers Please return your completed form by 8th June 2015 to: Chairperson Any specific requirements (i.e. room layout or equipment) For office use only Name here (including title and position as you want it to appear in the brochure) Please specify any requirements Room Assignment: Audience Size: Issues: Please return your completed form by 8th June 2015 to: