Intermediate English Conversation 2

Intermediate English Conversation Notes for Class Topics Spring 2014/2/25
Jessie Ho (To be updated throughout this semester March~June) Feb 2014
Name Lists 各組名單 Spring 2014
Calendar 102-2
Calendar Citation Machine Time magazine.
Daily 1
Midterm Ca
Daily 2
Debate Abortion
Cb Please look for topics from Ideas and Issues or news.
Cb Guided Topics Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5
Cb Please look for topics from Ideas and Issues or news
Cb Final Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5
Roe vs. Wade 羅伊訴韋德案
This link goes to P. 18.
Ideas and Issues Advanced, Martin Hunt. Chancerel International, 2000.
IEC Notes e-learning Spring 2010 Final PPT
Daily 2 Fall 2013 ppt
Mid-term Presentations
Waking Universe: Vibrational Healing Flower Essences
Framework for 21st Century Learning (For the whole picture see the web
21st Century Skills Minnesota
Education must change how it prepares students for the
different demands that a 21st century service economy will place
on them and ensure they have the skills they will need for success.
Global Competition
Competition for skilled workers at lower wages is growing faster
than ever. Formerly Third World countries are investing in
infrastructure and education to become competitive giants in the
21st century global economy. 全國英語大賽亞軍 China
English Speaking Contest of national college students--She rocks 10:55 Isn’t this too long?
The champion of the 2007 CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest 1
If you were the government of the country, how would you solve the water problem?
Are people educated overseas entitled to a higher salary? (She never let the
debater lead her away. She stayed focused.)
What’s more important in a leader –- specialist knowledge or people management
skills? CCTV-9 English
Speech Contest Q: Meeting challenges, pleasure and pain
講題 (三選一) Choose one from below :Contestants must deliver a prepared five minute speech in
English from one of the following three topics
1.How can we engage in community service, and can it change lives?
2.Life is what you make it.
3.What is beyond the beauty of Taiwan?
Successful contestants will advance to the second, semi-final round where they will deliver the same
prepared speech. Eight contestants will then progress to the final round.
Finalists will compete in the third round, where they will be asked to deliver a three minute impromptu
speech on a given topic or video. The objective is for students to demonstrate their competency in
spoken English and ability to think and respond creatively. Contestants will have up to five minutes to
prepare for the impromptu speech. Contestants must prepare their impromptu speech themselves:
coaches, relatives or friends must not help contestants prepare for this final round nor should students
contact anyone by mobile phones or tablet computers to ask for assistance.
maneuver - 演習
後留的兩個網址,那個 PDF 文件真的很棒。
Best wishes,
Dear Ice,
沒拿稿是最標準的演講,有 PPT Outline 報告當準則,
有些時候總統看前面 Monitor 的稿子,因為不犯錯。
有些時候 稿子是在提醒作用,像我記下問題針對
Which 5 are the most important for you?
Fewer hesitations, better pronunciation, less self-correction, better
interaction skills, more fixed expressions, fewer errors, more confidence,
ability to speak at length, strategies for when you don’t know the right word
Angelina Jolie's mastectomy account raises awareness of gene testing Analysis
of the Major Characters
Richard Brown the winner of the Carrouthers Prize –Richie an extremely
sensitive little boy, Richie realizes, even before his mother realizes, that she
intends to commit suicide. A Thesis
“There Are Still the Hours”. Time in Mrs Dalloway and The Hours. (Marlies de
My thesis would be about literature and adaptation and The Hours and Mrs
Dalloway. .. Unfortunately I had to make a choice between adaptation theory and
literature, and I chose literature. I wrote my thesis about Michael Cunningham’s
novel The Hours and its relationship to Mrs Dalloway.
It is 1925, it is 1998 and it is 2002. It is 1923, it is 1949, and it is the end of the
twentieth century. The logic of time does not seem to apply to this situation.
Everything is happening all at once and it is all related to The Hours.
as Tory Young puts it in her reader’s guide to The Hours: “The relationship between
The Hours and Mrs. Dalloway is impossible to simplify; Cunningham interweaves
aspects of Woolf’s life, her novel, and her theories” (38).
One of the most prominent themes in Mrs Dalloway is time and the distinction
between two types of time. The clock measures time, but on the other hand time is
represented by the duration of experiences as the human consciousness registers
them. Virginia Woolf gives an explanation in Orlando:
An hour, once it lodges in the queer elements of the human spirit, may be
stretched to fifty or a hundred times its clock length; on the other hand, an
hour may be accurately represented by the timepiece of the mind by one
second. (qtd. in Hasler 147)
psychological time (Henri Bergson)
Time and Mrs Dalloway both play an important part in Cunningham’s The Hours, as
he has used Woolf’s novel as a source of inspiration.
the themes of love and death and time
This thesis attempts to uncover what Michael Cunningham has done differently.
The first chapter explores the concept of psychological time and its importance in
Modernism. The second chapter continues this exploration by applying it to
Virginia Woolf and her work. It also investigates the techniques Woolf uses in Mrs
Dalloway and how these techniques relate to psychological time. The final chapter
applies the techniques found in Mrs Dalloway to Cunningham’s novel in an attempt
to illustrate similarities and differences between The Hours and Mrs Dalloway.
The Concept of Psychological Time
Time on the Mind
The human consciousness has its own time system, which registers the duration of
emotions and experience. It does not rely on segmentation of time into minutes
and hours. The time system of the mind is subjective and personal, whereas the
clock represents time that is objective and public.
Time was not a series of chronological moments to be presented by the novelist in
sequence with an occasional deliberate retrospect (“this reminded him of,” “she
recalled that”), but a continuous flow in the consciousness of the individual, with
the ‘already’ continuously merging into the ‘not yet’ and retrospect merging with
anticipation. (Abrams 2:1688)
The image of time as a continuous flow creates a perpetual present in which past,
present and future function together to create a kaleidoscopic vision of time. The
continuous influence of the past on the present and the coexistence of past,
present and future in the mind are features of psychological time.
Woolf carefully constructs a web-like structure for Mrs Dalloway. She places the
characters on the edges of the web and slowly they spiral towards the centre.
The Hours Transcript ****
The letter Virginia to Lenard, The way British husband and wife greeted each
other in the morning (I believe I may have the first sentence.)
Mrs. Dalloway said that she would buy the flowers herself. (Clarissa) Richard
has won the "Corroders.” Lilies, Hydrangeas, buckets of roses! The Rail
Station scene,
Carissa talks to Richard, being persuasive?
I got the prize for my performance.
party. Populated entirely with people who respect and admire you.
I wanted to write about it all. Everything that happens in a moment.
The way the flowers look when you carry them in your arms.
This towel - how it smells , how it's thread.
All our feelings - yours and mine. The history of it. Who we once were.
Everything in the world. Everything mixed up.
Populated entirely with people who respect and admire you.
Laura Brown and Dan, Mrs. Barlow and Ray,
Vanessa, Nessa, Louis Waters,
Row Row Row Your Boat
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Cancer Cured with Dr Tien-Sheng Hsu 許添盛醫師: 走出疾病的憂谷 1(5) 4:00, 少量多餐, 身體自我
【Dr. Tien-Sheng HSU / Seth】The Main Cause of Cancer - Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu
“The Secret to Healing Cancer” Global transformation by satellite… Broadcast
from the City of Taipei ***
"The Secret to Healing Cancer" Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu
28 分到 38 分,44 分到 53 分結束兩段訪問。cancer 你要接受,它是藉以幫
2013 全國大專院校英語演講比賽
日期及時間:2013 年 5 月 18 日 (星期六) from 8.30am
地點:台北歐洲學校 Taipei European School
台北市士林區文林路 727 號 (近捷運芝山站 1 號出口)
報名日期:即日起至 2013 年 5 月 8 日(星期四)
講題 (三選一) Choose one from below :
1. Rotary International's slogan for the 2012-13 Rotary Year is "PEACE THROUGH
Do you think the idea of peace being achieved through more local
and global community service is a possibility or is this just a pipe dream?
2. What do you envision Taiwan ROC's position in global society will be in 2038
(25 years from now) and how might this be achieved?
3. Jeremy Lin is a Harvard University graduate and the starting point guard for the
Houston Rockets of the NBA. Do you think his presence at this elite level of a
professional sports league will spur the development and improvement of
professional sports in Taiwan and in Asia? Why or why not?
第一名: 澳洲國家大學 (Australian National University) 七周密集英語課程及來回機
第二名: 澳洲坎培拉大學 (University of Canberra) 五周密集英語課程及來回機票。
另有暑假到 ICRT(台北國際社區廣播電台), BCCT(台北英僑商務協會)等英文工作環境的
如有任何比賽訊息相關問題,請洽外語教學中心 謝伊儒助理 ( 分
Inside the TOEFL® Test: Writing Question 1
TOEFL Independent Writing Task - Live Essay Demonstration 1 Speaking questions 4 & 6
academic course speaking questions 3 & 5
campus life
American Academy TOEFL exams are approved by ETS USA 800 words reading
passage: Learn how to read it. TOEFL Speaking Tutorial Electoral College
TOEFL Listening Test 1 (6 questions) with Answers
Critical Thinking
'The Lady's not for turning': Margaret Thatcher in her own words
1996 Presidential Debate: Bill Clinton vs. Bob Dole
Fifteen years ago-- on October 6-- the Democratic and Republican nominees for president debated
the economy, tax cuts, health care, and foreign policy. President Clinton won the general election
with 49 percent of the popular vote and went on to serve a second term.
World: Asia-Pacific
President Clinton's Beijing University speech
Poetry Foundation Staff: You have been the director of the Writing Program at
the New School for 20 years. What attracted you to this opportunity at the Poetry
PF: How has working in academia prepared you for being president of the
PF: You were born in Boston, live in New York City, and have taught at Harvard,
Wellesley, and NYU. What are you looking forward to in Chicago?
PF: Your 1996 biography of the crime novelist Jim Thompson, Savage Art, won a
National Book Critics Circle Award. Tell us about your interest in noir.
PF: Frank Bidart said of the poems in your last collection, Hollywood & God, “the
obsession with celebrity and the yearning toward God constantly threaten to turn into
each other.” What role does pop culture play in your work? What role does religion?
PF: In 2006, you wrote an essay for the Poetry Foundation website about Bob Dylan’s
creative “sampling” of an obscure Civil War poet. You are something of a Dylan
scholar. What’s your favorite song, and why does he continue to be so fascinating to so
PF: Speaking of continued relevance, what place do you think poetry holds in
American culture in 2013?
PF: Who are some of your favorite poets, and who do you wish would write another
RP: Andrew Marvell is probably my favorite poet, still shadowy and troubling no
matter how often I reread him. Also, Byron, Samuel Coleridge, Emily Dickinson, W. B.
Yeats, Marianne Moore, Wallace Stevens, Lorine Niedecker, William Carlos Williams,
Kenneth Fearing, Elizabeth Bishop, Gwendolyn Brooks, Thom Gunn, James Merrill,
John Ashbery, Frank Bidart, Ron Silliman, Ai, Louise Glück, James Tate, Robert
Pinsky, Nathaniel Mackey, Anne Carson, Charles Bernstein, and Robert Hass. I’m
looking forward to the next books of Lloyd Schwartz, Lawrence Joseph, Lucie
Brock-Broido, Joshua Clover, Claudia Rankine, Stephen Burt, and Gabrielle
Calvocoressi, and the debut collections of Adam Fitzgerald and Alex Dimitrov.
PF: What are you working on now?
PF: Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
RP: Is this where I get to obsess about my little collections? I collect tintypes of people
reading, holding books, or posing with books, mostly from the turn of the last century.
Similarly, and as ambient research, I have a small shelf of the high school or college
yearbooks of some people who interest me—Dylan, Bishop, Merrill, Ashbery, Andy
Warhol, O’Hara, William Burroughs, Goodis, John Cage, and Rube Goldberg 研究方法(一)
林芍音 Daphne Lin ACTFL
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Videos:
communicative competence Standards Overview
Coaching Leadership
“教練式領導” 關注的重心從做什麼(what)轉移到如何做(how)。
Leadership |1/23/2012 @ 10:37 上午
Three Keys to Mindful Leadership Coaching
If you are a coach or are searching for one to boost your performance, remember this
rule: mindful coaching is better coaching. And mindfulness practices have shown
benefits for clients in health, decision-making and leadership.
Mindful coaches perfect a form of conscious and comfortable simultaneous attention to
themselves, their coachee, the relationship between them, and the mental, emotional,
and relational dynamics occurring in the moment. There are three aspects of
mindfulness that have particular pertinence to leadership coaching:
an empty mind
permissive attention
An empty mind. For the coach, mindfulness is characterized by an empty mind, a
stilling of the persistent chatter and the cognitive ticker-tape of commentary. This is a
challenge for most Westerners because of our devotion to activity and terror of being
alone with ourselves. An empty mind is key to letting something happen in someone
else. It is the essence of coaching. Like falling in love or falling asleep, it can’t be
achieved through greater effort or more action.
when someone hears us with an open, empty mind, we sense our own substance and
Non-reactivity. Meditation and quiet thoughtfulness help coaches sense that, as they
work, they are operating in a vast mental and emotional space with clients.
Still, fostering a non-judgmental attitude as a coach does not mean surrendering
judgment. Mindfulness in fact leads to wiser judgment about what’s important and what
is not. A coach who practices mindfulness doesn’t make things worse Non-reactivity on
the part of the coach gives the person being coached room to roam from perspective to
perspective, from one incomplete thought to another until they begin to become whole
thoughts and the basis for growth.
Oddly, non-reactivity is often experienced quite positively by people who are being
coached…Coachees often find that space to think and feel and explore while staying in
relationship is invigorating. In addition, this dynamic makes true collaboration possible.
The mindful coach creates an emotional space without land mines, where the coachee
isn’t worried about being manipulated or controlled.
Permissive attention. A brilliant – and almost pathologically internally-focused –
engineer was sent to me for coaching. In the first session, he assured me that he could
never benefit from coaching because he couldn’t tolerate a conversation with someone
longer than a couple minutes…. “Do you suppose you will see this change as it is
coming along, or do think you are likely to be surprised by its sudden dramatic
entrance?” I asked. He was made curious by my curiosity and new possibilities were
suddenly available to him. I call it permissive attention because I chose to draw our
attention to his certainty of this coming disaster as a matter for discovery rather than
A mindful coach can draw a person into a moment of connection in which all
distractions disappear.
The question for the coach is this: how can I prepare myself to create a mental,
emotional, and relational space in which someone may grow and develop?
Mindfulness practices prepare coaches to really help instead of just trying to be helpful.
教練式領導:企業主管之必備能力- 奚永明 - ICFT 訴說華人的教練故事
Coaching Employees: 5 Coaching Power Words
張忠謀:人才不足 台灣競爭力堪憂
台灣某種程度上,還是相當封閉的國家 「台灣學生要國際化,一定要提升英文能力,第
The Hours
Streep, Kidman, Moore - Making of 'The Hours' - Part 1 of 2
The Mind and Times of Virginia Woolf (Part 3 of 3)
Virginia Woolf's Suicide letter to Leonard Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Part 1 of 2
The Hours - Philip Glass (Piano Solo) Induced abortion in Taiwan.
David%20Sho-Chao%20Hung.pdf Abortion Rights
Revealing Hidden Voices, Poetry reading by Choman Hardi
Revealing Hidden Voices, in association with English PEN and the
Poetry Translation Centre, presented a selection of poets and
musicians from both refugee and international backgrounds.
In this part of video, Choman Hardi reads a selection of poetry with a
short interview.
銘傳大學英文新聞 4/21/2011 主播賴聖安 Anchor
王力宏 Leehom on CNN 新闻访问 (Part 1)
(Part 2)
Part 3
Jacky Cheung CNN TalkAsia Interview 2004-11-20 (1 of 3)
98 年進來學生畢業學分 132 若畢業門檻英檢沒過 加選以下一門「高階英語」課程 四學
分:高級英語會話 Advanced English Conversation, 大四論文與寫作 Thesis Writing,高
階英語閱讀與寫作 Advanced Reading and Writing, 檢定英文 English for Proficiency
Test (2-2), 但不列入畢業總學分. 若學生有必要加選,成績單會有但不加總算入 total
credits. 98 年以前進來學生畢業學分 137,沒規定不能算那四學分.
GEPT 中高級
TOEFL ITP paper-based 527
CBT 170
iBT 71 and above
請利用學校外語教學中心提共的課程指導加以練習 校園 TOEIC 考試也算 Foreign Language Center
靜宜大學外語能力檢定獎勵申請表 PUFLC-Standard01-3.pdf CNN Student News 連結
靜宜大學學生外語能力檢定獎勵辦法 Guidelines for English Proficiency Tests Award (Traditional
Chinese Version)
The continuing digital transformation of the New York Times by Arthur
Sulzberger by Charlie Beckett
The chairman of the New York Times Arthur Sulzberger gave a talk at Polis LSE
our promise of quality, Reporting honestly and accurately, engaging communities in a variety of
new ways, the use of social media by businesses across the United States, We’ve had great
success building upon our readership that way, …
: Linsanity! How Jeremy Lin Is Changing Basketball Culture)
Knick player
Linfatuation: Fans and Retailers Rush for Jeremy Lin Merchandise
The ‘Linsanity’ Effect: NY Knicks’ Guard Jeremy Lin’s Surprise Success Leads to Sold-Out
速度快 林 書 豪 : 即 使 只 能 投 一 球 , 也 是 上 帝 恩 典
Choose one from below :
1. People spend more and more time online – is this a good thing?
2. Is humanity doomed?
Rotary Club of Taipei 2012 English Speech Contest
Deadline for applications is March 10, 2012.
David Crystal – Should English be taught as a 'global' language?
Hugh Laurie: the British accent vs the American
a slang
Flossing means “show off”
Ba-Donka Donk used to described exceptional female buttocks ( That girl has a
serious badonkadonk butt.)
Chuffed to Bits (You would be chuffed to bits if you were really pleased
about something.) British Slang
Shawty ("Young girl/woman")
Poetry Magazine
Prof. Conway from Wayne State University will come to visit us in class.
ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - Madison Square Garden, NYC 2009/10/29&30
Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? How do we create?
51l4.10.2l16l0 Great American Debates
If you want to learn debate format, there is a detail description on our handout
from last semester, p. 4, Cross-Examination Debate Format, with question
periods for the opposing teams to confront each other directly. The table shows
the order of speeches and cross-examination periods in cross-examination debates.
To the right you can see the part for Speaker Order and Speaker Responsibilities.
Cross- Examination Debate Format
First Affirmative constructive
8minutes A1
Negative cross-examination of First Affirmative speaker 3minutes N2=>A1
First Negative constructive
8 minutes N1
Affirmative cross-examination of First Negative speaker 3 minutes A1=>N1
Second Affirmative constructive
8 minutes A2
Negative cross-examination of Second Affirmative speaker 3 minutes N1=>A2
Second Negative constructive
8minutes N2
Affirmative cross-examination of Second Negative speaker 3 minutes A2=>N2
First Negative rebutal
4 minutes N1
First Affirmative rebutal
4 minutes A1
Second Negative rebuttal
4 minutes N2
Second Affirmative rebuttal
4minutes A2
First Affirmative constructive-- Presents reasons for change (contentions 論點 as
assertion in an argumetn or advantage) and a solution [such as corporal
punishment should be banned at school].
First Negative constructive-- Challenges affirmative’s definition of terms and
topicality, and refutes 反駁 affirmative’s contentions or advantages.
Second Affirmative constructive-- Rebuilds the affirmative case, refutes major
negative arguments, and extends 延伸 remaining affirmative arguments.
Second Negative constructive—Presents objections to the affirmative’s plan.
These include plan workability, plan solvency (having enough money to pay
one’s debts 償付能力 such as building a nuclear power plant), amd
First Negative rebuttal 反駁;反證—Refutes (to prove an opinion or statement to
be wrong), extends, and develops the case arguments introduced by the second
First Affirmative rebuttal—Responds to all negative arguments (the second
negative constructive argumetns and first negative rebuttal extensions).
Second Negative rebuttal—Extends negative arguments on case and plan.
Selectivity is crucial. These arguments are usually labeled “voting” issues.
Second Affirmative rebuttal—Answers negative’s objections extended in the
second negative rebuttal and reestablishes the affirmative case.
From Getting Started in Debate Chapter 3: Debate Formats and Speaker
Rules for Debate
 正方主辯 1 分 30 秒
 反方主辯 1 分 30 秒
 正方第一副辯 1 分 30 秒
 反方第一副辯 1 分 30 秒
 正方第二副辯 1 分 30 秒
 反方第二副辯 1 分 30 秒
Topic: Should Euthanasia Be legal?
 雙方預備總結 1 分鐘
 反方主辯/第三副辯總結 1 分 30 秒
 正方主辯/第三副辯總結 1 分 30 秒
正方一辯 時間 結尾提問 擾亂對方一辯發言 對方稍有經驗 避而不答
重複重點 後坐下
反駁對象不超過 3 點 針對前一個做駁斥 關鍵點重大漏洞除外
語言通俗化口語化 辯論者對辯論題理解比委員多 避免專門術語 用幽默
概念的模糊 與清晰 讓對方找不到靶子 為防守 例如法治能消除腐敗 用
懲治 防範 監督 教育幾種功能交互作用
反方要消除就是使腐敗現象歸零 加強反攻力度
煽情 腐敗如此嚴重單靠法治難以支持
以氣勢宏大的名言俗語詩詞結尾 需和論點相關 一般由一辯和四辯來說
2011, April 20
Topic: Should Euthanasia Be legal?
Job illustration
First Affirmative
First Negative
cross-examination of
First Affirmative
First Negative
Sharon ↑
First Affirmative
cross-examination of
First Negative Speaker
Second Affirmative
Second Negative
cross-examination of
Second Affirmative
Ivy ↑
Presents reasons
for the change,
advantages and a
5 mins
3 mins
A1 Answers/
N2 Asks
definition of terms
and topicality, and
contentions or
5 mins
3 mins
A1 Asks/N1
Rebuilds the
affirmative case,
refutes major
arguments, and
extends remaining
5 mins
3 mins
A2 Answers/
N1 Asks
Second Negative
Presents objections 5 mins
to the affirmative’s
plan, including
plan’s workability,
plan solvency, and
3 mins
challengeable Qs.
Second Affirmative
cross-examination of
Second Negative
First Negative Rebuttal
Marine ↑
4 mins
4 mins
Quimmy (Sharon)
Asking Questions
that have asked in
the previous
battles, which is
considered the
most important
ones or it is not
Asking Questions
that have asked in
the previous
battles, which is
considered the
most important
ones or it is not
First Affirmative
Jack (Stephanie)
Second Negative
4 mins
Second Affirmative
Jack (Marine)
4 mins
Quimmy (Ivy)
N2 Answers/
A2 Asks
The judge must take seriously his or her responsibility to evaluate the overall
claim of the debaters. The judge must consider whether the debaters' arguments
lead logically to the conclusion that the resolution calls on them to defend, and
whether those arguments are sufficiently supported with examples, evidence, or
analysis. Every debate is unique, and should be evaluated accordingly.
Please compare the form in this webpage and that in our handout for cross-examination
debate format. Also see if I confuse with your role taken distribution or no. Feel free to
change. Because you follow up a debate format, with more students to take roles, I
suggest that both you and Quimmy take the rebuttal. To be honest, it could be confusing.
You can explain before you do.
***Children’s Literature Newcastle University
Good Morning Ma'am,
I would like to know for this Wednesday daily presentation can we act on the topic or we have to do
a debate .We have 6 members in our group so how do we do on the debate topic? divide ourselves
into 2 each. I am kind of confused. I will have a small group discussion with my group members
tomorrow and will let you know as soon as we have decided with the final topic for Wednesday
Have a good day!!!
Thanking you,
Dear Deborah,
We are just referring to the debate format. The forms we follow can be as simple as possible.
The study of the debate topics is to give you input about this kind of practice. It would be the
kind of form you and your members are familiar with. So for your practice, simply choose a
controversial topic will do. Issues from the textbook Ideas and Issues can provide debate entry
for discussion. This link from my Garden Page provides some in the Introduction to the book.
Introduction (FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation
One of them about uniform is good for the beginners. Resolved: Students should not wear
uniform to school. I put the note in e-learning.
If you like to try a debate topic, do it as pros and cons. Think for the advantages and
disadvantages and take different sides. Make sure you think one topic from different angles.
If you want to do a topic, try to bring in arguments in your presentations.
Good luck for the start.
Jessie Ho
Important tips for debate in class
Dear Deborah,
Remember, we do not require all students do debates. We only want to let you know that there are
debates for practice. Whatever you do will be welcomed. If you want to be challenging to deal with
a debate topic, please remind yourselves what form you want to follow. Make it simple.
If you just want to discuss the topic as a group, you may choose a panel in which some take the
affirmative side and others take up the negative side. One can be the moderator/chairperson to run
the debate and keep order and another can be the consumer/ educator/audience. A panel is a forum in
which you invite several specialists to talk about the topic. For a panel, you don't have a limit in the
For a debate you may have a moderator who is to bring about the topic and set the rulessuch as how
many minutes you need foreach speaker to speak, is it a cross examination debate or no.
I do not see it clearly how you want to do with Mobile phones in a debate. Do you want to talk
about whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phone to school? If it is so, make school
children talk to parents in time of need as the students act out the scenes that highlight what your
ideas in the argumentscan be strengthened.
Our class can follow the strategies in the pull-out flap of the textbook Ideas and Issues: Advanced.
Organising A Debate
◆ Decide on the motion (topic) to be debated.
◆ Choose a chairperson.
◆ Two teams: Team A- the side who are for the motion, and Team B - the side who are against
the motion.
◆ Spend 15 to 20 minutes planning your arguments and making notes for your short speeches.
◆ Decide the order in which each member will speak.
A member from Team A speaks first, then a member from Team B and so on.
After all the members have spoken, the rest of the class discusses the motion in pairs, and asks
the team members any questions.
◆ The chairperson then closes the debate and asks everyone to vote either for or against the
◆ The chairperson counts the votes and reads the result to the group.
RunningA Debate
Chairperson: 'We are here to debate the issue of _ and _' (Crime and Punishment)
Chairperson:'We will now debate the motion: "Britain should close its doors to all asylum seekers".'
Chairperson: 'I now call on the first speaker to open the debate:'
'I now call on the second/ final speaker.'
'I now open the debate to the floor' (All the participants can express their own opinions.)
Concluding A Debate
Chairperson:'We will now take a vote. All those in favour of the motion, please raise your hands.'
Chairperson:'All those against the motion, please raise your hands.'
Chairperson(if Team A wins): 'The motion is carried. The house believes that...'
Chairperson (if Team B wins): 'The motion is defeated. The house does not believe that...'
Jessie Ho
--------- Original Message --------From: 古靜薇<>
To: 何沐蓮 063006<>
Sent: 2011/03/08 00:50
Subject: Re: Daily topics
Respected Ma'am,
Thank you for your reply.
Our group members have decided to doonMobile phones.But what I liked to know is does all
6members need to take part or just 2person representing one group???
Sorry for the trouble.
Thanking You,
Greetings and TOEFL and TOEIC for certificates
Chen Guang-biao How he made it to a billianaire?
The story of Cinderella and questions for critical thinking
Webpage and sharing and feedback
Amy Chua 「虎媽媽的戰歌」(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)
Family education Chinese ways
Listen to Me
Kirk Cameron
Siskel & Ebert - Listen to Me (1989)
Great American Debate 12Mts
taxing the rich to have the money given right back to
Rep. Paul Ryan, George Will, Rep. Barney Frank, and Robert Reich.
This Week With Christiane Amanpour - Great American Debate II 12-18-2011
World Expo
Watch Video: Fueling Jordan's Economy News@Cisco Enterprise
Fueling Opportunity in Jordan
Cisco provides converged network
Organize your speech UT Toastmasters University of Tennessee
Toastmasters speech 2 organize your speech
When you speak, does your audience get it?
Also organize your speech
***Why do people think Nepal (Tibet) is the happiest country in the world?;photovideo
The Swiss The pursuit of happiness
Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - lecture
Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" Lecture High school students read this.
Kevin Murphy, Professor of English at Ithaca College, examines the discrepancy between
Robert Frost's popularity during his lifetime and the darker implications of his poetry, as
exemplified by one of his most cherished poems. 2 3
"Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman (poetry reading)
James Malinchak’s College Speaking Success
New 如何將Word檔轉為 PDF See here pdf
If you want to save your word file into a pdf, you have to download two things. CutePDF
Writer: Create PDF file free and PDF Converter (PS2PDF Converter 元件). After
you complete the installment, you will see two icons Cute Writer and Converter.
After you create a file with Word, you then press print by choosing it from the
scroll under file. Then in your printers choose Cute PDF Writer and save the file
in a new name. It will become a pdf file. The pdf file looks like a document, very
formal. For a letter you can use school logo as heading with our address.
台中縣沙鹿鎮 43301 中棲路 200
200 ChungChi Rd., Taichung 43301, Taiwan
Louis Vuitton How to pronounce these brand names?
Harvard Institute for Public Forum Debate
Stefan Bauschard See the Video
Hot Property: The Stealing of Ideas in an Age of Globalization featuring
Pat Cho
What role does the media play in the rush towards globalization?
論文寫作指南 (follow the steps to learn how to write a thesis.)
MLA Guidelines for writing a literature review
APA by Helen Mongan-Rallis. Notes
Listen to Me (Abortion)
Roe vs. Wade Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), a landmark case
decided by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion, is
one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S.
Supreme Court history.
The Court held that a woman may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up
until the "point at which the fetus becomes 'viable' at about seven months
(28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."[
The Court rested these conclusions on a constitutional right to privacy
emanating from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,
also known as substantive due process.
Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the
legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law.
Roe v. Wade prompted a national debate that continues today, about
issues including whether and to what extent abortion should be legal, who
should decide the legality of abortion, what methods the Supreme Court
should use in constitutional adjudication, and what the role should be of
religious and moral views in the political sphere. Roe v. Wade reshaped
national politics, dividing much of the nation into pro-Roe (mostly
pro-choice) and anti-Roe (mostly pro-life) camps, while activating
grassroots movements on both sides.
Q&A: Student Fees BBC News One-minute world news
Debate: University Tuition Fees (UK)
Richard Mott
Should students in higher education be charged tuition fees?
Mobile phones, use by children
Should children be allowed to own and use mobile phones (cellphones)?
points for
Mobile phones keep children safe
Children should be comfortable with modern technology
Mobile phones encourage the development of independence and
interpersonal skills
Schools can implement programs to encourage responsible and considerate
mobile phone use
Points against
There are long-term health risks to mobile phone use
Mobile phones are too expensive for children
Mobile phones are inappropriate distractions in school
Mobile phones are open to abuse
Voting Results
Week 3 Poetry Recitation Handout from last term, Relating to Robinson Listen
Relating to Robinson
Reciting from the United States Declaration on Independence
Internet Resources from National Taiwan University
西洋文學理論與批評 英國文學史 美國文學史 中國文學史 英美文學史 歐洲文學史
Taiwan Snapshot 行政院新聞局外語期刊
Listening practice
中外文學 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly
Part II Policy Debates: SCHOOL UNIFORMS Part Two 20:51 ?
“Because the high school has students wear uniform, we, the affirmative, stand
resolved that: Appropriate dress for school should be left up to the individual
“Because elementary schools forbid children to bring mobile phones to class, we,
the affirmative, stand resolved that: Elementary school pupils be given the
permission to the use of mobile phones in school”
Example: "Because the juvenile justice system has not met its goals, we, the
affirmative, stand resolved that: Juveniles be given the constitutional right to a
jury trial in criminal offenses." (From a previous year's case
2014 Spring
For daily 1 we ask students to choose from conversation for ESL to focus on
conversation practice. The files with links are available in e-learning.
Students may deliver their speeches if they prefer to do so.
Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus - John Gray - Audiobook
I've gathered the notes together in e-learning 23-33. In file 33, you have the JH0314m.ic
guided topics for the mid-term.
Starting next week, we will begin with group 1 & 2 for daily practice. Please send me the topic
for conversation practice as soon as possible allowing all to know and prepare for practice.⋯⋯
Daily 1 3/04, 11, 18, 25
Daily 2
This link goes to Daily 1 ppt.
3/04 Intro. Daily 1 topics and Guided topics for the mid-term
Group 1 Accommodation 住宿/Apartments 租公寓/Renting a house 租屋
What is the process of finding an apartment in your hometown? Can you contact
the landlord directly, or do you have to go through a real estate agent? On
average, how much does it cost to rent a 1-bedroom apartment? Are most
apartments already furnished, or do you have to furnish it yourself?
Role Play--You have lived with your roommates for six months, but you've
decided to move out because they haven't taken care of the place . . . pizza boxes
tossed everywhere, dirty socks on the kitchen table, and a pet snake loose
somewhere in the sofa. Tell your partner about your current situation, and then
explain what kind of place you are looking for.
Group 2 Travel
Airport Quiz
What are some of your frustrations when going through an airport? Is
there anything you can do personally to minimize these problems? What
can airports do to deal with these issues? Interview
Airport security: specific items that are banned from flights
Role Play --You have reached the gate, and your plane is about to depart.
However, you just realized that you are missing your laptop. Describe where you
went and what you did, step by step, from the time you arrived at the airport to
reaching the departure gate. (lost and found desk)
Group 3 Veterinary
Veterinarian physician 獸醫
Veterinary school is a tertiary educational institution, which is involved in the education of
veterinarians. To become a veterinarian one must first complete a veterinary degree (i.e.: DVM,
VMD, BVS, BVSc, BVMS, BVM, BVS,, etc.)
Aspiring vets
歡迎光臨國立台灣大學獸醫專業學院 school of veterinary medicine
Group 4 Car Rentals
Car Rental
Car Rental Vocabulary
Traffic Report
1. Pre-Listening Exercises
2. Listening Exercises
3. Vocabulary
4. Post-Listening Exercises
5. Online Investigations
Multiple-Choice and Short-Answer Questions
Mixed-Up Sentence
Sentence and Vocabulary Matching
Text Completion Quiz
Group 5 Dental Care / Dentist's Office
• The sitcom demos show various occasions in conversation we may come
to if we do not have good oral hygiene.
• Periodontal disease which is also called gum disease can eventually lead to
tooth loss and other health problems.
• Also see this Dentist's Office and Dental Care in the website.
Group 6 Bullying on Campus
hazing, harassment, and stalking
depression, emotional distress, low self-esteem, and poor academic
Adolescent and young adult students who engage in bullying towards others tend to have high
emotionality, low self-control, and may lack empathy for others’ experiences.
In one study, targets of cyberbullying endorsed significantly more suicidal behaviors than
those who did not identify as a victim.
How to Help Students
Promote a more accepted and inclusive campus climate. Students who feel connected within
the campus have been found to be more willing to report threats and bullying behaviors on
campus. 8
Share information regarding bullying/cyberbullying and how to report it with residents,
sororities, fraternities, etc.
Educate students on how to use technology safely and effectively, such as changing
frequently, printing out evidence of cyberbullying as it happens, and reporting instances of
bullying to the proper authorities.
Encourage students to talk to someone they trust if they or someone they know is being
bullied, whether it is a resident advisor, faculty members, academic advisor, close friend, etc.
Model respectful, empathic behavior to students in all settings. 5
Be aware of campus policies or laws, and whether a certain bullying act violates these.
any behavior in violation to campus police, local police, or an individual of authority.
Bullying on Campus: How to Identify, Prevent, Resolve It
Workplace bullying is a hot topic in higher education, judging by the overfl ow
crowd that spilled into the aisles and out the doorway of the panel session on
designing and implementing anti-bullying and faculty incivilities programs, held
at the CUPA-HR conference in Las Vegas in October.
It’s defined as “behavior that threatens, intimidates, humiliates or isolates people
at work, or undermines their reputation or job performance.” It can range from
subtle or unconscious slights to obvious and intentional emotional abuse, and it
can be an isolated incident or systematic.
“Their words may be fine, but the „micro-inequities‟ add up,” he said. It‟s the little things,
the “micro-aggressions” that aren‟t in your face but take place behind your back.
And sometimes it‟s more blatant hostility—such as cyber bullying, berating or belittling
someone, insulting or putting someone down, yelling or cursing, spreading malicious rumors,
impeding or sabotaging someone‟s work, or delivering excessively harsh job performance
Isolation is another form of bullying, especially in academe, where employees already work
in silos. Detrimental actions include not copying someone on emails, excluding them from
meetings, giving them the silent treatment, intentionally leaving the room when someone
enters, and failing to return their phone calls or emails.
There are mental and physical health repercussions for targets of bullying. Depression is a
frequent result: 30% of targets experience post-traumatic stress disorder. And witnesses of
bullying also report psychological distress.
Bullying isn‟t always at face value. “How many cases of bullying have underlying issues, such
as race, gender or sexual orientation?” asked Stallworth. “People seeing a new face have
different expectations. And the problems are primarily with white males.”
University politics
people think they‟re experts on everything
“every person for themselves” culture
faculty members can use students as tools to get at others, such as on dissertation
Why don‟t bystanders and witnesses stand up and do something? Not everyone
has tenure, and others don‟t want to rock the boat or risk becoming targets
themselves. Some want the target‟s job.
In addition to the psychological effects of marginalization, the economic ramifi
cations of bullying are great. It interferes with workplace performance and
productivity, strains departments, contributes to a negative culture and climate
and increases turnover.
Leaders need to demand an anti-bullying culture and workplace.
Be proactive through training and developing an organizational
anti-bullying policy, including:
Statement of commitment to eliminating bullying
Institutional definitions of bullying
Duties/accountability of administrators
Flexible reporting procedures and communication channels
Options on whom to contact: HR, an ombudsperson or a special appointee
A procedure for contacts
Campus-wide training and information blitz
• A disciplinary process
• Using internal conflict management systems Working with an external
arbitrator is one option.
Installing a university ombudsperson is another tool against bullying. The post
offers an independent, confidential, neutral and informal resource for faculty,
staff and students to turn to for advice on dealing with problems on
campus. Robinson said at MIT they work with anybody and everybody on
campus. “We teach people how to say things in a better way, to get better results
from people.”
See Conversation Practice 2013
Group 1 Hotel Reservations
Hotel Reservations
Hotel Dialogues
Making Reservations
Receptionist: Good morning. Welcome to The Grand Woodward Hotel.
Client: Hi, good morning. I'd like to make a reservation for the third weekend in
September. Do you have any vacancies?
R: Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. And what is
the exact date of your arrival?
C: The 24th.
R: How long will you be staying?
C: I'll be staying for two nights.
R: How many people is the reservation for?
C: There will be two of us.
R: And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed?
C: A double bed, please.
R: Great. And would you prefer to have a room with a view of the ocean?
C: If that type of room is available, I would love to have an ocean view. What's the rate
for the room?
R: Your room is five hundred and ninety dollars per night. Now what name will the
reservation be listed under?
C: Charles Hannighan.
R: Could you spell your last name for me, please?
C: Sure. H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N
R: And is there a phone number where you can be contacted?
C: Yes, my cell phone number is 555-26386.
R: Great. Now I'll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What
type of card is it?
C: Visa. The number is 987654321.
R: And what is the name of the cardholder?
C: Charles H. Hannighan.
R: Alright, Mr. Hannighan, your reservation has been made for the twenty-fourth of
September for a room with a double bed and view of the ocean. Check-in is at 2 o'clock.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call us.
C: Great, thank you so much.
R: My pleasure. We'll see you in September, Mr. Hannighan. Have a nice day.
Hotel: Good afternoon. Welcome to the Grand Woodward Hotel. How may I help you?
Guest: I have a reservation for today. It's under the name of Hannighan.
Hotel: Can you please spell that for me, sir?
Guest: Sure. H-A-N-N-I-G-H-A-N.
Hotel: Yes, Mr. Hannighan, we've reserved a double room for you with a view of the
ocean for two nights. Is that correct?
Guest: Yes, it is.
Hotel: Excellent. We already have your credit card information on file. If you'll just sign
the receipt along the bottom, please.
Guest: Whoa! Five hundred and ninety dollars a night!
Hotel: Yes, sir. We are a five star hotel after all.
Guest: Well, fine. I'm here on business anyway, so at least I'm staying on the
company's dime. What's included in this cost anyway?
Hotel: A full Continental buffet every morning, free airport shuttle service, and use of
the hotel's safe are all included.
Guest: So what's not included in the price?
Hotel: Well, you will find a mini-bar in your room. Use of it will be charged to your
account. Also, the hotel provides room service, at an additional charge of course.
Guest: Hmm. Ok, so what room am I in?
Hotel: Room 487. Here is your key. To get to your room, take the elevator on the right
up to the fourth floor. Turn left once you exit the elevator and your room will be on the
left hand side. A bellboy will bring your bags up shortly.
Guest: Great. Thanks.
Hotel: Should you have any questions or requests, please dial 'O' from your room. Also,
there is internet available in the lobby 24 hours a day.
Guest: Ok, and what time is check-out?
Hotel: At midday, sir.
Guest: Ok, thanks.
Hotel: My pleasure, sir. Have a wonderful stay at the Grand Woodward Hotel.
Check-out / Getting to the airport
Hotel: Did you enjoy your stay with us?
Guest: Yes, very much so. However, I now need to get to the airport. I have a flight that
leaves in about two hours, so what is the quickest way to get there?
Hotel: We do have a free airport shuttle service.
Guest: That sounds great, but will it get me to the airport on time?
Hotel: Yes, it should. The next shuttle leaves in 15 minutes, and it takes approximately
25 minutes to get to the airport.
Guest: Fantastic. I'll just wait in the lounge area. Will you please let me know when it
will be leaving?
Hotel: Of course, sir. Oh, before you go would you be able to settle the mini-bar bill?
Guest: Oh yes certainly. How much will that be?
Hotel: Let's see. The bill comes to $17.50. How would you like to pay for that?
Guest: I'll pay with my Visa thanks, but I'll need a receipt so I can charge it to my
Hotel: Absolutely. Here we are sir. If you like you can leave your bags with the porter
and he can load them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives.
Guest: That would be great thank you.
Hotel: Would you like to sign the hotel guestbook too while you wait?
Guest: Sure, I had a really good stay here and I'll tell other people to come here.
Hotel: That's good to hear. Thank you again for staying at The Grand Woodward Hotel.
Group 2 Pet Store
Pet Store animal supplies
What things do you think you need to do to take care of a cat (e.g., feeding,
cleanliness, grooming, etc.)?
Research how to take care of one of the following animals: a python, a rabbit, a
tarantula, or a llama. Compare how difficult or easy caring for one of these
animals would be to taking care of a dog or cat.
Online Listening Practice (from
Easy Pet Care: Listening Conversation
Exotic Animal Kingdom: Listening Conversation
Pets and Animal Care: Vocabulary Building
What are some basic tips for caring for a dog or cat (e.g., feeding, grooming, house training,
What kinds of pets are popular in your area or country? Are there any specific reasons why some
animals are more or less common? These reasons could include issues dealing with space, size of
animals, housing restrictions, religion, or health. Share your ideas with a partner.
Imagine you want to raise an exotic pet. Choose one of the following animals and search for
tips on how to care for your new pet: tarantula (hairy and very large arachnids belonging to
the Theraphosidae family of spiders 狼蛛)
, monkey, llama (domesticated South American camelid), iguana (a genus of
herbivorous lizards native to tropical areas of Mexico), or snake. Consider food,
shelter, and how difficult it is to handle the pet. Use the Internet to explore these ideas.
Discuss your findings with a partner.
ASPCA American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Dealing with anxiety
Group 3 Fast-food Restaurant
Several local consumer groups have complained that McDonald’s and other
Western fast food restaurants’ prices are unreasonably high, so they won’t eat
It seems like everything at a McDonald’s in Taiwan is two or three times more
expensive than in the States.
Fast Food Restaurant
What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at a fast food restaurant?
Consider convenience, cost, and nutrition in your answer.
With so many fast food restaurants in business, it is difficult to know which
provides the best value in terms of price and healthy food choices. Using the
Internet, compare the food choices at two different restaurants and come up with
your recommendations on which place provides the best quality meal. Explain
your findings.
Joe's Hamburger Restaurant: Listening Conversation
Is there such a thing as “Chinese fast food”?
Two distinct varieties, kuai-tsan 快餐(fast meal) and su-shih 速食. A typical
order of kuai-tsan lunch includes a slab of pork, beef, fish or chicken (often
curried), with vegetables, atop a large serving of rice, and with a bowl of soup.
It’s nutritionally balanced and very convenient. In take-out form. The su-shih
selections bear little resemblance to kuai-tsan meals—they consist of meat and
vegetables wrapped or sandwiched in a variety of breads.
Su-shih selections:
Shao-mai 燒賣, stuffed and steamed buns; cha-shao-bao 叉燒包, steamed and
grilled meat pies; bao-tze 包子, another kind of steamed bun, stuffed with meat or
vegetables; and many kinds of chiao-tze 餃子, which are dumplings stuffed with
special meat and vegetable mixes.
Are there things besides these stuffed and steamed breads?
Yes, there are cakes, such as Cantonese carrot 廣式蘿蔔糕, taro 芋頭糕, and
steamed sponge cakes 發糕.
Are there su-shih restaurants?
Group 4 Happy New Year
This group introduced 5 countries in the world regarding the ways people in
different places celebrate their New Year’s Day. Egyptians, Japanese, Thais,
Italians, Germans. Italians look forward to seeing prosperity and eat raisins and
sausage with lentils for good luck. Thais celebrate 3 times especially in April.
Germans have tree-climbing competition. England wait for the bell-ring of the
Big Ben in London.
Spring festival
The 16th day of the 12 month through the 15th day of the 1st moon of the new year.
Theme—newness and renewal, buy new clothes. Climax—the New Year’s Eve,
when we first feast and later light off firecrackers and bottle rockets to usher in
the new year.
Exchange presents, hung-bao to friends’ , relatives’ and our own children on New
Year’s Eve.
Where do you spend New Year’s Eve and Day?
It’s essential that a family spend New Year’s Eve and Day at the husband/ father’s
parents’ home. (family reunion)
Does a man’s wife return to his parents’ home with him?
Yes, and then they as a family return to her parents’ home on the 2nd day of the
new year.
How many days off from work do you get?
It’s officially a 3-day holiday, but most businesses don’t reopen until the 5th day
of the new year.
Why do businesspeople light off firecrackers when they reopen?
The 5th day of the first moon is believed to be the God of Fortune’s birthday. It is
said that on this day he brings a bag of fortune to Earth to spread around.
Merchants light firecrackers to attract his attention. P 160-163 Let’s Talk about
Taiwan in English by John C. Didier. 學習出版社
New Year's Day
How do people in your hometown celebrate the new year? What foods do they
prepare, what activities do they participate in, and what meaning does this day
have for them?
Part III: Online Investigation
Making new year's resolutions is a common practice for many people around the
world. Use the Internet to search for the most common new year's goals and
research what factors contribute to a person's ability to achieve their new plans.
7/ Can see pics of celebration below.
Fireworks illuminate the skyline to celebrate Chinese Lunar New Year.
Worshipers burn incense to pray for good fortune on the first day of the
Chinese Lunar New Year
A snake decoration along a street in preparation for the Chinese New Year of
the Snake
An Indonesian worker dries colored circle incense sticks prepared for Chinese
New Year celebrations, in Tangerang on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia,
on February 4, 2013.
A Chinese actor dressed as Qing Dynasty emperor, center, sits on a sedan
chair during a rehearsal of an ancient Qing Dynasty ceremony ahead of the
Chinese New Year at Ditan Park in Beijing, on February 8, 2013
Tourists visit the Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai, China on the second day of the
Chinese Lunar New Year, February 11, 2013.
Worshippers burn incense as part of lunar new year festivities.
Group 5 Holidays
Thanksgiving Day
Lin Mo
Lin Mo was at home weaving a tapestry when she fell into a trance, "seeing" the events that
were taking her kin to a watery grave. She used her spiritual powers to transport herself to
their sides. Propelling her elder brother to safety, she returned to rescue her father.
She was swimming homeward with her father clenched firmly between her teeth, when her
mother noticed that Lin Mo, was slumped over her weaving. Believing she was ill, her
concerned mother woke her. Lin Mo's trance was broken and her father drowned. Lin Mo
walked into the sea and found her father, returning three days later with his body so he could
be buried at home.
In some of her myths, she was engulfed by clouds that carried her across the waves to find
him. Regardless, the outcome was the same. The bereft Lin Mo intensified her quest for
spiritual growth, continuing her legacy of compassion and good works, but now she seemed
more distant and "other-worldish" in her grief.
Festivals are associated with the traditional lunar calendar whereas official holidays are
celebrated according to the western calendar.
the Chinese New Year Festival, and Lantern Festival, all symbolic of discarding the old and
ushering in the new; the Dragon Boat Festival, a time for warding off evil and strengthening
the body; the Ghost Festival, when the outcasts from the underworld are given salvation; the
Mid-Autumn Festival a celebration of the full moon and unity of mankind; and Double Ninth
Festival is to remember the olders.
Official commemorative holidays are primarily based on the achievements of the people and
are celebrated to remember events important to the development of the nation. These occasions
include the Founding Day of the Republic of China; 228 Memorial Day; Women's Day; Youth
Day; Children's Day; Tomb Sweeping Day; Armed Forces Day; Teachers' Day; and days
commemorating the decisive events of the ROC's history, including Double Tenth National
Day; Taiwan's Retrocession Day; and Constitution Day to name a few.
Goddess Mazu's Birthday is March 23rd of the Lunar Calendar. The host and guest Mazus
join the patrol together.
Through the pious worship of the gods and ancestors, people hope to request for peace and prosperity.
As the custom of "celebration for every festival" is still retained in society, it gives the alienating family
members in contemporary society common memories, the chances to celebrate the festivals together,
the occasion to consolidate their relations. In addition, many ancient and traditional festivals still
preserve some inspiring and touching stories and legends, adding much educational values and
reveries to these events. It manifests the Chinese people's deep-rooted culture and humanistic
Group 6 Hair Salon listen to
Furniture: Hair Styling Chairs,Hair Styling Station, Carts and Trolleys, Reception Desk,
Waiting Area Chairs
Supplies: Hair Steamers/Hair Processors, Hood Dryers, Shampoo Bowls, Hair Brushes and
Combs, Scissors and Hair Clippers, Hair Styling Tools, Other Supplies By Dhanya Joy
Last Updated: 12/3/2012
Beauty - Is it Really Skin Deep?
Ideas for Beauty Salon Names
Hair Salon qualified beauticians
trim off any split ends.
get a perm
have them add a little coloring to my hair
Describe the type of haircut you usually get. How much does it cost? Where do
you have it done: by a friend, at a hair salon, or elsewhere? Are their rules or
policies on how students and employees can style their hair in your country?
Part III: Online Investigation
Search the Internet for three hair salons that offer competing services? Compare
price, years in business, reputation, and other services, and then decide which
salon you would rather visit to have your hair cut.
Online Listening Practice (from
Just a Haircut, please!: Listening Conversation
Beauty and Hair Salons: Vocabulary Building
What kinds of services, besides a hair-cut, can you receive at a beauty
salon and barber shop? How is a barber shop different from a beauty
parlor or salon in your area?
Post-listening exercise
Do you get your hair done at a barber shop or beauty parlor? If not, do you
do it yourself, or do you have someone cut your hair? Do you leave a tip
for the hair stylist in your country? Are there specific rules on how you
must have your hair cut in public schools or at a position in a company?
Share your ideas with a partner.
Getting a haircut can be a nerve-racking (tense or scaring) experience,
particularly when you don't know what to say. What if you are getting a
terrible haircut, and you can't tell the hair stylist to stop? Listen to the
words below and consult a dictionary if you need a definition. Write a
sample sentence for each word to learn how it is used in context. You can
use the Internet to find sample sentences.
blow dry
color (get/have your hair colored)
curl (get/have your hair curled)
cut (get/have your hair cut)
perm (get/have your hair permed)
straighten (get/have your hair straightened)
style (get/have your hair styled)
thin out (get/have your hair thinned out)
trim (get/have your hair trimmed)
cut a little above the ears
remove the split ends
take a little off the top and sides
trim your bangs
beautician : (Business / Professions) a person who works in or manages a
beauty salon
hairstylist / hairdresser
hair salon
barber shop
------------------2012 Spring
Make-up Classes in SP 114, 7-8 Periods
Group 1 Single Parents 51 16
Single parents are not easy to bring up kids. What do they need for help
before children grow up?
Do you think children from single parent home should be treated in different
1. Do you think girls can have babies without considering the father of their babies?
P. 50 Ideas & Issues
4. Do you think the state should be responsible for helping single parents? If so, how?
6. Should single parents have priority for receiving housing? Why, why not?
7. Many mothers are abandoned by the child’s father. How can absent fathers be made
to face up their responsibilities? How much maintenance should they pay and should
they be punished if they refuse?
Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams) A Curtain Up Berkshire Review
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network/ National Sexual Assault Hotline 2 3
That narrator is Tom Wingfield, would-be poet and chief support of his impoverished
ex-Southern belle mother Amanda and emotionally and physically crippled sister
Laura. To set the scene for us he explains "I turn back time. I reverse it to that quaint
period, the thirties, when the huge middle class of America was matriculating in a school
for the blind. Their eyes failed them, or they had failed their eyes." In one masterful
sentence Tom locates the story of his tragic family within the larger context of the late
thirties. As Tom explains that what we are about to see is a memory, and that the most
realistic character, the "gentleman caller", is "an emissary from a world of reality that we
were somehow set apart from" we are reeled in -- whether for the first time or the fourth
or fifth.
The Glass Menagerie may be more than fifty years old and set in a bygone world, but its
story of people too fragile to deal with the cruel realities of their lives is timeless.
Southern belles and gentleman callers have become cultural allusions, but the struggles
of single parenthood are all around us, along with relationships capsized because
parents try to set their own disappointments to rights through their children.
Group 2 Hair and Uniform Regulations
Why do military officers in high school set up regulations for high school
Do you think the regulations are easy to follow up weekly?
Regulations are manmade. Do you think students should be able to voice their
own thinking about what to wear and how long their hair should wear?
Uniform Regulations
Do not Change out of your uniform during the day unless you have gym or
permission from Major DeVoe or Command Sergeant Major Archbold.
You must show up to formation (Every Wednesday in the Gym unless otherwise
specified) in uniform (unless otherwise specified).
Your shirt must stay tucked in at all times when wearing the uniform.
Your hair and uniform must be within regulation at all times when being worn
(see the page Labeled Uniform Regulations)
Hair and Grooming Policies
General. The requirement for hair grooming standards is necessary to maintain
uniformity within a military population. Many hairstyles are acceptable, as long as
they are neat and conservative. It is not possible to address every acceptable
hairstyle, or what constitutes eccentric or conservative grooming. Therefore, it is the
responsibility of leaders at all levels to exercise good judgment in the enforcement of
JROTC policy. All Cadets will comply with the hair, and grooming policies while in any
military uniform.
Male haircuts will conform to the following standards.
(a) The hair on top of the head must be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the
hair may not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. The
hair must present a tapered appearance. When the hair is combed, it will not fall
over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at
the back of the neck.
(b) Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may not be flared; the
base of the sideburn will be a cleanshaven,
horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear
(c) Males will keep their face clean-shaven when in uniform. Mustaches are
permitted; if worn, males will keep mustaches neatly trimmed, tapered, and tidy.
Mustaches will not present a chopped off or bushy appearance, and no portion of the
mustache will cover the upper lip line or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn
upward from the corners of the mouth.
Female haircuts will conform to the following standards.
(a) Females will ensure their hair is neatly groomed, that the length and bulk of the
hair are not excessive, and that the hair does not present a ragged, unkempt, or
extreme appearance. Likewise, trendy styles that result in shaved
portions of the scalp (other than the neckline) or designs cut into the hair are prohibited.
Females may wear braids and cornrows as long as the braided style is conservative,
the braids and cornrows lie snugly on the head. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or
extend below the bottom edge of the collar at any time during normal activity or when
standing in formation. Long hair that falls naturally below the bottom edge of the collar,
to include braids, will be neatly and inconspicuously fastened or pinned, so no
free-hanging hair is visible.
(c) Females will ensure that hairstyles do not interfere with proper wear of military
headgear and protective masks or equipment at any time. When headgear is worn, the
hair will not extend below the bottom edge of the front of the headgear, nor will it extend
below the bottom edge of the collar.
(d) Hair-holding devices are authorized only for the purpose of securing the hair.
Cadets will not place hairholding devices in the hair for decorative purposes. All
hair-holding devices must be plain and of a color as close to the soldier’s hair as is
possible or clear. Authorized devices include, but are not limited to, small, plain
scrunchies (elastic hair bands covered with material), barrettes, combs, pins, clips,
rubber bands, and hair bands. Some examples of prohibited devices include, but are
not limited to, large, lacy scrunchies; beads, bows, or claw clips; clips, pins, or barrettes
with butterflies, flowers, sparkles, gems, or scalloped edges; and bows made from
Group 3 AIDS
Fighting Aids 21* Pneumonia Sontag, Susan: Illness as Metaphor
Education is important to prevent it.
Do Aids patient have the right to work?
What do you think about people suffer to live?
Group 4 Modern heroes
What are the differences between ancient heroes and modern heroes?
Steve Jobs (smart phones), Mark Zuckerberg (facebook), Hayao Miyazaki,
Jeremy Lin heroes for the
environment, children, justice, the community, etc
Action hero
List of female action heroes
List of male action heroes
Byronic hero
Culture hero
Folk hero
Germanic hero
Randian hero
Reluctant hero
Romantic hero
Tragic hero
Youxia literally means ‘wandering force’遊俠 chivalrous hero
Heroes of our time Jason Cowley
Published 22 May 2006
1. Aung San Suu Kyi - Pro-democracy campaigner
Nobel Peace Prizewinner, under house arrest in her native Burma
Margaret Thatcher- British Conservative prime minister, 1979-90
Ice-cream chemist who became Iron Lady; still dominates British politics years after
leaving office
an advocate of privatisation of state-owned industries and utilities, reform of the trade
unions, lowering of taxes and reduced social expenditure across the board. succeeded
in reducing inflation, but unemployment dramatically increased during her years in
power. Victory in the Falklands War in 1982 and a divided opposition helped Thatcher
win a landslide victory in the 1983 general election.
2. Nelson Mandela - First president of the free South Africa
Imprisoned by the apartheid regime for 27 years
3. Bob Geldof - Pop star turned poverty campaigner
Former Boomtown Rats singer; fronted Live Aid in 1985 and Live 8 in 2005
4. John Pilger - Writer and broadcaster
Investigative and campaigning journalist, best known for his war reporting
6. Peter Tatchell - Gay-rights campaigner
Co-founder of OutRage! who attempted a citizen's arrest on Robert Mugabe
7. Noam Chomsky - Writer
Professor of linguistics, critic of US foreign policy, advocate of free speech
an American linguist, philosopher,cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. Professor
(Emeritus) at MIT.
8. Bill Gates - Microsoft founder
One of the world's richest men - and one of its greatest philanthropists through the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
9. Dalai Lama - Buddhist spiritual leader
Exiled Nobel Peace Prizewinner who campaigns for an independent Tibet
10. David Attenborough - Naturalist and broadcaster
Former BBC2 controller and foremost nature documentary-maker
Voice of the people
11 Hugo Chávez - President of Venezuela
Bolivarian revolutionary leader, inspiring the left in Latin America and beyond
Group 5 Food Addictive and Social Crisis
How do you choose the food for daily life?
What are the three kinds of drugs used to promote leanness in animals?
Sa l b u ta m o l i s m o re po i so n o u s t h a n Ra ct op a m i ne a nd l e ss p o i so n o u s t h a n
C l e n b ut e r ol . 日 本 、 紐 西 蘭 豬 肉 殘 留 量 不 可 超 過 十 p p b, 美 國 、 澳 洲 較 高 , 五
十 p p b, 加 拿 大 則 為 四 十 p p b, 而 人 類 可 以 接 受 的 R ac t o pa m in e 的 濃 度 約 七 萬
五 千 ppb 還 不 至 於 中 毒 , 最 近 由 美 國 進 口 或 本 地 產 的 豬 肉 檢 出 的 瘦 肉 精 , 都
低 於 一 點 ○ppb。
Drugs used in feeds for cows and other live stocks are mentioned and the harms
each of them might cause to human beings using meats of them. Ractopamine 萊
克多巴胺 (Ractopamine is a drug that is used as a feed additive to promote leanness
in pigs raised for their meat.), plasticizer, cloudy agent and melamine are wrong
food addictive to use.
Guided Topics
Group 6 Lost Language 31
Language and culture Last Speaker of "Extinct" Language Found Eyak
This group tried hard to relate experience in language to the advantages of
language use in individual and tribal groups. The unity of language within a
country and the differences in language create some conveniences, beauty
and barrios, difficult understanding as well. It could be difficult for the
government to preserve rare language in the society which rare tribal cultures
are endangered facing the loss of its speakers and language altogether.
Every 14 days a language dies. By 2100, more than half of the more than 7,000 languages
spoken on Earth—many of them not yet recorded—may disappear, taking with them a wealth
of knowledge about history, culture, the natural environment, and the human brain.
Why Is It Important?
Language defines a culture, through the people who speak it and what it allows
speakers to say. Words that describe a particular cultural practice or idea may not
translate precisely into another language. Many endangered languages have rich oral
cultures with stories, songs, and histories passed on to younger generations, but no
written forms. With the extinction of a language, an entire culture is lost.
Much of what humans know about nature is encoded only in oral languages.
Indigenous groups that have interacted closely with the natural world for thousands of
years often have profound insights into local lands, plants, animals, and
ecosystems—many still undocumented by science. Studying indigenous languages
therefore benefits environmental understanding and conservation efforts.
Studying various languages also increases our understanding of how humans
communicate and store knowledge. Every time a language dies, we lose part of the
picture of what our brains can do.
Why Do Languages Die Out?
Throughout human history, the languages of powerful groups have spread while the
languages of smaller cultures have become extinct. This occurs through official
language policies or through the allure that the high prestige of speaking an imperial
language can bring. These trends explain, for instance, why more language diversity
exists in Bolivia than on the entire European continent, which has a long history of
large states and imperial powers.
As big languages spread, children whose parents speak a small language often grow
up learning the dominant language. Depending on attitudes toward the ancestral
language, those children or their children may never learn the smaller language, or
they may forget it as it falls out of use. This has occurred throughout human history, but
the rate of language disappearance has accelerated dramatically in recent years.
What language in the world is disappearing and has to be learned
at least by the tribal people?
The Most Common Languages in the World
Mandarin Chinese 874,000,000
Hindi (India) 366,000,000
English 341,000,000 (104)
Spanish 322-358,000,000
Bengali (India and Bangladesh)
Portuguese 176,000,000 33
Russian 30
Japanese 26
German (standard) 40
English is far more world wide in its distribution than all other spoken languages. It is
an official language in 52 countries as well as many small colonies and territories. In
addition, 1/4 to 1/3 of the people in the world understand and speak English to some
degree. It has become the most useful language to learn for international travel and is
now the de facto language of diplomacy. In 2001, the 189 member countries in the
United Nations were asked what language they wish to use for communication with
embassies from other countries. More than 120 chose English, 40 selected French,
and 20 wanted to use Spanish. Those who wanted English to be the common
language included all of the former Soviet republics, Viet Nam, and most of the Arab
world. English is also the dominant language in electronic communication, particularly
on the Internet. However, the percentage of Internet users who are not native English
speakers is increasing rapidly, especially in Asia. In fact, China estimated in 2008 that
there are now more people who have online access in their country than in the U.S.,
which had been the global leader in Internet access.
the five-year Enduring Voices project, funded by the National Geographic Society.
Watch as the team tracks down speakers of Australia's most imperiled
languages—including the only known speaker of a language long thought to be
extinct—and learn why losing the wisdom of these mother tongues is a "tragedy for
Talking Dictionaries
Languages Racing to Extinction in 5 Global "Hotspots"
eastern Siberia, northern Australia, central South America, Oklahoma, and the U.S.
Pacific Northwest (see map of the hotspots)
"Languages are undergoing a global extinction crisis that greatly exceeds the pace of species
extinction," said David Harrison, a linguistics professor at Pennsylvania's Swarthmore College.
Harrison and Gregory Anderson, both affiliated with the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered
Languages in Oregon, traveled the world to interview the last speakers of critically endangered
languages as part of the National Geographic Society's Enduring Voices Project.
(National Geographic News is a division of the National Geographic Society.)
More than half of the world's 7,000 languages are expected to die out by the end of the century, often
taking with them irreplaceable knowledge about the natural world, Harrison said.
"Most of what we know about species and ecosystems is not written down anywhere, it's only in people's
heads," he said.
"We are seeing in front of our eyes the erosion of the human knowledge base.”
Group 1 Tea
A light way of talking about the importance of tea culture. Irene’s talk abut
Shennong, the agricultural god, and Shennong’s experimental founding of herbal
medicine and tea are impressive. Tea House is popular in Japan, whereas,
afternoon tea is popular with Taiwanese consumers. Geisha is woman dancer in
Japanese tea house in the old age.
Group 2 Weight Loss Tips/ The ways to lose weight
The speeches of the presenters are meaty, full of information and suggestions. I’d
like to have their ppt post in my webpage.
Group 3 Do we need plastic surgeries in the world?
This group made good use of ppt outline to introduce plastic surgeries. Each played his/her role well
by giving sufficient details or examples to counterpart their opponents, to strengthen their own
points. Jack finally invited us to think about whether we need it or no by giving a brief summary in
which he highlighted the major points of ideas. Given the thought that there are failures in cases of
how people change their own looks, I thought it not necessary to have one.
types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.
the transfer of skin tissue (skin grafting) is a very common procedure. Skin grafts can be taken from
the recipient or donors:
Reconstructive plastic surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery involves techniques intended for the "enhancement" of appearance through
surgical and medical techniques, and is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance,
restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal.
Abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck"): reshaping and firming of the abdomen
Blepharoplasty ("eyelid surgery"):
Breast augmentations ("breast implant" or "boob job"):
Mastopexy ("breast lift"):
Live Plastic Surgery Debate - Dr. Jon Mendelsohn botox, skin treatment, nose job
Plastic surgery addiction becomes more common.
Topic: "Is human genetic engineering a threat to our humanity?"
Fox News Teen Plastic Surgery Debate
Dr. Frederick Lukash debates Dr. Alan Matarasso regarding teenage plastic
Helping their child grow up, don’t like the way they look, counsel their family see if there
are any help to offer.
we are group 3. our presentation topic is "do we need Plastic surgery?" our content would
be 1. introduction 2. positive 1
Have A Nice Day !
By Jack
3. negative 1
4. positive 2
5. negative 2
6. conclusion
Group 4 Should college students do part time jobs?
It is interesting to see that students know the topic well. Most students think it is
necessary to have one because you can train and practice the knowledge you
learn from school and apply them with your students in a language school. You
also learn to deal with people. Know the dark side of the society. Be wise in
choosing a part time job. Manage your time well.
Do you have a part time job? Where do you work? Why do you need that job?
What can you do in your free time if you do not have a part time job?
How do you survive in the past few years with a part time job?
A trend: "College costs are high; underserved populations, taking a job is not a matter of
choice, but necessity; need to work improve time-management skills and seek employment
that helps their educational goals.
Concentrate on study "school is my students' full-time job."
Studies show that students who work are more confident and possess better
time-management skills than students who are not employed. In addition to offering a
paycheck, some independence, and satisfaction, a part-time job can provide teenagers with
both training and experience. Working teaches students about responsibility and can also
reinforce what they are learning in school.
"Admissions representatives want to find candidates who demonstrate maturity, responsibility,
independence, and initiative, and good workers certainly demonstrate those important
character traits," Boshoven says. "Employers can write excellent recommendation letters for
the students who have worked for them."
On the other hand, experts agree that students who work more than 15 to 20 hours per
week often experience decreased school success, which can lead to dropping out entirely.
Working long hours can also limit opportunities to build friendships and explore interests that
enhance a teenager's intellectual and emotional development.
Advising your students
Drawing out your students' interests and goals is an important part of helping them understand the responsibility of
having a job during high school. Your students may find it helpful to ask themselves:
Am I flexible and willing to make sacrifices? Am I open to cutting down on some
of the things I like to do to fulfill my school and work commitments?
How does my family feel about me working?
Do I make effective use of my time? For example, am I the type of person who
can complete reading assignments while waiting in line or riding the bus?
Can I fit in work, maintain my grades, and still get enough sleep?
If I work, will I still have enough time to spend with my family and friends?
Will the job be flexible around study and exam
The bottom line: balance and moderation
The major point that students should keep in mind is the importance of balance. Dan
Crabtree, college and career counselor at Wheaton Academy in Illinois, explains, "We want our
students to establish . . . a healthy balance in life . . . and work to maintain it throughout their
If working will interfere with completing schoolwork, participating in extracurricular activities,
spending time with family and friends, or getting enough rest, it may not be a wise decision.
Group 5 Is it necessary to have corporal punishment on campus?
Canes(China)鞭打, spanked (Iran - parental smacking/spanking, use a flipper;
they are seen rubbing their buttocks), paddled, strapping, caning, whips, mass
caning, initiation of police recruits) getting a belt-whipping from his uncle for
Replace the cane with a tawse,
In Taiwan
The Corporal Punishment Debate
the rights for adults to smack children
Smacking children is currently illegal in the U.K with the exception of parents and child
minders. Under current British law, a parent has the right to use ‘reasonable
punishment’ but six other European countries; Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark,
Austria and Cyprus have banned all types of physical punishment. Many individuals and
organisation believe that smacking children is immoral, cruel and should be made illegal
in all cases. On the other hand the majority of people believe the smacking is right and
shows a child where their boundaries lie.
A United Nations spokesman said that smacking is ‘a breach of children’s dignity and
rights.’ This sentiment is held by a large minority of people because of its moral nature.
Furthermore, a spokesman for the NSPCC, National Society For The Prevention Of
Cruelty To Children said, “Hitting children is incompatible with the spirit of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.” A children’s organisation called Epoch argues
that smacking children encourages the use of viole
An anonymous individual has a completely different view on the subject. He believes that
a smack does not depend on physical force. That it is the type of touch that shows a child
right from wrong and that touch is one of the most powerful ways of teaching. He says
that if you do not believe him then what do you think a cuddle is. He says if you just give
a child a slap on the wrist and explain why they were wrong then they will understand.
hitting him with a three foot garden cane
A large number of people believe that smacking establishes boundaries for a child which
makes them happier that they know where they stand. Hence a lot of people think that
when a person is a child they are not yet fully developed enough to have the same rights
as adults.
Group 6 Should students go to Night Clubs/Pubs/Bars?
Why do young people go to night club? For fun, celebration, gatherings, etc.
為什麼要去夜店? ──放鬆與玩樂 方式不外乎──狂歡、縱情聲色與飲酒
猛男做煙火秀,不慎引燃天花板,結果在人擠人越擠越 high 的大型密閉空間頓時有如煉
獄,甚至很多人都以為是舞台效果,依然在喝酒跳舞,一場悲劇就發生了。Muscle man
放,雖不至於是酒池肉林,但也可說是夜夜笙歌。Kill the time
Group 7 Natural disasters
A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane, volcanic
eruption, earthquake, or landslide). It leads to financial, environmental or human losses. The
resulting loss depends on the vulnerability of the affected population to resist the hazard, also
called their resilience. This understanding is concentrated in the formulation: "disasters occur
when hazards meet vulnerability."
1906 San Francisco earthquake was a disaster, whereas earthquakes are a hazard.
Main articles: Disaster and List of natural disasters
Tsunamis , the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake, Blizzards are severe winter storms characterized by
low temperature, strong winds, and heavy snow. The difference between a blizzard and a snow storm
is the strength of the wind. Drought, Hail, Heat wave, European Heat Wave of 2003.
A summer heat wave in Victoria, Australia, created conditions which fuelled the massive bushfires
in 2009. Melbourne experienced three days in a row of temperatures exceeding 40°C with some
regional areas sweltering through much higher temperatures. The bushfires, collectively known as
"Black Saturday", were partly the act of arsonists.
List of tornadoes and tornado outbreaks
A solar flare is a phenomenon where the sun suddenly releases a great amount of solar
radiation, much more than normal.
Taiwan is an island that lies on the western edge of the Pacific-rim earthquake belt, which is an
extremely active tectonic region with seismic activities among the highest in the world. The boundary of
the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates is near the island of Taiwan. Earthquake occurs frequently, and a
recent catastrophic event, the Chi-Chi earthquake, is known to the world. Taiwan also is located in the
subtropical climate region with high average temperature and precipitation. May and August are periods
influenced by continuous seasonal rains that occasionally come with an extraordinary intensity. From
summer to fall, Taiwan is affected by typhoons. Some extreme events would accumulate significant
rainfalls within a relatively short period of time and result in disastrous consequences such as floods.
Given the topography of Taiwan, which is covered by slopelands and high mountains over two third of
the island, landslides and debris flows often were triggered after heavy rainfalls….
The Science of Natural Disasters
Disasters caused and economic collapse
Part II Policy Debates: SCHOOL UNIFORMS Part Two 20:51 ?
“Because the high school has students wear uniform, we, the affirmative, stand
resolved that: Appropriate dress for school should be left up to the individual
“Because elementary schools forbid children to bring mobile phones to class, we,
the affirmative, stand resolved that: Elementary school pupils be given the
permission to the use of mobile phones in school”
Example: "Because the juvenile justice system has not met its goals, we, the
affirmative, stand resolved that: Juveniles be given the constitutional right to a
jury trial in criminal offenses." (From a previous year's case)
3Ca 2014 Spring
Daily 1
For daily 1 we ask students to choose from conversation for ESL to focus on
conversation practice. The files with links are available in e-learning.
Students may deliver their speeches if they prefer to do so.
Dale Carnegie How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus - John Gray - Audiobook
I've gathered the notes together in e-learning 23-33. In file 33, you have the
JH0314m.ic guided topics for the mid-term.
Starting next week, we will begin with group 1 & 2 for daily practice. Please send
me the topic for conversation practice as soon as possible allowing all to know
and prepare for practice.⋯⋯
Daily 2
This link go to Daily 1 Spring 2014 file for Daily 1 ppt.
3/05, 12, 19, 26
3/05 Intro. To Daily 1 and Mid-term guided topics
Group 1 Airport (for PPT see the Notes for Classwork )
Airport Quiz
What are some of your frustrations when going through an airport? Is
there anything you can do personally to minimize these problems? What
can airports do to deal with these issues? Interview
Airport security: specific items that are banned from flights
Role Play --You have reached the gate, and your plane is about to depart.
However, you just realized that you are missing your laptop. Describe where you
went and what you did, step by step, from the time you arrived at the airport to
reaching the departure gate. (lost and found desk)
Group 2 Accommodation 住宿/Apartments 租公寓/Renting a house 租屋
What is the process of finding an apartment in your hometown? Can you contact
the landlord directly, or do you have to go through a real estate agent? On
average, how much does it cost to rent a 1-bedroom apartment? Are most
apartments already furnished, or do you have to furnish it yourself?
Role Play--You have lived with your roommates for six months, but you've
decided to move out because they haven't taken care of the place . . . pizza boxes
tossed everywhere, dirty socks on the kitchen table, and a pet snake loose
somewhere in the sofa. Tell your partner about your current situation, and then
explain what kind of place you are looking for.
Group 3 Going to the Dentist/Dental Care / Dentist's Office
• The sitcom demos show various occasions in conversation we may come
to if we do not have good oral hygiene.
• Periodontal disease which is also called gum disease can eventually lead to
tooth loss and other health problems.
• Also see this Dentist's Office and Dental Care in the website.
3/ 19
Group 4 Music from India
Do you like Bollywood Movies?
Bollywood is the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai (Bombay),
Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of
Indian cinema; however, it is only a part of the total Indian film industry, which
includes other production centres producing films in multiple languages.
Group 7 Job Hunting and Interview
• Good in general esp. the wonderful job interview experience for the
Journalist Trainee Scheme with BBC Clair shared with us. You see we are
pleased to have so many interesting things Clair can and would like to
share with us. Sit in there to listen is a joy for us.
• The transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from the United Kingdom to
China, referred to as "the Handover" internationally or "the Return" in
China, took place on 1 July 1997.
• Examine your transcripts for the good subjects you have accomplished and
head for it. Think if you need for further study or you can go right in a job
if possible and work on it till you find one.
• Volunteer job is an important factor that you can win a job.
• Sometimes the outstanding performance you have done in an university
may pave the way for you into a bright future.
• See a cover letter sample here.
• In a cover letter, you write about where you get the information of the job
vacancy, why you are qualified, what you can do for them, and how they
can reach you for the interview which you are looking forward to seeing.
• Observe—empathic learning, observation learning (watch and study,
Supercharge Your Resume and Cover Letter: Respond to These Six Key Phrases in Job
There are six key words and phrases that you see in almost every job posting:
Communication skills, multitasking skills, works closely with others, creativity,
critical thinking skills, and leadership.
For example, when "critical thinking" or "problem-solving skills" are mentioned,
it means the employer is looking for someone who knows his or her area of
responsibility well enough to identify, prevent, and solve the problems the work
naturally generates every day.
While "works closely with others" refers to being a team player and all that that
involves, it also embraces the communication skills you employ to work
effectively with others in your area of expertise.
Talk of "communication skills" always means verbal, written, and listening skills,
but to an employer, it also refers to the supporting communication skills of:
Technological literacy
Body language
Social graces
Emotional maturity.
Performance Highlights
35% increase in on-time delivery + 20% reduction in client complaints.
Effective Operations Management demands understanding of every department’s
critical functions and time lines. Building these considerations into daily
activities helped:
Finance & Supply Chain save $55,000 in last three quarters.
Increase productivity with a 35% increase in on-time delivery.
Group 5 Movie Theater
• Students can see a movie in discounts. Big screen, sound too loud, too
cold, you have to sit for hours until you finish. At home you can record
and find time to see it. There is no usher in the theatre any more.
• What kinds of movie do you like, romantic love, sad, western, or horror
• What is your ideal theatre? What is the movie you just saw?
Group 6 Hair Salon
or "permanent", involves the use of chemicals to break and reform the bonds of
the hair. The hair is washed and wrapped on a perm rod and waving lotion is
applied with a base. This solution creates a chemical reaction that softens the
inner structure of the hair by breaking some of the cross links within and between
the protein chains of the hair. The hair swells, stretches and softens, then molds
around the shape of the perm rod.
In addition, the term is often used for the process of chemical hair straightening,
or relaxing (a process first developed by Renaud Whittington). This process
makes use of the same chemical reactions as that of the permanent wave, but the
hair is combed straight rather than wrapped around perm rods.
2013 Spring
Group 2 Marriage ESL Conversation Questions
Polygamy 一夫多妻制
Monogamy a form of marriage in which an individual has only one spouse during their
lifetime 一夫一妻制
Physical appearance, sense of humour, honesty, friendliness, generosity,
financial independence, age, parents’ wishes, job, love, respect, patience,
health, communication, religion, value
Select the five most important qualities you think necessary for marriage.
Marriage based on cultural diversities in China, Indonecia and Taiwan were
introduced. Age, change in concept about marriage, and match making in
Dating show in China. Indonecian man has to live in some place for three
months before marriage. Different marriage custom, system, and styles were
Why do people get married? Do you believe that true love between the spouses
may last for only 3 to 4 years?
Do you want to have a marriage with foreign people?
What requirements do you look into as an ideal partner?
Why or why not?
Have you read Pride and Prejudice or seen a movie based on this novel?
If not, consel the web page.
A Film (Four Weddings and a Funeral directed by Mike Newell ) Review by James Berardinelli
Four Weddings and a Funeral is a light-hearted British comedy starring Hugh Grant
as a much sought after bachelor who attends the weddings of all his friends but
is scared to death to follow their example.
Green Card directed by Peter Weir A Frenchman and a New Yorker find love
in a mismatched marriage of convenience.
8. marriage counseling and couples counseling
Couples Counselling, previously known as marital therapy or marriage guidance, addresses the
problems arising from adult sexual or intimate relationships. The relationship, rather than the two
individuals, is the 'client'.
Our very closest relationship: a marriage; co-habitation or civil partnership, is based on intimacy and
trust. When it stops working we are affected deeply and our health and happiness suffer. Our sense
of identity and self-worth often rests on the strength of our relationships and we can despair when
our prime relationship fails.
Pressures of work, family, money and health all take their toll. Suddenly the relationship that once
recharged us leaves us drained and disappointed.
Patterns of behaving that we learned as children often re-emerge in our adult relationship. A
childhood 'scapegoat' may start to feel blamed for everything by the partner who once adored them.
communication breaks down
sex has ended or causes problems
arguments continue without resolution
violence erupts
depression or other health problems recur
the bond of trust is eroded or broken.
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
Related: Love, Dating & Marriage, Weddings
About how many guests attended your wedding?
How many guests would you invite to your wedding?
At what age do you want to get married?
At what age did you get married?
Do you get along with your in-laws?
Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage?
Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? Why or why not?
Do you know someone who has gotten a divorce?
Do you know the difference between love and like?
Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?
Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?
Do you think if you get married that you will change?
Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
Do you think it is good to get married?
Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why
or Why not?
Do you think it's okay for a man to have a mistress?
Do you think it's okay for a man to hit his wife?
Do you think love is necessary to have a good marriage?
Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged
Do you think marriage is very stressful for women? How about for men?
Do you think people change after getting married?
Do you think that you can you find eternal love through the Internet?
Do you want a husband or wife who is older, younger or the same age as you?
Do you want to have children?
If so, how many?
How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married?
How old were your parents when they got married?
If your husband or wife has an affair what would you do?
If your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry,
would that be a difficult situation for you? Why/Why not?
If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a rich man
whom you did not love, which would you choose?
What advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend?
What are some dating and marriage customs in your country?
What are some of the main reasons people get divorced?
What are some qualities that you think are important in a spouse or partner?
What is a wedding ceremony like in your country?
What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?
What kind of man do you want as a husband?
What kind of person do you want to get married to?
What kind of woman do you want as a wife?
What makes a good husband/wife?
What makes a happy marriage?
What do you think are some things that contribute to a successful
What qualities in a partner are important to you?
What would you do if your soon to be mother-in-law seems to hate you?
What would your parents think if you don't get married?
Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
Where did you go for your honeymoon?
Which is more important for you, your job or your marriage?
Will you continue working after you get married?
Would you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her?
Would you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice?
Would you introduce your date to your family?
Would you live with your parents after you get married?
Can you name a famous happily married couple?
What do you think is the most important ingredient in a good marriage?
How long is the marriage ceremony in your country?
Do you think it’s possible to wait for the man or woman you love while he or she
is in jail?
What is the best season to get married?
Do you know anybody who has two families at the same time and supports them
In your opinion is marriage for life?
Is it better to marry someone who loves you rather than someone whom you
In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both?
International Marriage
Would you marry someone of another nationality?
What are some advantages of an international marriage?
What are some disadvantages?
Do you want to have an international marriage?
Group 3 Bad sport 9/3
Scandals of drug use in sport competitions have been found and led to the
user being expelled from game for life. Do you think it is a punishment too
serious to endanger life career for the sport peasons?
Alan questioned about the use of human growth hormone for some as
cheating an acuse too serious. Steven responsed to him by judging whether
the sportsman uses it during the competition period or no. Most of the time it
is detected by urine. Some drugs stay inside the body for a long period of
Do you think sports people should be paid high? Do they retire early?
What are other scandals to be found in baseball games? Do they plake fake
losing to other team?
What are some equipments you use in fitness classroom in our gym (John
Pall II Sports Hall)?
Weight Training Equipment: 2
Cardio Equipment: 3
Fitness Knowledge of Staff: 1
Amenities: 1
Overall Facility: 3
Price/Value: 3
Overall Rating: 2.2
intimidating places
overweight, out of shape and trying to live a more active and healthy lifestyle
And because everyone’s goals are different, most gyms will attractive a diverse group of people,
from hardcore bodybuilders, to power lifters to soccer moms and teenagers. This of course varies
tremendously from gym-to-gym, but in general, gyms are a microcosms of the rest of society. And
like the rest of society, we have to live with each other and get along. Period.
Do you like sports?
What is sportsmanship? Do you stress on fairness in competition?
Addicted by Tony Adams
Arsenal captain and England international Tony Adams is a legend of the modern game.
But behind the on-the-field successes is the story of a man who has fought a battle
against alcoholism.
Bodyline by Paul Wheeler
Drugs in Sport by D.R.Mottram, Sally Gunnell
This book explores the topic of drugs in sport from both a scientific and social/political viewpoint. It
covers each major class of drugs, describing how they work and their effects, and looks at why drugs
are used in sport.
Drugs, Sport and Politics by Robert Voy, Deeter Kirk
Readers will get an insider's look at the problem of drug use in the pursuit of athletic
gold in "Drugs, Sport, and Politics". Dr. Robert Voy, former Chief Medical Officer for the
United States Olympic Committee, tells what drugs are being used and who's using them,
how accessible and dangerous black market drugs are, which officials and organizations
may have covered up positive drug tests, and how the problem of drugs in sport can be
Hero & Villain by Paul Merson Read the reviews.
Chariots of Fire 1981 directed by Hugh Hudson
Review: A lush telling of the parallel stories of Harold Abraham and Eric Liddell,
English runners who competed in the 1924 Paris Olympics. One was compelled by
a hatred of anti-Semitism, the other by the love of God. Outstanding performances
by the entire cast.
9. International Association of Athletics Federations
Group 4 Breakfast in Some Asian Countries
Sri Lanka, Japan, Thailand, India, Turkey, Russia and Singapore
To help us to get to know foreign goods better.
What kinds of breakfast do you prefer, heavy or light ones?
Which countries provide quick takeout breakfast, Taiwan or Indonesia?
Alan 阿蘭
Group 5 Traditional Festivals in Taiwan
Lin Mo
Lin Mo was at home weaving a tapestry when she fell into a trance, "seeing" the events that
were taking her kin to a watery grave. She used her spiritual powers to transport herself to
their sides. Propelling her elder brother to safety, she returned to rescue her father.
She was swimming homeward with her father clenched firmly between her teeth, when her
mother noticed that Lin Mo, was slumped over her weaving. Believing she was ill, her
concerned mother woke her. Lin Mo's trance was broken and her father drowned. Lin Mo
walked into the sea and found her father, returning three days later with his body so he could
be buried at home.
In some of her myths, she was engulfed by clouds that carried her across the waves to find
him. Regardless, the outcome was the same. The bereft Lin Mo intensified her quest for
spiritual growth, continuing her legacy of compassion and good works, but now she seemed
more distant and "other-worldish" in her grief.
Festivals are associated with the traditional lunar calendar whereas official holidays are
celebrated according to the western calendar.
the Chinese New Year Festival, and Lantern Festival, all symbolic of discarding the old and
ushering in the new; the Dragon Boat Festival, a time for warding off evil and strengthening
the body; the Ghost Festival, when the outcasts from the underworld are given salvation; the
Mid-Autumn Festival a celebration of the full moon and unity of mankind; and Double Ninth
Festival is to remember the olders.
Official commemorative holidays are primarily based on the achievements of the people and
are celebrated to remember events important to the development of the nation. These occasions
include the Founding Day of the Republic of China; 228 Memorial Day; Women's Day; Youth
Day; Children's Day; Tomb Sweeping Day; Armed Forces Day; Teachers' Day; and days
commemorating the decisive events of the ROC's history, including Double Tenth National
Day; Taiwan's Retrocession Day; and Constitution Day to name a few.
Goddess Mazu's Birthday is March 23rd of the Lunar Calendar. The host and guest Mazus
join the patrol together.
Through the pious worship of the gods and ancestors, people hope to request for peace and prosperity.
As the custom of "celebration for every festival" is still retained in society, it gives the alienating family
members in contemporary society common memories, the chances to celebrate the festivals together,
the occasion to consolidate their relations. In addition, many ancient and traditional festivals still
preserve some inspiring and touching stories and legends, adding much educational values and
reveries to these events. It manifests the Chinese people's deep-rooted culture and humanistic
-------------------2012 Spring
Group 1 Tourist Attraction in Taichung
This group introduced some traffic spots the night markets near Fung Chia and
Tung Hai, Dai Keng Hiking Trails and Xian Shi Flower Season, and food.
American TV Series
List of American TV Series
List of American TV Series Based on British TV Series
successful British TV shows (particularly sitcoms and reality shows) have been remade for the
American market. All in the Family; taken complete scripts verbatim (such as Amanda's).
Most famous
The sitcoms that made us laugh, made us cry but most of all, sitcoms allowed everyone of us to see
ourselves within the complex yet real characters.
Three's Company
The Simpsons
American Dad
Group 2 Beauty 11
A survey of different beauty in history is presented with pictures.
Why do some people like to see pictures of goddess, such as the Goddess of
Mercy or Buddha? Can they bring peace to people?
Do you support beauty pageant? What can beauty do for women? Why do
women care about their looks?
Votes Yes 7% No 93%
N: Beauty pageants are harmless, eh? Why do young girls starve to live up to
a ridiculous ideal that these pageant and celebrate? Kristen Nicolaisen, USA
N: It is outdated because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the
contests are meaningless. How can it be Miss World when only 85 out of 191
countries take opart? They try to emphasize beauty as white. Yoel Sano, UK
A: If over a billion people watch the contest it is not outdated. The argument
that it exploits women is absurd. The contestants willingly take part, enjoy it
and hope it will provide lucrative careers in fashion or modelling. Don’t need
feminist permission to participate. David Gordon, UK
N: Women have started to drift away from their stereotypical portrayal as sex
objects. RKR, India
A: human nature to look at beautiful people. Promote cultural exchange.
Travel and be a representative of her own country. Carter Kwong, Canada
Explores the history of pageants and how pageants have changed through the years to
conform to social standards.
1. Would you like to see the beauty pageants?
2. What are the basic norms for a beauty in our society?
3. The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
Meaningful passages:
…women who believe their thighs are too big, their breasts are too small,
their hair is boring, their skin is flawed, their body is shaped funny, or their
clothes are outdated. This month's column is for women who believe their
life would improve if they could lose 15 pounds; if they could afford contact
lenses, that new perfume or anti-cellulite concoction; if they got a nose job, a
face lift, a tummy tuck, etc. This month's column is for women who feel
shame or unhappiness when they ponder some part (or all) of their body. In
other words, this month's column is for 99.9% of the women reading it!
(這月份專欄有關女人怎麼看自己, 女性必讀 。)
Wolf's basic thesis states that there is a relationship between female liberation and female
"The more legal and material hindrances women have broken through, the more strictly
and heavily and cruelly images of female beauty have come to weigh upon us...During the
past decade, women breached the power structure; meanwhile, eating disorders rose
exponentially and cosmetic surgery became the fastest-growing specialty...pornography
became the main media category, ahead of legitimate films and records combined, and
thirty-three thousand American women told researchers that they would rather lose ten to
fifteen pounds than achieve any other goal...More women have more money and power
and scope and legal recognition than we have ever had before; but in terms of how we feel
about ourselves physically, we may actually be worse off than our unliberated
(女性越來越有錢與權 並不比未解放的祖母們對身體感覺那麼樣,反而更糟糕。貪食、
Wolf's research shows that there is a cultural backlash against feminism that uses images
of female beauty to keep women "in their place." How many folks have succumbed to the
idea of the ugly feminist activist who is only a feminist because she's too undesirable to
get a man? That popular concept first showed up on the scene to describe suffragettes
lobbying for the vote. Wolf shows that, throughout the years, there have been forces in
culture that attempts to punish women who seek more control over their lives and their
(Wolf 認為年來文化中有股力量試圖懲罰想控制生活和環境的女性。)
The Beauty Myth is the last (and most dangerous) of a long line of lies concerning the
"rules" of feminine attributes and behavior. It is the most dangerous because it has
succeeded in effecting women's internal sense of themselves. It has created a standard of
femininity that is impossible to attain, and women are reacting with increasingly obsessive
behavior in their attempts to measure up. Energy that might be used to further positive
goals is turned inward instead--dissipated in guilt, shame and unhappiness at one's physical
Reviewed by Laura Bryannan
Book reviews
In a country where the average woman is 5-foot-4 and weighs 140 pounds, movies,
advertisements, and MTV saturate our lives with unrealistic images of beauty. The
tall, nearly emaciated mannequins that push the latest miracle cosmetic make even
the most confident woman question her appearance. Feminist Naomi Wolf argues
that women's insecurities are heightened by these images, then exploited by the
diet, cosmetic, and plastic surgery industries. Every day new products are
introduced to "correct" inherently female "flaws," drawing women into an obsessive
and hopeless cycle built around the attempt to reach an impossible standard of
beauty. Wolf rejects the standard and embraces the naturally distinct beauty of all
4. Drop Dead Gorgeous 1999 directed by Michael Patrick Jann
5. Video: Investigative Reports – Beauty Pageants: Bright Lights, Big Business 1994
6. Pageant History
Group 3 A soap opera In Time with You 我 可 能 不 會愛你
Do you prefer the one who loves you the most to the one you love the most?
Be friends first and prepare to be a couple if it is possible that you two are
suitable for each other.
Who is your favorite idol?
Why does the hero or heroine say that?
He or she has some subjective opinion about the other and feels that it’s
impossible for the two to stay together because of difference in personality,
appearance, family or achievement. Do you believe in intuition?
Is it a pity that the other part should give up so soon?
Why do girls like to watch idol soap opera?
Group 4 Coffee
Group 5 Colorful life
What kinds of life can be colorful for you?
Guided Topics
Group 6 Food Safety 23*
The New York Times
15 Ways to Make Your Food Safer
How safe is that chicken? Unsafe chicken (video)
campylobacter, salmonella, bacteria,
Do you read the labels when you buy groceries?
Are the descriptions exactly what it contains?
Do you trust genetically modified food?
Amine noun \ə-ˈmēn, ˈa-ˌmēn\
(: any of a class of basic organic compounds derived from
ammonia by replacement of hydrogen with one or more monovalent hydrocarbon radicals)
瘦肉精 ractopamine 萊克多巴胺 Ractopamine has been banned in the European Union,
Taiwan and China. 此 成 分 可 以 提 高 瘦 肉 , 減 低 脂 肪 Ractopamine is a drug that is
used as a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat.
Pharmacologically, it is a beta-adrenoceptor agonist.
所以就被豬農用來提高豬隻瘦肉部分了有 飼 料中 添 加 瘦肉 精 , 甚 至 聽 說 ,有
的 情 形 。 在 一 九 九 九 年 經 美 國 F D A 核 准 上 市 , 商 品 名 為 P a yl e a n ( 培 林 ),
其 成 分 為 R ac t o pa m in e。在 肉 豬 上 市 前 二 十 八 天 加 二 十 p pm 的 培 林 於 飼 料 中,
而 言 , 既 可 降 低 成 本 , 又 有 好 的 豬 肉 品 質 , C l e nb u t er o l 及 Sa l b u ta m ol
Behavioral changes
Feelings of restlessness, apprehension, and anxiety were reported side-effects after the use of various
beta-agonists, particularly after oral or parenteral treatment. In pilot clinical trials with ractopamine,
four patients showed little evidence for central nervous system stimulation. It is unclear whether
long-term treatment with these drugs results in the development of tolerance to these adverse effects.
H5N2 台大教授賴秀穗表示,目前雞隻身上的 H5N2 病毒已經非常強,而且持續變異中,
Group 1 Mobile Phones, Use of Children
“Because elementary schools forbid children to bring mobile phones to class, we,
the affirmative, stand resolved that: Elementary school pupils be given the
permission to the use of mobile phones in school”
This was the first debate topic the class engaged. The two teams tried to bring up
reasons to support their own main ideas. It looked interesting to do debate in class.
Though Josh suggested that speakers on the both sides be more interactive by
responding to the specific points and the examples or reasons with
The concluding speech is important to win over voters to your side.
Group 2 The Abolishing of Death Penalty in Taiwan 反思死刑
AI 譴責台灣處決五死囚
Amnesty International Abolish the death penalty
This group led by Peter brought up the issue and key points in the way the two
sides see things in different position.
Is Taiwan civilized enough to abolish death penalty?
Is it a waste of money to hold a great number of criminals?
Is death penalty better than life imprisonment and less risky for the public in the
I think death penalty is the severest kind of punishment because it takes away a
life that is destined to come to this world. It causes another broken family.
Taiwan believed in death penalty long time ago, later because of the world
critics, our government reduced the number of death penalty. Recently some
family of the victims tried to voice their misfortune after the wrong sentence to
death, the government began to think about being careful is important in making
judgment for capital punishment. And more families of the victims regret that
the murderers not being put to death. Death penalty comes back to our society.
It’s a pity that some broken families may not be able to show enough love to
their own kids. Schools report that there are missing students in class.
How can we help those people in discrepancies to have good conducts?
Do we need more social workers or we should start from family and school?
Group 3 Extramarital Affairs/dating/status/relationship
It is a nice debate about the issue of the third party. When one side stresses on
true happiness in a marriage should be one without intruders; the other side
emphasizes the suffering of remaining in an unhappy marriage. However, no one
in the class said that they were against the third party.
If you find your partner cheating you, would you stay in this relationship?
(for man and woman)
Do you think argument is good or bad in a marriage?
Let him know your point, know what you think. Do not force others to take your
side. Allow difference in free thinking. Be true and honest in a marriage. If you
can not be husband and wife, you still can be friends.
Do you want to accept that your husband has his concubine?
Do you want to accept that your wife has extramarital affair?
Do you know that (true) love last only 4 years?
Do you think you can stay in a marriage for a lifetime?
How would you carry on your love with a spouse in the rest of life?
What do you think about changing partners?
Stop Cheating - Learn How to Improve Your Marriage
Is Your Marriage a Companionship or a Love Affair ?
Every marriage is just like any relationship. They have their ups and downs,
agreements and disagreements and good days and bad days.
Understanding the Beautiful Simplicity of Love
Love is a wonderfully simple concept, but it is never easy. Love and romance
work together, hand in hand.
Top 10 Signs That Your Husband Or Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
Group 4 Are plastic surgeries really demands for people nowadays?
They divided into two sides and developed their arguments carefully between the
affirmative and negative speakers. The points for the needs of a surgery included
appearance and confidence in looking for a job; where as, the counterpart
emphasized that confidence comes from building up of ability and skills, instead
of outlook. They put emphasis on the successful models and actresses and
failures in surgeries. They voted for the support from the audiences.
types of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.
the transfer of skin tissue (skin grafting) is a very common procedure. Skin grafts can be taken from
the recipient or donors:
Reconstructive plastic surgery
Aesthetic plastic surgery involves techniques intended for the "enhancement" of appearance through
surgical and medical techniques, and is specifically concerned with maintaining normal appearance,
restoring it, or enhancing it beyond the average level toward some aesthetic ideal.
Abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck"): reshaping and firming of the abdomen
Blepharoplasty ("eyelid surgery"):
Breast augmentations ("breast implant" or "boob job"):
Mastopexy ("breast lift"):
Live Plastic Surgery Debate - Dr. Jon Mendelsohn
botox, skin treatment, nose job
Plastic surgery addiction becomes more common.
Topic: "Is human genetic engineering a threat to our humanity?"
Fox News Teen Plastic Surgery Debate
Dr. Frederick Lukash debates Dr. Alan Matarasso regarding teenage plastic
Helping their child grow up, don’t like the way they look, counsel their family see if there
are any help to offer.
This is a note from Caroline.
Caroline, Maggie, Ashley, Jean, Bonnie, and Wenny
1. By considering the preference in the society nowadays, plastic surgery is really
a demand for searching a better job.
2. Among the applicants with equal ability, those with appearance will definitely get
more chances.
3. With the high technology, the risk will be decreased to the least, (showing those
successful examples.) And it is worthwhile for you to invest on something that you will
get lots of profits from it.
1. The inner beauty such as working ability, the professional skills....etc is more
important than the appearance for a employer choosing a good employment.
2. There are a lot of risks for the plastic surgery. (Showing the failure example) And the
numerous make up can be the substitute.
3. Once the surgery failed (you failed in your investment), what you need to pay is your
health in whole of your last life. Therefore we think it is not worthwhile for you to
spend more money.
※ We will try to imitate the professional debate, during the time, the pros and the
cons will take terms to be on the stage to give each of their arguments.
Group 5 In the Pursuit of the Idols, Idol Pursuit of younger viewers
h.html?cat=38 Idols and the pursuit of the truth
Francis Bacon is known for his development of the Baconian method that is designed to allowing
individuals to create philosophy, proceeding from fact to law, all while avoiding any "idols" of the
individuals' minds. In his "Idols of the Mind," Francis Bacon elaborates on "the causes and secret
motions of things," or obstacles found in an individual's thought process keeping him or her from the
truth. William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet is a very intricate play where the main character's
actions are affected by the idols that Bacon vividly describes in this writings.
Fan spends RM10,000 in pursuit of idol
Erum, a Bangladeshi who has been studying in Kuala Lumpur for the past seven years, said she
spent almost RM10,000 in the last two months just to track down her idol to have a photograph
taken with him.
“I paid about RM8,000 last month to get a VIP seat at Marina Bay when he was in Singapore on Jan
14 for an award show.
“Sadly, I only got to see the back of his head,” she said.
To pay for that trip, she worked part-time for a month and saved her birthday money.
Her latest pursuit of the celebrity saw her renting a car and booking into a hotel here on Monday
after she found out that he was filming Don 2 in Malacca.
Accompanied by her boyfriend, the bubbly woman braved the scorching sun yesterday to catch a
glimpse of the Bollywood heartthrob outside the location set in Sungai Udang yesterd
Group 6 Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn winning an Oscar® for "Roman Holiday"
moon river-breakfast at tiffany´s
Midterm Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5 , your group may find the latest topics
from Time. The figure “3” means March which is the file JH0314m.ic in
Raise questions after each session and put your questions on your blank sheet to
turn in when it is all done.
3Cb 2014 4/1, 8, 15
Group 5 Hayao Miyazaki
A clear intro. To Miyazaki’s career and talents.
In what way did animations influence you?
Did you see The Wind Rises? Do you see it as an anti-war film?
What does music play in animation? Who sang the theme song?
How does the artist get inspiration or develop his creativity?
The adult should not exert their own view on children. Children should be allow
enough time and chances to experience and form their world view.
Some of the films teach humanization. Do you see humanity courses good for
Japanese film director, animator, manga artist, illustrator, producer, and screenwriter
The success of Miyazaki's films has invited comparisons with American animator Walt Disney,
British animator Nick Park, and American director Steven Spielberg.
along with Isao Takahata, co-founded Studio Ghibli, a film and animation studio
recurrent themes, like humanity's relationship with nature and technology, pro-feminism, and
the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. The protagonists of his films are often strong,
independent girls or young women. While two of his films, The Castle of Cagliostro and Castle
in the Sky, involve traditional villains, his other films like Nausicaä and Princess Mononoke
present morally ambiguous antagonists with redeeming qualities
newest film The Wind Rises was released on July 20, 2013
Part of the controversy over The Wind Rises stems from his statement that proper compensation
should be given to comfort women. While some were critical of his remarks, they were
welcomed by others.
environmentalism, pacifism, feminism, and the absence of villains. His films are also
frequently concerned with childhood transition and a marked preoccupation with flight
Chen Shu-Chu (陳樹菊)
Group 6 Movie
Three films are introduced, Rush 決戰終點線, The Wolf of Wall Street, and 300:
Rise of an Empire
What kind of movie is Rush?
Money can buy a person freedom. What do you think about the saying?
Should audience learn the rules in order to see the car races?
Who are some good car racers and survive through years of racings?
Why do they join car races and take it up as career?
What is more important? Family or victory? When is the time to quit?
What do you see about corruption and moral issues?
What are important factors with regard to the rise of an empire?
an initial story, idea, or commission, through scriptwriting, casting, shooting, editing, and
screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a film release and
exhibition. Filmmaking takes place in many places around the world in a range of economic,
social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and cinematic techniques.
Typically, it involves a large number of people, and can take from a few months to several
years to complete.
Development — The first stage in which the ideas for the film are created, rights to
books/plays are bought etc., and the screenplay is written. Financing for the project has to be
sought and greenlit.
Pre-production—Preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and film crew are hired,
locations are selected, and sets are built.
Production—The raw elements for the film are recorded during the film shoot.
Post-production—The images, sound, and visual effects of the recorded film are edited.
Distribution—The finished film is distributed and screened in cinemas and/or released on
Home entertainment
Film Genres
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime and Gangster, Drama, Epics and Historical,
Horror, Musical and Dance, Science Fiction, War, Westerns, Fantasy, Love and
Romance, The Ghost story, The Picturesque
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King-
What is your favorite movie
What's your favorite movies out of these???
Lord of the Rings (Any of the series)
Harry Potter (Any of the series)
Iron Man
Global Warming
national geographic
2010 Gulf Oil Spill News and Pictures
Photo Gallery: Antarctica Warming
In the Field
The Larsen Ice Shelf Expedition
The Green Guide
Tips for Everyday Green Living
Group 2
Group 1 Authors of American Literature
100 Best American Authors
America's Most Influential Authors
Resources for Courses
PAL: American Authors
Group 3 Linsanity
Linsanity 1 2 Are you sick of "Linsanity"?
Is it possible for an Overseas Chinese younger generation to play in NBA? Should we follow
our passion instead of following the regular education? Would it be possible for one to create
jobs outside his own field, for instance, open a bakery instead of teaching for an English major?
What would Jeremy do if he fails in the games later? What do you think he should play by
taking turns for good rests?
林書豪:即使只能 投一球,也是上帝恩典 遠見
Group 4 Should Homosexual Marriage be Legalized?
10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be
By TFP Student Action
Defending Moral Values On Campus
It Is Not Marriage
It Violates Natural Law
It Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother
It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle
It Turns a Moral Wrong into a Civil Right
It Does Not Create a Family but a Naturally Sterile Union
It Defeats the State’s Purpose of Benefiting Marriage
It Imposes Its Acceptance on All Society
It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual Revolution
It Offends God
4/ 9
Group 4 The Characters of Movies
This group introduces some unique characters in movies.
Do you introduce characters who are like common people?
Why are these characters fascinating?
Agent in the movies—007 for secret missions like James Bond
Mission impossible
Action movies
Act of valor-thief, liar and robber
Be cursed
Vampire like Dracula, The Twilight Saga
What is Oedipus' tragic flaw?
Oedipus' tragic flaw is his intelligence. A tragic flaw is connected to the characters
"excellence" and leads to creation and self-discovery, but to destruction as well. It was through
his intelligence that he gained greatness and became king by solving the riddle of the Sphinx.
Yet his intelligence paired with arrogance and metaphorical blindness leads to his destruction
when it drives him to search for the truth.
His tragic flaw was curiosity. As his kingdom was "dying", he couldn't just sit aside and let it happen
he had to go in search of what caused it no matter what the consequence. His need to find the truth
(and help his people) was what led to his eminent downfall.
insolence, overbearing pride or arrogance
List Of Best Film Characters
Captain Jack Sparrow
Indiana Jones
James Bond
Harry Potter
What are the characters names in the movie up?
 everthing to do with
Snow White, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Cinderella, from Cinderella (1950)
Aurora, from Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Ariel, from The Little Mermaid (1989)
Belle, from Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Jasmine, from Aladdin (1992)
Pocahontas, from Pocahontas (1995)
Mulan, from Mulan (1998)
Tiana, from The Princess and The Frog (2009)
Rapunzel, from Tangled (2010)
Five are royal by birth (Snow White, Aurora, Ariel, Jasmine, and Rapunzel), and three
are royal by marriage (Cinderella, Belle, and Tiana). Inclusion of Pocahontas and
Mulan on the Princesses list is contested by some fans; although Pocahontas is the
daughter of a Native American chief, there is some disagreement in the ways that the
structure of Native American tribes differs from traditional European royalty, and
Mulan is neither royal nor marries royalty (her husband, Li Shang, is a captain and then
general in the Chinese Army).
Now, while there are only ten official princesses, there are several unofficial princesses.
They are as follows:
Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck
Faline, from Bambi (1942)
Alice, from Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Wendy and Tinker Bell, from Peter Pan (1953)
Maid Marian, from Robin Hood (1973)
Eilonwy, from The Black Cauldron (1985)
Nala, from The Lion King (1994)
Esmeralda, from The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)
Megara, from Hercules (1997)
Kiara, from The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998)
Jane, from Tarzan (1999)
Melody, from The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (2000)
Kida, from Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Kairi, from the Kingdom Hearts video games (2002-Present)
Madellaine, from The Hunchback of Notre Dame II (2002)
Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei, from Mulan II (2005)
Giselle, from Enchanted (2007)
Kilala, from the Kilala Princess manga (2005-2008)
Sofia, from Sofia the First (2012)
What are your favorite characters of movies?
Group 2 Asian Celebrities and Heroes 60 Years of Asian Heroes
Nation builders Gandhi & Nehru, artist and thinkers Lin Hwai-min Cloud Gate Dance Theatre,
business leaders, athletes and explorers, inspirations The Dalai Lama Mother Teresa Hsu
Entertainers like Su-chi and Jolin
Xi Jinping
What does Time say about her skills in movies?
What does Xi do with Taiwan in foreign relations? Does he see Taiwan as a province or a
****You seem to emphasize the role of environment in the hero’s success. In what ways his
life has been influenced as he is one of Prince’s clans? How about his education? Western or
Chinese way?
2010 Winter Olympics Yuna Kim LP Gershwin Piano Concerto
Kiss Of Vampire 2012, Les Miserables
The way Kim Yu-na does triple lutz, triple toe loop, triple flip shows the power she gathers
from the first jump to the summon of the power from her shoulder, body, and foot balanced
very well in perfect movement. It’s beautiful the way she does yuna camel.
Steve Day (Wowprime corp.) favorite employer
Miyazaki, Pixir and Disney c.f.
4/ 16
Group 3 60 Years of Asian Heroes (continue)
Group 1 Traditional food in different countries
Top 10 Countries Famous for Delicious Food
Synthesis report No 6:
Traditional Foods
in Europe
4/ 23
Group 6 How to Eat Smarter
Do not stuff. A well-balanced diet is always good for the body.
What are some good restaurants we can go dining?
How to prepare food is as important as what we have. Are there some programs teaching how
to prepare food?
What does the number on a fruit sticker mean?
PLU – Price Look Up Code stickers that have 4 digits and begin with a “3″ or “4″: produce is
conventionally grown. This means that this produce was sprayed with weed killers and
chemical pesticides.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “8″: produce was genetically engineered.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “9″: produce was raised organically.
Why should we not take food which is processed? They are rich in sugar.
Why should we not take much fruit in the evening? Sugar in fruit might accumulate and
transform into fat if we do not use our body for activities. Sugar contains in orange juice you
get from the convenience store might not be natural.
How will you arrange the amount of food in the three meals?
Group 5 What’s the Healthiest Breakfast? Healthy Breakfast
Good enough to bring out some healthful tips for breakfast. Some Breakfast food in foreign
countries gives an exotic flavor.
Who always skips breakfast?
Not good for pancreas.
What does the number on a fruit sticker mean?
PLU – Price Look Up Code stickers that have 4 digits and begin with a “3″ or “4″: produce is
conventionally grown. This means that this produce was sprayed with weed killers and
chemical pesticides.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “8″: produce was genetically engineered.
PLU stickers that have 5-digits and start with “9″: produce was raised organically.
Why should we not take food which is processed? They are rich in sugar.
Why should we not take much fruit in the evening? Sugar in fruit might accumulate and
transform into fat if we do not use our body for activities. Sugar contains in orange juice you
get from the convenience store might not be natural.
How will you arrange the amount of food in the three meals?
Do you think breakfast can be a great business in Taiwan?
Where would you open a breakfast shop?
Veggie Omelet with Berries
Oats with Milk
Sprouted Grain Toast with Almond Butter
Fresh Fruit and a Glass of Milk
Greek Yogurt, Walnut and Banana Blend
Fruit-and-Veggie Smoothie
Oatmeal with Cottage Cheese
Group 4 Dance (no booklet) A--~B+
Shall We Dance is an American film featuring middle-age crisis. The leading role
starred by Richard Gear finds learning to dance an interesting habit and is
attracted by the dance teacher. He schedules after class a few hours a week to
learn at a ballroom and practice in secret. A few students like him join a dance
competition and are exciting about it.
The observation about dancing habit can be traced in tiny animals and insects like
bee and inanimate world like leaves are interesting.
Do you find dancing a joy and a plus in the manner you walk and talk?
Can you name some modern Choreographers?
Lin came to Providence to talk about dance steps and Cloud Gates when we were
in the old campus. The auditoriums were full. His Cloud Gates programs are well
accepted since then.
Group 2 Homosexuality A-As a person, I can see the difference. As a mother, I do not support because I’m
traditional thinking that a family tradition should be carried on. As a teacher, I
can see that the display of the pictures of homosexual activities is to say that there
is nothing to be blamed about it. However, I would not take it as an
encouragement. If someone say that he or she adores you, you should not pretend
that you accept his or her if you really do not like them.
Gender identity comes from parents. One learns to be like one’s mother as a girl,
and his father as a boy. A family in which parents love each other teaches
children to see both sexes equally. He will be able to see how a man behave
properly and learn to be responsible like that. Therefore I strongly encourage
those who do not live with both parents to find out another and learn to
understand him or her better. It will help them to come to understand themselves
better. A mother fails to be an ideal mother doesn’t mean you will follow her
steps; likewise, I father who leaves does not mean you will grow up like him.
How do you see homosexual? Can you accept him as a son, a friend, a lover?
Can homosexual be prevented at the age of 5-10?
What is the relationship between homosexual and identity?
one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, along with bisexuality and
heterosexuality, within the heterosexual-homosexual continuum
lesbian for women and gay for men
In the modern West, according to major studies, 2% to 13% of the population is homosexual or
has had some form of same-sex sexual contact within his or her lifetime
Since the end of the 19th century, there has been a movement towards increased visibility,
recognition and legal rights for homosexual people, including the rights to marriage and civil unions,
adoption and parenting, employment, military service, and equal access to health care.
Etymology LGBT people
Ang Lee's film Brokeback Mountain).
The instances of same-sex affection and sexual interactions described in the classical novel
Dream of the Red Chamber
Sappho reading to her companions on an Attic vase of c. 435
Female youths are depicted surrounding Sappho in this
painting of Lafond "Sappho sings for Homer", 1824.
The Chinese Society of Psychiatry removed homosexuality from its Chinese Classification of
Mental Disorders in 2001 after five years of study by the association.
Group 3 The Influence of Media on People A— No reference
All kinds of programs are discussed in this group with positive and negative
points of views. Variety shows, News, Talk shows, Serials of drama.
Mass Media Influence
In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology,
first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the
We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right
direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal
relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do.
checks the tv news or newspaper
most of our decisions, beliefs and values are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions
and our own experience. We have put our trust on the media as an authority to give us news,
entertainment and education. However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and
society is so big that we should know how it really works.
the most influential has been the television, we are constantly exposed to thousands of images of
violence, advertising, sex, celebrities and much more, in fact a its known that a child is exposed to
about 40,000 ads a year.
The media is basically dominated by five major companies they are:
Time Warner
Vivendi Universal
Walt Disney
News Corp
they have the power to shape the opinion and beliefs of us and our kids
How does mass media influence young people?
they buy what they see on Tv, what their favorite celebrity advertise and what is acceptable by
society based on the fashion that the media has imposed them.
Group 5 Occupy Wall Street A—No booklet in class for me, but the ppt arrived
the day before the presentation. New topic.
Discrepancies in salary between the rich and the poor.
In what ways can the government do to prevent discrepancies from widening its
Edwin—Dance is a repetition of Andy’s part.
Group 1 Best Anti-Aging Foods A With reference
This is a good presentation with infor for anti-aging foods.
De you take breakfast regularly?
Is it easy to obtain what you mentioned in our daily life?
What do you suggest we eat? Do you support cooking what we want at home?
How can we cook brown rice to make it delicious?
Do you try to eat at home once in a while?
keep your calorie consumption and saturated fat intake down; eat plenty of
wholegrain, oily fish and fresh fruit and vegetables; and cut down on salt and
Avocado: monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of
cholesterol in body. a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy
skin and prevent skin aging (vitamin E may also help alleviate menopausal hot
flushes). It is rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high
blood pressure.
Berries: black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants
and black grapes contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids-powerful
antioxidants which help to protect the body against damage caused by free
radicals and aging.
Cruciferous vegetables: includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip,
brussels sprouts, radish and watercress.
Ginger: This spicy root can boost the digestive and circulatory systems, which
can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches
and pains.
Nuts: walnuts and brazi nuts. Walnuts, although high in calories, are rich in
potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Adding nuts to your diet
(sprinkle them on salads and desserts) can enhance the functioning of your
digestive and immune systems, improve your skin help control prevent cancer.
Nuts may also help control cholesterol levels. Never eat rancid nuts, however, as
they have been linked to a high incidence of free radicals.
Soya: alleviate menopausal hot flush and protect against Alzheimer's disease,
osteoporosis and heart disease.
Whole meal pasta and rice: Complex carbohydrates. Brown rice is another
recommended complex carbohydrate, which is high in fibre and B vitamins.
a rating scale that measures the antioxidant content of various plant foods. The
scale is called ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
ORAC Score
Group 6 Social Network: Good or Bad? A—With some references
Social network analysis introduction 社會網路分析
When you spend too much time on social network, you probably want to be
reached rather than browse through what others are chatting.
It’s often a good place to voice or to be heard. Both good sides and bad sides are
fully discussed.
I can’t imagine that a young teenage pupil can spend time talking to other people
in facebook. How do you think young people should arrange their time?
Group 2 Nuclear power
List of states with nuclear weapons.
Nuclear power is produced by controlled (i.e., non-explosive) nuclear reactions. Commercial and
utility plants currently use nuclear fission reactions to heat water to produce steam, which is then
used to generate electricity.
The amount of free energy contained in nuclear fuel is millions of times the amount of free energy
contained in a similar mass of chemical fuel such as gasoline, making nuclear fission a very
tempting source of energy. The products of nuclear fission, however, are on average far more
radioactive than the heavy elements which are normally fissioned as fuel, and remain so for
significant amounts of time, giving rise to a nuclear waste problem. Concerns over nuclear waste
accumulation and over the destructive potential of nuclear weapons may counterbalance the
desirable qualities of fission as an energy source, and give rise to ongoing political debate over
nuclear power.
The most common nuclear fuels are 235U (the isotope of uranium with an atomic mass of 235 and of
use in nuclear reactors) and 239Pu (the isotope of plutonium with an atomic mass of 239). These fuels
break apart into a bimodal range of chemical elements with atomic masses centering near 95 and
135u (fission products). Most nuclear fuels undergo spontaneous fission only very slowly, decaying
instead mainly via an alpha/beta decay chain over periods of millennia to eons. In a nuclear reactor
or nuclear weapon, the overwhelming majority of fission events are induced by bombardment with
another particle, a neutron, which is itself produced by prior fission events.
Nuclear chain reaction
Energy in Taiwan
Taiwan currently has 4884 MWe of nuclear power capacity by means of 3 active plants and 6
reactors, which makes up around 8.1% of its national energy consumption. This makes Taiwan the
15th largest user of nuclear power in the world.
The technology chosen for the reactors has been General Electric BWR technology for 2 plants and
Westinghouse PWR technology for the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant. The Lungmen Nuclear
Power Plant is currently under construction, but has encountered a host of delays building its
ABWRs, which will be the largest plants in Taiwan by a large margin after finished.
All plants are run by Taipower. The Atomic Energy Council (AEC) of the Republic of China is
effectively the regulatory body, but plants are also subject to International Atomic Energy Agency
safeguards. There are two additional plants under construction equipped with GE latest BWR
technology in Lungmen. They will each deliver 1300 MWe of power at peak. 1972
Taiwan has six nuclear power reactors operating, and two advanced reactors are under
Nuclear power is considerably cheaper than alternatives.
Taiwan imports 99% of its energy, which is vital to the rapidly industrialising economy.
In 2007 the Atomic Energy Council (AEC) said that Chinshan BWR plant had undergone a
safety evaluation and was safe to run for a further 20 years following planned licence expiry in
2017. The AEC has approved this life extension. Taipower expects to seek 20-year licence
renewals for all six reactors.
In 2009 Taipower said that it planned to replace the steam generators of the two Maanshan PWR
reactors by about 2020 if it could obtain life extensions from the AEC. This and other work is
expected to yield uprates of some 440 MWe across the six reactors, and a submission to regulators is
anticipated in mid 2010.
There are two 1350 MWe Advanced Boiling Water Reactors under construction at Lungmen, near
Taipei. Initial plans to procure the units on an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
basis failed, and contacts were awarded to GE for the nuclear reactors, Mitsubishi for the turbines
and others for the rest. Construction began in 1999.
When the two reactors were one third complete a new cabinet cancelled the project but work
resumed the following year later after legal appeal and a government resolution in favour. The
project was thus put well behind. Completion of the first unit is now expected to be early in 2011,
with the second unit about a year behind. Commercial operation is expected in October 2011 and
2012. Cost escalation due to the construction hiatus plus project management and engineering
problems had pushed the projected cost to over US$ 2900/kW, and as of March 2009, $1.15 billion
was required to finish the project, which was then 88.6% complete.
Nuclear Crisis in Japan
Radiation warning for Tokyo water
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log
See Affirmative Brief and Negative Brief on Nuclear Power
Affirmative Brief
1. Reductions in carbon dioxide decrease global warming.
2. Nuclear power solves global warming by creating energy without carbon
dioxide emissions.
3. Studies prove nuclear power is best alternative to reduce carbon dioxide
4 Replacing fossil fuel plants with nuclear power reduce global warming.
5. A national nuclear power program offsets carbon dioxide emissions caused by
fossil fuels.
6. Use of currently available nuclear technology is enough to decrease the
greenhouse effect.
Negative Brief
1. Nuclear power cannot offset(compensate for sth, balance sth 補償或抵銷某事
物) major causes of greenhouse effect.
2. Nuclear power is not a cost-effective solution to global warming.
3. Building time for plant construction blocks solvency (阻礙償還能力).
4. Studies prove that increased nuclear power cannot offset rate of global
5. T/A – Nuclear power divert resources from more effective ways of reducing
the rate of warming.
6. T/A – Nuclear power increases consumption of fossil fuels.
What are some countries that have voted against the use of Nuclear Power?
Nuclear power phase-out
the discontinuation of usage of nuclear power for energy production…. phase-outs usually include
shutting down nuclear power plants and looking towards other fuels or alternative energy.
Austria was the first country to begin a phase-out (in 1978) and has been followed by Sweden
(1980), Italy (1987), Belgium (1999), and Germany (2000). Austria, and Spain have gone as far as to
enact laws not to build new nuclear power stations. Several other European countries have debated
A popular movement against nuclear power gained strength in the Western world, based on the fear
of a possible nuclear accident and on fears of latent radiation. The 1979 accident at Three Mile
Island and the 1986 Chernobyl accident played a key role in stopping new plant construction in
many countries.
Critics of a phase-out in Germany argue that the power output from the nuclear power stations will
not be adequately compensated and predict an energy crisis. They also argue that only coal-powered
plants could compensate for nuclear power and CO2 emissions will increase tremendously (with the
use of oil and fossils). Energy may have to be imported from France's nuclear power facilities, no
small irony, Russian natural gas, despite the fact that Russia is still not perceived as a safe partner in
much of Western Europe.
Because of increasing prices for fossil fuels, arguments for a "phase-out of the phase-out" were again
being discussed. In the federal election in 2002 the candidate for chancellor of the CDU/CSU,
Edmund Stoiber, promised, in the event he wins, to cancel the phase-out. His successor and current
German chancellor Angela Merkel has announced plans to negotiate with energy companies the time
limit for a shut down of nuclear power stations. The battle over nuclear energy, that was set to be a
key issue in coalition talks between CDU and SPD, was settled in favor of a phase-out.
Group 4 Georges Bizet’s Opera Carmen
***The use of transitional phrases to begin a passage is required to make your
speech go smoothly. I’m going to talk about the author, etc. There are songs used
to accompany with the theme. The first kind of the songs is so and so.
A French opera with a Spanish background Carmen was killed by Don Jose
because she turned away from him to others. Veona reflected it on the woman’s
free choice. If a woman loves you, you must be careful. She has her free will to
choose her loved one. Each speaker voiced her own view on love.
Jack is curious about the difference between the staged Carmen and the movie
one. In the movie, there is an erotic scene but the stage one is hard to do. He
also recalled the gypsy girl in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, in which the girl is
sentenced to death because she was charged murder and later be given to the
troops and be hanged. Can beauty cause a woman’s life because of jealousy?
The Hunchback of Notre Dame song The trailer
Jessie: Love is so free that you fall in love by someone’s simple kindness. It is
never be generated by violence and force. What is your image of a gypsy girl?
Wild and untamed? Free and changeable?
Angela GHEORGHIU - Habanera - Carmen – Bizet
(L'amour est un oiseaux rebelle)
It is perhaps difficult to appreciate the effect that Carmen had on the music scene. It
wasn't an immediate success with audiences, its subject matter being considered a
touch scandalous. But its popularity increased after Bizet's death and has remained a
firm favorite to this day. It is far removed from the stylized traditions of classical
opera. Instead it is full of powerful passions, realistic in its depiction of events, and
originally including spoken dialogue instead of recitative (sung speech) as was the
custom. You might even say that it anticipated the gritty story-telling of the 20th
century's film and TV media.
What could make a man cheat on his fiancée, drive his mother to tears, and ditch a
good job? One woman — Carmen! She's the sex-bomb, gypsy seductress who loves
them and leaves them — tossing egos and hearts in the dust.
influenced by the narrative poem The Gypsies (1824) by Alexander Pushkin.
Bizet's final opera not only transformed the opéra comique genre. Within a few years, the
traditional distinction between opera (serious, heroic and declamatory) and opéra comique
(light-hearted, bourgeois and conversational with spoken dialogue) disappeared. Moreover,
Carmen nourished a movement that was to win both celebrity and notoriety first in Italy and
then elsewhere: the cult of realism known as verismo.
The story is set in Seville, Spain, around 1820, and concerns the eponymous Carmen, a beautiful
Gypsy with a fiery temper. Free with her love, she woos the corporal Don José, an inexperienced
soldier. Their relationship leads to his rejection of his former love, mutiny against his superior, and
joining a gang of smugglers. His jealousy when she turns from him to the bullfighter Escamillo leads
him to murder Carmen.
a few critics, such as Joncières and the poet Théodore de Banville, praised the work for its
writing characters that were more realistic than those normally seen at the Opéra-Comique
Bizet did not live to see the success of his opera: he died on 3 June, just after the thirtieth
performance. The day before his death he signed a contract for a Viennese production of Carmen.
Before long three leading composers in Europe would be counted among his admirers: Richard
Wagner, Johannes Brahms and Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Friedrich Nietzsche (in The Case of Wagner)
hailed Bizet and exalted the exotic elements of the score, as well as its structural clarity: "it builds,
organizes, finishes." 神童著称的比才,受不了打击,一病不起,三个月后逝世。
"Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame... He has never known law. If you don't love me I
love you, if I love you watch yourself!" When they plead for her to choose a lover from among them,
("Carmen! sur tes pas, nous nous pressons tous!") she tears a bunch of cassia from her bodice and
throws it at Don José, who has been ignoring her, before going back into the factory with the others.
José is annoyed by her insolence.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame song The trailer
Esmeralda, a beautiful Gypsy with a kind and generous heart, captures the hearts of many men,
including that of a Captain Phoebus, but especially those of Quasimodo and his adopted father,
Claude Frollo, the Archdeacon of Notre Dame. Frollo is torn between his lust and the rules of the
church. He orders Quasimodo to kidnap her, but the hunchback is suddenly captured by Phoebus and
his guards who save Esmeralda. Quasimodo is sentenced to be whipped and ordered to be tied down
in the heat. Esmeralda, seeing his thirst, offers him water. It saves him, and she captures his heart.
Esmeralda is later charged with the attempted murder of Phoebus, whom Frollo attempted to kill in
jealousy, and is sentenced to death by hanging. As she is being led to the gallows, Quasimodo
swings down by the bell rope of Notre Dame and carries her off to the cathedral under the law of
sanctuary. Clopin rallies the Truands (criminals of Paris) to charge the cathedral and rescue
Esmeralda. The King, seeing the chaos, vetoes the law of sanctuary and commands his troops to take
Esmeralda out and kill her. When Quasimodo sees the Truands, he assumes they are there to hurt
Esmeralda, so he drives them off. Frollo betrays Esmeralda by handing her to the troops and watches
while she is hanged. Quasimodo pushes him from the heights of Notre Dame to his death.
Quasimodo then goes to a mass grave, lies next to her corpse, crawls off to Esmeralda's tomb with
his arms around her body and eventually dies of starvation. Two years later, when their grave was
excavated, Quasimodo was found embracing Esmeralda, whose neck was broken. Whilst trying to
separate them, Quasimodo's bones turned to dust.
Group 6 Stories of Snacks/ Snacks and Stories
times between those meals when hunger gnaws mercilessly
Dried Fruits: Raisins, apricots, figs, and dates; Tuna Salad in a Pouch: Nuts:Fruit Cookies
List of snack foods
Bread/sandwiches Tea sandwich
Cheese String cheese
Chips/Crisps Banana chips/Plantain chips Tortilla chips
Cookies/Pastries Cookies/Biscuits Doughnuts
Candy chocolate bars chocolate truffles
Doughy/Floury Poffertjes
Noodles chocolate bars
Seeds/nuts Peanuts Almonds Popcorn
Drinks Cola chocolate milk Coffee
Other snacks French fries
Ice cream
Sesame sticks
Why do you talk about snacks?
Do you know of any snacks really good for health? Are there disadvantages
eating snacks?
Stories and Snacks at Tagaytay Highlands
Group 7 Graduation trip! Where do you want to go?
Give a survey to class on where they would like to go the most. Places, money,
transportation, etc.
Is it important to take part in graduation trip? Local or abroad? Ideal places to go?
Itinerary—schedule for the trip
Group 1 Genetically engineered Food/Genetically Modified Food
Facts about
Genetically Engineered (GE) Foods
also called GMO foods
Animals have become seriously ill or died from GE foods
Hazardous genes from GE foods can become inserted into your own genes.
An unexpected poison in a GE food supplement killed 37 persons. The poison
was not discovered because careful search for unexpected harmful substances was
not made.
Unexpected dangerous substances may be present in GE foods. This is because
the procedure for assessing the safety of GE foods is not designed to detect them.
Most of soy and corn products in the US and Canada are GE and labeling is not
required there. Organic products are reliably GE-free.
Top researchers confirm that the results of genetic engineering are unpredictable.
This is why unexpected harmful substances may appear in GE food.
How can we avoid them if they are everywhere?
A Video show author of Seeds of Deception, GMO Trilogy, and Genetic Roulette.
Reject food
Why are there GM food in the world?
Do you concern food safety? Food labels should be honest! What ingredients are
in it?
An issue that has entered the mainstream media in a lot of countries is Genetic
Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM) of food. A lot of food that we eat today
contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our knowledge.
Critics have objected to GM foods on several grounds, including safety issues, ecological concerns,
and economic concerns raised by the fact that these organisms are subject to intellectual property
a growing wave of concern
The problem of food shortages is a political and economic problem.
Food shortages and hunger are -- and will be -- experienced by the poorer nations.
GE Food is an expensive technology that the farmers of the developing nations would not be
able to afford easily.
Patenting laws go against the poor around the world and allow biotech companies to benefit
from patenting indigenous knowledge often without consent.
This is a very young and untested technology and may not be the answer just yet.
Crop uniformity, which the biotech firms are promoting, will reduce genetic diversity
making them more vulnerable to disease and pests. This furthers the need for pesticides
(often created by the same companies creating and promoting genetically engineered crops).
Soybeans Resistant to glyphosate or glufosinate herbicides used to kill weed; Herbicide
resistant gene taken from bacteria inserted into soybean
Corn, field New genes added/transferred into plant genome.
Cotton (cottonseed oil) Bt crystal protein gene added/transferred into plant genome
Hawaiian papaya
Rapeseed (Canola)
Sugar cane
Sugar beet
Rice (vitamin)
Squash resistant to certain virus
Sweet Peppers
Group 3 Should Euthanasia Be legal?
Mercy Killing Euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide is often not a personal decision
consciously made. The patient is usually beyond saving and it becomes the choice of
family by the suggestion of doctors to end life support. The choice is not, in the Kantian
(Philosopher Immanuel Kant) sense motivated by self-love where suicide is a selfish
means that will cause pain to others. Rather it is a medical need where
sustaining life any longer would only result in further physical pain of patient
and suffering in their family.
moral dilemmas and the laws that pertain to them
For someone who is comatose or in a vegetative state, is sustaining their life
maintained in hopes that they will regain the ability to realize happiness? Then it must
also be considered whether or not the state or federal government has a say in how an
individual or their family, assisted by a doctor, may choose to end their life.
It seems that each individual should be entitled to will such a personal decision in the
sense of a need and not only a want. As such, it is a need when the person ends their
life because it is physically unbearable with incurable ailments and not just a selfish
want of suicide. This approach is only relevant when an individual has stated
beforehand their wish to be relieved from a vegetative state. Several philosophers and
lawyers in a Brief of the Amici Curiae (Friends of the Court) argue that individual or
familial entitlement to such decisions should not be influenced by the
government demanding valid evidence to support the decision
Group 5 Earth Crisis
Earth Crisis is an American metalcore band from Syracuse, New York, active from 1989 until 2001,
reuniting in 2007. Their most recent record, To The Death, was released in May 2009 through
Century Media.
Earth Crisis is known for supporting animal rights, promoting a straight edge and vegan lifestyle,
and addressing further social and political issues.
To Ashes Cease To Exist lyrics
Doomsday befalls. Awakened by sirens, the fifteen minute warning.
ICBMs scream from their silos into the
sky. Warheads detonate over their targets.
Nuclear blasts incinerate city after city. Swept away by the shock of the
explosions humankind dies in agony.
Ash blocks the sun from penetrating the choked atmosphere.
The global temperature drops
into nuclear winter. Below, radiation poisoned air,
soil and water is all that's to be found.
By what is left of who is left
fires burn from the haze of a darkened world.
Charred skins hangs from the bones of survivors as they struggle through
leveled rubble. Past-gutted buildings and unburied bodies.
Hell rages on the face of the earth. All creation lays at the
mercy of madmen whose commands will cast us into world war three.
If the keys turn from the press of a switch all life as we
know it shall cease to exist. Cease to exist. Cease to exist.
Cease to exist. Cease to exist.
Sunshine Of Your Love lyrics
I've been waiting so long to be
where I'm going, in the sunshine of your love.
Mid-term Guided Topics Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5 Your group may find
the latest topics from Time. The figure “3” means March which is the file
JH0314m.ic in e-learning. Raise questions after each session and put your
questions on your blank sheet to turn in when it is all done.
3Ca 2014. 4/2, 9, 16
Group 7 Do you think Internet promote democracy or not?
Q & A (Jessie Ho)
1. Caricature shown indicating “Democracy” as virus is ironic. What do you
think about it as related to our anti-trade in service?
2. Do you see an increase of political dialogues in this protest, say between
parties, between student citizens and government, and among citizens?
3. Do you think there is this equal right in participating in public welfares?
4. Do you think media has the responsibility to double check to find out
truth before the story comes out?
5. in what ways citizens contaminate the Internet?
6. How do you see “Freedom of Speech” in Taiwan?
7. Do you say that when GDP goes up high, there will be no protest going
on in a country?
8. When do you think the students will come out of the parament?
9. Have you seen Julius Caesar?
10.Mark Antony's Speech
Julius Caesar - BBC Shakespeare Collection [1979]
1:03:01~come to me and bring me words
Caesar thought someone presents him a seal to wish him an emperor.
1:15:00 Mark Anthony questions whether they said Caesar dangerous. Asks to
speak in Caesar’s funeral. 1:25:00
Does the Internet Help or Hurt Democracy?
Does the pervading presence of the Web make people better citizens or does it
propagate misinformation and threaten democracy? Paul Solman has a look at the
unfolding debate as staged by the University of Virginia's Miller Center for Public
Internet and Democracy: Positive and Negative
Does the internet encourage democracy?
information enabler
Internet democracy
This house believes that the internet is not inherently a force for democracy.
Group 1 Road Rage
Change lanes without giving signals or driving without direction
Stop suddenly
Passing or speeding up by the left side
Why is the news of some value to the public?
We can always learn from other’s experience.
Driven mad 15/6
Aggressive Driving
Driving Enforcement
Behaviors of Aggressive Driving
Group 2 Running/Marathon
Does everyone jog/run?
Does a good video show ways to do warm-up exercise properly?
Do you have to join a group or organization to run like Zombie? Who or which
organization initiated it?
If I do not run/jog, what exercise do you suggest for me? I used to go hiking up
the trails in Da Kung.
The deeper, longer, lengthier one can breathe, the longer and healthier one can
running marathon without training
hy/ ***
a keen exercise devotee, fit and willing to undergo rigorous and methodical
training, a marathon is an achievement you can work toward. Marathon
running is an enjoyable sport for many people from all walks of life, with
some devoting their entire day to training for the marathon while many fit the
training in around everyday activities and work responsibilities. Whatever
your motivation and deadline for running a marathon, with the right training
plan and a determined attitude, you'll achieve your goal.
Group 3The Chinese Century
it is hard to doubt that China will play a critical world role in the next 100 years.
American Review
First, after 200 years, we will see the end of Western domination of world history (but not,
of course, the end of the West). Second, we will see the return of Asia.
By 2015, China may well have the world's largest economy. In The Chinese
Century, Oded Shenkar shows how China is restoring its imperial glory by
infusing modern technology and market economics into a non-democratic
system controlled by the Communist party and bureaucracy. Shenkar shows
why China's quest for global success differs radically from predecessors such
as Japan, India, and Mexico... why it represents a fundamental restructuring
of the global business system... and why it will transform the roles of
participants in the global economy. He previews tomorrow's new competitive
ground rules, terms of employment, and consumption patterns, and shows
how Chinese ascendancy is redrawing political, economic, and social battle
lines. Learn why the U.S. is most vulnerable to China's ascent... how China's
disregard for intellectual property creates sustainable competitive
advantage... how China's growth impacts global businesses and individual
purchasing decisions. Above all, Shenkar shows what you must do to survive
and prosper in "The Chinese Century."
Group 4 Obesity/ Overweight
abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health
Consuming too many calories.
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
With the arrival of televisions, computers, video games, remote controls, washing machines, dish washers and
other modern convenience devices, the majority of people are leading a much more sedentary lifestyle compared
to their parents and grandparents.
Not sleeping enough
sleep deprivation significantly increased obesity risk
Endocrine disruptors, such as some foods that interfere with lipid metabolism
Lower rates of smoking (smoking suppresses appetite)
Medications that make patients put on weight.
Is obesity self-perpetuating?
Obesity gene
Obesity treatments have two objectives:
To achieve a healthy weight.
To maintain that healthy weight.
Group 5 Aircraft
Group 6 60 Years of Asian Heroes
60 Years of Asian Heroes
Group 3 Nuclear Power AThe topic springs up controversial issue about the use of nuclear power and other alternatives.
The speakers are firm in bringing about advantages and disadvantages on the both sides. The
Longmen Power Plant is reexamined closely to investigate the productivity and safety of it
recently. As we are thinking about the safety of the future generation, we would like to not
count on nuclear power so much. After our third power plant resigns in 6 years or 7, what
alternatives, sources of energy should we turn to? Solar energy, wind energy or water? Is there
a dam in Nan Tou near Sun-Moon Lake using water of the lake to generate electricity?
Can we use nuclear fusion(核聚變) instead of nuclear fission(核裂變) and would it be
Nuclear Crisis in Japan
Radiation warning for Tokyo water
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log
See Affirmative Brief and Negative Brief on Nuclear Power
Affirmative Brief
1. Reductions in carbon dioxide decrease global warming.
2. Nuclear power solves global warming by creating energy without carbon
dioxide emissions.
3. Studies prove nuclear power is best alternative to reduce carbon dioxide
4 Replacing fossil fuel plants with nuclear power reduce global warming.
5. A national nuclear power program offsets carbon dioxide emissions caused by
fossil fuels.
6. Use of currently available nuclear technology is enough to decrease the
greenhouse effect.
Negative Brief
7. Nuclear power cannot offset(compensate for sth, balance sth 補償或抵銷某事
物) major causes of greenhouse effect.
8. Nuclear power is not a cost-effective solution to global warming.
9. Building time for plant construction blocks solvency (阻礙償還能力).
10.Studies prove that increased nuclear power cannot offset rate of global
11.T/A – Nuclear power divert resources from more effective ways of reducing
the rate of warming.
12.T/A – Nuclear power increases consumption of fossil fuels.
Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity.
Active seismic faults (Faults are breaks in the earth's crust where blocks of rocks move
against each other.) run across the island, and some environmentalists argue Taiwan is unsuited
for nuclear plants. A 2011 Natural Resources Defense Council report that evaluated the seismic
hazard to reactors worldwide, as determined by the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program
data, placed all of Taiwan's reactors within the highest risk group of 12 reactors within very high
seismic hazard areas, along with some of Japan's reactors.
Seismic wave-- Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the Earth's
layers, and are a result of an earthquake, explosion, or a volcano that imparts
The parts of a fault are (1) the fault plane, (2) the fault trace, (3) the hanging wall and (4) the footwall.
The fault plane is where the action is. It is a flat surface that may be vertical or sloping. The line it
makes on the Earth's surface is the fault trace. Where the fault plane is sloping, the upper side is the
hanging wall and the lower side is the footwall. When the fault plane is vertical, there is no hanging
wall or footwall.
Have they recovered from the catastrophe?
Where do you suppose to put away the storage of nuclear wastes?
Can anything go wrong to be detected right away in the nuclear power plant?
A farmer in Taiwan turned his field into a field for solar energy plate. Can he
make profit out of it?
5. Thermal power plant and hydroelectricity, which do you prefer?
The disasters caused by Russian and Japanese nuclear power plants are manmade. Have they
recovered from these catastrophes?
Energy generator stopped; the water cooling systems were unaware of the emergencies.
Have you thought about where to put away the wastes?
Radioactive leak
How can solar energy be stored?
A farmer turns his field into solar energy plates.
Thermal power plant
Group 2 How to Eat Smarter A-~B
The speeches are persuasive in whether we should go veggie for the good of our health as well
as the live stocks and the earth. The main concern is whether we will be unhealthy if we go
veggie. Well according to their reports, our immune system will be call up if we do not eat
much meat which might causes some toxic acid to be absorbed together when eating them and
overburden our digestion system. We will go light up and be healthy if we eat more vegetables.
According to a doctor Tien sheng Hsu, our heart is what makes us be healthy or ill. If we worry
so much about relations and economic problems, we tend to push us down with stress and
anxiety, worries, unhappiness. It would be more likely to cause diseases.
Set aside a few days to eat vegetables and beans without meat. You will get hungry easily, but
you will get used to it. Do not eat fruit in the evening because extra sugar from fruit will turn
into fat and contribute to your body weight and gather fat around your belly.
Group 5 Homosexuality
A light way to introduce this issue. How and when do they come out? As teenager?
How do they feel about being looked down as special?
They present informative speeches about cons and pros of accepting
homosexuality in society. And persuade us to see this open-mindedly. American Psychological
Sexual orientation and homosexuality
What is sexual orientation?
How do people know if they are lesbian, gay or bisexual?
What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?
What role do prejudice and discrimination play in the lives of lesbian, gay and
bisexual people?
What is the psychological impact of prejudice and discrimination?
Is it a mental disorder?
What about therapy intended to change sexual orientation from gay to straight?
Come out
Can they be good parents?
As a person, I can see the difference. As a mother, I do not support because I’m
traditional thinking that a family tradition should be carried on. As a teacher, I
can see that the display of the pictures of homosexual activities is to say that there
is nothing to be blamed about it. However, I would not take it as an
encouragement. If someone say that he or she adores you, you should not pretend
that you accept his or her if you really do not like them.
Gender identity comes from parents. One learns to be like one’s mother as a girl,
and his father as a boy. A family in which parents love each other teaches
children to see both sexes equally. He will be able to see how a man behave
properly and learn to be responsible like that. Therefore I strongly encourage
those who do not live with both parents to find out another and learn to
understand him or her better. It will help them to come to understand themselves
better. A mother fails to be an ideal mother doesn’t mean you will follow her
steps; likewise, I father who leaves does not mean you will grow up like him.
How do you see homosexual? Can you accept him as a son, a friend, a lover?
Can homosexual be prevented at the age of 5-10?
What is the relationship between homosexual and identity?
one of the three main categories of sexual orientation, along with bisexuality and
heterosexuality, within the heterosexual-homosexual continuum
lesbian for women and gay for men
In the modern West, according to major studies, 2% to 13% of the population is homosexual or
has had some form of same-sex sexual contact within his or her lifetime
Since the end of the 19th century, there has been a movement towards increased visibility,
recognition and legal rights for homosexual people, including the rights to marriage and civil unions,
adoption and parenting, employment, military service, and equal access to health care.
Etymology LGBT people
Ang Lee's film Brokeback Mountain).
The instances of same-sex affection and sexual interactions described in the classical novel
Dream of the Red Chamber
Sappho reading to her companions on an Attic vase of c. 435
Female youths are depicted surrounding Sappho in this
painting of Lafond "Sappho sings for Homer", 1824.
The Chinese Society of Psychiatry removed homosexuality from its Chinese Classification of
Mental Disorders in 2001 after five years of study by the association.
Sexual orientation and homosexuality
Group 4 AIDS
Do you believe body cells die, repair, and regenerate each day?
Different ways of transmission of AIDS’ virus are introduced?
Do you think Carina can get married and have a normal marriage life?
They call for our support and they must have hope in life.
“Stalking a Killer” 亞洲愛滋病現況 40 Asians will die of AIDS.
Fighting Aids 21* Pneumonia Sontag, Susan: Illness as Metaphor
Group 5 Culture differences: American and Taiwanese A—but no reference
Covered Food, educational systems, body gesture, entertainment, wedding and
funeral, superstitions
In what ways American students learn more? More interaction and innovative
Do you believe that education should emphasize both individualism and
collective achievements?
How do Americans react to the bride and groom who change their minds for the
wedding? What do you think about it?
html Seday in Taiwan
Comparing Taiwanese and American WoW Player
Cultures in Terms of Achievement
Culture differences between China and Western Countries: A Comparison Study
from the Perspective Of Ad
Differences in Cultures
different ways of looking at things
different ways of dressing
different ways of expressing personality/goodness
These differences can cause problems interpreting what the other person is doing. Some simple
In the US, a firm, short handshake indicates self-confidence and (heterosexual) masculinity.
A limp handshake by a man can be interpreted (usually wrongly) as a sign of homosexuality
or wimpiness. But in most parts of Africa, a limp handshake is the correct way to do it.
Furthermore, it is common in Africa for the handshake to last several minutes, while in the
US a handshake that is even a few seconds too long is interpreted as familiarity, warmth and
possibly sexual attraction.
In Britain, men do not look at women on the streets. The French do. Recently, a French
public figure mentioned in a speech that the Brits are all gay -- the evidence was their lack of
overt interest in women.
High Context vs Low Context
A low context culture is one in which things are fully (though concisely) spelled out. Things are
made explicit, and there is considerable dependence on what is actually said or written. A high
context culture is one in which the communicators assume a great deal of commonality of
knowledge and views, so that less is spelled out explicitly and much more is implicit or
communicated in indirect ways. In a low context culture, more responsibility is placed on the listener
to keep up their knowledge base and remain plugged into informal networks.
Low context cultures include Anglos, Germanics and Scandinavians. High context cultures include
Japanese, Arabs and French.
Monochronic vs Polychronic
Monochronic cultures like to do just one thing at a time. They value a certain orderliness and sense
of there being an appropriate time and place for everything. They do not value interruptions.
Polychronic cultures like to do multiple things at the same time. A manager's office in a polychronic
culture typically has an open door, a ringing phone and a meeting all going on at the same time.
Polychronic cultures include the French and the Americans. The Germans tend to be monochronic.
Group 1 American TV series A—but no reference and course title on the cover
If you have a chance to apply for the establishing of a club, what would it be
What do viewers get from watching series like glee?
What is the most enjoyable part in this series?
Who is your role model in the sitcom? And why?
Is “Everybody Loves Ray” still on this year?
Are there any benefits of watching Crime Investigation series?
Investigation trains you to be scientific, logical, and clear in mind.
Why is Las Vegas an ideal setting for CSI series?
What is the main theme in the first season of The Walking Dead? Watch TV Online
Top 10 Websites To Watch TV Series Online For Free Without Downloading
As a Chinese video sharing website like YouTube, Tudou has many full-length videos of TV
series, TV shows and movies from all over the world.
Go to Tudou
P.S. Tudou is not so funny anymore when all the videos are legal, instead, you can check
out the Cucirca website.
What English /American TV Series do you like to see?
Except language, what other things do you take notice especially when you watch
TV series? Do you value performance, humor, culture, people relationships in the
series? Or you are interested in shooting TV series so you may work at the
broadcasting companies?
If you are to write the screen play for a TV series, what topics do you think
important for young people today?
Group 4 New Seven Wonders of the World A—No reference; important info
about each world wonder, interesting.
28 Finalist 7 Wonders of Nature 2011 - Vote Online
The Great Wall of China, Petra, Chichén Itzá , the Statue of Christ Redeemer, the
Colosseum, Machu Picchu and the Taj Mahal. More than 100 million votes were cast
worldwide. The New 7 Wonders are all equal -- there is no rank among the list.
The original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were:
Great Pyramid of Giza
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria
The New Seven Wonders of the World/ Nature (as selected by popular vote)
The Amazon Rainforest
Halong Bay, Vietnam
Iguazu Falls, Argentina
Jeju-do (Jeju Island), South Korea
Komodo National Park, Indonesia
Puerto Princesa Underground River, Philippines
Table Mountain, South Africa
Group 6 Hito Movies in Recent Times A--; No reference; Only one of the movie
is familiar to most audience; There is going to be the release of 3-D movie of
Titantic; The Shawshank Redemption
How can one be free even in prison and not free even in freedom?
How can a person be imprisoned without guilt?
Max pointed out the allegory of this film for maintaining one’s feeling of
self-worth when placed in a hopeless position. The integrity of the main character
Andy Dufresne is an important theme in the story.
Lord of the Rings, Harry Porter, Day after Tomorrow, 那些年我們追的女孩,海
九把刀 九把刀《那些年, 我們一起追的女孩》電影前導短
Top Ten Animated Movies In Recent Times
top 10 movies 2011 (part 2)
Group 3 Food-sanity A-- Original pictures
All students went to visit and try foods they recommended in Chia-Yi and Yunlin.
All the local foods are combined by the video of famous blogger Mr. Tsai A-Ga.
If this group can study the economic power brought these counties by these
venders, it could be of some value to the local culture. And if they can interview
the venders to talk about how the food came into being and how it has been
improved and how popular it is instead of paying lips service by the presenters.
Some road maps can also be added to show the location and direction of the
native places.
Do you think it’s important for the world to know good foods in Taiwan?
Do you want to be a blogger of gourmet?
Why are bamboo shoots important ingredients in these local foods?
Do you think salty rice pudding is good treat for both young and old?
Are the local foods also popular in other night markets of the island?
What are good and what are not good to take as food?
Do you eat pickled food? Fried bread sticks, Chinese donuts,
葵花子 Sunflower seed 重金屬鉛、鎘、鎳
口香糖 Chewing gun 白片膠是加了毒性的硫化促進劑、防老劑等添加劑,刺
味精 MSG (麩胺酸鈉) 其中一半是對身體有益的左旋麩胺酸 L-Glutamine,但
另一半卻是身體不能利用的右旋麩胺酸 D-Glutamine 變成危害身體的自由
豬肝 Liver:每公斤豬肝含膽固醇達 400 毫克以上,攝入膽固醇太多會導致動
油條 fried bread sticks/Chinese donuts、河粉 fried rice noodles、板條
lath、米粉 rice noodles、粉絲:在製作過程中都必需添加明礬 alunite (硫酸
鋁鉀),如常吃這些東西,易導致貧血 anemia、骨質疏鬆症 osteoporosis;
醃菜、蘿蔔乾:長期吃會引起鈉 亞硝酸胺或有不肖業者用福馬林防腐
皮蛋 thousand year egg:皮蛋含有一定量的鉛
臭豆腐 stinky tofu:臭豆腐在發酵過程中極易被微生物污染,它還含有大量的
爆米花 popcorn:做爆米花的轉爐含有鉛 lead
Transformational weight loss video intro. Charles Eisenstein
Group 2 Healthy Anti-Aging Foods A—
This group found Omega 3, dark chocolate, berries, exercise important factors for
keeping us young. They based their talk by the studies made by scholars. The
inspiring images of mature woman who can still look young give us some
thinking that we can be young as she is.
Try to be young and healthy.
keep your calorie consumption and saturated fat intake down; eat plenty of
wholegrain, oily fish and fresh fruit and vegetables; and cut down on salt and
Avocado: monounsaturated fat that may help to reduce level of a bad type of
cholesterol in body. a good source of vitamin E and can help to maintain healthy
skin and prevent skin aging (vitamin E may also help alleviate menopausal hot
flushes). It is rich in potassium which helps prevent fluid retention and high
blood pressure.
Berries: black and blue berries such as blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrants
and black grapes contain phytochemicals known as flavonoids-powerful
antioxidants which help to protect the body against damage caused by free
radicals and aging.
Cruciferous vegetables: includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnip,
brussels sprouts, radish and watercress.
Ginger: This spicy root can boost the digestive and circulatory systems, which
can be useful for older people. Ginger may also help to alleviate rheumatic aches
and pains.
Nuts: walnuts and brazi nuts. Walnuts, although high in calories, are rich in
potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Adding nuts to your diet
(sprinkle them on salads and desserts) can enhance the functioning of your
digestive and immune systems, improve your skin help control prevent cancer.
Nuts may also help control cholesterol levels. Never eat rancid nuts, however, as
they have been linked to a high incidence of free radicals.
Soya: alleviate menopausal hot flush and protect against Alzheimer's disease,
osteoporosis and heart disease.
Whole meal pasta and rice: Complex carbohydrates. Brown rice is another
recommended complex carbohydrate, which is high in fibre and B vitamins.
a rating scale that measures the antioxidant content of various plant foods. The
scale is called ORAC, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.
ORAC Score
-----------------------------------------------3/30/ 2011
Group 2 Comics
Do you enjoy reading comic books? What is your favorite? What story is narrated
in it? Do you consider it as low art? Why or why not? Do you not allow your
children to read comics? Superman, Batman
A growing number of universities around the world are recognizing the academic
legitimacy of Comics Studies, leading to a greater amount of comics courses
being offered at the college level. Semiotics and
Composition Studies is re-considering comics and graphic novels as complex texts
deserving of serious scholarly study.
Gunther Kress defines multimodality as “the use of several semiotic modes in the
design of a semiotic product or event, together with the particular way in which
these mode are combined” or, more simply as “any text whose meanings are
realized through more than one semiotic code”. Kristie S. Fleckenstein sees the
relationship between image and text as “mutually constitutive, mutually
infused”—a relationship she names “imageword.” Fleckenstein sees
“imageword” as offering “a double vision of writing-reading based on [the]
fusion of image and word, a double vision of literacy”. Dale Jacobs sees the
reading of comics as a form of “multimodal literacy or multiliteracy, rather than
as a debased form of print literacy”. According to Jacobs, comics can help
educators to move “toward attending to multimodal literacies” that “shift our
focus from print only to multiple modalities”. He encourages educators to
embrace a pedagogy that will give students skills to effectively negotiate these
multiple modalities.
Where can you learn comics as a degree?
University of Florida formal programs and degrees, courses dedicated to Comics and Graphic
Where do you like to read them, newspaper, magazine, or books?
on religious subjects, aspects of political and social life, and also started to satirize and
caricature. It was also during this period that the speech bubble was developed as a means of
attributing dialogue.
In the 1980s, comics scholarship started to blossom in the U.S.
What are some of important books about comics art?
1. In 1996, Will Eisner published Graphic Storytelling…Comics and Sequential Art (1985)
described the technique and structure of comics as sequential art, "the arrangement of pictures
or images and words to narrate a story or dramatize an idea."
2. In Understanding Comics (1993) Scott McCloud defined sequential art and comics as
"juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information
and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer."…3. By contrast, The Comics Journal's
"100 Best Comics of the 20th Century", included the works of several single-panel
cartoonists and a caricaturist, and academic study of comics has included political cartoons.
30 Essential Graphic Novels
CRAYON SHINCHAN VOL. 1 – The original manga featuring the star of the hit late-night
Adult Swim series. He's rude, he's crude, and adults tremble whenever he's around. His
inappropriate comments and obsession with body parts and bodily functions make life stressful
for his struggling parents. No one is safe from Shinchan's verbal outbursts...and now, neither
are you!蠟筆小新
What are the two styles?
The cartoony style uses comic effects and a variation of line widths for expression.
Characters tend to have rounded, simplified anatomy.
The realistic style also referred to as the adventure style is the one developed for use within
the adventure strips of the 1930s. They required a less cartoony look, focusing more on
realistic anatomy and shapes, and used the illustrations found in pulp magazines as a basis.[53]
This style became the basis of the superhero comic book style. Superman
What do you see the language in comics?
Language: comics are not an illustrated version of standard literature, and while some critics
argue that they are a hybrid form of art and literature, others contend comics are a new and separate
art; an integrated whole, of words and images both, where the pictures do not just depict the story,
but are part of the telling. In comics, creators transmit expression through arrangement and
juxtaposition of either pictures alone, or word(s) and picture(s), to build a narrative.
Do you see it as a new creative art?
digital media such as webcomics and the mobile comic.
Any number of people can assist in the creation of a comic book in this way, from a
plotter, a breakdown artist, a penciller, an inker, a scripter, a letterer and a colorist,
Artists use a variety of pencils, paper, typically Bristol board and a waterproof ink. When inking,
many artists preferred to use a Winsor & Newton Series 7, #3 brush as the main tool, which could be
used in conjunction with other brushes, dip pens, a fountain pen and/or a variety of technical pens or
markers. Mechanical tints can be employed to add grey tone to an image. An artist might paint with
acrylics, gouache, poster paints or watercolors. Color can also be achieved through crayons, pastels
or colored pencils.
Eraser, rulers, templates, set squares and a T-square assist in creating lines and shapes. A drawing
table provides an angled work surface with lamps sometimes attached to the table. A light box
allows an artist to trace his pencil work when inking, allowing for a looser finish. Knives and
scalpels fill a variety of needs, including cutting board or scraping off mistakes. A cutting mat aids
paper trimming. Process white is a thick opaque white material for covering mistakes. Adhesives and
tapes help composite an image from different sources.
Computer generated comics
digital illustrations using computers, graphics tablets and scanners.
Batman: Digital Justice by Pepe Moreno in 1990.
What are some of the comics created by computer technology? In 1998, Pete Nash displayed
fully digitized artwork on his Striker comic strip for The Sun. Computers are now widely used
for both coloring and lettering, forcing some comic book letterers to look elsewhere for work. Blondie
Blondie is an American comic strip created by cartoonist Chic Young. Distributed by King
Features Syndicate, the strip has been published in newspapers since September 8, 1930.
Comic is a graphic medium in which images convey a sequential narrative.
The sequential nature of the pictures, and the predominance of pictures over words,
distinguishes comics from picture books, though there is some overlap between the two.
the 19th century
Comics as a real mass medium started to emerge in the United States in the early 20th century
with the newspaper comic strip,
in newspapers, magazines, comic books, graphic novels and on the web
Comic strip and cartoon
In some circles, comics are still seen as low art,
However, such an elitist "low art/high art" distinction doesn't exist in the French-speaking
Japanese manga
serious studies were rare until the late 20th century
Though practitioners may eschew formal traditions, they often use particular forms and conventions
to convey narration and speech, or to evoke emotional or sensuous responses. Devices such as
speech balloons and boxes are used to indicate dialogue and impart establishing information, while
panels, layout, gutters and zip ribbons can help indicate the flow of the story. Comics use of text,
ambiguity, symbolism, design, iconography, literary technique, mixed media and stylistic elements
of art help build a subtext of meanings. Though comics are non-linear structures and can be hard to
read sometimes, it is simply presented. However, it depends of the reader's "frame of mind" to read
and understand the comic. Different conventions were developed around the globe, from the manga
of Japan to the manhua of China and the manhwa of Korea, the comic books of the United States,
and the larger hardcover albums in Europe.
Online Comics
Group 1 Marriages, all kinds of
This presentation brought us a global view on all kinds of marriage, including
traditional marriage in monogamy, polygamy, polyandry, same-sex marriage, and
forced marriage. How to get a marriage that brings in true happiness in a life time
is worth of thinking. Those who are young may have dream about a happy
marriage. You may look after it in the future.
mat·ri·mo·ny The act or state of being married; marriage.
一夫一妻制是一種違背人性的野蠻制度!從物種學角度來說,不符合自然規律, 優秀的男人,有能力
一夫多妻制 POLYGAMY, plural marriage
一妻多夫制 polyandry; polyandrous 印度、西藏乃至鄰近的尼泊爾
Live together, use the same last name, file a joint tax return, live together for a
significant periods of time, intend to be married.
Take a mail application and a copy of marriage licence, birth certificate and
After a divorce,
Definition: The term "trophy wife" generally refers to a successful, powerful
businessman's second or third wife who is beautiful, educated, successful,
and younger than her husband.
A "trophy wife" is considered a status symbol.
"Trophy wife" reportedly was first used by Fortune magazine in 1989.
Eight different types of Hindu marriages: Brahma marriage (a boy is eligible to get
married, once he has completed his Brahmacharya (student hood). Parents, who
search for a bride for their son, would consider the family background of the girl, whom
he is going to marry.), Daiva Marriage (the girl's family waits for a particular time, to get
her married., a priest), Arsha Marriage (the bride is given in exchange of two cows,
received from the groom, old sage), Prajapatya Marriage (the bride's father goes in
search for a groom for his daughter.), Gandharva Marriage (similar to love marriage,
secretly), Asura Marriage (the groom is not at all suitable for the bride, he willingly
gives as much wealth as he can afford, to the bride's parents and relatives.), Rakshasa
Marriage (the groom fights battles with the bride's family, overcomes them, carries her
away and then persuades her to marry him.), Paishacha Marriage (she is forced to
marry. Moreover, the bride's family is also not given anything in cash or kind.)
Group 6 Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund
Who is your favorite actress or actor? Do you remember anything great
he/she says or does? Her association with UNICEF and Oscar.
Audrey Hepburn quotes
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of
kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”
“Your heart just breaks, that's all. But you can't judge, or point fingers. You just have to
be lucky enough to find someone who appreciates you.”
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
"The most important thing is to enjoy life - to be happy - that's all that matters."
"I saw but one glaring truth: These are not natural disasters but man-made tragedies
for which there is only one manmade solution-peace."
Group 5 One Hundred Kisses
It’s hard because you have to persuade a stranger to kiss or accept your kiss in the
public place. Are you good enough to persuade others to carry out your project?
Do you want to kiss someone without feeling?
What is the quickest way to be famous?
What would you do to not forget your university life?
If you were her friend, what would you tell her for what she has done?
Should you behave in a way not to offend your boy friend and girl friend?
I would say one hundred roses.
"100 kisses" - Ani Lorak & Olexandr Ponomariov a song
A Taiwanese blogger is out to kiss one hundred different strangers in Paris and take a picture of each
one. Yang Ya-ching, a twenty-seven-year-old music student living in Paris, thought of the project
three years ago, but only acted on it this summer
The desire for a lasting memory of Paris is what inspired Yang.
Group 3
Group 4
Daily 2
For daily 2 talks, your group topics can be chosen from the textbook, or from news.
Please prepare early. We will ask your topics next time.
5/20 Talking about the guided topics for the final.
Daily 2 topics also can be up to your group decision. Recommended topics from
Ideas and Issues Advanced, Martin Hunt. Chancerel International, 2000.
3Cb 4/ 22, 29; 5/06, 13, 20, 27
4/ 22, 29 The Hours
Introduction to Visitron and Language of Meeting and Negotiation
Talking about the guided topics for the final.
How to raise good questions?
Critical Thinking
Bill Clinton’s Trip to Beijing and his speech at Beijing University
Group 1 A brief introduction of restaurants and bars in Taichung City
Bars or Lounges 100% Night Life
Opening Hours: Most weekdays (promoter: please contact TN with details thanks) SAT: 21:00 -05:00
Light Lounge is an absolute must if you're in Taichung. With great fluorescent decor and
lighting, plush seating, and a host of excellent resident and visiting D J's, it has carved out a
niche for itself and it attracts people from all over the island. Saturday nights there are usually
massive . Musical styles range from underground, elekro, house and indie.
Why do people enjoy night life? And Who?
Bystro Restaurant Grill
UZO Mediterranean Bar & Grill
Fatty's 義大利餐廳
Pizza Rock Taichung
Din Tai Fun
This group introduces Bars and lounge, K.C. Café, Traveler Kitchen, Din Tai Fun,
Oumi Ramen.
1-800-TAXI-USA is committed to helping keep the streets safe from drivers under the
influence, encouraging would-be drunk drivers to call a taxi,
The fight against drunk driving
Impaired driving continues to be a major problem facing America -- but it is not, by any
means, unsolvable. By exercising personal responsibility and securing alternative methods
of transportation, the catastrophic effects of drunk driving can be prevented, and
thousands of lives can be saved.
Group 2 Creative Inventions and Products
Slider Folding Bike was invented by Hao Ting Hsu, a graduate student of art and
design at Tung Hai University. It is stunning to look at, easy to be folded in
seconds, and makes me feel like to own one.
The Japanese inventor Chindogu Kenji Kawakami is interestingly introducing his
inventions and does not hope for mass production. He is a man invention for
invention’s sake. The western type of invention starts with the need too, finding
out the problem, giving solution, conducting marketing and then comes the
Amy’s topic about Instant Prescription Eyeware sounds novel and helping in
adjusting the hemisphere of eyeware. What do you think our government can do
for people with regard to eyeware?
Andrew introduces sparephone: OC-35C as a must for our first aid kit. You can
make calls for help after the disaster. Good life coaching
“Making your dreams a reality through partnership”
Living the creative life
Channeling Your Creativity into Money-Making Inventions
working within the demands of a commercial market can be a creative challenge in itself.
inventing a product usually means solving a problem or filling a need
Some inventors stumble on their creations, but for most, invention is a combination of
observation and imagination.
So how does one go about creating a new product?
Once you come up with your idea, see what you can do to keep it simple.
Once you have your idea, determine who would want your product and why. This will involve
market research.
The way your product will best be distributed can affect its design.
Group 3 World Cultural Heritage
Rei has been to the Great Wall of China and still felt difficult to climb up to it by
a rope. The way up was so steep.
Hiro Shima Peace Memorial must be a place full of paradoxical mood upon
Who is the best to know how to build up or set up the Stonehenge?
The Taj Mahal, when is the best time to see it?
UNESCO World Heritage Center
Cultural heritage includes tangible 有形的 culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes,
books, works of art, and artifacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and
knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity).
The deliberate act of keeping cultural heritage from the present for the future is known as
Preservation (American English) or Conservation (British English),
Digital preservation
Oral history
Language preservation
Natural heritage
World heritage movement
Group 4 Domestic/ Romantic Films
There are some films introduced, A City of Sadness, Love and the relationships in
films, You are the apple of my eye 那些年我們一起追的女孩, Gf。Bf directed by
Yang Ya-Zhe, A Love Story in Silence, and Cape No. 7. This group really work
Do you think such triangle love between men and woman reflect real life? Aren is
a lucky man whom both man and woman love.
Love in Silence is kind of special. You go inner to the heart.
Write a letter to your mom to open 10 years from now. What will you write down
in this letter?
You met a man and fell in love, but you separated out of no reason for 30 years.
Can you continue this love 30 years later?
Group 6 Animations
They talk about Japanese, Taiwanese animations and Walt Disney productions.
They tell how animations of Miyazaki reflect his spirit of improving the world,
how Jimmy works his way on saving people from difficult mood and relax, and
how the beautiful animations of Disney’s have helped to bring you through your
6/4Group 5 Oscar Awards 2013 List Video
Who are academy awards judges?
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) is located at 8949 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA.
"... a professional honorary organization, AMPAS maintains a voting membership of 5,829 (as of
2007). Actors constitute the largest voting bloc, numbering 1,311 members (22 percent) of the
Academy's composition. Votes have been certified by the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers for
the past 73 annual awards ceremonies.
All AMPAS members must be invited to join. Invitation comes from the Board of Governors, on
behalf of Academy Branch Executive Committees. Membership eligibility may be achieved by a
competitive nomination or a member may submit a name based on other significant contribution to
the field of motion pictures.
New membership proposals are considered annually. The Academy does not publicly disclose its
membership, although as recently as 2007 press releases have announced the names of those who
have been invited to join. The 2007 release also stated that it has just under 6,000 voting members.
While the membership had been growing, stricter policies have kept its size steady since then."
Oscar Awards 2013 winners' list
Take a look at the Oscar Awards 2013 winners:
# Best Picture - Argo
# Best Actor - Daniel Day-Lewis for 'Lincoln'
# Best Actress - Jennifer Lawrence for 'Silver Linings Playbook'
# Best Direction - Ang Lee for 'Life of Pi'
# Best Writing - Original Screenplay - Quentin Tarantino for 'Django Unchained'
# Best Writing - Adapted Screenplay - Chris Terrio for 'Argo'
# Best Original Song - Adele for 'Skyfall'
Oscars 2013: Adele performs Skyfall - video
# Best Original Score - Mychael Danna for 'Life of Pi'
# Best Production Design - 'Lincoln' - Rick Carter (Production Design); Jim Erickson (Set Decoration).
# Best Film Editing - William Goldenberg for 'Argo'
# Best Actress in a Supporting Role - Anne Hathaway for 'Les Miserables'
# Best Foreign Language Film – ‘Amour’
# Best Documentary - Feature – ‘Searching for Sugar Man’
# Best Documentary - Short Subject - `Inocente`
# Best Short Film - Live Action - Shawn Christensen for `Curfew’
# Best Make-Up and Hair Styling - Lisa Westcott and Julie Dartnell for `Les Misérables`
# Best Costume Design - Jacqueline Durran for ‘Anna Karenina’
# Best Visual Effects - `Life of Pi`
# Best Cinematography - Claudio Miranda for `Life of Pi`
# Best Animated Feature Film - `Brave`
# Best Short Film - Animated - John Kahrs for `Paperman`
# Best Supporting Actor - Christoph Waltz for `Django Unchained`
The Words
Group 1 Our Favorite Movies
This group introduced some films: Ashin, Last Holiday, 3 idiots, Hear me, Din
Tao. The main plots dealt with gymnast story, fighting to live for the last few
days but to find out that Georgia is a healthy person, higher education, do sports
for rewards, no one left behind policy, feudal hatred between two Din Tao leaders,
Group 2 Study Abroad: yes or no.
They mention the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. If you do not
go abroad, then how are you going to study language? They provide some web
page to help you self-study.
Group 3 How to lose weight
Before you do aerobics, go to the gym doctor for a physical check-up to see if it
is suitable for you to do it.
Absorption of calcium is important by exposing yourself in the sun for 20
minutes a day. If you have vitamin D, it is unlikely you will get ill.
Group 4 American Series
Ashin is a gymnast story. Last Holiday is the story of Georgia who seems to be
healthy rather than a cancer patient. The film, 3 idiots, encourages an educational
system more free to take care of the individual rather than to see the class as a
No one left behind.
Din tao—a traditional performance of Taiwanese art associating the temple.
Group 5
Group 6
3Ca 2014. 4/23, 30; 5/7, 14, 21, 28
Daily 2
4/23, 30 The Hours
5/6 The Hours
5/13 Introduction to Visitron and Language of Meeting and Negotiation
5/20 Talking about the guided topics for the final.
Daily 2 topics also can be up to your group decision. Recommended topics from
Ideas and Issues Advanced, Martin Hunt. Chancerel International, 2000.
How to raise good questions?
Critical Thinking
Bill Clinton’s Trip to Beijing and his speech at Beijing University
Group 2 Food Safety 23*
Chitra: Food poisoning: Acute and long term
Microbial contaminants
Harmful food additives,
Environmental contaminatants
Agrochemicals residues
Della: Formalin used in preserved food. Alan: Hepatitis A; color food, mixed
liquor and drink,
Cheryl: microwave food, reused oil, GMF, Risky Food, sugar
Lena: food safety news in Taiwan: US beef fro drug residues; Ractopamine 瘦
Food preserved like pickled, dried food fails in tests. Food that do not spoil in
2 years.
GAP: Good agricultural practice
China: Gutter oil, recover, reprocess, sale
Food labeling, how to choose fresh vegetables, meat, apple, fruits
How to keep it fresh, how to finger the fruit as not to harm it, etc.
Organic or no, GM food?
Placticizers 塑化劑
Our vendors may not know the source of their flour to the point as whether other
chemical substances are added to contributing to its flavor. Therefore, our
government has to safeguard the ingredients for us. Most important of all, the the
vendors have to be alert of the materials they choose to use. Our human
conscience makes it good for reflective thinking. Change the ingredients right
away if they know it wrong to use the wrong flours.
Group 3 Marvel, Heroes
They introduce a lot of comic films produced by Marvel Worldwide, including
Captain American, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, The Avengers. The speakers emphasize
the power of the heroes, the armors they use, the magic that they travel through
time, to do good deeds for justice, common good, saving the innocent, making
sacriface, do something for global security.
Edward: At the end the Iron Man destroys all the armors because he wants to be a
human not a superhero.
Group 4 Fantasy Disney Movies
we will demonstrate some movies, such as Tron: Legacy 2010, Enchanted
2007,Tangled 2010 and so on.
Tron: Legacy 2010 The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father
and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's
creation turned bad and a unique ally who was born inside the digital domain of
The Grid.
Tron 1982: A hacker is literally abducted into the world of a computer and forced
to participate in gladiatorial games where his only chance of escape is with the
help of a heroic security program.
Enchanted: A classic Disney fairytale collides with modern-day New York City in
a story about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world by an evil queen. Soon
after her arrival, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after
meeting a handsome lawyer. Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real
Tangled: The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower,
but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the
world for the first time, and who she really is.
Group 5 Dining customs of different cultures
Is It Time to Eat?
In Chinese dining Both square and rectangular tables are used for small groups of people.
When large groups are dining, particularly in restaurants, round tables are common
A basic place setting consists of a small teacup, a large plate with a small, empty
rice bowl in the centre, a set of chopsticks on the right hand side of the table, and
a spoon. More elaborate place settings may include a chopstick holder, a wateror red wine style glass, and a small baijiu glass.
At each place setting, a cloth napkin may be present. It is ordinarily placed under
the place setting, diagonally, so that it appears as a diamond shape to the diner.
Unlike formal Western dinners, a cloth napkin is not placed on the lap. Instead,
whether provided by the hosts or waitress, or already present, folded at the place
setting, it is to be placed with one corner under the large plate of the place setting,
and the rest hanging down diagonally over the edge of the table, and partially
onto the lap of the diner.
Also present on the table, for communal usage, are toothpicks, and paper napkins.
It is polite, when taking a napkin for oneself, to provide one to guests seated next
to you.
In China, eating out is one of the most common ways to honour guests. Similar to
Westerners, eating together in China is a way to socialize and deepen friendships.
A Lazy Susan is a rotating tray at the center of the table.
It is customary to start with the dishes at the guest of honor first, and then rotate
clockwise after, but not starting with the host.
6/10 Free Talk or Impromptu Speech
Group 1 Comics
Most speakers dealt with the history of comics.
Group 2 Fortune-telling
Palming reading and weekly horoscope were welcome.
What do you think you will be doing 5 years from now?
Do you know the right hand palm reading is for women and the left hand palm
reading is for men? It’s because for female, the palm reading in the left hand
indicates what the person’s fate was when he was born. One’s fate is changed
because of personality and character.
Predicting the future 47*
Do you believe in horoscopes? Chinese Feng Shui?
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Monkey,
Rooster, Dog, Pig
What is your sign? What are your good personalities?
What should you look into and be more careful?
See by Susan Miller.
AriesMar 21 - Apr 19
TaurusApr 20 - May 20
GeminiMay 21 - June 20
CancerJune 21 - July 22
Leo July 23 - Aug 22
VirgoAug 23 - Sept 22
LibraSept 23 - Oct 22
ScorpioOct 23 - Nov 21
SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19
Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces Feb 19 - March 20
What are the five elements? Wood begets Fire. Fire begets Earth.
Earth begets Metal. Metal begets Water. Water begets Wood.
A person without wood has no direction. Rose in Joy Luck Club
is a girl without wood.
5 Elements See below.
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley; 1984 by Gorge Orwell
"He who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls
the present controls the past. -- O'Brien in 1984" is a Party slogan.
Written in Orwell's inimitable journalistic style, 1984 is a tribute to a
man who saw the true dangers of historian Lord Acton's (1834-1902)
statement: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be
believed. -- I. F. Stone
5. Gorge Orwell
6. Was Orwell Right?
The corruption of language described in 1984 is widespread in the
media today, with "Newspeak" terms such as democratic, socialist,
fascist, war criminal, freedom fighter, racist and many other
expressions being used in a deliberately deceptive, propagandistic
way to whip up mass hysteria or simply to ensure that people can
never achieve even an approximation of the truth. (John Bennett)
7. Aldous Huxley
Films: 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 directed by Stanley Kubrick
10. Back to the Future 1985 directed by Robert Zemeckis
11. It's about a teenager who accidentally travels back in time and has to
try to alter his young parent’s lives after he inadvertently stops them
from falling in love.
12. How myth became the legend of
Joseph Campbell From the Sunday Herald
American writer on mythology and comparative religion who gained fame with
such works as THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES (1948), an examination of
the archetype of the hero, THE MASKS OF GOD (1959-1968), exploring the
complex mythological heritage and its implications for modern humanity, and
the multi-volume HISTORICAL ATLAS OF WORLD MYTHOLOGY (1989), of which
only the sections on the early stages of human culture were completed.
"Read myths. They teach you that you can turn inward, and you begin to get the
message of the symbols. Read other people's myths, not those of your own
religion, because you tend to interpret your own religion in terms of facts - but if
you read the other ones, you begin to get the message. Myth helps you to put
your mind in touch with this experience of being alive. Myth tells you what the
experience is." (from The Power of Myth)
Joseph Campbell often noted that while mythic structure is
universal, myth itself is kept fresh through reinterpretation.
5 elements
Five Element Theory
Chinese Astrology Elements
Chinese Elements
Here is a brief description of people born under each element:
Earth - brings out the solid, reliable qualities in a person, and these
people are the most practical members of their animal sign. They
have excellent deductive abilities, foresight and organizational
skills, making them excellent planners or administrators. They
usually have a sound reason for everything they do. There is a
tendency toward being too materialistic or too blind to other
Metal - brings out the intense, resolute qualities in a person, and
these people are the most rigid members of their animal sign. They
are guided by strong feelings, and prefer to sort out problems alone
rather than with the aide of others. There is a kind of 'electricity'
about them, and they generate strong impulses in others. There is
a tendency to not let go long after a situation should be ended.
Water - brings out a powerful need to communicate thoughts,
feelings to others, and thus to influence how they think and feel.
They tend to be the most adaptable members of their animal sign.
There is a knack for noticing things that will soon become
important, and can truly wear down their opponent through
persistence, without being pushy or intrusive. There is a
tendency to depend too much on others, or of being inconstant.
Wood - brings out a strong need to be moral, and to know the
basic values of everything. They have the most open, generous
nature of any member of their animal sign. Interests are wide
and varied, and they usually love to expand their horizons, as
well as those of others. Usually generous by nature. There is a
tendency to have too many irons in the fire, spreading themselves
to the breaking point.
Fire - brings out the leadership and decisiveness in its natives, and
they are the most adventurous, aggressive members of their animal
sign. They are good at motivating others, innovating...and they are
real 'doers'.. Usually they dominate the field with their creativity.
There is a tendency to be overambitious, impatient and self-centered..
Group 3 K-Pop
It seems that Korean pop music is successful in the world. What can we learn
from them? By using the media for promoting certain group or giving tough
training to the singers?
Group 4 The famous paintings in the world
Frida Kahlo, Edvard Munch, Picasso, Mona Lisa, The Last Super, The scream,
Mona Lisa
Leonardo da Vinci
The Last Supper
The Last Judgment
Salvador Dalí, The Persistence of Memory.
Group 5 Micro-blog films
You are my Déjà vu, Heartbeat Love, Silence of Love, etc.
Group 6 Our favorite people or things
Shinhwa, Sponge Bob, Gary, Patrick star, Squidward Tentacles, Sandy Cheeks,
Mr. Krabs, Le Bron James, Stitch, Gilmore Girls
Final Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5
3Cb. 2014. 6/3, 10, 17
Mid-term and Final
Group 5 Encourage Employees to Want to Stay
Not only the qualities of the company in their attitudes towards employees are
high-lighted but the examples are provided. Wang Steak 王品,Toyota, 3M and
Apple all provide their employees better working environments.
By Harvard Business ReviewMarch 04, 2013
No employer likes to deal with turnover, especially when losing good people. But your
employees need good reasons to stick around. Here are three things you can do to
earn their commitment:
Give them responsibility. This will show your employees you trust them.
Encourage them to gain new skills. Hire from within wherever possible, and give
generous promotions at appropriate times.
Show respect. Employees want to know they are appreciated. Make it a priority
to display admiration for them on a regular basis.
Be generous with time off. Provide sufficient time for sick days, family vacations,
new babies, etc. Expect and even demand high-quality performance, but don’t assume
employees can constantly work at maximum productivity nor pressure them to do so.
Allow them the chance to breathe between projects.
Adapted from “Five Ways to Retain Employees Forever” by David K. Williams and
Mary Michelle Scott.
What can an employer do? We'd like to suggest the following "5 R's" of employee
1. Responsibility. Show your employees you trust them by giving them
responsibilities that allow them to grow. Encourage them to gain new
skills. Provide ample continuing education opportunities. Hire from within
wherever possible, and give generous promotions at appropriate times.
2. Respect. Employees want to know they are respected and appreciated.
As the saying goes, people may readily forget the things that you said,
but they will always remember the way you made them feel.
3. Revenue-sharing. Tie a part of your employees' wages to the company's
performance. This will align their interests with the company's revenue
and profit goals and will serve as an inherent incentive to stay with the
company as it grows. By making the fixed cost of payroll inherently more
variable under differing business conditions, you can make your company
more resilient and agile, while also treating your employees exceptionally
4. Reward. The rewards you give your employees should speak to their
emotional needs and should go beyond their monetary compensation.
5. Relaxation Time. Be generous with time off. Despite the hard economy,
provide sufficient time for sick days, family vacations, new babies, etc.
Pacing workflow can be highly beneficial to enduring employee
Group 3 Movies based on books/ Novels adapted into films/Books into Movies/
Novels with Movies A--~
The Twelfth Night and The Elegant of Hedgehog are discussed and shown the
interesting points. Do you like to see the play of stage or read the book?
Do you play a part in this play?
How do you like reading of Shakespeare?
If love is seen as a cause of pains, why are there people who want to fall in love?
She is the Man.
Joseph Conrad once said that he writes novels to put his imagination in words for
you to hear, to feel and to see. Do you think film adaption is a way to open our
eyes to see?
What is your favorite film adaptation from novel?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) by J.K. Rowling
Twilight (Twilight, #1) by Stephenie Meyer
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)
rry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)
New Moon (Twilight, #2)
Eclipse (Twilight, #3)
Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)
Pride and Prejudice (Paperback) by Jane Austen
The Great Gatsby (Paperback) by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Hobbit (Middle-earth Universe) by J.R.R. Tolkien
Jane Eyre (Paperback) by Charlotte Brontë
Group 6 Fairy Tales A
A Monster Named Nian - The Story of Chinese New Year
Nian and a song about Nian. Does it sing about men against nature?
Who is the singer of the Nian song? Do you catch up the rhyme in this song?
Rhyming abcb?
Prince rescues the girl in the tower. Tears cure his blindness. (Jizou)
Beauty and Beast, wickedness and good.
Transformation. What does the Beauty and the Beast story show?
Hans Christian Anderson, The Little Mermaid.
He almost caught by the giant. (is caught)
What is your favorite fairy tale? (The Little Prince)
How do you teach kids with tales? (Put on stage, Q & A)
All teach love, hope, friendship, etc.
Are all stepmothers bad persons?
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Golden Bird
The Golden Goose
Andersen Fairytales
SurLaLune Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales: Redefining Good and Evil
We all think we know good and evil when it comes to stories. The good guy wins.
The bad guy loses. But in Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales, it’s the opposite.
In these fantastical stories, sometimes being the good guy isn’t the way to get
Influence of Fairy Tales on Children
Joseph Campbell 'The Hero With a Thousand Faces'
The hero's journey essentially begins with the hero being in a small village or community.
Some sort of catalyst or call to action occurs – often he is sent on a quest, or the village is
destroyed, or his Father is killed (or a combination of these catalysts). The hero is then forced
to leave the community on a quest for the item or revenge and along the way he will meet a
trickster and a wise old man, along with a series of companions. He will be given some kind of
boon or weapon that he can use in his quest and he will encounter a damsel who will be
trapped in a castle or dungeon, usually along with the treasure (often the woman herself is the
treasure). The hero will then use his magical item/weapon and his new companions to
overcome the enemy and at the same time he will undergo some kind of transformation that
will bring him new abilities or insight. He will then return to the village he started off in along
with his bounty and the love of the damsel (often a princess) and he will be hailed as a hero.
This view of fairy tales is one that conforms to Jung's theory of 'archetypes' and the global
unconsciousness which is the source of all our shared thoughts and ideas. We all have the same
characters crop up in our dreams and stories because we all face the same issues and have the
same urges and desires. The hero's journey then comes from a universal truth and reflects the story
that we all go through.
In other words this is a coming of age story and it represents the way most of us go through our
lives. We stay at home until a certain age at which point we leave our parent's care in order to go on
a journey and to meet our partner, earn some money and then set up our own family now as the
head of the family.
a bad influence on women: the woman's portion of the story involves staying trapped in the
castle and awaiting her rescue – much as once women would once have stayed at home with
their parents until they met a man who could support them.
have lower self images
far removed from reality
For the most part your children will be able to recognize the difference between stories and
realistic aims and expectations of life. At the same time they should be exposed to lots of
different stories and stimuli so fairy tales alone aren't going to have any particularly stronger
impact on their development. And the ideas and concepts in the narratives are in many cases
part of our mental blue prints any way so it can't be avoided.
Fairy tales encourage imagination and creative thinking. They are a form of escapism and they are
a part of popular culture and literature. Shielding your children from fairy tales would be to shield
them from a very rich and culturally significant form of storytelling and one that can bring them great
enjoyment. Just make sure that you expose them to other ideas too, and that you read the stories
yourself first and help to educate them on the messages therein.
Group 4 Plastic Surgery A—The only booklet I got so far.
'surgery' and didn't properly warn her of the risks. She endured second-degree burns to her face
and still has numbness and shooting pains in her cheeks five years after the operations
Started to introduce Korean women, Michael Jackson, the reasons for surgery,
Pros and cons. (medical reasons like abnormalities, a child born with a cleft lip,;
Accidents or illness like breast cancer; self-confidence and self-esteem; look
better )
Removing blemishes from skin
Removing unwanted moles
Reshaping features
Brest Reconstruction
Removing excess of weight
Get rid of balding
Face reconstruction and many more
What do you think their off springs will look like?
If you have the money, which part of you do you like to change?
Group 1 A Comparison of Educational Systems by Countries
Why do most workers with college degrees earn so much more than those
without? How does a nation's education system relate to its economic
performance? Knowing how education and training interact with the economy
can help you better understand why some workers, businesses and economies
flourish, while others falter.
The Top 3 Educational Systems In The World
SEE: How Education And Training Affect The Economy
Switzerland, Canada, Finland
The Advantages of Education to a Nation
Group 2 Climate and Environment
Sustainable growth and resilience to climate change
We develop services and strategies to protect those with the least means from an
imperiled environment and changing global climate
In Asia, both climate change and unplanned urbanization put countries at greater risk
than in any other region in the world. Our resilience-building efforts in ten Asian cities are
designed to serve as a model for cities everywhere. The Foundation has committed
hundreds of millions of dollars in grants in the last decade to enable communities in Africa
to survive and sustain themselves in the face of life-and-death struggles resulting from
floods, droughts, and drops in agricultural yields.
A joint commitment between the Rockefeller Foundation, Oxfam America, and Swiss Re,
announced in September 2009, focuses on using innovative solutions—such as drought
insurance and microcredit lending—to help smallholder farmers in Ethiopia adapt to current
risks from climate change.
What Now? Our feverish planet badly needs a cure. By Jeffrey Kluger. TIME Digest, No. 135,
May 2007. PP. 13- 47.
Group 2 Famous Landmarks in the World A—No reference, beautiful cover,
Nice info about Incheon Bridge and N Seoul Tower
What would you do if you go to Paris? Do people wear special sneakers when
climbing the rock? What contributes to the increasing and decreasing number of
the animals?
Uluru, Ayers Rock, Kata Tjuta, Eiffel Tower, Tokyo Skytree (643m),
Chile—Eastern Island, Moai, Hawaii, Aloha Tower, Incheon Bridge, etc.
Giza Pyramid and the Great Sphinx near Cairo, Egypt
The pyramids are a symbol of the high culture of dynastic ancient Egypt.
aj Mahal, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India
The Taj Mahal is a monument of love, and a symbol for India.
Stonehenge, Wiltshire county, UK
the world's most famous prehistoric monument. People around the world consider it as a sacred site and
they associate the ceremonial place with the super natural world.
Great Wall of China (长城), China
The Long Wall is really an amazing landmark and today the most celebrated symbol of China. In pre
modern times the Great Wall was also recognized as a symbol of the futility and cruelty of the first
emperor's political and military ambitions.
Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Angkor was the ancient capital of the Khmer empire, in western Cambodia and one of the world's
greatest cultural treasures, today the national symbol of the country,
Acropolis of Athens, Athens, Greece
The Acropolis of Athens can be seen as a symbol for the Ancient Greek World, the classical period of the
Hellenic civilization.
Colosseum, Rome, Italy
The Flavian Amphitheater is an iconic symbol for Rome the 'Eternal City' as well as for the civilization of
the Imperial Roman Empire.
Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA
The Statue of Liberty, since 1924 a National Monument, is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom
and democracy.
Eiffel Tower, Champ-de-Mars, Paris, France
Few things symbolize Paris and France like this monument, it is the foremost universal icon of the
French way of life of bon vivant and savoir vivre.
Clock Tower, Palace of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, is a symbol for London as well as an
icon for the British way of life.
Empire State Building, Manhattan, New York City, USA, the Art Deco skyscraper is New York's most
popular landmark and a symbol for the American way of life, rose during the Great Depression to the
then tallest building in the world.
Forbidden City, Beijing, China,
The Forbidden City is the largest cluster of ancient buildings in the world, a city within a city.and a
symbol of China's cultural heritage. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia
has become the very symbol of Sydney and maybe for whole modern Australia.
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is the result of a colossal miscalculation. Everyone makes mistakes, but most
people's mistakes does not weigh 14,500 tonnes. But some mistakes are excusable, after a while.
Group 4 Carnival B+ no booklet
Group 3 The Revolution of Movie –silent film to 3D Imax A-What kinds of movie do you enjoy the most?
Why do actors who learn performance watch silent films? Have you learned
What are some silent films Charlie Chaplin starred?
What are some interesting 3 D movies?
What does Steven Spielberg say about filming 3 D movies? And Ang Lee, do you
think he also wants to learn to make 3D movies?
Ben Stassen
a Belgian film producer and director. He founded nWave Pictures in 1994, producing highly
successful CGI ride films including the groundbreaking Devils Mine. Starting in 1997, Ben
Stassen began focusing on large format films usually screened at IMAX theaters,
As IMAX theaters around the world increasingly became capable of screening stereoscopic
(3-D) films in the late nineties, Stassen quickly embraced this new technology, and directed a
succession of popular 3-D large format films.
Hollywood will always be about business. Getting us to pay more money for anything is simply
attractive to them.
Many vocal critics have pointed out the downsides of the medium itself. The 3D projection process
produces a dimmer picture, making everything underlit and gloomy. Improper refresh rates on TVs
create images that cause considerable eye strain. And multiple 3D standards (Digital 3D, IMAX 3D,
Real 3D) cause consumer confusion.
Complaints: expensive, a bad movie in 3D is still a bad movie, John’s recent podcast on the
future of film,
Movies in 3D: Into the next dimension... By Laura Hodgson For CNN
companies such as IMAX (Canada), Dolby and REAL D (United States) are promising a renaissance of 3D films by
creating viewing systems which provide flawless performances at the cinema.
Visionary directors including James Cameron, Steven Spielberg and Robert Zemeckis are embracing the new
technology and in Cameron's case, actively developing it.
For filming live action, two cameras are used side by side, filming one perspective for the right eye and another for
the left. The difference between each film creates the same effect as when we process information in our brain sent
from our eyes.
Computer generated imagery (CGI) is another technique used to create 3D. CGI allows perspectives to be
manipulated in post production. This system is most commonly used for animations. A 2D film can also be
transformed into 3D using this process. To deliver 3D experience in cinema, these images are synchronized,
projected and, wearing the right glasses, you can see 3D film in the movie theater!
IMAX and 3D
"For 3D, you have two films running through," he explained. "We see life in three dimensions because we have two
eyes looking at it from different perspectives. We create that here. We've got left-eye here and right-eye there, they
run through together. You do wear glasses, and no, they're not red and green! It's a polarized system and it really
makes it believable. And I guarantee that if you come and see a 3D film here you will put your hands up to touch the
objects or you will duck."
'Beowulf' in 3D is absolutely spectacular."
Spielberg at the Revolution 2006
On whether the new technology will divide film audiences:
Audience members are only concerned about the story, the concept, the bells and whistles and the noise that a
popular film starts to make even before it's popular. So audiences will not be drawn to the technology; they'll be
drawn to the story. And I hope it always remains that way.
On On how we will watch movies in the future:
I think we are eventually going to get to a point where the audience is going to want to make a choice: to go to a
movie theater and let the movie just roll over them, and they walk out having felt that a confident filmmaker told them
a really good story and that’s really satisfying.
a movie theater that allows the audience to be active members in the story-telling process
And there will be room for both.
On what audience he thinks about when he's shooting a movie:
On the appeal of special effects:
The only danger is when the technological tools become the whole point of making the movie, as opposed to a great
story with great characters. When we become infatuated with the tools that can do anything and we forget the story,
that's when we get in trouble.
Group 6 5 Oscar Films A—Hugo, Rise of the Planet Ape, The Help, A Separation,
Black Swan
What’s our award given to outstanding film makers?
How do we pronounce the title/name Hugo correctly?
In what way the mechanical man change Hugo’s life?
How do you think about scientist’s work and experiment with animals?
What is the intention of the scientists in making this experiment with apes?
If the scientists do things that come out out of control, what might have
The help deals with American culture in which Black and White American
women contrast each other in lives. Do you like to read books of this kind? Why?
Do you think husbands and wives can get divorce because one of them has to
leave the country?
Whiney pointed out the sacrifices performers make to create art and the dual
processes of creation and destruction. Do you think the sacrifice could be big? Do
you want to be a good artist?
Ann Romeny and Hillary Rosen Debate Motherhood: What American Women
Really Think? We need to respect the choice. By Kate Pickert April 12, 2012
Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen went on CNN Wednesday night and said that Mitt
Romney’s wife is a terrible adviser to her husband on women’s economic issues because
Ann Romney, who stayed at home to raise five sons, “has never worked a day in her life.”
Within moments, the comment—which was certainly offensive—ignited a predictable
storm among Republicans. Ann Romney herself went on Fox News Thursday morning to
say, “We need to respect choices that women make.”
In this latest kerfuffle, Democratic and Republican operatives are each
trying to wound the other party enough to make a statistically significant change in how a
small percentage of women might vote in November.
Rosen’s comment was controversial because it dripped with judgment—she implied that
being a mother is not “work” and that Ann Romney can never understand the plight of
working women because she’s never had a career. Rosen herself is a mother, who quit a
high-powered job as a Washington lobbyist in order to spend more time at home with her
twins. But her comment channeled a degree of resentment that exists between working
and stay-at-home mothers. This isn’t just about partisanship or even privilege: the data on
mothers dropping out of the labor force show race is a far more important factor than
income or education. And at-home moms are often just as judgey as Rosen was on CNN.
According to Pew:
Group 1 Three Controversial Issues: physical (corporal) punishment, capital
punishment, abortion A
The three issues were arranged in affirmative and negative points for the listener
to know the positions of each speaker.
If it’s not carefully investigated, innocent people could be wrongly misjudged.
What could we do?
The murder rate in non-Death Penalty states has remained consistently lower than
the rate in States with the Death Penalty. The threat of execution is unlikely to
enter the minds of those acting under the influence of drugs/ or alcohol, fear or
rage, mental illness. They do not fully understand the gravity of their crime.
Can one really prepare himself/ herself to become parents?
Do children have rights to be taught the right behaviors?
To punish or not to punish, the children should learn what is wrong and be
punished right away.
Group 5 Google and Other Searching Machine B+
What is cloud computing?
What is the best policy of Google management? How does Larry Page organize
his team?
How do they do the map? Do you think G-map intrude into people’s private life?
Do you use G-translate often?
What do you think about G-book? If you were an author, what kind of change
would you suggest Google book have?
How do AdWords differ from other advertisement like Yahoo?
Their main concern is “to organize the world’s information and make it
universally accessible and useful.” What is the company’s unofficial slogan?
What does it mean? (“Don’t be evil.”)
What are some philosophies you have while using the network?
Google 為我們展示「雲端運算未來」Chromebook 將現身亞洲市場?
(to organize the world's information
and make it universally accessible and useful);Google 在全世界的數據中心內運營著超過
百萬台的伺服器,[16] 每天處理數以億計的搜尋請求[17] 和約二十四 PB 用戶生成的數據。
如雲端硬碟、Gmail 電子郵件,包括 Orkut、Google Buzz 以及最近的 Google+在內的社交
網路服務。Google 的產品同時也以應用軟體的形式進入用戶桌面,例如 Google Chrome
瀏覽器、Picasa 圖片整理與編輯軟體、Google Talk 即時通訊工具等。另外,Google 還進
行了移動設備的 Android 作業系統以及上網本的 Google Chrome OS 作業系統的開發。
在市場競爭中處於領先地位的現實也使 Google 公司在用戶隱私保護、版權、網路審查等
Final Guided Topics 2014/3 More, 5 Mid-term and Final
3Ca 2014. 6/4, 11, 18
Carol is back and she has decided to transfer to the American University where
she can earn a diploma.
Group 2 Fashion A--~B
This group extends the topic to fashion designs from various countries, such
French, Italian, Korean, and the interesting thing discovered is the famous
designs aim at the rich people. Alan responds quickly because the rich need to
buy the quality of the clothes to reflect their self-image.
Group 4 The Unique Artists A— ~B- Two members were missing.
Alan: Why do you choose the traditional artists rather than modern artists? I think
the traditional artists they introduced are innovative; we can feel as the felt when
they painted the art works.
What are your favorite artists in Taiwan? Jimmy?
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Paul Gauguin
(7 June 1848 – 8 May 1903) was a leading Post-Impressionist painter. His bold
experimentation with coloring led directly to the Synthetist style of modern art while
his expression of the inherent meaning of the subjects in his paintings, under the
influence of the cloisonnist style, paved the way to Primitivism and the return to the
pastoral. He was also an influential exponent of wood engraving and woodcuts as art
Leonardo da Vinci
Claude Monet
Paul Cezanne The Complete Works
Group 3 Terrorists: Taliban militia and Al Qaeda
almost 3,000 people died in the attacks, including the 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the
four planes.
Suspicion quickly fell on al-Qaeda. Although the group's leader, Osama bin Laden, initially
denied any involvement, in 2004 he claimed responsibility for the attacks. Al-Qaeda and bin
Laden cited U.S. support of Israel, the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, and sanctions
against Iraq as motives for the attacks. The United States responded to the attacks by launching
the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Taliban, which had harbored
al-Qaeda. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law
enforcement powers. Having evaded capture for years, bin Laden was located and killed by
U.S. forces in May 2011.
an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan. It spread into Afghanistan and
formed a government, ruling as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan from September 1996 until
December 2001, with Kandahar as the capital. However, it gained diplomatic recognition from
only three states: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mohammed Omar has
been serving as the spiritual leader of the Taliban since 1994.
The Taliban were condemned internationally for their brutal treatment of women.
The Taliban and their allies committed massacres against Afghan civilians, denied UN food
supplies to 160,000 starving civilians, and conducted a policy of scorched earth, burning vast
areas of fertile land and destroying tens of thousands of homes during their rule from
1996-2001. After the attacks of September 11, 2001 the Taliban were overthrown by the
American-led invasion of Afghanistan. Later it regrouped as an insurgency movement to fight
the American-backed Karzai administration and the NATO-led International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF). The Taliban have been accused of using terrorism as a specific tactic
to further their ideological and political goals.
Group 5 Must Go Sceneries for Traveling
Natural wonders
Some beautiful pictures of important sceneries have been searched and shown in
the ppt in this introduction. I would like to know the educational systems in those
scenic spots as well as their cultural connections because if students go to study
abroad in those places, it would be wonderful to also visit these beautiful places.
For instance, we gradually see our students choose to go to Switzerland, United
Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong, and far off places to study.
Group 4 Make-up makes your life up A-Do you make up on daily basis?
Do you think students and children can wear make-up?
On your wedding day who do you want to do make-up for you the bride?
Bleaching is not a good way to make your face white, don’t you think?
Do you prefer to have a light complexion or to get a tan from the sun?
How many of you have taken the lessons of make-up art?
Do you want to work for companies selling skin care products? What can you do
for them?
Do you care about the ingredients in the cosmetic products?
Do you wear perfume?
depending on the occasion and place
understand your face, your best facial features, which can be your eyes,
lips, cheeks and/or eyebrows and what suits you the most. Coordinate
your colors beforehand and remember, bolder colors are for exotic looks
only and can play havoc on your face, if not used expertly.
Group 3 Top 5 International Airports A-Group 3 always comes out with a beautiful booklet bounded like a booklet.
Beautiful photos of the famous international airport highlight the main interests
they focus.
They chose to introduce the top 5 airport in the world based on the annual ACI
Airport Service Quality passenger survey. Seoul Incheon, Singapore Changi,
Hong Kong, Beijing Capital, Hyderabad Rajiv Ghandi International Airport.
What did you do in Incheon Airport on your last visit to Korea and return trip?
Do you think only passengers go to the airport if you can do a lot there?
When you are driving in our freeway, at the resting stop you can take a rest for
one to three hours before you drive again in the resting room for free.
Passenger first is the best policy in Singapore Changi Airport.
How do the man in the lost found counter deal with the loss of passenger’s
Do you like to work in the controlling room to guide the airplane to land?
Would you want to be airline stewardess and attendant?
Air navigation by planes makes the world a global village. What do you suggest
that our Tao Yuan airport be moderated?
If you want a job in any one of the international airport, what kind of job would it
Seoul Incheon International Airport, Singapore Changi Airport, Hong Kong International Airport,
Beijing Capital International Airport and Hyderabad Rajiv Ghandi International Airport.
these airports belong to the Asia-Pacific Region.
measuring the improvement
Group 1 Original Brands in Taiwan A-What similarities do these famous brands share as successful
entrepreneurs/enterprises? –create and produce new products, provide good services,
customer first
Do businessmen prosper in Taiwan?
How could Taiwanese government help the entrepreneurs with their business?
(incentives, tax cut and so forth)
Debts in Europe gets worse, how can the government help to boost the business in our
country? Korean government wants to cut tax short to help.
How could ECFA help boost foreign trade in Taiwan?
Did Foxconn’s stake in Sharp bring in profits?
So with so much stress for the workers and high suicidal rate, what do you think about
the disadvantages high tech can bring to workers and to the consumers?
Do you like that machines or robots be used in production rather than human
Do you think Foxconn is successful in bring the suicidal rate down by offering high
What do you think about the lawsuit of using patented components vs. Microsoft?
Compatible means that it is applicable to other phones.
SamSang is a rather strong competitor. How do you see htc’s prospectives?
What do you think about people bending over their phone on the way to work or
Lanfear shows a study of the investing, marketing, core executives, as well as
principles to be followed.
Do you really think that the products are eco-friendly?
ECFA—Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement
2008 免關稅的經濟策略
臺灣半官方組織中華經濟研究院曾以國際通用 GTAP 及 TAIGEM 等經濟模型評估該條
約。該評估認為:兩岸簽署 ECFA 對台灣經濟之影響,研究結果顯示簽署後對台灣 GDP、
出進口、貿易條件、社會福利均呈現正成長,整體經濟成長率將增加 1.65%-1.72%、總就
業人數將增加 25.7-26.3 萬人,對總體經濟有明顯正面效益,全民皆可分享此經濟成長的
What brands (cosmetics, cars, cellphone, smart phone, sneakers, watches, cloth designer, etc.) from
Taiwan do you enjoy very much?
Taiwan Turning from OEM to Original Brands (original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
Taiwan has already netted over 180 international product design awards in 2011
a lot of the profit a brand could bring to a business
Taiwan is pushing hard to move up the value chain, and industry and state authorities are sponsoring
design institutes to boost the country’s innovative output and upgrade Taiwanese brands. This
means a strong focus on product design, industrial design, graphic design and interior design as it
focuses on the original brand manufacturer (OBM) sector.
The Irish Times - Friday, June 24, 2011
Made In Taiwan
TO MOST PEOPLE, “Made in Taiwan” means microchips, reliable if dull laptops and huge
Taiwanese companies in Guangdong making anonymous components for Apple and Nokia at giant
firms such as Foxconn.
The strength of Taiwan’s original equipment manufacturer (OEM) sector is the rock on which the
self-ruled island’s economy is built. But as competition intensifies within the region, especially
from neighbouring China, Taiwan’s thoughts are turned to design and innovation for the future.
Taiwan EV Industry Moving from Parts Manufacture into Original Brands ***
Taiwan has already netted over 180 international product design awards in 2011.
Taiwan Design Center 創意設計中心
biotechnology, urbanism, the Internet, economic development and international
migration, that demonstrate a strong impact on modern design development, and
which provide us a new lifestyle and experience.
<台譽良品 Taiwan Mastige>概念計劃
Group 6 Skyscraper A—No reference
Why do you think more and more skyscrapers are being built in the world?
What Taipei 101 is like? A bamboo in Chinese Zen style. Can you see it like a
Christmas tree pointing to the heaven? The Pagoda tradition (a tiered 塔層 tower
with multiple eaves 屋簷) as it incorporates ancient motifs such as the ruyi
In what way Taipei 101 is safe against strong wind and earthquake under 7
Richter Scale?
Do you think it really good to add up a bit more height to the new one?
How do you read these floors 41st, 42nd, 43rd, etc.?
Do you like to see the skyscrapers in films?
What are some famous skyscrapers in the world?
The Empire State Building in New York City, the first building to have more than 100 floors (it
has 102), was completed the following year. It was designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon in
the contemporary Art Deco style.
The World Trade Center officially reached full height in 1972, was completed in 1973, and
consisted of two tall towers and several smaller buildings. The Willis Tower , Burj Khalifa in
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2004,
What do you think about the skyscrapers? What does skyscraper symbolize?
Do you know some breaking- through techniques being developed and applied in
constructing the tall buildings?
This geographical transition is accompanied by a change in approach to skyscraper design. For much
of the twentieth century large buildings took the form of simple geometrical shapes. This reflected
the "international style" or modernist philosophy shaped by Bauhaus architects early in the century.
The last of these, the Willis Tower and World Trade Center towers in New York, erected in the
1970s, reflect the philosophy. Tastes shifted in the decade which followed, and new skyscrapers
began to exhibit postmodernist influences. This approach to design avails itself of historical elements,
often adapted and re-interpreted, in creating technologically modern structures. The Petronas Twin
Towers recall Asian pagoda architecture and Islamic geometric principles. Taipei 101 likewise
reflects the pagoda tradition (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) as it incorporates ancient motifs
such as the ruyi 如意 symbol. The Burj Khalifa draws inspiration from traditional Islamic art.
Architects in recent years have sought to create structures that would not appear equally at home if
set in any part of the world, but that reflect the culture thriving in the spot where they stand.
Group 5 Festivals and Fun A-Halloween, Thanksgiving, Lent Brazilian Carnival, Water Festival
When you are teaching kids the customs of Halloween, what costume will you
make for them? Do you want one of them to be witch carrying a broom?
Why is doing activities a good way for children to learn language?
Thanksgiving, say prayer, carve the turkey
Collective memory
What are some of the criteria for judging the winner of the annual carnival?
Water Festival—by throwing water, you throw something bad away.
Group 2 Natural Mystery A
Loch Ness Monster, Bermuda Triangle, Stonehenge,
“Man can conquer nature,” and “man can stay in harmony with nature” are two
different views from the westerners and easterners. How do you see the contrast
between these two attitudes toward nature?
Let’s see the map. First, second and third are transitional words you say to
smooth down the passages for the listeners. Please make good use of it in
speaking as sign-posts for the speeches.
Stonehenge Manhattanhenge
Natural Mystery: mind over body 1/3
Healing by thinking
Control stress
investigations into the power of mind over the body. touches on many subjects
including self healing (incl cancer, heavy burns), hypnosis, kung fu, deep free diving,
anesthetic free operations, mental exercise.
electrical bodies pt1
electrical bodies pt3
psychic ability pt1
investigation into psychic abilities, near death experiences, out of body
experiences, remote viewing (operation stargate), identical twin & close
friend synchronicity phenomenon, 'stare effect' etc etc to see if theres
anything behind the common claims that the mind is capable of more...