Unit 1 Quiz The Word-Building System and Intro to Medical Terminology Name _______________________________________ Date ______________ Circle the correct answer. 1. The base of a word that represents its main meaning is the: a. verb b. word root c. combining vowel d. prefix 2. Suffixes: a. are placed at the end of the word c. change the part of speech of a word b. change the meaning of the word root d. do all of the above 3. Prefixes: a. are placed at the end of a word c. are placed in front of a word b. change nouns into adjectives d. are words all by themselves 4. The part of speech that is a modifier (describes a noun) is a(n): a. adjective b. verb c. plural d. person, place, or thing 5. The part of speech that shows action or a state of being is a(n): a. adjective b. verb c. noun d. combining form 6. The word cyanotic is a(n) (give part of speech): a. adjective b. verb c. noun d. combining form 7. The word cardiology is a(n) (give part of speech): a. adjective b. verb c. noun d. combining form 8. Choose the suffix that means the process of creating a picture or record: a. tome b. tomy c. graph d. graphy 9. A word root plus a vowel (e.g., gastr/o) is a: a. prefix b. suffix c. compound word d. combining form 10. The suffix representing one who practices (specialist) is: a. -ist b. -er c. -ity d. -logy c. ganglia d. gangliomata c. bacteriae d. bacterion 11. The correct plural form for ganglion is: a. ganglions b. gangliona 12. The correct singular form of bacteria is: a. bacterias b. bacterium Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 13. The correct plural of phalanx is: a. pharyni b. phalanxes c. phalanges d. phalango 14. When building a word, if the suffix begins with a vowel, you: a. usually use a word root c. usually use a combining form b. always use an o before the suffix d. use a hyphen Circle the correct adjective form for each of the following nouns. 15. anemia a. anemious b. anemial c. anemotic d. anemic 16. condyle a. condyles b. condylic c. condylar d. condylac 17. carpus a. carpal b. carpi c. carpular d. carpic 18. ilium a. ilia b. iliac c. ileal d. ileous 19. mucus a. mucal b. mucous c. mucoid d. mucal Choose the correct word (injection, inject, injected, injecting) to complete each of the following sentences. 20. An __________________ of antibiotic was given to fight the infection. 21. I am __________________ the medication in the left deltoid muscle. 22. The physician will ____________________ the joint with cortisone. Choose the correct word (vomit, vomiting, vomited) to complete each of the following: 23. The medical assistant gave the patient an emesis basin to catch the ___________. 24. The mother reported that following formula feeding, the infant would experience projectile ______________________. 25. Yesterday, Kathy ________________ after school on the bus. State the meaning of the suffixes as used in the following terms. 26. gastritis _____ ______________________________________________ of the stomach 27. hyperthyroidism ______ __________________________________ of overactive thyroid 28. contraction _____ ______________________________________ of muscle shortening 29. psychiatrist _____ ___________________________________ who practices psychiatry 30. nervous ____ _____________________________________________ too much stress 31. irritable _____ _______________________________________________ to be irritated 32. sensitivity _____ __________________________________________ of being sensitive Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 33. _________________________ enlargement of the extremities 34. _________________________ study of the skin 35. _________________________ inflammation of the skin on the extremities 36. _________________________ hypersensitive reaction to a substance (i.e. perfumed soaps) 37. _________________________ condition of blueness 38. _________________________ one who practices medicine 39. _________________________ fear of water 40. _________________________ surgery using a microscope 41. _________________________ instrument used to count cells 42. _________________________ one who makes x-ray images 43. _________________________ muscle shortening with stimulation (noun) 44.___________________ looking into the stomach and duodenum with a(n) scope 45. _________________________ varicella infection causing itchy red spots 46. _________________________ inflammation of the stomach 47. _________________________ plural of appendix 48. _________________________ singular of carcinomata 49. _________________________ specialist in mental disorders (physician) 50. _________________________ able to be eaten Provide the correct abbreviation for the following phrases or terms. 51. herpes simplex virus one ______________________ 52. varicella (chickenpox) ______________________ 53. Greek ______________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 2 Quiz Surgical Suffixes, Hematology, and Diagnostic Imaging Name____________________________________________ Date________________ Match the suffix with its meaning. _____ 1. –tomy a. instrument used to look _____ 2. –ostomy b. condition of pain _____ 3. –ectomy c. condition in the blood _____ 4. –meter d. instrument used to measure or count _____ 5. –scope e. excision _____ 6. –graph f. incision _____ 7. –algia g. imaging instrument _____ 8. -emia h. make a new surgical opening State the color represented by each of the following combining forms. 9. leuk/o _____ ___________________________________________________________ 10. melan/o ____ __________________________________________________________ 11. erythr/o _____ __________________________________________________________ 12. chlor/o ____ ___________________________________________________________ 13. xanth/o _____ __________________________________________________________ 14. cyan/o_____ ___________________________________________________________ Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 15. _________________________ inflammation of the duodenum 16. _________________________ image made by a tomograph 17. _________________________ the study of disease 18. _________________________ stomach pain 19. _________________________ heart specialist (physician) 20. _________________________ process of making a graphic tracing of the electrical activity of the heart 21. _________________________ image made using sonography 22. _________________________ use of reflected sound to image the heart Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 23. _________________________ instrument used to make x-ray images 24. _________________________ condition of blueness of the skin 25. _________________________ yellow appearance due to high bilirubin level 26. _________________________ blood cancer involving white blood cells 27. _________________________ dark pigmented cell giving color to the skin 28. _________________________ redness of the skin 29. _________________________ condition of greenish tinge to the blood 30. _________________________ process of measuring (counting cells) 31. _________________________ abnormally low red cell count 32. _________________________ lymphocytic _______ is cancer of the 33. _________________________ immature cell lymphocytes Define the following medical terms. 34. sonography_______________________________________________________ 35. radiographer _____ ______________________________________________________ 36. megalomania _____ _____________________________________________________ 37. histologist _____ ________________________________________________________ 38. echocardiography ____ __________________________________________________ 39. leukocytosis _____ ______________________________________________________ 40. lymphedema ____ ______________________________________________________ 41. cardiomegaly _____ _____________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 42. ____________________ diagnostic medical sonography 43. ____________________ electrocardiogram 44. ____________________ gastrointestinal 45. ____________________ erythrocyte count 46. ____________________ radiologic technologist registered Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 47. MRI______ ____________________________________________________________ 48. CAT (CT) _____ ________________________________________________________ 49. CBC _____ ____________________________________________________________ 50. ECHO _____ ___________________________________________________________ 51. RVT _____ ____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 6 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 3 Quiz Oncology and the Central Nervous System Name ___________________________________________ Date ________________ Circle the correct answer. 1. The prefix that means the opposite of hyper is: a. inter- b. a(an)- c. hypo- d. electro- c. -cele d. -trophy 2. One suffix for development is: a. -pathy b. -logy 3. -graph is a suffix used to mean: a. skin grafting c. the process of making an image b. an instrument used to make an image d. the process of taking x-rays 4. For terms about the head, use the word root: a. encephal b. cephal c. cerebr d. crani 5. In words about epithelial tissue origin cancers, use the combining form: a. sarco b. oma c. onco d. carcino 6. Oncology is the study of: a. the universe c. abnormal growths (tumors) b. the nervous system d. nails and hair conditions 7. Atheromata are: a. fat tumors found under the skin c. the cause of cancer b. tumorlike thickenings in the large d. the same as lipomata blood vessels 8. Which of the following would be classified as a sarcoma: a. skin cancer b. glandular tumors c. bone cancer d. lung cancer 9. To properly form a plural from a singular ending in -oma, as in lipoma, use: a. s b. es c. ices d. mata 10. An abnormal tissue condition characterized by an open sore on the skin or an internal sore as in the stomach would be a(n): a. ulcer b. lesion c. tumor d. pustule 11. Which of the following indicates a low potassium (K+) level? a. hypocalcemia b. hypodactylia c. hypotrophy d. hypokalemia Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 12. The verb that indicates a tumor that spreads is: a. metastatic b. metastasize c. metastases d. metastasis Match the following combining forms with their meaning. _____ 13. melan/o a. fat (body fat) _____ 14. aden/o b. spinal cord or bone marrow _____ 15. lymph/o c. epithelial-type cancer _____ 16. myel/o d. gland _____ 17. carcin/o e. small elevation of tissue _____ 18. lip/o f. dark pigmented _____ 19. papill/o g. lymph Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 20. _________________________ excessive vomiting 21. _________________________ degeneration or wasting away 22. _________________________ excision or removal of a gland 23. _________________________ tumor of a lymph gland 24. _________________________ cancerous tumor of a glandular-type tissue 25. _________________________ resembling (like) fat 26. _________________________ lesion that is a sore 27. _________________________ cancer of connective tissue 28. _________________________ __________ tumor is not cancerous. 29. _________________________ dark pigmented cell 30. _________________________ study of form and development 31. _________________________ the study of tumors (specialty) 32. _________________________ ________ is secreted by the lining of the nose. 33. _________________________ new growth (synonym: tumor) 34. _________________________ headache 35. _________________________ herniation of brain tissue 36. _________________________ softening of the bones of the skull 37. _________________________ process of recording electrical brain activity 38. _________________________ incision (cutting into) the skull Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 8 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Define the following medical terms. 39. encephalitis ______ _____________________________________________________ 40. hypertrophy ______ _____________________________________________________ 41. chemotherapy_____________________________________________________ 42. melanoma _____ _______________________________________________________ 43. serosa _______________________________________________________________ 44. oncologist _____ _______________________________________________________ 45. craniometer _____ ______________________________________________________ 46. encephalomalacia ______ ________________________________________________ 47. cerebrovascular _____ __________________________________________________ 48. craniectomy______ _____________________________________________________ 49. antitumorigenic __________________________________________________ 50. meningocele _____ _____________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 51. _________________________ basal cell carcinoma 52. _________________________ headache 53. _________________________ metastasis 54. _________________________ transient ischemic attack 55. _________________________ medical laboratory technician Write the definition of the following medical abbreviations. 56. mmHg______ __________________________________________________________ 57. Bx ______ _____________________________________________________________ 58. EEG _____ ____________________________________________________________ 59. CA _____ _____________________________________________________________ 60. PSG _____ ____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 4 Quiz Orthopedics, Osteopathy, and Body Regions Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ Circle the correct answer. 1. When pronouncing the term “arthroscopy” the accent goes on which syllable? a. thros b. ar c. scop d. py c. osteo d. orth c. arthritis d. arteritis 2. The word root for bone is: a. ost b. oste 3. Which of the following is spelled correctly? a. artheritis b. atheritis 4. A combining form used for either bone marrow or the spinal cord is: a. marro b. myco c. melano d. myelo c. -ectomy d. -plasty c. endo- d. hypo- 5. A suffix for surgical repair is: a. -trophy b. -plasia 6. The prefix meaning between is: a. inter- b. intra- 7. Periodontal refers to the: a. teeth c. membrane around the bone b. area near the dentin d. tissues around the teeth (gums) 8. The region of the abdomen below the right ribs is the: a. right lumbar region c. right hypochondriac region b. left iliac region d. hypogastric region 9. A person who makes artificial limbs is called a(an): a. prosthetist b. orthopedist c. orthodontist d. acroplastist c. -penia d. -centesis 10. The suffix for softening is: a. -malacia b. -cele 11. The term “aberrant” means wandering: a. toward the middle section c. toward the side of a blood vessel b. around the area of the ear d. away from the normal path Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 12. The correct combining form for abdomen is: a. abdomen/o b. abdomin/o c. abdomin/al d. amni/o c. periosteum d. tendon 13. The membrane around the bone is the: a. perichondrium b. cartilage Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 14. _________________________ A(n) _________ (adj) physician is a DO. 15. _________________________ porous condition of the bone 16. _________________________ instrument used to look into a joint 17. _________________________ immature bone marrow cell 18. _________________________ tendon pain 19. _________________________ plural of bursa 20. _________________________ complete lack of development 21. _________________________ incision into a joint 22. _________________________ between the ribs 23. _________________________ inflammation of the rib and cartilage 24. _________________________ pertaining to teeth or a tooth 25. _________________________ inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord 26. _________________________ physician specialist in bone and joint disorders (Hint: they straighten deformities) 27. _________________________ artificial body part 28. _________________________ pertaining to a location above the pubic bone 29. _________________________ measurement of the pelvis 30. _________________________ condition of bone loss 31. _________________________ movement carrying a body part toward the midline 32. _________________________ unusual route or wandering from the normal path Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 11 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 33. _________________________ poor or abnormal development 34. _________________________ noun for chest or chest cavity 35. _________________________ sack-like structure with clear fluid Define the following medical terms. 36. addiction _____ ________________________________________________________ 37. hydrocele ____ ________________________________________________________ 38. abdominocentesis _____ _________________________________________________ 39. cystoscopy ____ _______________________________________________________ 40. adhesions ____ ________________________________________________________ 41. arthroplasty _____ ______________________________________________________ 42. osteomalacia _____ _____________________________________________________ 43. rheumatology_____________________________________________________ 44. encephalomyelopathy _____ ______________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 45. _________________________ dentist 46. _________________________ rheumatoid arthritis 47. _________________________ chest x-ray 48. _________________________ cephalopelvic disproportion 49. _________________________ orthopedics 50. _________________________ fracture Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 5 Quiz Pathology and Otorhinolaryngology and Prefixes Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________ Circle the correct answer. 1. Using what you have learned about the “c” rule for pronunciation, select the sound made by the first “c” in coccus. a. s b. k c. j d. hard g c. j d. hard g c. bacilli d. streptococcus 2. The sound made by the third “c” in cocci is: a. s b. k 3. The rod-shaped bacteria are the: a. cocci b. spirochetes 4. The round spherical-shaped bacteria that grow in pairs are the: a. streptococci b. diplococci c. streptobacilli d. staphylococci 5. Which of the following medical terms is misspelled? a. strapyloccus b. streptococci c. bacterium d. pathogenic 6. Which of the following medical terms is spelled correctly? a. pyogenisis b. pyorrhea c. piothorax d. pyococus 7. The protozoan parasite with a tail (flagellum) that may cause female reproductive infections is the: a. chlamydia trachomatis c. human immunodeficiency virus b. trichomonas vaginalis d. candida albicans 8. Use the combining form staphylo to mean: a. one celled b. twisted chains c. bunches like grapes d. food poisoning 9. If a staphylectomy is performed, that is the same procedure as a(n): a. gastrectomy b. pylorectomy c. bacteriectomy d. uvulectomy 10. Which of the following is an x-ray procedure of the gallbladder? a. cholecystography c. cystogram b. electroencephalography d. gastroduodenoscopy Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 11. The suffix for flow or discharge is: a. -emia b. -algia c. -itis d. -rrhea 12. Which of the following instruments is used to examine ears? a. rhinoscope b. otoscope c. ophthalmoscope d. laryngoscope Write the word part as indicated that matches the definition. 13. stone (suffix) _____ _____________________________________________________ 14. fast (prefix) _____ _______________________________________________________ 15. eating (suffix) _____ _____________________________________________________ 16. twisted chains (combining form) ____________________________________________ 17. difficult or painful (prefix) ______ ___________________________________________ 18. flow or discharge (suffix) _____ ____________________________________________ Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 19. _________________________ round or spherical bacterium growing in twisted chains 20. _________________________ rod-shaped bacteria (plural) 21. _________________________ irregular or abnormal rhythm 22. _________________________ pus producing 23. _________________________ earache 24. _________________________ eardrum 25. _________________________ specialist in hearing testing and aids 26. _________________________ flow or discharge from the nose 27. _________________________ incision for the removal of stones 28. _________________________ infestation of stones in the gallbladder 29. _________________________ fingerprint 30. _________________________ slow eating or swallowing 31. _________________________ fast heart rate 32. _________________________ failure to develop (no growth) 33. _________________________ difficult or painful digestion 34. _________________________ development of cancer (cancer producing) 35. _________________________ abnormally high body temperature (fever) Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 14 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Define the following medical terms. 36. rhinoplasty _____ _______________________________________________________ 37. syndrome______________________________________________________ 38. dyspnea _____ _________________________________________________________ 39. tympanites _____ _______________________________________________________ 40. otorrhea _____ _________________________________________________________ 41. tympanoplasty _____ ____________________________________________________ 42. pathogenic _____ _______________________________________________________ 43. audiometer _____ _______________________________________________________ 44. staphylococci _____ _____________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 45. _________________________ Fahrenheit 46. _________________________ gallbladder 47. _________________________ Escherichia Coli 48. _________________________ left ear Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 49. C&S _____ ____________________________________________________________ 50. AD _____ _____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 15 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 6 Quiz Urology and Gynecology Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________ Circle the correct answer. 1. Using what you have learned about the “g” rule, select the correct pronunciation of “g” if it is followed by “i,” as in salpingitis. a. k b. j c. hard g d. s c. spermatozoa d. spermata 2. The plural form of spermatozoan is: a. sperms b. spermat 3. One of the most commonly used adjectives for kidney is: a. renal b. nephro c. cystic d. nephrous 4. The tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus (opening) in both males and females is the: a. ureter b. urethra c. vas deferens d. fallopian tube 5. The suffix for surgical fixation of a displaced or prolapsed organ is: a. -lysis b. -lith c. -pexy d. -rrhaphy c. -emia d. -rrhagia c. ureter d. urinary c. prostatectomy d. prostatorrhea 6. The suffix for hemorrhage is: a. -lysis b. -uria 7. Which of the following is misspelled? a. urethra b. urether 8. Which of the following is misspelled? a. penile b. prostratitis 9. The formation of a scant or small amount of urine is called: a. anuria b. oliguria c. polyuria d. ketonuria 10. The combining form for uterine tube (Fallopian tube) is: a. slaping b. slapingo c. salpingo d. oophoro 11. Which of the following is properly hyphenated? a. oophoro-salpingitis c. salpingo-oophoritis b. salping-ooophoritis d. hystero-salpingoo-phoritis 12. The word part that means hidden is: a. ptosis b. hypo c. ism d. crypt Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 13. _________________________ x-ray (record) of a kidney 14. _________________________ condition pertaining to having many cysts 15. _________________________ night urination (getting up at night to urinate) 16. _________________________ destruction of kidney tissue 17. _________________________ difficult or painful urination 18. _________________________ making a new surgical opening between the ureter and the bladder 19. _________________________ suturing of the urinary bladder 20. _________________________ excessive bleeding during menstruation 21. _________________________ agent that kills sperm 22. _________________________ pain in the testes 23. _________________________ the adjectival form for testicle 24. _________________________ x-ray of the renal pelvis (image) 25. _________________________ fluid containing sperm (ejaculate) 26. _________________________ excision of the prostate gland 27. _________________________ plural of ovum 28. _________________________ fixation of an (prolapsed) ovary 29. _________________________ instrument used to examine the vagina by looking with a scope 30. _________________________ excision of uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries 31. _________________________ condition of endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus 32. _________________________ prolapsed (displaced) uterus 33. _________________________ crushing of a vessel 34. _________________________ adjective for penis 35. _________________________ inside the cervix (adjective) Define the following medical terms. 36. cervicitis _____ _________________________________________________________ 37. hematuria _____ ________________________________________________________ 38. hysterosalpingogram________________________________________________ 39. vasectomy _____ _______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 17 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 40. gynecopathy _____ ______________________________________________________ 41. colposcopy _____ _______________________________________________________ 42. cryptorchidism _____ ____________________________________________________ 43. balanorrhea ____ _______________________________________________________ 44. spermatocele______________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 45. _________________________ benign prostatic hyperplasia 46. _________________________ Papanicolaou test (smear) 47. _________________________ female Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 48. PID _____ _____________________________________________________________ 49. TSE _____ ____________________________________________________________ 50. PSA _____ ____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 18 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 7 Quiz Gastroenterology Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ Circle the correct answer. 1. The suffix meaning paralysis is: a. -clysis b. -plegia c. -cele d. -plasty c. -splasm d. -ectasia 2. The suffix meaning stretching or dilation is: a. -stasis b. -megaly 3. The correct spelling of the combining form for spleen is: a. spleeno b. spleno c. spleano d. splenno c. closed d. overweight 4. Obesity is a quality of being a. opened b. undernourished 5. Which of the following means upon the stomach? a. stomatorrhea b. subabdominal c. epigastric d. paragastric c. epiglottal d. esophageal 6. The adjectival form for esophagus is: a. esophagal b. esophagic 7. The ascending, descending, transverse, and sigmoid are all parts of the: a. esophagus b. liver c. colon d. small intestine c. -scopy d. -ectasia 8. The suffix for irrigation or washing is: a. -clysis b. -lysis 9. Chronic alcoholism or hepatitis may lead to a dysfunctional liver disease called: a. hepatobiliary sclerosis c. cirrhosis b. atresia d. hepatolith 10. The first part of the small intestine is the: a. jejunum b. ileum c. cecum d. duodenum b. discharge c. catheter d. narrowing 11. Stenosis means: a. dilation 12. A condition in which a tubelike structure is closed is called: a. infarction b. atresia c. stenosis d. anastomosis 13. Which of the following combining forms refers to the lips? a. lipo b. stomato c. gingivo d. cheilo Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 19 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 14. Chewing food is ______________________. a. digestion b. defecation c. desiccation d. mastication Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 15. _________________________ inflammation of the tongue 16. _________________________ synonym for sublingual 17. _________________________ excision of the gums 18. _________________________ Helicobacter pylori (HP) has been reported to be the most common cause of __________(pl) 19. _________________________ specialty that studies diseases of the stomach and intestine 20. _________________________ intestinal hernia 21. _________________________ making a new opening in the colon 22. _________________________ irrigation or washing of the rectum 23. _________________________ instrument used to examine the sigmoid colon 24. _________________________ pertaining to the rectum and the urethra 25. _________________________ suturing of the rectum and anus 26. _________________________ destruction of pancreatic tissue 27. _________________________ stone in the liver 28. _________________________ enlargement of the spleen 29. _________________________ process of making an x-ray (image) of the biliary and pancreatic ducts 30. _________________________ congenital heart disease, mitral valve 31. _________________________ bleeding of the mouth 32. _________________________ solid waste material 33. _________________________ inflammation of diverticula 34. _________________________ dry or infrequent bowel movement 35. _________________________ making a new surgical opening between the esophagus and the duodenum Define the following medical terms. 36. stomatomycosis _____ ___________________________________________________ 37. glossoplegia _____ ______________________________________________________ 38. dysentery _____ ________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 20 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 39. bariatrics_________________________________________________________ 40. paraesophageal____________________________________________________ 41. splenoptosis _____ ______________________________________________________ 42. diverticulitis _____ ______________________________________________________ 43. occult____________________________________________________________ 44. appendectomy____________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 45. _________________________ hepatitis B vaccine 46. _________________________ nothing by mouth 47. _________________________ esophagogastroduodenoscopy 48. _________________________ gastroesophageal reflux disease 49. _________________________ endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 50. GI _____ ______________________________________________________________ 51. BM _____ _____________________________________________________________ 52. PO _____ _____________________________________________________________ 53. NG _____ _____________________________________________________________ 54. GB _____ _____________________________________________________________ 55. BE _____ _____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 8 Quiz Neurology, Psychology, Anesthesiology, and Vascular Terminology Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________ Circle the correct answer. 1. The suffix for twitching or involuntary contraction which is also a word is: a. -blast b. -genesis c. -rrhexis d. -spasm c. fibro d. ventro 2. One combining form used for vein is: a. athero b. phlebo 3. Which of the following specialists would diagnose nervous system disorders? a. neurologist b. psychiatrist c. neurosurgeon d. mycologist 4. If the oxygen demand of the heart cannot be adequately met, _____________ can occur. a. hemangioma b. atherosclerosis c. angina pectoris d. thrombolysis 5. A thrombus may block or ___________ a blood vessel. a. infarct b. occlude c. embolus d. dilate c. venipuncture d. venostasis c. arterorrhexa d. pleborrhexis c. gallbladder d. vessel 6. The synonym for phlebotomy is: a. venorrhexis b. phlebostomy 7. Which of the following is spelled correctly? a. cardiorrhexis b. angorexia 8. An angioplasty is used to repair a(n): a. angina b. joint 9. The physician specialist in the study of administration of agents that block sensation is a(n): a. aesthetic b. analgesist c. anesthesiologist d. anesthetist 10. The prefix which means “beside, beyond, near, and abnormal” is: a. hyper- b. para- c. brady- d. proximo- 11. Which of the following combining forms is used to indicate fat in the blood vessels? a. ather/o b. arteri/o c. lip/o d. arthr/o c. myo d. mycelo 12. The combining form for muscle is: a. myco b. myelo Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 22 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 13. _________________________ process of making an image of muscle function using electricity 14. _________________________ any disease of a vessel 15. _________________________ the study of the nervous system 16. _________________________ sleep producing drug 17. _________________________ hardening of an artery 18. _________________________ surgical crushing of a nerve 19. _________________________ destruction (dissolving) a blood clot 20. _________________________ herniation of the spinal cord 21. _________________________ defective development of cartilage 22. _________________________ physician specialist treating mental disorders 23. _________________________ severe mental condition that may include delusions, hallucinations, breaks with reality 24. _________________________ specialist licensed to dispense medication 25. _________________________ using an instrument to examine a vessel 26. _________________________ without or lack of sensation 27. _________________________ condition without pain (noun) 28. _________________________ inflammation near the kidney 29. _________________________ medication that affects mental processes 30. _________________________ paralysis of the lower half of the body 31. _________________________ hardening of the blood vessels due to fatty porridge-like substance 32._________________________ tumor composed of muscle and fibrous tissue 33. _________________________ slow movement 34. _________________________ out-flowing pathway 35. _________________________ benign tumor of a blood vessel (like a port wine birthmark) 36. _________________________ formation of a thrombus Define the following medical terms. 37. arteriorrhexis______________________________________________________ 38. paroxysmal _____ _______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 23 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 39. psychoneurosis ____ ____________________________________________________ 40. angiolysis ________________________________________________________ 41. infarction______ ________________________________________________________ 42. myoblast _____ _________________________________________________________ 43. hematocrit _____ _______________________________________________________ 44. thrombolymphangitis _____ _______________________________________________ 45. phlebectasia _____ ______________________________________________________ 46. parasympathetic _____ ___________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 47. _________________________ arteriosclerotic heart disease 48. _________________________ coronary artery bypass graft 49. _________________________ transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation 50. _________________________ neurologic vital signs 51. _________________________ activities of daily living 52. _________________________ electromyogram 53. _________________________ range of motion 54. _________________________ prothrombin time 55. _________________________ high-density lipoprotein Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 24 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 9 Quiz Anatomic Terms Name _____________________________ Date ________________ Circle the correct answer. 1. One combining form referring to front is: a. anter/o b. anteri/o c. amni/o d. atri/o 2. A location closer to the point of origin or the beginning is: a. anterior b. posterior c. proximal d. medial 3. A plane making a vertical cut is the _________ plane. a. frontal b. sagittal c. distal d. transverse 4. The identification of a disease through study of its symptoms and signs is a: a. diagnosis b. syndrome c. prognostic d. physiology c. navelle d. omphalic c. crown d. cut c. ventro- d. pro- c. -rrhea d. dia- 5. Which of the following is spelled correctly? a. ophalitis b. umbillicosele 6. Coronal comes from a Greek word for: a. head b. king 7. The opposite of the prefix pre- is: a. ante- b. post- 8. The prefix meaning “through” is: a. trans- b. peri- 9. The term meaning “pertaining to the area called the armpit” is: a. antecubital b. axillary c. plantar d. apical c. chest d. crown 10. A caudad direction is toward the: a. temple b. tail 11. In a posteroanterior direction the x-ray goes through the ____________ first. a. side b. front c. back d. midline c. nephrons d. navel c. cells d. chrome 12. If you see the word root omphal, think of: a. nails b. nose 13. Chromolysis is destruction of: a. blood b. color Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 25 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 14. Which prefix indicates easy or good? a. hyper- b. pro- c. syn- d. eu- c. -tripsy d. -rrhexia 15. The suffix indicating control or stopping is: a. -thermy b. -stasis Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 16. _________________________ predicting the outcome of a disease 17. _________________________ Treatment that removes waste from the blood using an artificial kidney is ____________. 18. _________________________ pertaining to including the front and side 19. _________________________ vertical cut that divides the body into equal left and right halves 20. _________________________ the study of identifying body parts 21. _________________________ toward the back of the head 22. _________________________ discharge flowing from the navel 23. _________________________ fear of air 24. _________________________ toward the head 25. _________________________ control of blood flow 26. _________________________ organism that lives without oxygen (adj) 27. _________________________ one who studies living things 28. _________________________ attraction to color 29. _________________________ easy breathing 30. _________________________ prolapse or displacement of an organ 31. _________________________ membrane attached to the lung 32. _________________________ fear of contracting syphilis 33. _________________________ false pregnancy 34. _________________________ inner germ (embryonic) layer from which intestine is formed 35. _________________________ insulin is formed outside its source 36. _________________________ location behind the sternum 37. _________________________ bending forward 38. _________________________ near or around the urinary bladder Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Define the following medical terms. 39. aerobic___________________________________________________________ 40. dysmenorrhea ____ _____________________________________________________ 41. bioethics _____ _________________________________________________________ 42. dystocia _____ _________________________________________________________ 43. myelodysplasia ____ ____________________________________________________ 44. euthanasia ____ ________________________________________________________ 45. pseudocyesis ____ ______________________________________________________ 46. anterolateral ______________________________________________________ 47. syphilopsychosis _____ __________________________________________________ 48. ectopic pregnancy ____ __________________________________________________ 49. retroperitonitis _____ ____________________________________________________ 50. endoscopy _____ _______________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 51. _________________________ anterior to posterior (direction) 52. _________________________ diagnosis 53. _________________________ biopsy 54. _________________________ tuberculosis 55. _________________________ lateral Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 56. LMP _____ ____________________________________________________________ 57. p _____ ______________________________________________________________ 58. Px _____ ______________________________________________________________ 59. Hx ______ _____________________________________________________________ 60. PA _____ _____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 27 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 10 Quiz Surgery, Diabetes, Immunology, Lesions, Numbers and Directions Name ____________________________________________Date ______________ Provide the correct prefix for the following meanings. 1. _________________________ around, near (not para) 2. _________________________ through 3. _________________________ out from 4. _________________________ unequal 5. _________________________ self 6. _________________________ first 7. _________________________ down from 8. _________________________ equal or same 9. _________________________ within 10. _________________________ circular Write the correct prefix for the following number or amounts. 11. _________________________ one 12. _________________________ double 13. _________________________ seven 14. _________________________ 1/100, 0.01, one hundredth 15. _________________________ 1,000, one thousand 16. _________________________ none Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 17. _________________________ process of examining the abdominal cavity looking with a scope 18. _________________________ high fever 19. _________________________ condition of sweating 20. _________________________ glucose attached to hemoglobin 21. _________________________ incision into the abdomen Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 28 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 22. _________________________ solution having the same osmotic pressure as blood cells 23. _________________________ inflammation around the appendix 24. _________________________ supplying blood to tissues 25. _________________________ high blood glucose 26. _________________________ defective immune system 27. _________________________ condition of sweating 28. _________________________ graft of one’s own tissues 29. _________________________ injection given to cause an immune response 30. _________________________ immune response to one’s self 31. _________________________ having one nucleus (adj) 32. _________________________ woman who has had many live births (noun) 33. _________________________ first pregnancy 34. _________________________ one hundredth of a gram 35. _________________________ striking through (tapping) 36. _________________________ examination of dead body 37. _________________________ scraping away—wound or procedure Define the following medical terms. 38. pyrophobia _____ ______________________________________________________ 39. glycolysis ______ _______________________________________________________ 40. immunotherapy ___________________________________________________ 41. anteversion _____ ______________________________________________________ 42. nulliparous _____ _______________________________________________________ 43. multicellular ______ _____________________________________________________ 44. adduction ____ ________________________________________________________ 45. aberrant _____ _________________________________________________________ 46. dehydration _____ ______________________________________________________ 47. laparoscopy ______________________________________________________ 48. excretion _____ ________________________________________________________ 49. kilometer _____ ________________________________________________________ 50. anisocytosis ____ ______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 29 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 51. mastocarcinoma _____ __________________________________________________ 52. pericardiectomy_____ ___________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 53. _________________________ two hours after a meal (postcibal) 54. _________________________ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 55. _________________________ two abortions 56. _________________________ three pregnancies 57. _________________________ noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 58. _________________________ diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus Write the meaning of the following medical abbreviations. 59. FBS ____________________________________________________________ 60. MMRV _____ __________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 30 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 11 Quiz Descriptive Prefixes, Asepsis, and Pharmacology Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ Match the prefix on the left with its meaning on the right. _____ 1. homo- a. with _____ 2. in- b. after _____ 3. multi- c. above _____ 4. infra- d. within _____ 5. supra- e. below _____ 6. con- f. outside _____ 7. ultra- g. same _____ 8. eu- h. many _____ 9. post- _____ 10. extra- i. above and beyond j. easy Provide the correct prefix for the following meanings. 11. upon _____ ____________________________________________________________ 12. without or absent _____ __________________________________________________ 13. against _____ __________________________________________________________ 14. beyond _____ __________________________________________________________ 15. both ____________________________________________________________ Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 16. _________________________ a person sexually attracted to the same sex 17. _________________________ pertaining to being the same throughout or a group made up of same items 18. _________________________ joined or fused feet 19. _________________________ on or above the surface 20. _________________________ above the kidney 21. _________________________ region upon the stomach Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 31 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 22. _________________________ pertaining to the skin layer upon the dermis 23. _________________________ surgical repair of the breast 24. _________________________ below the dura mater of the meninges 25. _________________________ outside the joint 26. _________________________ agent that works against depression 27. _________________________ below the layers of the skin 28. _________________________ bones of the hand beyond the wrist 29. _________________________ light waves beyond violet 30. _________________________ lack of infectious organisms (noun) 31. _________________________ agent that works against rheumatic disease 32. _________________________ agent or device that prevents conception 33. _________________________ across the lumen of a vessel 34. _________________________ inserting a flexible tube (i.e., into the bladder) Define the following medical terms. 35. antiseptic _____ ________________________________________________________ 36. symmetry ________________________________________________________ 37. transvaginal _____ ______________________________________________________ 38. subdural__________________________________________________________ 39. extracerebral ____ ______________________________________________________ 40. mammography _____ ____________________________________________________ 41. metastasis ____ ________________________________________________________ 42. ultrasonography _____ ___________________________________________________ 43. suprapubic _____ _______________________________________________________ 44. antibiotic _____ _________________________________________________________ 45. contraindicated _____ ____________________________________________________ 46. transposition _____ ______________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 32 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 47. _________________________ ultrasound 48. _________________________ with 49. _________________________ metastasis, metastases 50. _________________________ catheter Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 33 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 12 Quiz Prefixes of Location and Medication Administration Name __________________________________________ Date _______________ Write the correct prefix for the following meanings. 1. _________________________ not 2. _________________________ bad, poor 3. _________________________ three 4. _________________________ one 5. _________________________ half 6. _________________________ with 7. _________________________ after 8. _________________________ within 9. _________________________ between Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 10. _________________________ not competent 11. _________________________ condition of redness, swelling, and warmth 12. _________________________ artificial __________, placing semen into the opening of the cervix 13. _________________________ general feeling of illness or lack of well-being 14. _________________________ three-bellied muscle (posterior upper arm) 15. _________________________ branch into two (like a vessel or nerve that divides into two branches) 16. _________________________ cell having one nucleus 17. _________________________ sexually attracted to both sexes 18. _________________________ half (partially) conscious 19. _________________________ born with 20. _________________________ having blood relationship 21. _________________________ to cut a tissue into parts for study (verb) 22. _________________________ the time following birth referring to the baby 23. _________________________ time before delivery, referring to the mother Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 34 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 24. _________________________ within a vein 25. _________________________ penetration of a solution into tissues 26. _________________________ pertaining to death rate 27. _________________________ affective disorder with swings from manic to depressive 28. _________________________ paralyzed on one side of the body Define the following medical terms. 29. incontinence _____ ______________________________________________________ 30. exhale_____ ___________________________________________________________ 31. unicellular _____ ________________________________________________________ 32. malariotherapy _____ ____________________________________________________ 33. postfebrile _____ _______________________________________________________ 34. perinatal _____ _________________________________________________________ 35. hemigastrectomy___________________________________________________ 36. insomnia _____ _________________________________________________________ 37. malnutrition _____ ______________________________________________________ 38. cachexia _____ _________________________________________________________ 39. morbidity______ ________________________________________________________ 40. postmenopausal _____ ___________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 41. _________________________ before meals 42. _________________________ intravenous 43. _________________________ nurse practitioner 44. _________________________ postoperative or by mouth 45. _________________________ subcutaneous 46. _________________________ three times a day 47. _________________________ afternoon 48. _________________________ dispense as written (medication prescription) 49. _________________________ excision 50. _________________________ intramuscular Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 35 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 13 Quiz Respiratory System and Pulmonology Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ Circle the correct answer. 1. The suffix referring to breathing is: a. -pneumono b. -phagia c. -pnea d. -pneumo 2. Centesis (a suffix and a noun) means: a. excision of a tumor c. drainage of a wound b. incision into the vein d. incision for fluid removal 3. If a word from Greek origin begins with “pn,” it is pronounced like: a. p b. n c. u d. pen c. fungi d. malaria 4. When you see “myc/o” in a word, think of: a. muscles b. spinal cord 5. Which of the following is spelled correctly? a. pnuemonorhagia c. pneumomorrhagia b. penumonorrhagia d. pneumonorrhagia 6. A moving blood clot is a(n): a. thrombus b. hemothrombus c. embolus d. metastasis b. hemoptysis c. hemothorax d. anemia 7. Bloody sputum is: a. hematuria 8. The tube leading from the mouth to the trachea is the: a. larynx b. alveolus c. bronchus d. pharynx 9. The nerve that controls the diaphragm is the: a. pulmonary b. vagus c. thoracic d. phrenic c. hands d. anger 10. The word part “ger” refers to: a. germs b. elderly Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 11. _________________________ inflammation of the lung 12. _________________________ black lung disease 13. _________________________ air in an abnormal location in the chest cavity Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 36 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 14. _________________________ fungal infection of the skin 15. _________________________ pertaining to lungs (adj) 16. _________________________ able to breathe well only when sitting upright 17. _________________________ pertaining to the nose and pharynx 18. _________________________ pain in the voice box 19. _________________________ incision into the trachea 20. _________________________ examination (looking into) of the bronchi with an instrument 21. _________________________ pertaining to the lung membrane 22. _________________________ heart displaced to the left 23. _________________________ right handed 24. _________________________ doctor whose treatments are based on spinal manipulation therapy (adjustments) 25. _________________________ condition in which bronchioles lose elasticity making it difficult to get O2 or exhale CO2 26. _________________________ the study of aging 27. _________________________ involuntary twitching of a bronchus 28. _________________________ pertaining to the heart and lungs 29. _________________________ pertaining to the nose and chin 30. _________________________ plural of larynx Define the following medical terms. 31. hypoxia ______ _________________________________________________________ 32. tracheostomy______________________________________________________ 33. pyothorax _____ ________________________________________________________ 34. nasolacrimal _____ ______________________________________________________ 35. diaphragmatic ____ _____________________________________________________ 36. pharyngoplasty _____ ____________________________________________________ 37. endotracheal ____ ______________________________________________________ 38. bronchoscopy _____ _____________________________________________________ 39. pleurocentesis ____ _____________________________________________________ 40. phrenicectomy _____ ____________________________________________________ 41. ptyalorrhea ____ ________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 37 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 42. _________________________ arterial blood gases 43. _________________________ carbon dioxide 44. _________________________ intensive care unit 45. _________________________ chiropractor Write the meaning for the following medical abbreviations. 46. IS _____ ______________________________________________________________ 47. TB_____ ______________________________________________________________ 48. URI _____ _____________________________________________________________ 49. PND _____ ____________________________________________________________ 50. PFT ____ _____________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 38 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 14 Quiz Night, Sleep, Split, Skeletal System, and Orthopedics Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ State the body part represented by the following combining forms. 1. _________________________ calcane/o 2. _________________________ carp/o 3. _________________________ cost/o 4. _________________________ rachi/o 5. _________________________ cervic/o 6. _________________________ tibi/o 7. _________________________ xiph/o Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 8. _________________________ able to walk 9. _________________________ break or crack (in a bone) 10. _________________________ immovable fingers (stiff) 11. _________________________ excessive urination at night 12. _________________________ night blindness 13. _________________________ cleft palate 14. _________________________ pertaining to the ischium and pubis 15. _________________________ bones of the hand (beyond the wrist) 16. _________________________ severe mental condition, including delusions, paranoia, hallucinations (split mind) 17. _________________________ pertaining to the breastbone and area around the heart 18. _________________________ fused bone below the lumbar spine 19. _________________________ adjective for the upper leg bone (thigh bone) 20. _________________________ bones of the foot beyond the tarsals 21. _________________________ name of the finger and toe bones (plural) 22. _________________________ posterior curvature of the thoracic spine (hunchback) 23. _________________________ pertaining to the radius and ulna Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 39 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 24. _________________________ excision of the lamina of the vertebral disk 25. _________________________ stopping the formation of pus 26. _________________________ bone and joint physician specialist Define the following medical terms. 27. rachitis _____ __________________________________________________________ 28. acromioclavicular _____ __________________________________________________ 29. palatoschisis ____ ______________________________________________________ 30. rachischisis_______________________________________________________ 31. ankylophobia _____ _____________________________________________________ 32. brachiocephalic____________________________________________________ 33. coccygectomy_____________________________________________________ 34. diskectomy _____ _______________________________________________________ 35. schistocyte _____ _______________________________________________________ 36. epicondyle _____ _______________________________________________________ Given the location, name that bone. 37. _________________________ upper arm bone 38. _________________________ wing blade (shoulder) 39. _________________________ collarbone 40. _________________________ skull bones 41. _________________________ sit bones (lower pelvis) 42. _________________________ lower jaw 43. _________________________ wrist bones 44. _________________________ shinbone (lower leg) 45. _________________________ breastbone Write the correct abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 46. _________________________ ambulate 47. _________________________ third cervical vertebra 48. _________________________ podiatrist 49. _________________________ orthopedics 50. _________________________ fracture both bones Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 40 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools Unit 15 Quiz Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and Medical Specialties Name ____________________________________________Date _______________ Circle the correct answer. 1. Which of the following is the combining form for eye? a. opia b. optic c. ophthalmo d. opto 2. Which of the following is a physician specialist in eye disease? a. oncologist b. ophthalmologist c. optometrist d. opthalmist 3. A condition of nearsightedness is referred to as: a. myopia b. nyctalopia c. presbyopia d. hyperopia 4. If a person’s eyes are crossed inward, it is called: a. exotropia b. xanthopia c. esotropia d. strabismus 5. Which of the following is the combining form for the lens of the eye? a. phaco b. lenso c. blepharo d. cyclo c. irides d. iridata c. oil d. tears c. nails d. umbilicus c. exocrinology d. neurology 6. The plural of iris is: a. irises b. iriss 7. Dacryorrhea is the flow of: a. saliva b. hormones 8. Onychosis is a condition of the: a. endocrine glands b. skeleton 9. The study of hormones is: a. endocrinology b. hormonology 10. Which of the following indicates blood in the urine? a. uremia b. hematuria c. hematorrhea d. urhemuria Match the type of wound with its common name. _____ 11. abrasion a. bruise _____ 12. fracture b. tearing away _____ 13. contusion c. scrape _____ 14. laceration d. hole _____ 15. puncture e. break _____ 16. avulsion (evulsion) f. cut Write the correctly spelled medical term for each definition. 17. _________________________ herniation (abnormal protrusion) of an eye 18. _________________________ out of place pupil (not in the center, displaced) 19. _________________________ old eye (vision) Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 41 Learning Assessment Evaluation Tools 20. _________________________ emotionally feeling great 21. _________________________ swollen eyelid (not inflamed) 22. _________________________ inflammation of the membrane around the eye 23. _________________________ formation of a surgical opening in the sclera 24. _________________________ fixation or repair of a detached retina 25. _________________________ injury that has torn away the tissue 26. _________________________ incision into the cornea 27. _________________________ softening of the nails 28. _________________________ formation of hair in the wrong places 29. _________________________ overactive thyroid gland 30. _________________________ enlargement of the adrenal glands 31. _________________________ hormone produced by the adrenal medulla (adrenalin) 32. _________________________ ______________ degeneration is caused by aging of the vessels of the retina. 33. _________________________ study of wounds Define the following medical terms. 34. optometrist ______________________________________________________ 35. diplopia _________________________________________________________ 36. diopter __________________________________________________________ 37. strabismus _______________________________________________________ 38. phacoemulsification ________________________________________________ 39. anisocoria _______________________________________________________ 40. cycloplegia _______________________________________________________ 41. paronychia _______________________________________________________ 42. trichoid _________________________________________________________ 43. otorhinolaryngology ________________________________________________ Write the correct medical abbreviation for the following terms or phrases. 44. _________________________ right eye 45. _________________________ thyroid function tests for triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine 46. _________________________ emergency medical technician 47. _________________________ pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation 48. _________________________ open-angle glaucoma 49. _________________________ diopter 50. _________________________ follicle stimulating hormone Copyright ©2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 42