BOOKING FORM MAKING RESEARCH COUNT (UNIVERSITY OF YORK) SEMINAR PRACTITIONER RESARCH: making it count! Friday 1st April 2011 (Closing date 17 March 2011) MAKING RESEARCH COUNT (University of York) Please return to: Jane Phythian, Making Research Count (University of York), Dept. of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5DD. Tel: 01904 321237 Fax: 01904 321270 RESEARCH CONFERENCE Children’s Services Please complete in capital letters NAME: ………………….……………….………………………….……………………………………………..… JOB TITLE: …………………………………………….....................................……………….….......…….......... AGENCY: ………….………………………………………………….…………………………………………….… Please circle CHILDREN’S SERVICES OTHER ADDRESS: ……….………………………………………………….…………………….………....………….…… . PRACTITIONER RESEARCH: making it count! …………………………………………………………………………….……………………….……..…..……….….. Friday 1st April 2011 ...……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…....…….……… 9.45am – 3.00pm (Registration from 9.15am; lunch included) Tel. No: …………..…………………..…………………………………………...…………………..….…………….. Innovation Centre, York Science Park Email: ….. …………………………………………………………………….…..……………………..………….…… (University of York) Any particular requirements (access, diet etc) …......................……………..…........................…....……........ ...........….…..........................................................................................................……………..…........……....... ...........….…........................................................................................................….……………...…....……....... Keynote Speakers: Please tick as appropriate Fiona Mitchell, Co-ordinator - Scottish Child Care and Protection Network I am a nominated member of staff from a member agency of Making Research Count (University of York) and my attendance has been agreed by the Contact for my agency –(see below) so there is no charge I took part in the 2009-10 CWDC practitioner-led research programme so there is no charge I enclose a cheque for £50 payable to ‘University of York’ (This fee is only refundable for cancellations received more than 14 days before the event) Please send invoice for £50 to: ……………………………………………….………….…..…………... .....................................………………………………………………………...……..…………….…………… Nick Frost, Professor of Social Work (Children, Childhood and Families), at the Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University Chaired by: Richard Barker, Emeritus Professor of Child Welfare, Northumbria University .…………………………………….……………………………….………………...…….……………………… ……………………………………………………..…. Tel: .…….………….………………..………………. Children’s Services Making Research Count (University of York) Member Agencies: City of York Council East Riding Hull Leeds North East Lincolnshire North Lincolnshire North Yorkshire Wakefield 01904 554 354 01482 386 411 01482 318 479 0113 224 3522 01472 625 601 01724 299 435 01609 536 341 01924 305 614 £50.00 to non MRC members Free to nominated staff from Making Research Count (University of York) member agencies and those involved in the 2009-10 CWDC practitioner-led research programme. See booking form for details. This event will comprehensively explore the area of practitioner research in children and families’ social work, and how to make the best use of it. There will be two formal presentations during the day – in the morning, delegates will hear from Fiona Mitchell, who will present the findings from a knowledge review project which mapped and reviewed practitioner research studies in social work, with a focus on how practitioner research has contributed to knowledge and on ethical issues, as well as the way in which research can contribute to capacity building and personal development for practitioners. Leading up to, and during, lunch, the Children’s Workforce and Development Council’s practitioner-led research programme will be discussed, with a range of people involved in the programme offering different perspectives and reflecting on the value of practitioner research. This will include a presentation by one of the practitioner researchers on their completed project. The afternoon presentation by Nick Frost will explore the opportunities for publishing research. Practical tips will be provided about writing single author books, edited collections, journal articles, magazine articles and web-based publication. Advice will be provided on the best way to publish your research. Throughout the day, delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions and take part in structured discussions on the implications and opportunities arising for themselves and their organisations. Biographies: Nick Frost is Professor of Social Work (Children, childhood and families), at the Faculty of Health, Leeds Metropolitan University. Nick has published widely in the fields of child welfare and professional learning: most recently he has written, ‘Understanding Children’s Social Care’ (with Nigel Parton, Sage, 2009), Re-thinking Children and Families’ (Continuum, 2011) and has co-edited ‘Beyond Reflective Practice’ (Routledge, 2010). Nick is a registered social worker, and practiced in local authority social work settings for 15 years before commencing his academic career. Making Research Count Making Research Count (MRC) is a national research dissemination network based regionally in the social work departments of eleven English Universities, all of whom have a proven track record in social work and social care research as well as providing social work education at qualifying and post- qualifying levels. Some 60 agencies throughout England are currently engaged in the network through subscribing to their closest MRC regional centre. Through a series of local conferences, seminars and workshops each MRC programme is engaged in: o Dissemination of research from academics, practitioners, carers and users o Promotion of knowledge-based practice to improve local services o Encouragement of knowledge sharing and professional networking o Supporting practitioners and managers to undertake research Richard Barker is Emeritus Professor of Child Welfare at Northumbria University. His PhD is from Edinburgh University and he is interested in children’s services, social work issues and globalisation. He is the editor of “Making Sense of Every Child Matters” which was published by the Policy Press in 2009. The Making Research Count (University of York) Team is: Fiona Mitchell works as a coordinator for the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network, based at the University of Stirling. SCCPN exists to foster connections, collaboration and the coordination of activities that promote the use of research evidence in child care and protection practice in Scotland. Prior to this post, Fiona has worked as social researcher – working on projects related to the development and evaluation of children's services. Department of Social Policy and Social Work University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD Voicemail Tel: 01904 321237 Fax: 01904 321270 Professor Ian Shaw Stephanie Lacey Jane Phythian, Administrator Email: 01904 321260 01904 321207 01904 321237 Website: