Thursdays: 10:45am – 12:15pm
Journal Room (417a)
* sequence of topics and selected readings open to suggestions
Sept. 4 – Succession:
Suggested readings:
Cowles (1899) – succession
Clements (1936) – succession
Gleason (1926) – communities
Peet (1992) – succession (book chapter)
Weller (1987 and 1989), Yoda et al (1963), Westoby (1984) – 3/2 thinning rule
Shugart and West (1980) – forest succession models
Peet and Christensen (1987) – competition and tree death
Keever (1950) – succession in old fields, NC Piedmont
Connell and Slater (1977) – succession
Silvertown and Doust chapters? (1993) – succession
Whittaker (1952) – climax theory
Oosting (1942) – Piedmont veg
Harper (1911) – climax veg and islands
Huston and Smith (1987) – plant succession, life history, competition
Actual Readings: (Indicate reference and presenter)
1) Amanda - Keever (1950)
2) Brooke - Connell and Slater (1977)
3) Lee Anne – Odum (1969)
4) Joel – Huston & Smith (1987)
5) Jeff – Whittaker (1952)
6) Todd – Shugart and West (1980)
7) Dane – Peet and Christensen (87) and Gleason (36)
Sept. 8 – Interactions – predator/prey, food webs:
Suggested readings:
Kettlewell? (1955) – industrial melanism
Huffaker (1958) – pred/prey oscillations
Connell (1961) – competition in barnacles
Gause (1934) – competitive exclusion
Gurevitch et al (1992) – meta-analysis of competition experiments
Noy-Meir (1975) – graphical grazing system models
Paine (1966) – food webs
Rosenzweig and MacArthur (1963) – graphical predator-prey models
Volterra (1926) – abundance fluctuations?
Schoener (1974) – science, 185 p27
Actual Readings:
1) (Joel gone)
2) Amanda - Schoener 1974: Resource partitioning
3) Brooke - Huffaker (1958)
4) Todd – Gurevitch et al (1992) & Gause (1934)
5) Dane – Connell (1961)
6) Lee Anne – Paine (1966)
7) Jeff – Rosenzweig and MacArthur (1963) and/or Noy-Meir (1975)
Sept. 16 – Population ecology – age structure, demography, density dependence:
Suggested readings:
Harper, J.L. (1967). Darwinian approach to plant ecology. J. Ecology 55:247-270.
Hett, J.M. and O.L. Loucks. 1976. Age structure models of balsam fir and eastern hemlock. J.
Ecology 64:1029-1044.
Laverich, W.J. and D.A. Levin. 1979. Age-specific survivorship and reproduction in Phlox
drumondii. Amer. Naturalist 113:881-903.
Knox, R.G., R.K. Peet, & N.L. Christensen. 1989. Population dynamics in loblolly pine stands:
Changes in skewness and size inequality. Ecology 70:1153-1166.
White, J. 1985. The thinning rule and its application to mixtures of plant populations. In:
J.White (ed.). Studies on Plant Demography. Academic Press. pp. 291-312.
Werner, P.A. and H. Caswell. 1977. Population growth rates and age vs. stage distribution
models for teasel (Dipsacus sylvestris Huds.). Ecology 58:1103-1111.
Stoll P, Weiner J, Schmid B. Growth Variation in a Naturally Established Population of Pinus
Sylvestris. Ecology 75[3], 660-670. 1994
Westoby, M. 1984. The self-thinning rule. Adv. Ecol. Res.14:167-225.
*Stoll article I found when I used SCI to look for more recent articles that cited the Knox et al.
paper (my interest in more recent things). I don’t know if it’s any good, but it has been cited a
bunch itself (~50 times)
Actual Readings:
1) Jeff – Harper (1967)
2) Brooke --Werner, P.A. and H. Caswell. 1977.
3) Lee Anne – Silvertown chapter
4)Dane – Knox, Peet, and Christensen (1989)
5)Joel-Murdoch & Nisbet
6) Amanda- Westoby 1984
Sept. 23 – Plant strategies, habitat selection:
Suggested readings:
Tilman (1985, 1988, others) – resource-ratio hypothesis, plant strategies
Grime (1977?) Am Nat 111 p 1169
Odum (1969) – Odum, E. 1969. The strategy of ecosystem development. Science
Southwood (1977)
Taylor, Aarssen and Loehle (1990)
Westoby (1998): leaf-height-seed scheme
Actual Readings:
1) Amanda: Odum 1969
2) Brooke: Tilman 1985 (not others)
3) Dane: Taylor, Aarssen, and Loehle 1990
4) Lee Anne: Southwood (1977)
5) Joel: Grime
6) Jeff: Westoby (1998)
Sept. 30 – Niche concepts:
Suggested readings:
Hutchinson – (1957) Concluding remarks, (1959) Santa Rosalia
MacArthur (1958) – ecology of warblers
Colwell and Futuyma (1971) – niche breadth
Grubb (1977) – regeneration niche in species diversity
Schoener (1974) – resource partitioning
Terborgh (1973) – favorableness
Keddy (1984)- resource specialization
Van der Maarel
Pianka (1974)—Niche overlap
Actual Readings:
1) Brooke- MacArthur
2) Jeff: Colwell and Futuyma and/or Pianka
3) Amanda: Keddy:
4) Todd Jobe – Hutchinson 1957 & 1959
Oct. 7 – Biogeochemistry:
Suggested readings:
Vitousek, P.M. and W.A. Reiners. 1975. Ecosystem succession and nutrient retention: a
hypothesis. BioScience 25:376-381.
Vitousek and Reiners (1975)
Likens, Bormann et al 1969. Effects of Forest cutting and herbicide treatment on nutrient budgets
in the Hubbard Brook Watershed-Ecosystem. Eco Mono. 40(1)
Gallardo and Merino
Howard Thomas Odum and Eugene P. Odum. 1956. Trophic structure and productivity of a
windward coral reef community on Eniwetok Atoll. Ecological Monographs 25:291-320.
Lindeman, R.L. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology 23:399-418.
HELP! – can we add some specific references from these authors?
Actual Readings:
1) Brooke –Vitousek and Reiners
2) Amanda: Likens et al 1969
3) Joel-Carpenter 1985
4) Lee Anne – Lindeman (1942)
5) Jeff—Schlesinger et al (1990)
Oct. 14 – Paleoecology:
Suggested readings:
Delcourts (1998) – paleoecology
Davis (19??, several?) – paleoecology
Clark (1990, 1998a, 1998b, 1999) – Reid’s paradox, plant migration, dispersal
Grime? (1992) – vegetation functional classification, predicting vegetation change
Griggs? (1914) – behavior of species at edges of ranges
Wells and Berger (1967)
Actual Readings:
1) Lee Anne – Davis (1969)
2) Brooke- Clark 1990
3) Dane – Delcourts 1998
4) Jeff – Wells and Berger 1967
5) Amanda-Griggs 1914
Oct. 30 – Metapopulations, source-sink dynamics, carousel model:
Suggested readings:
Simberloff and Wilson (1969) – island biogeog (also Simberloff 1976)
Pulliam (1988) – source/sink
Hanski (1982) – core/satellite
Levins? (1969, 1970) – metapop theory
Rickleffs (1987) – diversity and roles of local and regional processes
Wilson, Sykes, Peet (1995) – time and space in spp rich grassland
Zobel, Partel (several) – species pool, richness in grasslands
Van der Maarel and Sykes (1993) – carousel model
Watt? (1947) – pattern and process
Harrison (1991) – local extinction in metapops
Husband and Barrett (1996) – metapopulation perspective in plant population bio
Harrison – extinction risk
Actual Readings:
1) Lee Anne – Pulliam (1988)
2) Brooke- Van der Maarel and Sykes 1993
3) Joel- Hanski (1982)
4) Jeff – Watt (1947)
5) Amanda-Simberloff and Wilson 1969
6)Dane – Husband and Barrett (1996)
Nov. 6 – Dispersal, assembly rules:
Suggested readings:
Janzen 1970
Clark et al (lots – rare long-distance dispersal, seed shadows, etc)
Augspurger – seed morphology and dispersal
Taylor et al
J. B. Wilson
Diamond 1975
Conner and Simberloff 1979
Diamond and Gilpin 1983 Oecologia 562:64-74
Conner and Simberloff 1983 Oikos ?:455-465
Many others, depending on what aspects we want to cover
Actual Readings:
1) Amanda – Janzen (1970)
2) Jeff – Conner and Simberloff (1979)
3) Lee Anne – Augspurger (1987)
4)Joel - Keddy (1992)
5)Brooke- Bastow (1994)
Nov. 13 – Genetics – evolution, ecological borders, conservation genetics, phylogenetics:
Suggested readings:
Falk – genetics and rare plants book
Actual Readings:
1) Todd - Fisher (1922, 1928)
2) Lee Anne – Wright(1929), Haldane(1930)
3) Jeff – Schemske et al (1994)
4)Brooke- ?
5) Amanda: Hedrick, 2001
6)Joel-Russel Lande (1989)
Nov. 20 – Disturbance, IDH:
Suggested readings:
Connell? (1978) – diversity in tropical forests and reefs (intermed dist hyp)
Frelich and Reich? (1995) – disturbance and succession
Turner (1994 and 1997) – disturbance, pattern and process in Yellowstone
Turner and Romme?
White (1979, others) – disturbance, pattern and process
Pickett and White chapters (1985)
Actual Readings:
1)Brooke - Pickett and White chapters 17&21 (1985)
2) Lee Anne –
3)Frelich and Reich (1999)- neighborhood effects, disturbance severity and community stability
4)Joel-Huston (1994) p.215-231“Landscape patterns: disturbance and diversity”
5) Amanda: Turner and Romme 1997
Thanksgiving or Dec. 4 – Biogeography (much overlap with Oct 21-metapops and Nov11disturbance):
Suggested readings:
Simberloff and Wilson (1969) – island biogeog (also Simberloff 1976) - DONE
Pulliam (1988) – source/sink - DONE
Hanski (1982) – core/satellite
Levins? (1969, 1970) – metapop theory
Rickleffs (1987) – diversity and roles of local and regional processes
Wilson, Sykes, Peet (1995) – time and space in spp rich grassland
Zobel, Partel (several) – species pool, richness in grasslands
Van der Maarel and Sykes (1993) – carousel model
Watt (1947) – pattern and process - DONE
Frelich and Reich? (1995) – disturbance and succession
Turner (1994 and 1997) – disturbance, pattern and process in Yellowstone - DONE
White (1979, others) – disturbance, pattern and process
Pickett and White chapters (1985) - DONE
Harrison (1991) – local extinction in metapops
Husband and Barrett? (1996) – metapopulation perspective in plant population bio – DONE
Brown and Kodric-Brown (1977)—Rescue effect in island biogeography theory
Despite the overlap, I’m sure we can come up with lots of good stuff for this topic
Actual Readings:
1) Jeff – Brown and Kodric-Brown 1977
2) Brooke- Van der Maarel and Sykes 1993????
3) Joel- Hanski (1982)
4) Lee Anne – Levin or Levins
Nov. 25 – Open topic (mock orals anyone???):
Suggested readings:
Actual Readings:
Dec. 2 – Open topic:
Suggested readings:
Actual Readings:
Other Possible Topics:
Abundance (e.g. Preston, Gaston, others)
Diversity-productivity (several e.g. Hector et al, Mittlebach, Waide et al, etc)
Helpful Text References:
Brady and Weil – soils
Larcher – physiological plant ecology
Schlesinger – biogeochemistry
Gurevitch, Scheiner, Fox – plant ecology
Rickleffs – general ecology
Raven et al – biology of plants
Bergen – general ecology
Gotelli – population biology