Ultrafast CO2 laser technology: Application in ion acceleration I. Pogorelsky1, V. Yakimenko1, M. Polyanskiy1, P. Shkolnikov2, M. Ispiryan2, D. Neely3, P. McKenna4, D. Carroll4, Z. Najmudin5, and L. Willingale5.6 1 ATF, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973-5000, USA of Electrical and Computer Engineering, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY 11794-2350 , USA 3 Central Laser Facility, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxon, OX11 0QX, U.K. 4 SUPA Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, U.K. 5 Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BZ, U.K. 6 Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48105, USA 2 Department Abstract We review principles of picosecond CO2 lasers and their applications for strongfield physics research. Such laser has been used in a number of BNL experiments that explore advanced methods of particle acceleration and x-ray generation. We illustrate merits of the wavelength scaling from optical to midIR region by the examples of ion/proton acceleration and report the first experimental results that confirm the expected wavelength scaling of the process. . INTRODUCTION Mainstream experimental research in strong-field physics capitalizes so far on the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) solid-state lasers that have reached petawatt peak power and 1021 W/cm2 intensities. Concurrently, there is interest in exploring the capabilities of the CO2 gas lasers. While the peak power of CO2 lasers hardly competes with that of solidstate lasers, relativistic intensities are already available, and longer wavelength (~10 m) may offer significant advantages in applications, as well as a window into new areas of high-intensity laser-matter interactions. Presently, Neptune Laboratory at UCLA and the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at BNLconduct strong-field physics experiments with CO2 lasers. The following summary of the key potential benefits of high-intensity CO2 lasers for R&D on advanced accelerators and radiation sources is based on the ATF’s 15-year experience in using longwavelength laser radiation combined with a 70-MeV high-brightness electron linac. Our first premise is the ease of scaling of structure-based laser accelerators, and electron phasing into the laser field, as illustrated by STELLA, the first staged monoenergetic laser accelerator founded on the principle of the inverse free electron laser (IFEL) [1]. In STELLA, the laser and electron beams co-propagate through two successive wigglers. In the first wiggler (the “buncher”), the laser provides periodical energy modulation of the electron beam, which subsequently divides into femtosecond microbunches at the location of the second wiggler (“accelerator”). Being periodically spaced exactly to the laser’s wavelength, the microbunches in the accelerator experience a uniform acceleration when phased to the laser’s maximum amplitude, as has been demonstrated in our experiment. Such wavelength-accuracy is difficult to achieve with the much shorterwavelength optical radiation of CPA lasers. Other applications gain from the proportionally larger number of photons per joule of laser energy at longer wavelength. For example, a higher x-ray yield in inverse Compton scattering is achieved from counter-propagating the electron- and CO2 laser-beams [2]. This demonstration strongly argues for the excellent prospects of ultra-bright laser synchrotron sources for multi-disciplinary applications [3]. At the center of our research reported here is another favorable wavelength scaling, that of the electron ponderomotive potential in a laser field: pond 1 e 2 It ensures that E0 4 m L2 relativistic quiver motion pond mc 2 is reached at a hundred times lower laser intensity at 10 m than at 1 m. (This relativistic condition is usually expressed as a0=1 via dimensionless laser strength a 0 0.89 I18 , where I18 is the laser beam’s intensity in units of 1018 Wcm-2 and in m.) The favorable wavelength scaling was a factor that enabled our direct single-shot imaging of the 2nd harmonic in inverse Compton scattering [4]. As the collective ion motion in laser fields is usually driven by ponderomotively accelerated plasma electrons, we expect this scaling to benefit laser-driven ion acceleration. In particular, the main mechanism responsible for the observed laser acceleration of protons and ions by ultrafast lasers interacting with thin foils, TNSA, relies on relativistic electrons accelerated by the laser [5]. Since our laser is inherently circularly polarized, proton acceleration in our experiments may occur also by another mechanism, Relativistic Pressure Acceleration (RPA) [6]. A simplified theoretical model for RPA yields the maximum proton energy and accelerated photon number at p MeV nc ne a02 , E max N Sni 0 / 4 , (1) where ne is the electron density in the area where the acceleration takes place; nc=π/(re λ2) is the critical electron density; re≈2. 810-13 cm is the classical electron radius, S is the laser focus spot area, and ni0 is the ion density in this area. Assuming that the deposition of laser energy and ion acceleration mainly occur near the critical plasma density, ne≈ni0 ≈nc , Eqs. (1) are simplified to p MeV a02 , E max N p ~ re . (2) p Thus, both E max and N p scale favorably with λ. A similarly simple wavelength scaling can be derived for TNSA mechanism with the difference of p MeV a0 .[5] Emax Another factor to consider is the hundredfold lowering of the critical plasma density when changing the laser’s wavelength from 1 m to 10 m. Overall, little is known about highintensity, ultrafast laser-matter interaction at longer laser wavelengths beyond theoretical wavelength scaling. In view of that, two years ago we began exploring proton/ion acceleration by our CO2 laser in collaborative effort that includes: SUNY at Stony Brook, USA; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK; University of Strathclyde, UK; Imperial College, UK; and BNL, USA. EXPERIMENT The experiments have required a number of modifications in the laser operations. First of all, the efficiency of laser radiation in terms of producing intense ion beams depends significantly upon the laser’s contrast factor, because a pre-pulse produces a shock wave in the foil target that melts and blurs the sharp solidvacuum interface at the rear surface of the target, which is essential for TNSA. The pre-pulse control was not vital for our earlier ATF experiments wherein the laser was used primarily for interacting with the e-beam in a vacuum (e.g., for electron acceleration, or inverse Compton scattering). Therefore, at the initial stage of our ion-acceleration experiment, we made considerable effort to bring the laser to the acceptably high contrast level, which included blocking the picosecond leakage emerging in a regenerative amplifier cavity from further amplification in the final amplifier. We accomplished this using a Pockels cell switch between crossed polarizers, so ensuring a power contrast at 10-4 level and no visible pre-plasma at the target’s surface. Another fundamental problem arises from the erosion of the spectral envelope of a picosecond CO2 laser by the rotational structure of molecular spectrum in the amplifier. Simulations as well as optical diagnostics revealed that the Fourier transform of such a spectrum results in a train of pulses (see Fig.1). These same tools guided us to switch from the conventional P-branch of the CO2 laser spectrum to the R-branch. In the future, we will change to using a multi-isotope mixture that ensures single-pulse amplification. Meantime, partial pulsesplitting, as is shown in Fig. 1b, remains a factor that may influence our results. During the ATF experiment reported here, we focused a 5-ps CO2 laser pulse of 3-J energy via an F#=2 off-axis parabolic mirror on a 6-12 m thick Al foils at an 450 incidence angle into a spot with w0=65 m. This configuration yielded an intensity ~1016 W/cm2, and a 0 1 . The laser was polarized circularly which allows us to reduce parasitic backreflections from the target plasma into the laser system. Fig.2a illustrates the optical arrangement and ion-beam diagnostic inside the vacuum interaction chamber. The simple diagnostic shown schematically in Fig. 2b includes a 100-m slit, a compact magnet spectrometer, and a metalized scintillator plate imaged by a CCD camera. The observed deflection of particles from the direction normal to the target surface implies that they are positively charged ions. To identify the nature of these ions, a simple magnet spectrometer was modified into the Thomson parabola configuration by changing a slit into a pinhole, and adding two internal electrodes statically charged to 1.5 kV. Fig. 3 demonstrates that the superposition of the magnetic and electric fields separates the energy spectra of different ion species by the degree of their ionization, mass, and energy. The sensitivity of the scintillator/CCD diagnostic was insufficient to allow single-shot observations of particles transmitted through the 150-m diameter pinhole and split into multiple traces by the magnetic and electric fields. Therefore, we employed the more sensitive CR39 plastic plates in place of the scintillator. For the first tests reported here, we primarily were interested in exploring features of a proton beam which is normally released via TNSA from the water and oil impurities at the target’s surface and produces easy recognizable tracks on CR39 plates. The proton beam’s imprint, clearly visible on the CR39 plate (Fig. 3b), was identified and characterized by fitting to the simulated dispersion curve (Fig. 3c). Fig.4 depicts the spectrum of proton energy, built from the count of microscopic pit density along the track. A quick comparison of this spectrum with typical results from solid-state lasers of ~1018 W/cm2 intensity [7,8] discloses similar features that confirm scaling in the maximum proton energy and the beam luminosity with the laser wavelength, as we expected from Eq. 3. CONCLUSIONS We plan to continue optimization, and to analyze more accurately effects of wavelength scaling by detailed parametric comparisons with earlier results from solid-state lasers. We also plan to replace the foil target with a gas jet so that we can study laserplasma interactions closer to critical conditions. This approach proved beneficial for acceleration with solid-state lasers [9]. Furthermore, we expect that this change will allow us, for the first time, to implement optical probing of over-critical plasma interactions. Simultaneously, we will improve the laser’s peak intensity by at least an orderof-magnitude by employing a short focal length parabola with F#=1, as well as via continuing improvement of our laser system. These steps include producing the 1-ps CO2 laser pulse and its amplification in multi-isotope medium. A further increase in the laser’s strength will be attained through frequency chirping and compression; these advances might bring the laser to 300 fs pulse-duration and 10 TW peak-power. Summarizing, we report the first observation of 1-MeV proton beam produced by the interaction of a picosecond CO2 laser with metal foils. The intensity of operation of the CO2 laser needed to reach the same highenergy cut-off in the proton spectrum was 100 times less than that of a solid-state laser. This is consistent with the anticipated favorable wavelength scaling, and highlights the potential of longwavelength CO2 lasers as drivers for high-luminosity proton- and ion sources. Manclossi, S. Meyroneinc, P. Mora, J. Schreiber, T. Toncian, H. Pépin and P. Audeber, Nature Physics 2, 48 (2006). [6] A. Macchi, F. Catani, T.V. Liseykina, and F. Cornolti, Phys. Rev. Lett 94, 165003 (2005). [7] P. McKenna, F. Lindau, O. Lundh, D. Neely, A. Persson and C.G. Wahstrom, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 364, 711 (2006). [8] S. Nakamura, Y. Iwashita, A. Noda, T. Shirai, H. Tongu, et al, Jap. J. of Appl. Phys. 45, L913 (2006). [9] L.Willingale, S.P.D. Mangles, P.M. Nilson, R.J. Clarke, A.E. Dangor, M.C. Kaluza, S. Karsch, K.L. Lancaster, W.B. Mori, Z. Najmudin, J. Schreiber, A.G.R. Thomas, M.S. Wei, and K. Krushelnick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 245002 (2006). FIGURE CAPTIONS AKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by the US DOE Grant #DE-FG02-07ER41488 REFERENCES [1] W. D. Kimura, M. Babzien, I. BenZvi, L. 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