CURRICULUM VITA NAME: Michael Windle ADDRESS: Professor of Public Health Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education Emory University Rollins School of Public Health 1518 Clifton Road NE-Room 514 Atlanta, GA 30322 Phone: 404.727.9634 Fax: 404.727.1369 PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT: July, 2014 Rollins Professor and Chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education 2006-2013. Professor of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1998-2006. Director of Graduate Program in Developmental Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1998-2000. Director of the Center for the Advancement of Youth Health and the Comprehensive Youth Violence Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2000-2006. Research Institute on Addictions Senior Research Scientist, 1986-1997. Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation Research Scientist Chicago, Illinois 1984-1986. EDUCATION: 1984 Ph.D. Human Development and Family Studies The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania 1980 M.A. Clinical Psychology Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois 1977 B.A. Psychology University of Missouri St. Louis, Missouri AWARDS: 2012-2017, NIAAA K05 Career Research Development Award 2005, Collier Visiting Research Professor Award, University of Rochester Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Rochester, NY. 1997-2004, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award. 2001, Developmental Review, Recognized in top 5% of Most Productive Developmental Scientists. 1982-1984, National Institute of Aging Traineeship. 1979-1980, Administration of Aging Traineeship. MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Psychological Association (1990-2009) Research Society on Alcoholism (1998-present) REVIEW ACTIVITIES: Consulting Editor, Journal of Family Psychology (2009-present). Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol (1992-present). Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (2005-present). Member of the Editorial Board of Health Psychology (2003-2005). Consulting Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors (2002-2005). Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Adolescent Research (1998-2003). Member of the Editorial Board of Alcohol Research & Health (1996-1998). Associate Editor of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (1995-1998). Member of the Editorial Board of Developmental Psychology (1994-1998). Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Research on Adolescence (1994-1996). Ad hoc Reviewer: American Psychologist, Archives of General Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Child Development, European Psychologist, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Health Psychology, International Journal of Behavioral Development, JAMA, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Personality, Applied Developmental Science, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Pediatrics, Development and Psychopathology, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Psychological Reports, Addiction, Psychological Medicine, Journal of Adolescent Health, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Science, Journal of Primary Prevention, Personality and Individual Differences, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Journal of Primary Prevention. Member of the Prevention and Epidemiology Research Review Subcommittee, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1992-1996). Special emphasis grant reviewer: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1989, 1990, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2002). National Institute on Drug Abuse (1995, 1996, 2005). National Institute on Child Health and Human Development (1999, 2005). National Institute of Mental Health (2004). Ad hoc reviewer: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012). Ad hoc reviewer: Risk Behavior and Health Prevention IRG (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009). Ad hoc reviewer: National Institutes of Health, CSR (2010, 2011, 2012). Ad hoc reviewer: National Institutes of Health, AA-2 (2012). Small Business Innovative Grant Reviewer: National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism (1989, 1990, 1998). Reviewer for the Guggenheim Foundation (2003, 2005). Conference Review and Program Planning Committees: Society for Research on Child Development 2002; 2004 Society for Research on Adolescence 2003; 2005 Research Society on Alcoholism 2005; 2008 International Society of Behavior Development 2012 RESEARCH SUPPORT: P.I., A Critical Evaluation of the Research Literature on Children of Alcoholics, Biomedical Research Support Grant, NIH, $45,000, 1987-1988. P.I., Adolescent Alcohol Use: The National Adolescent Student Health Survey, Biomedical Research Support Grant, NIH, $37,000, 1988-1989. Co-P.I., Family Factors and Adolescent Alcohol Use, Barnes (P.I.), NIAAA, R01, $957,000, 1988-1992. Co-P.I., Interferons and Natural Killer Cell Activity among Alcoholics and Heavy Smokers, Chadha (P.I.), NIAAA, R03, $200,000, 1992-1993. P.I., COA Risk in Young Adults: A Longitudinal Sibling Design, NIAAA, R01, $310,861, 19921994. P.I., Behavioral Risk for AIDS among Alcoholics, NIAAA, R01, $635,160, 1992-1995. Co-P.I., Family Assessment in Alcohol Research, Jacob (P.I.), R01, $1,300,369, 1995-1999. P.I., Vulnerability Factors and Adolescent Drinking, NIAAA (Original and Competing Continuation Awards via R01), $6,156,123, 1988-1999. P.I., Vulnerability Factors and Adolescent Drinking, NIAAA, R37 MERIT Award, $2,435,232, 2000-2004. P.I., Healthy Passages: A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, CDC, $9,285,908, 19992006. P.I., Comprehensive Youth Violence Center, CDC, $5,654,332, 2000-2005. Co-P.I., Field Trial of Effects of the Coping Power Program, NIDA, Lochman (PI), R01, $4,809,688, 2002-2007. P.I., Parenting, Adolescent Substance Use and Delinquency, NIDA, R21, $143,500, 2004-2007. P.I., Vulnerability Factors and Adult Drinking, NIAAA, R01, $2,582,436, 2005-2012. Co-P.I., First-Episode Psychosis and Pre-Onset Cannabis Use, NIMH, R01, Compton (PI), $1,973,036, 2008-2010. P.I., Health-Comm KEY, NIH/Association of Schools of Public Health, $398,058, 2006-2008. P.I., Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention on College Campuses (Conference Grant), State of Georgia, Department of Human Resources, $34,000, 2007-2008. P.I., Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention on College Campuses-II (Conference Grant), State of Georgia, Department of Human Resources, $34,000, 2008-2009. P.I., Vulnerability Factors and Adult Drinking: GE Interactions (Supplement), NIAAA, $387,500, 2010-2012. Co-.I., A Transdisciplinary Center Focused on Rural African American Families, NIDA, Brody (PI), P30, $3,265,040, 2009-2014. P.I., Alcohol and Depression among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, NIAAA, R21, $406,876, 2011-2014. P.I., The Development of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Disorders across the Lifespan, NIAAA, K05, $1, 043,325, 2012-2017. Co-I, Market Research to Predict Emerging Tobacco Product Use in Diverse Young Adults, NCI, R01, $2,906,040, 2013-2018. Co-I, Vulnerability to Drug Use & HIV: Advancing Prevention for Rural African Americans, NIDA, Brody (PI), P30, $4,322,776, 2014-2019. PUBLICATIONS: Articles: 1. Orlofsky, J., & Windle, M. (1978). Sex-role orientation, behavioral adaptability, and personal adjustment. Sex Roles, 4, 801-811. 2. Windle, M., & Lerner, R.M. (1984). The role of temperament in dating relationships among young adults. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 30, 163-175. 3. Windle, M., & Sinnott, J.D. (1985). A psychometric study of the Bem Sex Role Inventory with an older adult sample. Journal of Gerontology, 40, 336-343. 4. Windle, M. (1986). Sex-role orientation, cognitive flexibility, and life satisfaction among older adults. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 10, 263-273. 5. Windle, M., Hooker, K., Lenerz, K., East, P.L., Lerner, J.V., & Lerner, R.M. (1986). Temperament, perceived competence, and depression in early- and late-adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 22, 384-392. 6. Windle, M., & Lerner, R.M. (1986). Reassessing the dimensions of temperamental individuality across the life span: The Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R). Journal of Adolescent Research, 1, 213-230. 7. Barnes, G.M., Farrell, M.P., & Windle, M. (1987). Parent-adolescent interactions in the development of alcohol abuse and other deviant behaviors. Family Perspective, 21, 321-335. 8. Barnes, G.M., & Windle, M. (1987). Family factors in adolescent alcohol and drug abuse. Pediatrician, 14, 13-18. 9. Windle, M. (1987). Stressful life events, general mental health, and temperament among late adolescent females. Journal of Adolescent Research, 2, 13-31. 10. Windle, M., Iwawaki, S., & Lerner, R.M. (1987). Cross-cultural comparability of temperament among Japanese and American early- and late-adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 2, 423-446. 11. Windle, M. (1988). Psychometric strategies of measures of temperament: A methodological critique. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 11, 171-201. 12. Windle, M. (1988). Are those adolescent to early adulthood drinking patterns so discontinuous? A response to Temple and Fillmore. International Journal of the Addictions, 23, 907-912. 13. Windle, M., & Barnes, G.M. (1988). Similarities and differences in correlates of alcohol consumption and problem behaviors among male and female adolescents. International Journal of the Addictions, 23, 707-728. 14. Windle, M., Iwawaki, S., & Lerner, R.M. (1988). Cross-cultural comparability of temperament among Japanese and American preschool children. International Journal of Psychology, 23, 547-567. 15. Windle, M. (1989). Predicting temperament-mental health relationships: A covariance structure latent variable analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 23, 118-144. 16. Windle, M. (1989). Temperament and personality: An exploratory inter-inventory study of the DOTS-R, EASI-II, and EPI. Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 487-501. 17. Windle, M. (1989). A factorial replication study of the adult Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R). Journal of Personality Assessment, 53, 685-692. 18. Windle, M. (1989). Substance use and abuse among adolescence runaways: A four-year follow-up study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 18, 331-344. 19. Windle, M. (1989). High risk behaviors for AIDS among heterosexual alcoholics: A pilot study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 50, 503-507. 20. Windle, M., Barnes, G.M., & Welte, J. (1989). Causal models of adolescent substance use: An examination of gender differences using distribution-free estimators. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 132-142. 21. Windle, M., & Blane, H.T. (1989). Cognitive ability and drinking behavior in a national sample of young adults. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 13, 43-48. 22. Windle, M., & Miller, B.A. (1989). Alcoholism and depressive symptomatology among convicted DWI men and women. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 50, 406-413. 23. Windle, M. (1990). A longitudinal study of antisocial behaviors in early adolescence as predictors of late adolescent substance use: Gender and ethnic group differences. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 99, 86-91. 24. Windle, M. (1990). The HK/MBD Questionnaire: Factor structure and discriminant validity with an adolescent sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2, 232-237. 25. Windle, M. & Miller, B.A. (1990). Problem drinking and depression among DWI offenders: A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 166-174. 26. Miller-Tutzauer, C., Leonard, K.E., & Windle, M. (1991). Marriage and alcohol use: A longitudinal study of "maturing out." Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52, 434-440. 27. Windle, M. (1991). The difficult temperament in adolescence: Associations with substance use, family support, and problem behaviors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 47, 310-315. 28. Windle, M. (1991). Salient issues in the development of alcohol abuse in adolescence. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Suppl 1, 499-504. 29. Windle, M. (1991). Alcohol use and abuse: Some findings from the National Adolescent Student Health Survey. Alcohol Health and Research World, 15, 5-10. 30. Windle, M., Miller-Tutzauer, C., Barnes, G.M., & Welte, J. (1991). Adolescent perceptions of help-seeking resources for substance abuse. Child Development, 62, 179-189. 31. Windle, M., & Miller-Tutzauer, C. (1991). Antecedents and correlates of alcohol, cocaine, and alcohol-cocaine abuse in early adulthood. Journal of Drug Education, 21, 133-148. 32. Cooper, M.L., Russell, M., Skinner, J.B., and Windle, M. (1992). Development and validation of a three-dimensional measure of drinking motives. Psychological Assessment, 4, 123-132. 33. Windle, M. (1992). Temperament and social support in adolescence: Interrelations with depressive symptoms and delinquent behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 21, 1-21. 34. Windle, M. (1992). A longitudinal study of stress buffering for adolescent problem behaviors. Developmental Psychology, 28, 522-530. 35. Windle, M. (1992). The revised dimensions of temperament survey (DOTS-R): Simultaneous group factor analysis for adolescent gender groups. Psychological Assessment, 4, 228-234. 36. Windle, M., & Miller-Tutzauer (1992). Confirmatory factor analyses and concurrent validity of the perceived social support-family measure among adolescents. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 54, 777-787. 37. Windle, M., Miller-Tutzauer, C., & Domenico, D. (1992). Alcohol use, suicidal behavior, and risky activities among adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2, 317-310. Reprinted in G. Adams (Ed.) (1999). Adolescence: The essential readings. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers and in R.M. Lerner & C.M. Ohannessian (Eds.)(2000). Adolescence: Development, diversity, and context (Vol. 5), Risks and problem behaviors in adolescence. Hamden, CT: Garland Publishing. 38. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (1993). Adolescent Type A characteristics and socially problematic behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 21-39. 39. Windle, M., Mondul, T., Whitney, R.B., Cummings, M.K., Stadler, J., & Chadha, K.C. (1993). A discriminant function analysis of various interferon parameters among alcoholics and heavy smokers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 31, 139-147. 40. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (1993). High cholesterol levels in patients with panic disorders (letter). American Journal of Psychiatry,150, 527. 41. Windle, M. (1993). A retrospective measure of childhood behavior problems and its use in predicting adolescent problem behaviors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54, 422-431. 42. Domenico, D., & Windle, M. (1993). Intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning among middle-aged female adult children of alcoholics (ACOAs). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 659-666. 43. Windle, M., & Windle, R. C. (1993). The continuity of behavioral expression among disinhibited and inhibited childhood subtypes. Clinical Psychology Review, 13, 741-761. 44. Scheidt, D.M., & Windle, M. (1994). Personality disorders among alcoholics and alcoholcomorbid subtypes with a Vietnam era military sample. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 8, 76-85. 45. Scheidt, D.M., & Windle, M. (1994). Axis I and Axis II comorbidity among alcoholics in a male, Vietnam era veteran sample. American Journal on Addictions, 3, 151-159. 46. Shirley, M.C., & Windle, M. (1994). Alcoholic subtypes: Psychosocial functioning in Vietnam era men. Journal of Substance Abuse, 6, 279-293. 47. Windle, M. (1994). A study of friendship characteristics and problem behaviors among middle adolescents. Child Development, 65, 1764-1777. 48. Windle, M. (1994). Substance use, risky behaviors, and victimization among a U.S. national adolescent sample. Addiction, 89, 175-182. 49. Windle, M. (1994). Temperamental inhibition and activation: Hormonal and psychosocial correlates and associated psychiatric disorders. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 6170. 50. Windle, M. (1994). Characteristics of alcoholics who attempted suicide: Co-occurring disorders and personality differences with a sample of male Vietnam era veterans. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 55, 571-577. 51. George, W.H., Frone, M.R., Cooper, M.L., Russell, M., Skinner, J.B., & Windle, M. (1995). A revised alcohol expectancy questionnaire: Factor structure confirmation and invariance in a general population sample. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56, 177-185. 52. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (1995). Adolescent suicidal behaviors as a function of depression, hopelessness, alcohol use, and social support: A longitudinal investigation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 23, 329-354. 53. Scheidt, D., & Windle, M. (1995). The alcoholics in treatment HIV risk (ATRISK) study: Gender, ethnic, and geographic group comparisons. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56, 300308. 54. Tubman, J.G., & Windle, M. (1995). Continuity of difficult temperament in adolescence: Relations with depression, life events, family support, and substance use across a one year period. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 133-153. 55. Windle, M., & Welch, K. (1995). The prevalence and prospective predictors of cocaine use among young adults: A national U.S. sample of young adults. Addiction Research, 3, 39-47. 56. Windle, M., Windle, R., Scheidt, D., & Miller, G. (1995). Physical and sexual abuse and associated mental disorders among alcoholic inpatients. American Journal of Psychiatry, 152, 1322-1328. 57. Windle, R.C., & Windle, M. (1995). Longitudinal patterns of physical aggression: Associations with adult social, psychiatric, and personality functioning and testosterone levels. Development and Psychopathology, 7, 563-585. 58. Blackson, T.C., Tarter, R.E., Loeber, R., Ammerman, R.T., & Windle, M. (1996). The influence of paternal substance abuse and difficult temperament in fathers and sons on sons' disengagement from family to deviant peers. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 389-411. 59. Dumenci, L. & Windle, M. (1996). A latent trait-state model of adolescent depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 31, 313-330. 60. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (1996). Vietnam combat exposure and recent drug use: A national study. Journal of Traumatic Stress 9, 557-568. 61. Scheidt, D. & Windle, M. (1996). Individual and situational markers of condom use and sex with nonprimary partners among alcoholic inpatients: Findings from the ATRISK Study. Health Psychology, 15, 185-192. 62. Tubman, J.G., Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (1996). Cumulative sexual intercourse patterns among middle adolescents: Problem behavior precursors and concurrent health risk behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health, 18, 182-191. 63. Tubman, J.G., Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (1996). The onset and cross-temporal patterning of sexual intercourse in middle adolescence: Prospective relations with behavioral and emotional problems. Child Development, 67, 327-343. 64. Windle, M. (1996). An alcohol involvement typology for adolescents: convergent validity and longitudinal stability. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57, 627-637. 65. Windle, M. (1996). Effect of parental drinking on adolescents. Alcohol, Health & Research World, 20, 181-184. 66. Windle, M. (1996). On the discriminative validity of a family history of problem drinking index with a national sample of young adults. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57, 378-386. 67. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (1996). Coping strategies, drinking motives, and stressful life events among adolescents: Associations with behavioral and emotional problems, and academic functioning. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105, 551-560. 68. Frone, M. & Windle, M. (1997). Job dissatisfaction and substance use among employed high school students: The moderating influence of active and avoidant coping styles. Substance Use and Misuse, 32, 571-585. 69. Scheidt, D. & Windle, M. (1997). A comparison of alcohol typologies using HIV risk behaviors among alcoholic inpatients. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 11, 3-17. 70. Davies, P.T. & Windle, M. (1997). Gender-specific pathways between maternal depressive symptoms, family discord, and adolescent adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 33, 657-668. 71. Windle, M. & Dumenci, L. (1997). Parental and occupational stress as predictors of depressive symptoms among dual-income couples: A multilevel modeling approach. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 59, 625-634. 72. Windle, M. (1997). Mate similarity, heavy substance use, and family history of problem drinking among young adult women. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58, 573-580. 73. Windle, M. (1997). The trading of sex for money or drugs, sexually transmitted diseases(STDs), and HIV-related risk behaviors among multi-substance using alcoholic inpatients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 49, 33-38. 74. Windle, M. (1997). Concepts and issues in COA research. Alcohol, Health & Research World, 21, 185-191. 75. Windle, R.C. & Windle, M. (1997). Relationships among middle adolescents' substance use behaviors, depressed affect, and suicidal behaviors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 921-929. 76. Wills, T.A., Windle, M., & Cleary, S.D. (1998). Temperament and novelty-seeking in adolescence: A test for convergence of dimensions of temperament with constructs from Cloninger's theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 387-406. 77. Dumenci, L. & Windle, M. (1998). A multitrait-multioccasion generalization of the latent trait-state model: description and application. Structural Equation Modeling, 5, 391-410. 78. Windle, M. & Dumenci, L. (1998). An investigation of maternal and adolescent depression using a latent trait-state model. Journal of Adolescent Research, 8, 461-484. 79. Jacob, T., Windle, M., Seilhamer, R.A., & Bost, J. (1999). Adult children of alcoholics: Drinking, psychiatric and psychosocial status. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 13, 3-21. 80. Windle, M. (1999). Psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder among alcoholic inpatients. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 60, 330-336. 81. Windle, M. & Dumenci, L. (1999). The factorial structure and construct validity of the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCC-R) among alcoholic inpatients. Structural Equation Modeling, 6, 372-393. 82. Davies, P., Dumenci, L., & Windle, M. (1999). The interplay between maternal depressive symptoms and marital distress in the prediction of adolescent adjustment problems. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 238-254. 83. Jacob, T., & Windle, M. (1999). Family assessment: Instrument dimensionality and correspondence across family reporters. Journal of Family Psychology, 13, 339-354. 84. Windle, M., & Davies, P.T. (1999). Depression and heavy alcohol use among adolescents: Concurrent and prospective relations. Development Psychopathology, 11, 823844. 85. Davies, P.T. & Windle, M. (2000). Middle adolescent’s dating pathways and psychosocial adjustment. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 46, 90-118. 86. Jacob, T., Moser, R.P., Windle, M., Loeber, R., & Loeber, M. (2000). A new measure of parenting practices involving preadolescent- and adolescent-aged children. Behavior Modification, 24, 611-634. 87. Jacob, T., & Windle, M. (2000). Young adult children of alcoholic, depressed, and nondistressed parents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61, 836-844. 88. Windle, M. (2000). A latent growth curve model of delinquent activity among adolescents. Applied Developmental Science, 4, 193-207. Page 14 of 47 89. Windle, M. (2000). Introduction to special issue on familial and peer influences on adolescent substance use. Applied Developmental Science, 4, 68-70. 90. Windle, M. (2000). Parental, sibling, and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems. Applied Developmental Science, 4, 98-110. 91. Davies, P.T., & Windle, M. (2001). Interparental discord and adolescent adjustment trajectories: The potentiating and protective role of intrapersonal attributes, Child Development, 72, 1163-1178. 92. Dumenci, L., & Windle, M. (2001). Cluster analysis as a method of recovering types of intraindividual growth trajectories: A Monte Carlo study. Multivariate Behavior Research, 36, 501-522. 93. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (2001). Family, religious, school, and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62, 44-53. 94. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2001). Cigarette smoking and depressive symptoms among middle adolescents: Prospective associations and intrapersonal and interpersonal influences. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69, 215-226. 95. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (2001). Delinquency risk as a function of number of early onset problem behaviors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 45, 436-448. 96. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (2002). Gender, self-control, and informal social control in adolescence: A test of three models of the continuity of antisocial behavior. Youth and Society, 33, 479-514. 97. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (2002). A longitudinal study of the effects of religiosity on adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems. Journal of Adolescent Research, 17, 346-363. 98. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (2002). Reciprocal relations between adolescent substance use and delinquency: A longitudinal latent variable analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111, 63-76. 99. Windle, M. (2003). Alcohol use among adolescents and young adults. Alcohol Research and Health, 27, 79-85. 100. Faden, V.B., Day, N.L., Windle, M., Windle, R., Grube, J.W., Molina, B.S.G., Pelham, W.W., Gnagy, E.M., Wilson, T.K., Jackson, K.M., & Sher, K.J. (2004). Collecting longitudinal data through childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood: Methodological challenges. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 330-340. 101. Shewchuk, R.M., Franklin, F.A., Harrington, K.F., Davies, S.L., & Windle, M. (2004). Using cognitive mapping procedures to develop a community-based family intervention: High 5+. American Journal of Health Behavior, 28, 43-53. 102. Wiesner, M., & Windle, M. (2004). Assessing covariates of adolescent delinquency trajectories: A latent growth mixture modeling approach. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33, 431-442. 103. Wilsnack, S.C., Wilsnack, R.W., Kristjanson, A.F.,Vogeltanz-Holm, N.D., & Windle, M. (2004). Alcohol use and suicidal behavior in women: Longitudinal patterns in a U.S. national sample. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 28, 38S-47S. 104. Windle, M., Grunbaum, J.A., Elliott, M., Tortelero, S., Berry, S., Gilliland, J., Kanouse, D., Parcel, G., Wallander, J., Kelder, S., Collins, J., Kolbe, L., and Schuster, M. (2004). Healthy Passages: A multilevel, multimethod longitudinal study of adolescent health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27, 164-172. 105. Windle, M. & Mason, W.A. (2004). General and specific predictors of behavioral and emotional problems among adolescents. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 12, 4961. 106. Windle, M. (2004). Suicidal behaviors and alcohol use among adolescents: A developmental psychopathology perspective. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 29S-37S. 107. Windle, M., & Scheidt, D.M. (2004). Alcoholic subtypes: Are two sufficient? Addiction, 99, 1508-1519. 108. Windle, M. & Wiesner, M. (2004). Trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence to young adulthood: predictors and outcomes. Development and Psychopathology, 16, 1007-1027. 109. Davies, S.L., Harrington, K., Franklin, F.A., Shewchuk, R.M., Feese, M.L., & Windle, M. (2005). Hi5+: Systematic development of a family intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Health Promotion Practice, 6, 190-201. 110. DePyssler, B., Williams, V.S.L., & Windle, M. (2005). Alcohol consumption and positive study practices among African-American college students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 49, 26-44. 111. Slobodskaya, H.R., Safronova, M.V., & Windle, M. (2005). Personality, temperament and adolescent adjustment in modern Russia. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 167-178. 112. Wiesner, M., Windle, M., Freeman, A. (2005). Work stress, substance use, and depression in young adults: An examination of main and moderator effect models. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 83-96. 113. Windle, M., Mun, E.Y., & Windle, R. (2005). Adolescent-to-young adulthood heavy drinking trajectories and their prospective predictors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 66, 313-322. 114. Windle, M. (2005). Retrospective use of alcohol and other substances by college students: Psychometric properties of a new measure. Addictive Behaviors, 30, 337-342. 115. Schuckit, M.A., Windle, M., Smith, T.L., Hesselbrock, V., Ohannessian, C., Averna, S., Bauer, L., Kramer, J., Bucholz, K., & Sher, K. (2006). Searching for the full picture: Structural equation modeling in alcohol research. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30, 194-202. 116. Rafnsson, F.D., Smari, J., Windle, M., Mears, S.A., & Endler, N.S. (2006). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Icelandic version of Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1247-1258. 117. Wiesner M. & Windle, M. (2006) Young adult substance use and depression as a consequence of delinquency trajectories during middle adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 16, 239-264. 118. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2006). Adolescent temperament and lifetime psychiatric and substance abuse disorders assessed in young adulthood. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 15-25. 119. Rafnsson, F.D., Jonsson, F.H, & Windle, M. (2006). Coping strategies, stressful life events, problem behaviors, and depressed affect among Icelandic adolescents: A cross-cultural replication study. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 19, 241-257. 120. Lochman, J.E., Boxmeyer, C., Powell, N., Roth, D.L. & Windle, M. (2006). Masked intervention effects: Analytic methods for addressing low doseage of intervention. New Directions for Evaluation, 110, 19-32. 121. Gilliland. M.J., Windle, M., Grunbaum, J.A., Yancey, A., Hoelscher, D., Tortolero, S.R., & Schuster, M.A. (2007). Body image and children’s mental health: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 32, 30-41. 122. Windle, M. & Jacob, T. (2007). Measurement of higher-order family dimensions across self-report and behavioral observational methods. Psychological Reports, 100, 661-671. 123. Mun, E.Y., Windle, M., & Schainker, L. (2008). A model-based cluster analysis approach to adolescent problem behaviors and young adult outcomes. Development and Psychopathology. 20, 291-318. 124. Thompson, M., Sims, L., Kingree, J.B., & Windle, M. (2008). Longitudinal associations between problem alcohol use and violent victimization in a national sample of adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42, 21-27. 125. Windle, M., Spear, L.P., Fuligni, A.J., Angold, A., Brown, J.D., Pine, D., Smith, G.T., Giedd, J., & Dahl, R.E. (2008). Transitions into underage and problem drinking: Developmental processes and mechanisms between ages 10-15. Pediatrics, Suppl. 4, S273-S289. 126. Mrug, S., Loosier, P., & Windle, M. (2008). Violence exposure across multiple contexts: Individual and joint effects on adjustment. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78, 70-84. 127. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2009). Moderators of negative peer influence on early adolescent externalizing behaviors: Individual behavior, parenting, and school connectedness. Journal of Early Adolescence, 29, 518-540. 128. Guion, K., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2009). Predictive value of informant discrepancies in reports of parenting: Relations to early adolescents’ adjustment. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 17-30. 129. Windle, M., & Mrug, S. (2009). Cross-gender violence perpetration and victimization among early adolescents and associations with attitudes toward dating conflict. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 429-439. 130. Ramchand, R, Elliott, M.N., Mrug, S., Grunbaum, J., Windle, M., Chandra, A., Peskin, M.F., Cooper, S.P., & Schuster, M.A. (2009). Substance use and delinquency among fifth graders who have jobs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 36(4), 297-303. 131. Boxmeyer, C.L., Lochman, J.E., Powell, N.R., Windle, M., & Wells, K. (2008). School counselors’ implementation of Coping Power in a dissemination field trial: Delineating the range of flexibility within fidelity. Report on Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Youth, 8 (4), 79-84 and 94-95. 132. Lochman, J.E., Boxmeyer, C., Powell, N., Qu, L., Wells, K., & Windle, M. (2009). Dissemination of the Coping Power Program: Importance of intensity of counselor training. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77, 397-406. 133. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2009). Mediators of neighborhood influences on externalizing behavior in preadolescent children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 265-280. 134. Lochman, J.E., Powell, N., Boxmeyer, C., Qu, L., Wells, K., & Windle, M. (2009). Implementation of a school-based prevention program: Effects of counselor and school characteristics. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(5), 476-482. 135. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2009). Bidirectional influences of violence exposure and adjustment in early adolescence: Externalizing behaviors and school connectedness. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 611-623. 136. Windle, M., Spear, L.P., Fuligni, A.J., Angold, A., Brown, J.D., Pine, D., Smith, G.T., Giedd, J., & Dahl, R.E. (2009). Transitions into underage drinking: Summary of developmental processes and mechanisms: Ages 10-15. Alcohol Research and Health, 32(1), 30-40. 137. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2009). Initiation of alcohol use in early adolescence: Links with exposure to community violence across time. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 779-781. 138. Windle, M., Brener, N.D., Cuccaro, P., Dittus, P.J., Kanouse, D.E., Murray, N., Wallander, J.L., & Schuster, M.A. (2010). Parenting predictors of early adolescent's health behaviors: Simultaneous group comparisons across sex and ethnic groups. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39, 594-606. 139. Windle, M. (2010) A multilevel developmental contextual approach to substance use and addiction. BioSocieties, 5, 124-136. 140. Mays, D., Thompson, N., Kushner, H.I., Mays, D.F., Farmer, D., Windle, M. (2010). Sports-specific factors, perceived peer drinking, and alcohol-related behaviors among adolescents participating in school-based sports in Southwest Georgia. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 235-241. 141. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective effects of violence exposure across multiple contexts on early adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 51 (8), 953-961. 142. Mrug, S., Gaines, J., Su, W., & Windle, M. (2010). School-level substance use: Effects on early adolescents’ alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 488-495. 143. Windle, M. & Zucker, R.A. (2010). Reducing underage and young adult drinking: How to address critical drinking problems during this developmental period. Alcohol Research & Health, 33, 29-44. 144. Mays, D., DePadilla, L., Thompson, N.J., Kushner, H.I., & Windle, M. (2010). Sports participation and problem alcohol use in a multi-wave, national sample of adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38 (5), 491-498. 145. Painter, J.E., Sales, J.M., Pazol, K., Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., Orenstein, W.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (2010). Psychosocial correlates of intention to receive an influenza vaccination among rural adolescents. Health Education Research, 25 (4), 853-864. 146. Su, W. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2010). Social cognitive and emotional mediators linking violence exposure and parental nurturance to adolescent aggression. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 39 (6), 814-824. 147. Livingston, J.A., Testa, M., Hoffman, J., & Windle, M. (2010). Can parents prevent heavy episodic drinking by allowing teens to drink at home? Addictive Behaviors, 35, 1105-1112. 148. Berg, C.J., Ling, PM, Guo, H., Windle, M., Thomas, J.L., Ahluwalia, J.S., & An, L.C. (2010). Using market research to characterize college students and identify potential targets for influencing health behaviors. Social Marketing Quarterly, 16 (4), 41-69. 149. Wiesner, M., Chen, V. Windle, M., Elliott, M.N., Grunbaum, J.A., Kanouse, D.E., & Schuster, M.A. (2010). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 in women: A MACS approach to testing for invariance across racial/ethnic groups. Psychological Assessment, 22, 912-922. 150. Dumenci, L., Achenbach, T.M., & Windle M. (2011). Measuring context-specific and crosscontextual components of hierarchical constructs. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 33, 3-10. 151. Schwebel, D.C., Roth, D.L., Elliott, M.N., Windle, M., Grunbaum, J.A., Low, B., Cooper, S.P., & Schuster, M.A. (2011). The association of activity level, parent mental distress, and parental involvement and monitoring with unintentional injury risk in fifth graders. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 848-852. 152. Painter, J.E., Gargano, L.M., Sales, J.M., Perez, A.J., Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., DiClemente, R.J. (2010). Adolescents’ attitudes toward vaccinations: A systematic review. Current Pediatric Reviews, 6(4), 237-249. 153. Painter, J.E., Sales, J.M., Pazol, K., Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., Orenstein, W.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (2011). Adolescent attitudes towards influenza vaccination and vaccine uptake in a school-based influenza vaccination intervention: A mediation analysis. Journal of School Health, 81, 304-312. 154. DePadilla, L., Windle, M., Wingood, G., Cooper, H., & DiClemente, R. (2011). Condom use among young women: Modeling the Theory of Gender and Power. Health Psychology, 30(3), 310-319. 155. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2011). Do delinquency and community violence exposure explain internalizing problems in early adolescent gang members? Journal of Adolescence, 34, 1093-1096. 156. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2012). Intergenerational relations for drinking motives: Invariant for same- and opposite-sex parent-child dyads? Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73, 63-70. 157. Chung, T., Smith, G., Donovan, J.E., Windle, M., Faden, V.B., Yi, H-Y., & Martin, C.S. (2012). Drinking frequency as a brief screen for adolescent alcohol problems. Pediatrics, 129 (2), 1-8. 158. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2012). Early onset problem behaviors and alcohol, tobacco and other substance use disorders in young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 121, 152158. 159. Mrug, S., Madan, A., & Windle, M. (2012). Temperament alters susceptibility to negative peer influence in early adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 40, 201-209. 160. Mendel, J.R., Berg, C.J., Windle, R.C., & Windle, M. (2012). Predicting young adulthood smoking among adolescent smokers and nonsmokers. American Journal of Health Behaviors, 36 (4), 542-554. 161. Brody, G.H., Chen, Y.-F., Yu, T., Beach, S.R.H. Kogan, S.M., Simons, R.H., Windle, M., & Philibert, R.A. (2012). Life stress, the dopamine receptor gene, and emerging adult drug use trajectories: A longitudinal, multilevel, mediated moderation analysis. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 941-951. 162. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2012). Testing the specificity between social anxiety disorder and drinking motives. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 1003-1008. 163. Lochman, J.E., Boxmeyer, C.L., Powell, N.P., Qu, L., Wells, K., & Windle, M. (2012). Coping Power dissemination study: Intervention and special education effects on academic outcomes. Behavioral Disorders, 37, 192-205. 164. Brody, G.H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-F., Kogan, S.M., Evans, G.W., Beach, S.R.H., Windle, M., Simons, R.H., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., & Philibert, R.A. (2012). Cumulative socioeconomic status risk, allostatic load, and adjustment: A prospective latent profile analysis with contextual and genetic protective factors. Developmental Psychology, 49 (5), 913-927. 165. Caughy, M.O., Franzini, L., Windle, M., Dittus, P., Cuccaro, P., Elliott, M.N., & Schuster, M.A. (2012). Social competence in late elementary school: Influences of parenting and neighborhood context. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 1613-1627. 166. Brody, G.H., Yu, T., Chen, Y.-F., Kogan, S.M., Evans, G.W., Windle, M., Gerrard, M., Gibbons, F.X., Simons, R.H., & Philibert, R.A. (2013). Supportive family environments, genes that confer sensitivity, and allostatic load among rural African American emerging adults: A prospective analysis. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 22-29. 167. Windle, M. & Windle, R. (2013). Recurrent depression, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes among middle-aged and older adult women. Journal of Affective Disorders. 150(3), 895-902. 168. Brody, G.H., Chen, Y.-F., Beach, S.R.H., Kogan, S.M., Yu, T., DiClemente, R.J., Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., & Philibert, R.A. (2014). Differential sensitivity to prevention programming: A dopaminergic polymorphism-enhanced prevention effect on protective parenting and adolescent drug use. Health Psychology, 33(2), 182-191. 169. Brody, G.H., Yu, T., Beach, S.R.H., Kogan, S.M., Windle, M., & Philibert, R.A. (2014). Harsh parenting and adolescent health: A longitudinal analysis with genetic moderation. Health Psychology, 33, 401-409. 170. Lochman, J.E., Baden, R.E., Boxmeyer, C.L., Powell, N.P., Qu. L., Salekin, K.L., & Windle, M. (2014). Does a booster intervention augment the preventive effects of an abbreviated version of the Coping Power Program for aggressive children? Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42, 367-381. 171. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (2014). A prospective study of alcohol use among middle-aged adults and marital partner influences on drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 546-556. 172. Kogan, S. M., Lei, M. K., Beach, S. R. H., Brody, G. H., Windle, M., MacKillop, J., & Lee, S. (in press). Dopamine receptor gene D4 polymorphisms and early sexual onset: Gender and environmental moderation in a sample of African American youth. Journal of Adolescent Health. 173. Ladapo, J.A., Elliott, M.N., Kanouse, D.E., Tortolero, S.R., Windle, M., Cuccaro, P.M., Shadel, W.G., Davies, S.L., & Schuster, M.A. (in press). Tobacco use and smoking intentions among fifth-grade students. Journal of Adolescent Health. 174. Patel, S.N., Wingood, G., Kosambiya, J.K., McCarty, F., Windle, M., Yount, K., & Hennink, M. (in press). Individual, interpersonal, and behavioral factors that influence male-dominated sexual decision-making and inconsistent condom use among married HIV serodiscordant couples in Gujarat, India. AIDS and Behavior. Manuscripts submitted for publication. 175. Stromeyer, S.L., Lochman, J.E., Wells, K.C., & Windle, M. (2013). Bidirectional influences between maternal depression and boys’ and girls’ externalizing behavior during the middle school transition. Manuscript submitted for publication. 176. Deming, A.M., Lochman, J.E., Matthys, W., Wells, K., Windle, M., Boxmeyer, C., & Powell, N. (2014). Emotion processing deficits predict conduct problems over time with aggressive children. Manuscript submitted for publication. 177. Patel, S.N., Hennink, M., Hynes, M., Yount, K., Kosambiya, J.K., Windle, M., Wingood, G., & McCarty, F. (2013). Influences on sexual risk among HIV serodiscordant couples in Gujarat, India. Manuscript submitted for publication. 178. Coker, T.R., Elliott, M.N., Schwebel, D.C., Windle, M., Toomey, S.L., Tortolero, S.R., Hertz, M.F., Peskin, M.F., & Schuster, M.A. (2014). Media violence exposure and violent behavior in fifth-grade children. Manuscript submitted for publication. 179. Livingston, J.A., Testa, M., Windle, M., & Bay-Cheng, L.Y. (2014). Alcohol involvement in first sexual intercourse experiences of adolescent girls. Manuscript submitted for publication. 180. Lochman, J.E., Powell, N.P., Boxmeyer, C.L., Qu, L., Sallee, M., Wells, K.C. & Windle, M. (2014). Counselor-level predictors of sustained use of an indicated preventive intervention for aggressive children. Manuscript submitted for publication. 181. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2014). From family violence to dating violence: Testing the dual pathway model. Manuscript submitted for publication. 182. Windle, M. & Mrug, S. (2014). Parental divorce during adolescence and sex differences in depression in young adulthood as moderated by the oxytocin polymorphism rs53576. Manuscript submitted for publication. 183. Wingo, A.P., Baldessarini, R.J., & Windle, M. (2014). Stress coping styles: Longitudinal development from ages 17 to 33 and associations with psychiatric disorders. Manuscript submitted for publication. 184. Windle, M., Wiesner, M., Elliott, M.N., Wallander, J., Kanouse, D.E., & Schuster, M.A. (2014). The Abbreviated Dimensions of Temperament Survey: Factor structure and concurrent validity across three racial/ethnic groups. Manuscript submitted for publication. 185. Sun, L., Windle, M., Thompson, N., & Brody, G. (2014). Validation of Drinking Motives Questionnaire-Revised among college students in China. Manuscript submitted for publication. 186. Berg, C., Stratton, E., Schauer, G., Lewis, M., Wang, Y., Windle, M., & Kegler, M. (2014). Perceived harm, addictiveness, and social acceptability of tobacco products and marijuana among young adults: Marijuana, hookah and electronic cigarettes win. Manuscript submitted for publication. 187. Davies, S., Harrington, K.F., Fontaine, K., Shewchuk, R.M., Windle, M., & Franklin, F.A. (2014). Prevalence and correlates of family meals among families of 3rd graders. Manuscript submitted for publication. 188. Weisner, M., Windle, M., Kanouse, D.E., Elliott, M.N., & Schuster, M.A. (2014). DISC Predictive Scales (DPS): Factor structure and uniform differential item functioning across gender and three racial/ethnic groups for ADHD, CD, and ODD symptoms. Manuscript submitted for publication. 189. Windle, M., Kogan, S.M., Lee, S., Chen, Y.F., Lei, K.M., Brody, G., Beach, S.R.H., & Yu, T. (2014). Neighborhood by 5-HTTLPR interactions for substance use from ages10-24 years using a harmonized dataset of African-American children. Manuscript submitted for publication. Chapters: 1. 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Lerner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of applied developmental psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 34. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (2009). Adolescent alcohol use. In R.J. DiClemente, J.S. Santelli & R.A. Crosby (Eds.), Adolescent health: Understanding and preventing risk (pp. 165-178). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 35. Windle, M. (2010). Temperament. In I.B. Weiner & W.E. Craighead (Eds.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, 4th Edition (pp. 1758-1761). New York: Wiley & Sons. 36. Windle, M. (2012). Longitudinal data analysis. In H. Cooper (Ed.), APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol. 3. Data Analysis and Research (pp. 245-266). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 37. Windle, M., Sales, J.M., & Windle, R.C. (2013). The influence of alcohol and illicit drug use on sexual behavior. In D.S. Bromberg & W.T. O’Donohue (Eds.), Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexuality: Developmental and Forensic Psychology (pp. 253-274). Elsevier Press. 38. Windle, M. (2013). Intermediate phenotypes for alcohol use and alcohol dependence: Empirical findings and conceptual issues. In J. MacKillop & M.R. Munafo (Eds.), Genetic Influences on Addiction: An Intermediate Phenotype Approach (pp. 257-274). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 39. Windle, M. (in press). Behavioral undercontrol: A multifaceted concept and its relationship to alcohol and substance use and abuse. In R. Zucker & S. Brown (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Adolescent Substance Abuse. Oxford Press. Books and Editor of Special Journal Issue: 1. Windle, M., & Searles, J.S. (Eds.) (1990). Children of alcoholics: Critical perspectives. New York: Guilford Press. 2. Bryant, K., Windle, M., & West, S.G. (1997). The science of prevention: Methodological advances from alcohol and substance abuse research. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 3. Windle, M. (1999). Alcohol use among adolescents. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 4. Book Reviewer: Siegel, L., & Korock, M. (1991). AIDS: The drug and alcohol connection. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52, 188. 5. Windle, M. (2000). Guest Editor for Applied Developmental Sciences, Family and Peer Influences on Adolescent Substance Use. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 6. Windle, M. (2014). Forward to Parenting and Teen Drug Use, L.M. Scheier & W.B. Hansen (Eds.), (pp. vii-x). Oxford University Press. INVITED PRESENTATIONS: Windle, M. (November, 1988). Longitudinal and developmental research. Invited paper presented at the NIAAA Ad Hoc Extramural Science Advisory Board "Incidence and Prevalence of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism" Meeting, Washington, D.C. Windle, M. (November, 1989). The approach-withdrawal concept: Associations with salient constructs in contemporary theories of temperament and personality development. Invited paper presented at the fifth biennial T.C. Schneirla Conference, University Park, PA. Windle, M. (February, 1990). The alcohol connection to risky behaviors in adolescence. Invited paper presented at the New York State Division of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse on the Alcohol Connection: Unity in the 90's, Albany, New York. Windle, M. (1991). Risk factors for alcoholism and over-sampling special populations. Invited paper presented at NIAAA Workshop on Alcohol Epidemiology for Scientists from Eastern European Countries, June, 1991, Marco Island, FL. Windle, M. (1991). Cross-cultural comparisons of temperament with the Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R). Invited paper presented at the First Workshop of the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP) on: Cross-Cultural Research on Temperament, Nieborow, Poland, September, 1991. Windle, M. (October, 1992). Problem drinking, antisocial behaviors, and depression among adolescent COAs. Invited paper presented at conference on "Genetic Susceptibility, Biological Markers of Vulnerability and Alcoholic Subtypes", University of Connecticut. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (October, 1992). The continuity of behavioral expression among disinhibited and inhibited subtypes. Invited paper presented at Conference on Disinhibitory Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Windle, M. (May, 1993). Some conceptual and methodological considerations for research on AIDS and alcohol. Invited paper presented at NIAAA Workshop on AIDS and Alcohol, Bethesda, MD., May 20-21, 1993. Windle, M. (February, 1994). Modeling changes in adolescent alcohol involvement: A comparison of continuous latent variable and discrete latent Markov approaches. Invited paper presented at NIAAA Workshop on "Assessing Methods in Prevention Research", Washington, D.C., February 24-25, 1994. Windle, M. (June, 1994). Vulnerability to drug abuse: A person-environment transactional perspective. Invited paper (Plenary Session) presented at Society for Prevention Research, West Palm Beach, FL. Windle, M. (November, 1994). Adolescent substance use: Toward a developmental process model. Invited Paper presented in CARS series, November 18, 1994, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Windle, M. (December, 1994). Critical measurement issues in the study of resilience. Invited paper presented at the Conference on The Role of Resilience in Drug Abuse and Mental Illness, Washington, DC, December 5-6, 1994. Windle, M. (April, 1995). Toward a developmental process model of adolescent substance use. Invited paper presented at Brown University as part of colloquium series, Friday, April 21, 1995. Windle, M. (May, 1998). A developmental process model of adolescent substance use: Findings from the Lives Across Time Study. Invited paper presented at the Institute of Behavioral Research, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Windle, M. (November, 1998). A developmental psychopathology perspective on adolescent substance use: Implications for assessment and treatment. Invited paper presented at NIAAA workshop on Research on Treatment for Adolescent Alcohol Problems: Methodological Issues. Washington, DC. Windle, M. (April, 2001). Epidemiology of alcohol use among adolescents. Invited presentation as part of NIAAA Symposium on Neurobehavioral Aspects of Adolescents: Factors Contributing to Developing Alcoholism, the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s 32nd Annual MedicalScientific Conference, Los Angeles, California. Windle, M. (2002, March). Suicidal behaviors and alcohol use among adolescents: A developmental psychopathology perspective. Invited paper presented at the University of Rochester Center for the Study of Suicide Prevention/NIAAA sponsored “Alcohol and Suicide Workshop”, Bethesda, MD, March 21-22, 2002. Windle, M. (2002, May). Considerations of gene-environment relations: A developmental psychopathology perspective. Invited paper presented at the NIAAA sponsored “GeneEnvironment Interaction Workshop”, Bethesda, MD, May 1-3, 2002. Windle, M. & Wiesner, M. (2002, June). Trajectories of marijuana use from adolescence to young adulthood: Predictors and correlates. Invited paper presented at the University of Michigan Developmental Psychopathology Symposium on “The Transition from Adolescence to Young Adulthood”. Ann Arbor, MI, June 14-15, 2002. Windle, M. (2002, June). A developmental process model of youth health problems: A confrontation with issues of heterogeneity. Invited paper presented at the Adolescent Risk Conference, Institute for Adolescent Risk Communication, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, June 27-30, 2002. Windle, M. (2003, May). The continuity of alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood. Invited paper presented at the SUNY/Research Institute on Addictions Colloquia Series, Buffalo, NY, May 1, 2003. Windle, M. (2004, May). Prospective studies of substance use, violence, and mental health among youth. Invited presentation at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, May 5, 2004. Windle, M. (2005, March). Trajectories of substance use and mental health from adolescence to young adulthood. Invited Grand Rounds Talk in Psychiatry presented at the University of Mississippi Medical School, Jackson, MS, March 4, 2005. Windle, M. (2005). Lives Across Time: A prospective study of developmental psychopathology. Invited paper presented as part of the 2005-2006 Visiting Scholar Program in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, October 14, 2005. Windle, M. (2009). A multilevel developmental contextual approach to addiction. Invited paper presented at the Addiction, the Brain and Society Conference, Emory University, February, 2009. Windle, M. (2010). The intersection of substance abuse, mental health, and violence prevention. Invited paper presented at the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Prevention Technologies Southeast Regional Expert Team Meeting, Denver CO, August 30, 2010. Windle, M. (2011). A developmental psychopathology approach to alcohol disorders. Invited Grand Rounds Talk in the Department Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences presented at the Emory University Medical School, Atlanta, GA, March 9, 2011. Windle, M. (2012). Alcohol abuse and alcoholism among children and youth-the child health professional’s role. Invited Pediatric Grand Rounds Talk in the Department Pediatrics at Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus, GA, June 7, 2012. Windle, M. (2014). Measurement and conceptual challenges in developing polygenic scores for etiologic and prevention research. Invited paper presented at the Center for Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science 4th Annual Symposium entitled Genetic Indices in Prevention Science: Implications for Models of Etiology and Prevention. Athens, Georgia, June 5-6, 2014. CONFERENCE PAPERS: Windle, M., & Huston, T.L. (October, 1982). Compatibility testing and mate selection. Paper presented at the National Council of Family Relations Conference, Washington, D.C. Windle, M., & Lerner, R.M. (April, 1983). Temperamental similarity in dating couples. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Hooker, K., Windle, M., Kucher, J., & Lerner, R.M. (April, 1984). The use of the Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS-R) for evaluation of the goodness-of-fit model of temperament. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. Windle, M. (November, 1984). Statistical modeling approaches to measure temperamentcontext relations. Paper presented at the Temperament Interaction in the Educational Process Symposium, St. Louis, MO. Windle, M., Hooker, K., East, P., & Lerner, R.M. (April, 1984). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Revised Dimensions of Temperament Survey. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD. Windle, M. (April, 1986). Exploring the interrelationships among temperament and indices of cognitive abilities and cognitive styles. Paper presented at the Sixth Occasional Temperament Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Windle, M. (April, 1986). Using covariance structure analysis to study temperament-mental health relationships. Paper presented at the Sixth Occasional Temperament Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. Iwawaki, S., Windle, M., & Lerner, R.M. (September, 1987). Cross-cultural comparability of temperament across Japanese and American samples. Paper presented at the Bielefeld Conference on Individual Differences in Personality and Temperament, Bielefeld, Germany. Blane, H.T., & Windle, M. (November, 1987). Cognitive ability and drinking behavior in a national sample of young adults in the United States. Paper presented at The World Psychiatric Association Regional Symposium, Warsaw, Poland. Windle, M. (April, 1988). Discussant on symposium entitled, "Biological-psychosocial interactions across the transitions of early adolescence." Symposium presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Buffalo, NY. Barnes, G.M., Windle, M., Dintcheff, B.A., & VanOsdol, L. (June, 1988). Alcohol abuse and dropout status among minority and white youth. Paper presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Conference, Wild Dunes, SC. Windle, M. (June, 1988). A longitudinal study of antisocial behaviors in early adolescence as predictors of late adolescent alcohol and illicit substance use with a U.S. national sample. Paper presented at the Kettil Bruum Society Annual Meeting, Berkeley, CA. Windle, M., & Miller, B.A. (August, 1988). Problem drinking and depression among DWI offenders: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. Chadha, K., Whitney, R., Cummings, M., Norman, M., Windle, M., & Stadler, I. (April, 1989). Evaluation of interferon system among chronic alcoholics. Paper presented at Alcohol and AIDS Network Conference, Tucson, AZ. Miller-Tutzauer, C., Leonard, K.E., & Windle, M. (June, 1989). Marriage and alcohol use: A longitudinal study of "maturing out." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Beaver Creek, CO. Windle, M., & Miller-Tutzauer, C. (June, 1989). Maternal and adolescent perceptions of family functioning and associated alcohol use patterns. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Beaver Creek, CO. Windle, M. (October, 1989). Adolescent temperament: Childhood problem precursors and problem behavior correlates. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, NY. Windle, M. (June, 1990). Salient issues in the development of alcohol abuse in adolescence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June, 1990, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. Windle, M. (August, 1990). A longitudinal study of stress and problem behaviors in adolescence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August, 1990, Boston, MA. Windle, M., Miller-Tutzauer, C. & Baecher, D. (1991). Alcohol use, suicidal behavior and risky activities among adolescents. Paper presented at Society for Research in Child Development, April 19, 1991. Windle, M. (1991). Childhood problems and family support as precursors to mid-adolescent alcohol use. Symposium presentation at Society for Research in Child Development, April 20, 1991. Windle, M. (1991). Gender differences in adolescent substance use: A person-environment perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August, 1991, San Francisco, CA. Reifman, A.S., & Windle, M. (August, 1992). Vietnam combat exposure and current drug use: A national study. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Washington, D.C. Windle, M. (August, 1992). Common and unique precursors of mid-adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Washington, D.C. Windle, M. (August 1992). Familial influences on adolescent substance abuse. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Washington, D.C. Shirley, M. & Windle, M. (November, 1992). Coexisting disorders, psychological functioning, social support and physical health in Vietnam Experience Study subjects. Paper presented at the American Association of Behavior Therapy Meeting, Boston, MA. Reifman, A.S., & Windle, M. (August, 1992). Vietnam combat exposure and current drug use: A national study. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Washington, D.C. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (October, 1992). Adolescent drinking motives: Longitudinal relations with stressful life events, social support, personality, and alcohol consumption. Paper presented at 41st Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (April, 1993). Children of alcoholics and depressive symptoms: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association Meeting, Chicago, IL. Windle, M. (June, 1993). Temperament and alcohol abuse: The developmental unfolding of direct and indirect influences. Paper presented as part of symposium on "Temperament Contribution to Alcoholism Liability," Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX, June 21, 1993. Tubman, J.G., Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (March, 1994). Problem behavior precursors and concurrent risk behaviors associated with longitudinal intercourse patterns among adolescents. Paper presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (April, 1994). Psychological factors, health behaviors, and cholesterol levels in male Vietnam-era veterans: A path-analytic approach. Paper presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA. Scheidt, D.M., & Windle, M. (August, 1994). Antisocial Personality Disorder and HIV Risk among Alcoholic Inpatients. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association Meeting, Los Angles, CA, August 12-16, 1994. Windle, M., & Blane, H.T. (January, 1995). Sex Trade, STDs, and IV Drug Use Among Alcoholic Inpatients. Paper presented at the International Conference on AIDS, Drugs and Alcohol, January 22-27, 1995, New Delhi, India. Frone, M.R. & Windle, M. (June, 1995). Job dissatisfaction, coping styles, and health outcomes among adolescents. Paper presented at Work, Stress, and Health Conference, Washington, DC. Windle M. (March, 1996). Temperament and aggression as predictors of close friend relations. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Boston, MA. Frone, M.R. & Windle, M. (June, 1996). Alcohol involvement and grade-point average among high school students: A four-wave panel study. Paper presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting, Washington, DC. Windle, M. (July, 1996). Temperament and psychopathology: Alternative models and developmental pathways. Paper presented at 8th European Conference on Personality, University of Gent, Belgium. Davies, P., Dumenci, L., & Windle, M. (April, 1997). Mediational pathways between parental depressive symptoms, marital discord, and adolescent maladjustment: A prospective study. Paper presented at Society for Research on Child Development Meeting, Washington, DC. Friedman, L.L. & Windle, M. (April, 1997). STDs and reproductive dysfunction among female alcoholic inpatients: Ethnic comparisons. Paper presented at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Windle, M., Scheidt, D.M., & Windle, R.C. (July, 1997). Alcoholic subtypes revisited: Are two sufficient? Paper presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA. Shirley, M.C., Cunningham,J., Windle, M. & Diaz,C.(November, 1997). Alcohol treatment histories: Differences among Vietnam era veterans. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami Beach, FL. Shirley, M.C. & Windle, M. (January, 1998). Primary/secondary depression in alcoholics: Patterns of substance use, mood, and concurrent psychopathology. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Treatment of Addictive Behaviors, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (August, 1998). Temperament, Type A hostility, and cigarette use among adolescents. Paper presented at the Fifth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark. Davies, P., & Windle, M. (April, 1999). Child temperament and family climate as moderators of the effects of marital discord on trajectories of adolescent adjustment. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Reifman, A., & Windle, M. (April, 1999). Psychological distress in children of alcoholics and control subjects: Three meta-analyses. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Windle, M., Mason, A., & Windle, R.C. (April, 1999). Dimensionality of behavioral and emotional problems in adolescence. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Windle, M. (July, 1999). Applications of the latest state-trait model to research in developmental psychopathology. Paper presented at the 6th European Congress of Psychology, Rome, Italy. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (July, 1999). Adolescent temperament as a prospective predictor of young adult depression, alcohol use and interpersonal functioning. Paper presented at the 6th European Congress of Psychology, Rome, Italy. Green, M., Witherspoon, D., Dixon-Roman, E., Williams, V.S.L., and Windle, M. (November, 2000). Religiosity, spirituality, and college drinking: Preliminary results. Paper presented at the National Minority Research Symposium, November 8-10, 2000, Washington, DC. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (April, 2000). Family, religious, school, and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana. Witherspoon, D., Green, M., Dixon-Roman, E., Williams, V.S.L., and Windle, M. (November, 2000). HBCU student drinking: Preliminary cross-sectional results. Paper presented at the 2000 National Minority Research Symposium, November 8-10, 2000, Washington, DC. Mason, W.A., & Windle, M. (April, 2001). Reciprocal relations between adolescent substance use and delinquency: A longitudinal latent variable analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Witherspoon, D., Williams, V.S.L., Green, M., Dixon-Roman, E., MacKinnon, D. and Windle, M. (June, 2001). HBCU drinking: Some preliminary descriptive results. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 23-28, Montreal, Canada. Dixon-Roman, E.,Williams, V.S.L., Witherspoon, D., Green, M., and Windle, M. (June, 2001). Ethnic identity and HBCU student alcohol consumption. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 23-28, Montreal, Canada. dePyssler, B., Williams, V.S.L., and Windle, M.. Do positive practices protect against alcohol abuse at a historically black university (HBCU)? Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 23-28, Montreal, Canada. Williams, V.S.L., Ellison, T., Witherspoon, D., Dixon-Roman, E., MacKinnon, D., Green, M., and Windle, M. (June, 2001). Using focus groups and cognitive testing to develop a multimedia student alcohol survey. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, June 23-28, Montreal, Canada. Mason, W. A., Schainker, L. M., & Windle, M. (2001, October). Differential prediction of adolescent alcohol use and alcohol-related problems: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA. Windle, M., Windle, R.C., & King, L.P. (2002, July). Alcohol disorders and psychiatric comorbidity among a community sample of young adults. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA, June 28-July 2, 2002. Windle, R.C. & Windle, M. (2002, July). Binge drinking in adolescence and alcohol and other psychiatric disorders in young adulthood. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA, June 28-July 2, 2002. Wiesner, M., & Windle, M. (2002, November). Young adult outcomes of distinct adolescent delinquency trajectories. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Criminology, Chicago, IL, November 14, 2002. Schainker, L.M. & Windle, M. (2003). Adolescent predictors of young adult children’s relationship quality with mothers and fathers. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Child Development, Tampa Bay, FL, April 23-27, 2003. Gilliland, J. & Windle, M. (2003). The contexts of violence exposure and victimization among children. Paper presented at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Conference—Safety in numbers: Working together from research into practice, Atlanta, GA, April 28-29, 2003. Windle M. & Gilliland, J. (2003). Frequency and correlates of cross-sex violence among fifthgraders. Paper presented at the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Conference— Safety in numbers: Working together from research into practice, Atlanta, GA, April 28-29, 2003. Mun, E.Y, Windle, R.C. & Windle, M. (2003, June). Predictors of alcohol consumption and binge drinking among middle-aged women. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Fort Lauderdale, FL, June 21-26, 2003. Windle, M., Windle, R.C., & Mun, E.Y. (2004, March). Using latent growth mixture models to investigate gender differences across critical transition periods. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Understanding Adolescents Over Time: Why We Need Multiwave and Dynamic Analyses” at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 11-14, 2003. Sartor, C., Jacob, T., & Windle, M. (2004, March). The transition from adolescence to young adulthood among COAs. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 11-14, 2003. Schainker, L.M. & Windle, M. (2004, May). Examining early adolescent substance use intentions from an ecological perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Montreal, CA, May 26-28, 2004. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (2004, June). Alcohol and depression: Prospective prediction from adolescence to young adulthood. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Suicidal behavior in alcoholics: Examinations of depression and other risk factors” at the Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CAN, June 26-30, 2004. Fleschler, M.A., Juvonen, J., Paulk, D. Grunbaum, J.A., Tortolero, S., Windle, M., & Schuster, M. (2004). Bullying and victimization behaviors among elementary school-aged youth: Results from the Healthy Passages Study. Paper presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting of Public Health, November 6-10, 2004, Washington, DC. Gilliand, M.J., Paulk, D.L., & Windle, M. (2004). Suicidal behavior and exposure to conflict among an urban sample of fifth-grade students. Paper presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting of Public Health, November 6-10, 2004, Washington, DC. Grunbaum, J.A., Windle, M., Elliott, M., Tortolero, S., Berry, S., & Schuster, M. (2004) Healthy Passages: A community-based longitudinal study of adolescent health. Paper presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting of Public Health, November 6-10, 2004, Washington, DC. Windle, M. & Gilliland, M.J. (2004). Multilevel protective factors for violence among fifth-graders. Paper presented the 132nd Annual Meeting of Public Health, November 6-10, 2004, Washington, DC. Wiesner, M., Windle, M., & Lockard, S. (2004, November). Self-control, parenting behavior, antisocial parents, and deviant peers as correlates of delinquent behavior: Propensity versus contextual effects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN, November 17-20, 2004. Mun, E.Y., Schainker, L.M., & Windle, M. (2005, April). Middle adolescent behavior problems and young adult developmental outcomes. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, April 7-10, 2005. Schainker, L.M., & Windle, M. (2005, April). The generality and continuity of relationships across the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, April 7-10, 2005. Windle, R.C. & Windle, M. (2005, April). The influence of adolescent coping styles, social support, and major stressors on young adult psychopathology. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA, April 7-10, 2005. Gilliland, M.J., Windle, M., Grunbaum, J., Hoeschler, D., Tortolero, S., Yancey, A., & Schuster, M. (2005). BMI, body image, and children’s mental health. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA, April 13-16, 2005. Boxmeyer, C.M.L., Lochman, J.E., Powell, N., & Windle. M. (2005). Examining the impact of parent and youth participation rates on outcome effects of the Coping Power Program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC, May 25-27, 2005. Windle, M. (2005). Promises and pitfalls of structural equation modeling. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the 2005 Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Conference, Santa Barbara, California, June 25-30, 2005. Windle, M., & Windle, R.C. (2005). Adolescent temperament and emotional and behavioral problems and disorders in young adulthood. Paper presented at the 2005 Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Conference, Santa Barbara, California, June 25-30, 2005. Dumenci, L. Windle, M., & Achenbach, T.M. (2005). Latent trait-state model for cross-sectional research designs. Paper presented at the Annual European Congress of Psychology, Granada, Spain, July 3 – 8, 2005. Muilenburg, J.L., Kohler, C., Grimley, D., Davies, S.L., Windle, M., & Snyder, S.W. (November 5-9, 2005). Does identifying oneself as a regular smoker influence an adolescent's reasons for entering a smoking cessation program? Presented at the 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA. Mun, E.Y. & Windle, M. (March, 2006). Trajectories of regular cigarette smoking and marijuana use from ages 14 through 31: Problem alcohol use and depressive symptoms as time-varying covariates. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Windle, M. & Mun, E.Y. (March, 2006). The course of depressive symptoms from middle adolescence to young adulthood: Multi-group growth mixture analysis. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Paulk, D.L., Eden, A., Gilliland, M.J., Grunbaum, J.A., Windle, M., Elliott, M., Cuccaro, P.M., Peskin, M.F., and Schuster, M. (March, 2006). Influence of peer victimization and negative self attributions on school attitude and functioning. Paper rresented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Loosier, P.S., Windle, M. & Mun, E.Y. (March, 2006). Youth, family, and contextual characteristics predicting violence exposure: Disruptive behavior disorder symptoms as a moderator. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Mun, E.Y., Loosier, P.S., & Windle, M. (March, 2006). Number of sexual intercourse partners in middle adolescence: Trajectories and their correlates. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Elliott, M.N., Katholi, C., Kelder, S., Berry, S., Suttorp, M., Kinchen, S., Helms, D., Zhang, R., Windle, M., Grunbaum, J., Tortolero, S., & Schuster, M. (March, 2006). Use of a simulationbased sampling approach to achieve race-ethnic targets through the selection of entire schools. Presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 11th Biennial Meeting, San Francisco, March 23-26, 2006. Gilliland, M.J., Windle, R.C., & Windle, M. (March, 2006). Associations of depression and anxiety disorders with self-reported chronic diseases and health status. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, March 22-25, 2006. Windle, M. (June, 2006). Parental and externalizing behavior correlates of alcohol use among children. Paper presented as part of symposium for presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD, June 24-28, 2006. Lochman, J.E., Powell, N., Boxmeyer, C., Roth, D., Wells, K. & Windle, M. (August, 2006). Organizational and training factors in dissemination of the Coping Power Program. Paper presented as part of symposium on "Issues in Dissemination of Empirically-Supported Interventions for Children and Adolescents" at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 10-13, 2006. Windle, M. & Spear, L. (August, 2006). Applying a developmental framework to alcohol-related behaviors: Ages 10-15. Paper presented as part of symposium for presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August 10-13, 2006. Grunbaum, J.A., & Windle, M. (September, 2006). Healthy Passages: A longitudinal study to improve policies and programs to promote adolescent health. Paper presented at the CDC’s 2006 National Health Promotion Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 12-14, 2006. Guion, K., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (October, 2006). Parent-child discrepancies: Clinical and research implications. Paper presented at the Kansas Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, Kansas, October 19-21, 2006. Elliott, M., Kinchen, S., Franzini, L., Sastry, N., Windle, M., Suttorp, M., Qureshi, T., Gilliland, M.J., Turk, E., McManus, T., & Schuster, M.A. (November, 2006). Measurement properties of neighborhood characteristics using an observational method. Paper presented at the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 4-8, 2006. Franklin, F., Schuster, M., Windle, M., Grunbaum, J.A., Elliott, M., Tortolero, S., Cuccaro, P., & Gilliland, M.J. (November, 2006). Healthy Passages: A multilevel, multimethod longitudinal study of adolescent health. Paper presented at the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 4-8, 2006. Wallander, J.L., Dittus, P., Kanouse, D., Parcel, G., Tortolero, S., Windle, M., & Schuster, M. (November, 2006). Health risk behaviors and their correlates in early adolescence in different race/ethnic groups: The Healthy Passages study. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual International Congress for Behavioral Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand, November 29-December 2, 2006. Peskin, M.F., Juvonen, J., Whitworth, R., Windle, M., Dittus, P., Paulk, D., Schuster, M.A., & Tortolero, S.R. ( March, 2007). Peer victimization and multiple mental and school health indicators among elementary school youth. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, Denver, CO, March 28-31, 2007. Elliott, M., Kinchen, S., Franzini, L., Sastry, N., Windle, M., Suttorp, M., Qureshi, T.,Gilliland, M.J., Turk, E., McManus, T., & Schuster, M.A. (November, 2006). Measurement properties of neighborhood characteristics using an observational method. Paper presented at the CDC/ATSDR 11th Biennial Symposium on Statistical Methods, Atlanta, GA, April 17-18, 2007. Windle, M. & Windle, R.C. (July 9, 2007). Educational attainment and alcohol use from adolescence to young adulthood. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Emerging Adults' Alcohol Use: Broadening the Focus” at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Alcoholism, Chicago, IL, July 7-11, 2007. Windle, M. & Spear, L. (July 10, 2007). Applying a developmental framework to alcohol-related behaviors in early adolescence. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “A Developmental Perspective of Adolescent Alcohol-Related Behaviors” at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Alcoholism, Chicago, IL, July 7-11, 2007. Thompson, M., Sims, L., Windle, M. & Kingree, J.B. (July 12, 2007). Prospective associations between alcohol use and victimization in a nationally-representative sample of adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Alcoholism, Chicago, IL, July 7-11, 2007. Shadel, W.G., Chen, V., Elliott, M., Franklin, F., Grunbaum, J., Mrug, S., Murray, N. Schuster, M., & Windle, M. (Frbruary, 2008). Are different types of parent involvement associated with smoking intentions in never versus ever smoking fifth graders? Data from the Healthy Passages Study. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, 14th Annual Meeting, February 27-March 1, 2008, Portland, Oregon. Boxmeyer, C., Powell, N., Lochman, J., Qu, L., Wells, K., Windle, M., & Roth, D. (2007). Outcome effects of an advanced field trial of the Coping Power Prevention Program. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research, 16th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, May 2830, 2008. Lochman, J.E., Powell, N., Boxmeyer, C., Qu, L., Wells, K., Windle, M., & Roth, D. (2007). The effect of school and counselor characteristics on implementation of a preventive intervention. Paper presented at the Society for Prevention Research, 16th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, May 28-30, 2008. Lochman, J.E., Boxmeyer, C., Powell, N., Qu, L., Wells, K., Windle, M., & Roth, D. (2007). Effect of training method on outcomes and implementation in an advanced field trial of the Coping Power Prevention Program. Paper presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, 20th Biennial Meeting, Wurzburg, Germany, July 13-17, 2008. Windle, M. (July 9, 2007). Ethnic group differences in alcohol use trajectories from adolescence to young adulthood. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Alcohol Use and Problems over Time: Latent Growth Curve Models in Alcohol Research ” at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Alcoholism, Washington, DC, June 27-July 2, 2008. DePadilla, L., Sales, J., Windle, M., DiClemente, R.J., Wingood, G.M., & Rose, E. (2008). Peer influence, self-esteem and sexual communication: A path analysis of consistent condom use. Paper presented at the 136th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 25-29, 2008. Guion, K., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2008). Predictive value of informant discrepancies in reports of parenting: Relations to early adolescents’ adjustment. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, FL, November 13-16, 2008. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (February, 2009). Gang membership, internalizing problems, and community violence exposure in early adolescence. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Alabama Psychological Association, Birmingham, AL. Mrug, S., Gaines, J., Su, W., & Windle, M. (2009). School influences on early adolescent substance use. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2-4, 2009. Su, W., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2009). Social cognitive and emotional mediators linking violence exposure and parental support to adolescent aggression. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2-4, 2009. Guion, K., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2009). Predictive value of informant discrepancies in reports of parenting: Relations to early adolescents’ adjustment. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2-4, 2009. Windle, M. (2009). Applying a developmental framework to alcohol-related behaviors: Ages 10– 15. Paper presented as part of Symposium on “Understanding and addressing adolescent alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorders in the context of overall development”. 162nd American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 16-21, 2009. Painter, J.E., Sales, J.M., Pazol, K., Morfaw, C.,Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., Murray, D., Orenstein, W.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (2009). Psychosocial correlates of rural adolescents’ intention to receive an influenza vaccination. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Painter, J.E., Sales, J.M., Pazol, K., Morfaw, C.,Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., Murray, D., Orenstein, W.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (2009). Gender differences in rural adolescents’ reasons for refusal or acceptance of influenza vaccination. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Mays, D., DePadilla, L., & Windle, M. (2009). Sports participation and alcohol-related risk behaviors in national, multi-wave sample of adolescents. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Mays, D., Thompson, N.J., Kushner, H.I., Mays, D.F., Farmer, D., & Windle, M. (2009). Schoolbased sports participation and alcohol-related behaviors among adolescents in Southwest Georgia. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Mays, D., Thompson, N.J., Kushner, H.I., Mays, D.F., Farmer, D., & Windle, M. (2009). Sports participation and alcohol use among adolescents: The impact of measurement and other research design elements. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Gaines, J., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2009). Role of behavioral intentions on future substance use in adolescents. Paper presented at the 137th Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 7-11, 2009. Mays, D., Kushner, H.I., Thompson, N.J., Mays, D.F., Farmer, D., & Windle, M. (2009). Schoolbased sports participation, peer drinking, and alcohol-related behaviors among adolescents in southwest Georgia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Society for Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA, June 20-June 25, 2009. Bosmia, A.N., Gaines, J., Mrug, S., Madan, A., & Windle, M. (2010). Do religiosity, empathy, and attitudes towards fighting moderate the effects of witnessing violence on internalizing problems? Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 13th Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010. Hinton, E.J., Mrug, S., Good win, N., & Windle, M. (2010). School connectedness: The role of individual and parental factors. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 13th Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Does temperament affect adolescents’ susceptibility to negative peer influence? Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 13th Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010. Su, W., Kerbawy, S., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Examining influences of school environment on adolescents' school connectedness using a multilevel model. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 13th Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010. Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Violence exposure across multiple contexts: Prospective effects on adjustment in early adolescence. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “New trends in research on adolescents' exposure to violence: Implications for understanding adolescents' psychosocial adjustment”, at the Society for Research on Adolescence, 13th Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, March 11-13, 2010. Berg, C. J., Ling, P. M., Guo, H., Windle, M., Ahluwalia, J. S., & An, L. C. (2010). Using market research to characterize college students and identify potential targets for influencing health behaviors. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, April, 2010. Painter, J.E., Sales, J.M., Pazol, K., Morfaw, C.,Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., Murray, D., Orenstein, W.A., & DiClemente, R.J. (2010). Adolescent attitudes toward influenza vaccination and vaccine uptake in a school-based influenza vaccination intervention: A mediation analysis. Paper presented at the 44th National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 19–22, 2010. Livingston, J.A., Testa, M., Hequembourg, A. & Windle, M. (2010). Alcohol involvement in first sexual intercourse experiences of adolescent girls. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX, June 26-30, 2010. Smith, G.T., Chung, T., Donovan, J.E., Martin, C.S., & Windle, M. (2010). Youth alcohol screening Workgroup I: Measuring consumption of alcohol as a screener in children and adolescents. Paper presented as part of a symposium on “Toward universal screening for underage drinking”, at the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Antonio, TX, June 26-30, 2010. Berg, C. J., Ling, P. M., Guo, H., Windle, M., Ahluwalia, J. S., & An, L. C. (2010). Using market research to understand lifestyle characteristics and health behaviors among college students. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the International Union of Health Promotion and Education, Geneva, Switzerland. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2010). Prospective influences of violence exposure and suicidal behavior in early adolescence. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York, New York, October 26-31, 2010. Madan, A., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2011). Do school connectedness and academic achievement moderate the relationship between witnessing violence and internalizing problems? Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Montreal, CA, March 31-April 2, 2011. Windle, M. (2011). Intermediate phenotypes for alcohol use and alcohol dependence: Empirical findings and their conceptual model basis. Paper presented at the Center for Contextual Genetics and Prevention Science 2nd Annual Symposium entitled Unraveling Genetic Influences on Substance Misuse: The Intermediate Phenotype Approach. Athens, Georgia, June 23-24, 2011. King, V., Knott, B.S., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2012). Explaining racial disparities in adolescent depression: The role of individual, family, and school factors. Paper presented at the 2012 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, CA, March 8-10, 2012. Goodwin, N., Cardwell, S.M, Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2012). Parental practices and body image dissatisfaction among early adolescents. Paper presented at the 2012 Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, CA, March 8-10, 2012. Coker T.R., Elliott, M.N., Schwebel, D.C., Windle, M., Toomey, S.L., Hertz, M.F., Tortolero, S.R., Peskin, M.F., & Schuster, M.A. (2012). Media violence exposure and violent behavior in fifth-grade children. Paper presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, April 28-May 1, 2012. Livingston, J.A., Testa, M., & Windle, M. (2012). Alcohol initiation contexts of adolescent girls. Paper presented at the 35th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA, June 23-27, 2012. Patel, S.N., Wingood, G.M., Kosambiya, J.K., McCarty, F., Windle, M., Yount, K., & Hennink, M. (2012). Individual, interpersonal, and behavioral factors that influence sexual decision-making and inconsistent condom use among HIV serodiscordant married couples in Gujarat, India. Paper presented at the XIX Annual International AIDS Society Meeting, Washington, DC, July 22-27, 2012. Patel, S.N., Hennink, M., Hynes, M., Yount, K.M., Kosambiya, J.K., Wingood, G.M., Windle, M., McCarty, F. (2012). Influences on sexual risk among HIV serodiscordant couples in Gujarat, India. Paper presented at the XIX Annual International AIDS Society Meeting, Washington, DC, July 22-27, 2012. Stromeyer, S.L., Lochman, J.E., Wells, K.C., & Windle, M. (April 18-20, 2013). Reciprocal relationships between externalizing and internalizing behavior and maternal depression. Paper presented at the 2013 SRCD Biennial Meeting, April 18 - 20, 2013, Seattle, WA. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (May 28-31, 2013). Desensitization to violence contributes to violent behavior in adolescence. Paper presented at the 2013 Society for Prevention Research Biennial Meeting, May 28 - 31, 2013, San Francisco, CA. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (May 28-31, 2013). Genetic factors as modifiers of susceptibility to negative peer influences on alcohol use: From adolescence to adulthood. Paper presented at the 2013 Society for Prevention Research Biennial Meeting, May 28 - 31, 2013, San Francisco, CA. Ladapo, J.A., Elliott, M.N., Kanouse, D.E., Tortolero, S.R., Windle, M., Cuccaro, P.M., Shadel, W.G., Davies, S.L., & Schuster, M.A. (June 23-25, 2013). Tobacco use and smoking intentions among fifth-grade students. Paper presented at the Annual Research Meeting of the Academy of Health, June 23-25, 2013, Baltimore, MD. Vissman, A.T., Wong, F.Y., Windle, M., & Rhodes, S.D. (November 5, 2013). HIV treatment delays among immigrant Latinos: testing a model for social influence and trust. Paper presented at the Annual American Public Health Meeting, November 2-6, 2013, Boston, MA. Berg, C.J., Stratton, E., Schauer, G., Lewis, M., Wang, Y., Windle, M., & Kegler, M. (2014). Perceived harm, addictiveness, and social acceptability of tobacco products and marijuana among young adults. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 20th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, February 5-8, 2014. Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2014). Polygenic addiction risk moderates peer influences on substance use in adolescence and young adulthood. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence 15th Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX, March 20-22, 2014. Madan, A., Mrug, S. & Windle, M. (2014). Early adolescent cross-gender violence as a precursor to late adolescent dating violence? Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence 15th Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX, March 20-22, 2014. Roche, K., Caughy, M., Schuster, M., Bogart, L., Windle, M., Wallander, J., & Franzini, L. (2014). Latino cultural orientations and early adolescent adjustment: Pathways to parental behavioral control in middle adolescence. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence 15th Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX, March 20-22, 2014. Kogan, S.M., Windle, M., Lee, S., Lei, K.M., Brody, G.H., & Beach, S.R.H. (2014). Dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms and early sexual onset: Gender and environmental moderation in a sample of African American youth. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Research on Adolescence 15th Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX, March 20-22, 2014. Livingston, J.A., Testa, M., & Windle, M. (2014). Alcohol use at sexual debut among adolescent females. Paper presented at the 2014 Society for Behavioral Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 23-26, 2014. King, V., Mrug, S., & Windle, M. (2014).Oppositional Defiant Disorder and later alcohol use in adolescents: Do motives for alcohol use explain this relationship? Paper submitted to the 2014 National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS, October16-18, 2014. INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES: Service at UAB: Member of University-Wide Research Advisory Group (1999-2005) Member of the UAB Graduate School Fellowship Review Committee (2002; 2004) Member of Professional Development Committee, Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Training Program, UAB Department of Pediatrics (2002-2006) Member of Internal Review Committee, SOPH Center for Health Promotion (2003-2006) Member of the Center for Health Promotion’s Special Interest Program (SIP) Review Group (2005-2006) Member of Executive Committee, Department of Psychology (2004-2006) Member of Committee for the Oversight of Research Compliance (2006) Service at Emory: Member of University-Wide Neuroscience Leadership Committee (2007-2011) Member of Woodruff Health Sciences Research Advisory Council (2008-2011) Member of the Faculty Research Administrative Advisory Board (2008-2010) Member of the Associate Provost’s Credit-Hour Task Force (2008-2009) Member of Woodruff Health Sciences Leadership Committee (2007-2012) Member of the Blue Sky Group for the Center for Health Discovery and Well Being (a component of the Emory/GT Predictive Health Institute)(2013) External Evaluator for Promotion to Associate and Full Professor: American University of Beirut Arizona State University Brown University Emory University Johns Hopkins University Notre Dame University Tulane University University of Alabama at Birmingham University at Buffalo University of Connecticut University of Michigan University of North Carolina University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Texas University of Texas at Houston University of Toronto University of Washington Utah State University Virginia Commonwealth University Grant Consultation and Service Activities: 1990-1992 Member of the Board of Directors for the New York State Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene. 1993-1994 Consultant, World Health Organization, Project on Reliability and Validity of Substance Use Disorders, Geneva, Switzerland. 1994-Present Member of Scientific Advisory Board for the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR), Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1994-2002 Consultant, Family Methods of Assessment (Ted Jacob, P.I.), Menlo Park VA Medical Center, Menlo Park, California. 1994-Present Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Association of Children of Alcoholics (NACOA). 2001-2002 Member of the Governor-appointed Alabama Advisory Council for Safe Schools. 2001-2004 Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, Boston, MA. 2002-2003 Member of Advisory Committee for the Brookline Early Education (BEEP) Coming of Age Study, Boston, MA. 2001-2006 Consultant, National Study of Health and Life Experiences of Women (Sharon and Richard Wilsnack, P.I.s) University of North Dakota 1999-2004 Consultant, Social Influences on Adolescent Alcohol Use Development (Susan Duncan, PI) Oregon Research Institute, Eugene Oregon 2001-2005 Consultant, A Twin-Family Study of Drug Use, Abuse and Dependence (Ken Kendler, PI) Virginia Commonwealth University 2002-2006 Consultant, Integrating Multi-Source Data in Child Psychopathology (Levent Dumenci, PI) University of Vermont. 2004-2006 Consultant, Archive of Longitudinal Studies of Problem Behaviors in Children and Adolescents (Jan Wallander, PI) Sociometrics Corporation. 2005-2010 Consultant, Parenting and Infant Development in Alcoholic Families. (Rina Das Eiden, PI) University at Buffalo, Research Institute on Addictions. 2006-2011 Co-Mentor of K01 Award, Adolescent Alcohol Use, Sexual Assault and STD/HIV Risk. (Jennifer Livingston, PI) University at Buffalo, Research Institute on Addictions. 2006-2011 Consultant, Problem Behaviors, Peers, and Motivation in Substance Use. (Craig Colder, PI) University at Buffalo. 2006-2008 Member of the Steering Committee for the Underage Drinking Research Initiative, Co-Chair of the Age 10-15 Committee, NIH/NIAAA. 2006-2010 2006-2010 2008-2013 2008-2013 2008-2011 2008-2012 2009-2012 2010-2011 2011-2014 2012-2017 2012-2017 Consultant, Healthy Passages: A Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. (Frank Franklin, PI) University of Alabama at Birmingham. Consultant, Offspring of Twins: G, E and GxE Risks for Alcoholism. (Theodore Jacob, PI). Palo Alto VA Medical Center. Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA), NIH/NIAAA. Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for Screening in Underage Populations, NIH/NIAAA. Consultant, Midlife Health and Service Utilization Associated with Early Life Drug Use. (Stefan Kertesz, PI) University of Alabama at Birmingham. Mentor of K01 Award. Gender and Ethnicity in Early Substance Use Initiation. (Sylvie Mrug, PI) University of Alabama at Birmingham. Advisory Board Member, Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer Press. Member of Advisory Panel of the NIAAA Workshop on Progress and Future Plans for Longitudinal Studies on the Impact of Adolescent Drinking on the Developing Brain. Consultant, Transdisciplinary Center on Genetics and Prevention Science. (Brody, PI), University of Georgia. Consultant, Neurobiological Mechanisms of Lower Rates of Internalizing Disorders in Black Americans. (Mrug/Knight, PIs), University of Alabama at Birmingham. Consultant, Family Aggression and Trajectories of Adolescent Adaptation: Bioregulatory Effects. (El Shiekh, PI), Auburn University. POST-DOCTORAL TRAINING: Former postdoctoral students, current positions, and areas of interest: Patrick Davies, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester. Marital conflict, child emotional regulation, and behavioral and emotional problems. Levent Dumenci, Ph.D., Professor of Public Health, Virginia Commonwealth University. Multivariate longitudinal quantitative models of dynamic changes in behavior. Alex Mason, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Boys Town National Research Institute. Longitudinal modeling of relationships between substance use and crime among children and adolescents. Alan Reifman, Ph.D., Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, Texas Tech University. Health risk behaviors (e.g., substance use, delinquency) during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Douglas Scheidt, Ph.D., Professor and Dean of Education and Human Services, University of New York at Brockport. Substance use and HIV in treatment settings. Jonathan Tubman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Vice-Provost for Graduate Studies and Research, American University. Problem behaviors (substance use, risky sexual behaviors) and interventions with youth in the juvenile justice system. Margit Wiesner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education, University of Houston. Trajectories of delinquency and precursors of antisocial behaviors. Dissertation and Thesis Committees: Dissertations: Patel, S.N. (2012). Understanding HIV transmission risk in married, HIV serodiscordant couples in Gujarat, India: The Positive Jeevan Saathi Study. Emory University, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Committee Member. Painter, J.E. (2010). The relationship between attitudes and beliefs toward influenza vaccination and vaccination outcomes among rural adolescents. Emory University, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Committee Member. Mays, D. (2009). Sports participation and alcohol-related behaviors among adolescents. Emory University, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Chair. DePadilla, L. (2009). Condom use among young African American women: Modeling and extending the Theory of Gender and Power. Emory University, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Committee Member. Bottomley, K. (2007). Smoking behavior and depressive symptomatology in Australian pregnant adolescents. Faculty of the School of Psychology, Monash University (Australia), Doctoral Dissertation Examiner Muilenburg . J.L. (2004). Antecedents and outcomes of self-identification of smoking status in adolescent smokers. University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Public Health, Committee Member Schainker, L.M. (2004). Adaptive parenting in high risk environments and the impact on early adolescents’ well-being. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Chair of Committee Wright, D. (2003). Social capital model of adolescent interpersonal violence: Analysis of individual, family, school, and neighborhood correlates of fighting and weapon use among secondary students. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Sociology, Committee Member Pardini, D.A. (2002). The interaction between childhood temperament and parenting practices in predicting adolescent substance use. University of Alabama, Department of Psychology, Committee Member Rhodes, S. D. (2001). The influence of perceived parental monitoring and perceived peer norms on the risk behaviors of African American seventh-grade intervention participants. University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Public Health, Committee Member Van Horn, M. (2001). The influence of developmentally appropriate practices on academic success in early elementary school. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Committee Member Vance, D. (2000). Examining the role of naturalistic factors of agitation in nursing home residents. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Committee Member Theses/Pre-doctoral Supervision: Schmissrauter, S.C. (2010). Social factors leading to alcohol misuse, abuse and dependence amongadolescents: A secondary data analysis of the 2007 National Survey for Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Emory University, Thesis Chair Esser, M. (2010). Associations of alcohol consumption with mode and severity of injury among emergency department patients in Mexico. Emory University, Thesis Chair Malone, T. (2004). The short-term efficacy of the Young Mothers Parent Training Program. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Committee Member Schainker, L.M. (2002). The role of adolescent relationships in subsequent young adult relationship quality. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Thesis Chair Wortham, S.L. (2002). Young adult interpersonal relationships as a function of delinquency and sexual behavior in adolescence. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Thesis Chair Wright, D. (2001). Adolescent health compromising behaviors: Psychosocial determinants of violence and substance use among African-American youth. University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Sociology, Committee Member Gibson, J. (2003). Substance use and delinquency among an inner-city sample. Mentor for McNair Scholar Hill, B. (2003). Sex differences in victimization and aggression among fifth-graders. Mentor for McNair Scholar Hill, B. (2004). A comparison of subjective and objective reports of bullying-victimization: Findings from the Birmingham Youth Violence Study. Mentor for McNair Scholar. TEACHING ACTIVITIES: 1980-1981 Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. Coinstructor for course on Aging and Mental Health. 1987-1992 Center for Research on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, SUNY at Buffalo. Guest lecturer for seminars on risks factors for alcoholism. 1990-1992 Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Buffalo. Graduate courses on Covariance Structure Models. 1999 Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate seminar on Developmental Psychopathology. 2000 Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate seminar on Adolescent Development 2004 Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Graduate seminar on Youth Violence: Epidemiology and Intervention. 2007-2014 Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Emory University, BSHE PhD Professional Seminar: Proposal Development II