TEST PLAN CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF FREE HYDROXIDE AND COMPLEXANTS IN HANFORD NUCLEAR WASTE 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The challenges of maintaining tank safety, waste processing and waste cleanup make routine characterization of the waste indispensable. The Hanford nuclear waste is very complex, highly caustic, has many radionuclides, metal ions, organic compounds and many inorganic anions. The determination of free hydroxide and thus estimating free acid in the tanks are paramount and particularly of vital attention because of their relevance to tank corrosion. In addition, pH information is necessary in waste processing, treatment and eventual disposal. Tanks must be characterized for their ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and N-hydroxyethylethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA) contents because these complexants profoundly affect the chemistry of metals, thus radionuclides. In addition, the presence of these complexants adds large amounts of organic material to the tanks, which greatly impacts waste management, treatment and disposal. The current method for the determination of hydroxide ion at the Hanford Site is potentiometric titration. However, potentiometric titration is not selective. It gives false high concentrations in the presence of certain concentrations of aluminate, carbonate, phosphate, and chromate, which also consume acid during the titration. The maximum tolerable mole ratio of anion to OH- for these anions are 0.5 for aluminate, 2.5 for carbonate and 0.6 for phosphate. In addition to the interference problem discussed above, potentiometric titration is time consuming, consumes high amounts of acid and generates large volumes of additional mixed waste. Capillary zone electrophoresis methods have been shown to have high promise for anion analysis by indirect detection for non-UV absorbing species. Chromate ion has been widely used as the absorbing background electrolyte (BGE). Okemgbo and others have shown successful applications of CZE methods for the analyses of the Hanford nuclear waste for EDTA, HEDTA and nitrates. They discussed the high ionic strength requirement for the electrolyte used for the CE separation of these compounds due to the high ionic strength and high pH of the matrix. A Fluor Hanford Inc. contract at Washington State University Tri-Cities (WSUTC) will be used to improve and expand analytical procedures and instrumentation. Special attention will be devoted to determination of free hydroxide, EDTA and HEDTA in tank waste. Fluor Hanford Inc. and Washington State University Tri-Cities have conducted tank waste projects as a joint team effort. This approach takes advantage of the natural synergy of multiple partnerships and of the unique strengths of each team member. In addition, total 1 costs are reduced by use of low academic charge-out rates, and WSU staff gains real world chemistry experience. The WSUTC researcher will work in conjunction with the PHMC responsible scientist (S. G. Metcalf). Dr. Asopuru Okemgbo of WSUTC brings in a wealth of experience in analytical chemistry, kinetics, and Hanford mixed waste chemistry. He is uniquely qualified to perform this work. Hanford waste chemistry is unique and challenging; the usual analytical methods simply don't work. He possesses a unique combination of knowledge and is the only scientist available with graduate level university training analytical chemistry and physical chemistry. He is qualified to work at the 222-S laboratory where this work will be conducted. He has a proven 7-year track record of developing analytical methods to analyze Hanford waste. 2.0 OBJECTIVE This amendment adds two tasks to an existing Statement of Work. In task 1 an existing instrument will be updated and placed into service for the determination of EDTA and HEDTA. Task 2 is to develop and evaluate capillary electrophoresis methodology for rapid determination of free hydroxide ion in Hanford nuclear waste. After development and testing are complete the method will be implemented for routine use at 222-S. 3.0 TASKS TASK 1: Assist with Determination of EDTA and HEDTA by CZE Activity 1 WSUTC will assist and advise FH staff as requested. WSUTC will design and perform laboratory experiments at 222-S, review data and train 222-S staff. Restart of WATERS Capillary Ion Analyzer involved talking with Jann Frey and visiting at 222-S laboratory. Review of capillary zone electrophoretic purge, rinse, injection, and run programmes. Review composition of electrolyte and rinse solutions. Review Test electropherograms TASK 2: Develop New Analytical Method to Determine Hydroxide by CZE Activity 1: Test Plan, restarting CE equipment, and calibration: 2 Restart CE equipment, the Waters Capillary Ion Analyzer (CIA), at Washington State University Tri-Cities Review of capillary zone electrophoretic purge, rinse, injection, and run programmes. Review composition of electrolyte and rinse solutions. Prepare electrolytes and buffer solutions. Evaluate polybrine and bromide electrolyte Evaluate polybrine and thiosulfate electrolye Evaluate other electrolytes Calibrate CIA, run standards, establish optimal conditions. Activity 2: Analytical parameters/conditions for free OH- determination: Evaluate methods of injection for free hydroxide and other relevant anions Evaluate gravity injection method under different ionic strength conditions. Evaluate electromigration injection method under different ionic strength conditions. Calibration curves for free hydroxide and other anions will be established for testing with synthetic Hanford waste. Establish reliable calibration curves for free hydroxides under various ionic strength conditions. Evaluate standard addition methods as a function of changes in ionic strength. Test calibration with synthetic Hanford waste samples. Prepare 1:10, 1:102, 1:103, and 1:104 dilutions of the synthetic waste. Quantify at the dilution levels. Establish detection limits. Activity 3: Investigation of potential interferences and testing of candidate method with synthetic Hanford waste: Evaluate the effects of added carbonate, phosphate, and aluminate in the quantification of free hydroxide in the synthetic waste. Evaluate effects of precipitation of potential interfering ions with barium sulfate. 3 Activity 4: Technology transfer and Hot Test at 222-S Laboratory: WSUTC will work in conjunction with the PHMC staff to test the method with actual hot samples at 222-S Laboratory. Detection limit and concentration range will be determined and documented. Activity 5: Provide Training and write procedure Washington State University will train one chemist and technician on the use of the methodology. WSUTC in conjunction with the PHMC staff will write the final procedure to be used at 222-S Laboratory for the determination of free hydroxide ions in the tank waste. Activity 6: Final Report: WSUTC will provide a well-documented final report summarizing the findings of all experiments and tasks performed. Deliverable: The report shall include details of the tests performed, established optimal injection method for the determination of free hydroxide in synthetic Hanford waste. The final report will be issued or publications will be submitted to refereed scientific journal by September 30, 2002. Technical Point of Contact: Management. Steven G. Metcalf, Technical Program 4