Document of Cemetery Stones Needing Repair

Brownington Village Cemetery
1st Row
Rev. A. L. Twilight B. Sept. 23, 1795 D. June 19, 1857
The gospel he long preached, was my support
in affliction , my sure hope in death.
Presented by friends.
D. Chandler Co. Derby, Vt.
Mercy L. Merrill
wife of Rev. A. L. Twilight
D. July 27, 1878 Age 73
Asleep in Christ.
James McCurdy
D. Jan. 10, 1880 Age 81 yrs. Father
(Stone broken into 3 pieces)
Florrilla wife of James McCurdy
D. Dec. 18 , 1883
Age 74 yrs. 11mons. 18 days Mother
Alice C. dau. of H. and L. H. Nye
D. July 8, 1864 Age 9 mons.
This little bud that was such a bloom
Is laid within this silent tomb.
(Stone broken of foundation and in
wrong row.)
Emely wife of Amasa Fairbrother
D. Nov. 19, 1859 Age 21 yrs. 2 mons.
Friends of my mortal years, the trusted and
the true ye are walking still in the vale
of tears and I wait to welcome you.
Emily wife of Truman Richardson
D. July 15, 1883 Age 74 yrs.
No pain, no grief, no anxious fear
can reach the peaceful sleeper here.
Truman Richardson
D. Apr. 13, 1857 Age 46yrs.
Then rest in Jesus, dear one rest
I mourn for the and I know thee best.
Row 2
Caroline S.
dau. of J. N. and S. H. Savage
D. Oct. 4, 1846 Age 14 yrs . 4mos
(Broken into two stones)
(Foundation broken)
Row 2 cont.
Frederick D. Merrill
Sarah M. Huntoon his wife
D. June 27, 1854 Age 37 yrs.
D. Nov. 15, 1899
Age 78 yrs. 11 mons. 12 days
Samuel Ward
Mrs. Sarah wife of Samuel Ward
John M son of S. and S. Ward
D. Apr. 29, 1854 Age 75 yrs
D. Mar. 2, 1836 Age 56 yrs. (Clean, stone in wrong place)
D. Jan. 7, 1838 Age 18 yrs.
Persis Hanson wife of James Lara
Alcina Hanson
B. 1832 D. 1911
B. 1827 D. 1894
(Broken of foundation)
Norman Hanson
D. Apr. 29, 1859 Age 18 yrs. ( Cleaning)
Row 3
Emily S. wife of Samuel Ward D. June 3, 1873 Age 80 yrs. (Clean, Off foundation)
Joshua Strong
Civil War? Straighten?
Asenith L.
wife of Elisha Strong
D. May 13, 1860
Elvira S.
wife of Asa K. Smith
Rest in Jesus, dear on rest
I mourn for thee who knew thee best
Age 67 yrs. (Clean + straighten)
( Cleaning )
Row 4
Fred G. Brigham
Edmund S. Brigham
D. Nov. 15, 1867 Age 21 yrs Civil War (Clean?)
Buried in Memphis, Tenn., Elmwood Cementery
Lot 168 GAR flag holder Post 99
D. Aug. 25, 1862 Age 54 yrs.
Jennie A. dau. of J. H. and A. E. Tite
D. Oct. 19, 1866 Age 6 mos. 21 days
Row 4 cont.
Charles H.
son of Daniel and Maria Buchanan
D. Oct. 20, 1863 Age 19 yrs.
Dear is the spot where Chalie sleeps
And sweet the strain which Angels ---Oh, why should we in anguish weep
He is not lost but gone before
Charles H. Buchanan, J T Bowler Barton
Row 5
Jesse N. Perley
Eliza Emerson Perley
D. Jan. 10, 1870 Age 71 yrs
wife of J. N. Perley
D Nov. 29, 1880 Age 79yrs
Burton A. son of A. R. and Amelia B. Parker
D. Nov 12, 1889 Age 39 yrs, 11 mons.
Julia E. dau. of A. R. and A. B. Parker
D. Oct. 23, 1875 Age 18yrs, 10 mons.
Death like a dart did pierce my heart
When I was in my prime
When this you see remember me
“Twas Gods” appointed time.
Luke Spoffard
Laura Wood his wife
B. 1814 D. 1872
B. 1810 D. 1876
(light Cleaning)
Row 6
Mark Norris
D. Feb. 11, 1871 Age 39 yrs.
(Cleaning) ?
I am the resurrection and the life, he
Who believeth in me, thought he were dead,
yet shall he live.
Wm. Henry infant son of D. H. and G. M. Austin
D. June 10, 1863 Age 1 day
Row 6 cont.
Edward R. Hall
B. Jan . 27, 1834 D. Mar. 8, 1859 Rest.
NAS Andover, Mass. Obit. Brownington, Vt.
Row 7
wife of Stephen O. Nichols
D. Sept. (broken, can’t read.)
Check town records.
Age 86 yrs. 4 mon. 19 days
Stephen O. Nichols
D. July 7, 1867 Age 83 yrs. 2 mons. 25 days (Broken in pieces)
Mary Tufts wife of John Nichols
D. Aug. 24, 1870 Age 74 yrs. 10 mons.
Andrew Grey
D. Feb. 7, 1900 Age 76 yrs. 5 days
Lucy A. Nichols wife of Andrew Grey
D. May 30, 1899 Age 75 yrs. 5 mons. 17 days
Row 9
Mariel H. dau. of Humphrey and Margaret Nichols
D. Apr. 19, 1851 Age 52 yrs.
Asleep in Jesus, O how sweet
To be for a slumber meet
With holy confidence to sing
That death to me has lost his sting.
Humphrey Nichols
D. Oct. 25, 1839 Age 85 yrs.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Revolutionary War flag holder
Ella A. dau. of H. M. and A. A. Nichols
D. June 8, 1856 Age 3 yrs. 15 days
H. M. Nichols
B. June 16, 1822 D. Feb. 21, 1899
(Straighten) veteran
(badly broken)
Row 10
C. P. Chamberlin
D. Mar. 16, 1864 Age 23
Starved at Belle Isle.
Needs GAR marker, clear brush
Row 11
Hon. William Baxter
D. Oct 1, 1827 Age 49 yrs.
(Tree trim)
Row 12
Avery H. Gross
Gilbert Gross
D. Nov. 15, 1811 Age 13 mons.
D. May. 26, 1837 Age 18 mons.
(All Gross stones are leaning and
Need cleaning)
Esther G.
widow of Col. Gilbert Gross
D. July 22, 1860 Age 72 yrs.
Ann B. Gross wife of Joseph Woolley
D. Mar. 17, 1865 Age 48 yrs
Amherst S. Gross
D. Mar. 31, 1850 (Age cemented in)
Portus A. son of A. and M. Gross
D. Mar. 6, 1850 Age 6 weeks
Row 13
Rhoda Morey wife of Silas Brigham
D. Feb. 7, 1862 Age 75 yrs.
Silas Brigham
D. Jan. 15, 1853 Age 76 yrs.
Sarah wife of E. C. Dutton
D. June 26, 1864 Age 67 yrs.
Elias C. Dutton
D. Oct 28, 1861 Age 60yrs
Row 15
Lucy Stimson wife of Erastus Spencer
D. Jan. 10, 1870 Age 96 yrs. 3 mons.
Erastus Spencer
D. Feb. 7, 1841 Age 65 yrs.