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Minutes of Burney Society AGM held at the University of Notre Dame in London
Saturday 4th September 2014
Present: Helen Cooper (Acting Chairman), Cassie Ulph (Treasurer), Jill Webster,
Miriam Al Jamil, Gillian Skinner, Deborah Jones, Ellie Crouch, Zandra O’Donnell,
Margaret Tarplee, Michael Burney-Cumming, Christine Bean, Roger Massie, Tony
Davenport, Jane Clayton, Louise Mould, Brian Unwin, Diana Unwin.
1. Apologies: Bill Fraser, Tina Davidson, Karin Fernald, Cassia Martin, Francesca
Saggini, Philip Olleson, Penny Townsend, Christine Rees, Tim Ambrose.
2. Minutes of the last meeting, 5 October 2013.
Michael Burney-Cumming not Burney-Cummings
The total cost of the replacement plaque to Fanny Burney was £4,680, added to a
previous deposit of £1,000
‘excert’ should have been ‘excerpt’
With these emendations, the minutes were agreed as a correct record and signed by the
Chairman. Proposed: Zandra O-Donnell. Seconded: Deborah Jones.
3. Matters arising.
There were no matters arising.
4. Acting Chairman’s Report 2013-2014 (attached to Minutes).
5. Treasurer’s Report 2013-2014 (attached to Minutes).
Cassie advised that international postage of the Journal represents an added cost, and
suggested a subsidy of £5 be applied to overseas membership.
Michael Burney-Cumming asked for clearer event accounting and clarification on
reserves in future, which was agreed. A full statement would accompany the Minutes. It
was also agreed that future accounts should be audited by an Independent Examiner. A
format is available from the Charity Commission.
Cassie will be retiring in 2015 and will be handing over the accounts in good order.
The accounts were approved. Proposed: Helen Cooper. Seconded: Ellie Crouch.
6. Election of Officers and Committee.
 Chairman: Helen was elected as Acting Chair for a further year. Proposed: Jill
Webster. Seconded: Roger Massie.
 President: A replacement for Bill Fraser will be sought.
Secretary and Treasurer: Cassie Ulph agreed to continue until the 2015 AGM
and was re-elected. Proposed: Ellie Crouch. Seconded: Michael BurneyCumming.
Ratification of existing committee members: Jill Webster (Publicity), Miriam
Al Jamil (Events), Ellie Crouch (Bulletin and website), Deborah Jones, Gillian
Skinner and Cassia Martin were re-elected for a further year. Proposed: Zandra
O’Donnell. Seconded: Tony Davenport.
Resignation of committee members: Karin Fernald, Christina Davidson.
Appointment of new committee members: Dr Francesca Saggini and Margaret
Tarplee were elected. Proposed: Helen Cooper. Seconded: Cassie Ulph.
7. Plaque Appeal (see attached Treasurer’s Report).
Cassie proposed that £200 should be paid into the appeal from Society restricted funds.
This was carried unanimously.
Cassie would welcome any ideas about charitable donations or fund raising. Michael
Burney-Cumming recommended wider publicity once PayPal has been set up.
8. Future Events.
An outing to Painshill, the landscape garden created by Charles Hamilton, will take place
on Saturday 13 June 2015.
A UK Burney Society conference is planned for summer 2016, to be held at Durham
University, as suggested by Gillian Skinner, on the topic of Performance.
9. AOB.
Cassie reported that a Burney symposium is likely to be held at the University of Cardiff
in 2015.
Michael Burney-Cumming asked for a motion to apply a subsidy of £5 for overseas
membership to cover the cost of posting the Burney Journal, unless this can be sent as a
pdf. Cassie agreed to amend the subscription form and proposed this be accepted.
10. Date of next AGM.
Saturday 3 October 2015.