Worship Service time will go back to 10:30 AM on Sunday, September 13, 2015 and move back into the sanctuary. SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 10 Alexander Stoyer 12 Emma Meredy 13 Robert Bohm III 14 Chong Sung Lee 19 Lisa Harrison 20 Maia Fernandez 29 Andrew Boysen SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 15 Terry & Andy Prekopa 16 Pastor Wanda & David Hughes 18 Sandy & David Ploth LECTIONARY FOR SEPTEMBER 15th Sunday after Pentecost Prov. 22: 1-2, 8-9, 22-23; Ps. 125 James 2: 1-10 (11-13) 14-17; Mark 7: 24-37 16th Sunday after Pentecost Prov. 1: 20-33; Ps. 19; James 3: 1-12 Mark 8: 27-38 17th Sunday after Pentecost Prov. 31: 10-31; Ps. 1; James 3: 13-4:3, 7-8a Mark 9: 30-37 18th Sunday after Pentecost Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; Ps. 124 James 5;13-20; Mark 9:38-50 SEPTEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER 7 Labor Day 13 Worship Service returns to 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary. 20 Communion Worship Service 27 Rally Day Celebration Bring your friends, neighbors and family members to church on Sunday, September at 10:30 AM for the Kick – Off Rally Day. The Worship Service will be in the Sanctuary. We will have a presentation from summer mission trips to the Heifer Overlook Farm. Followed by festivities on the front lawn. MUSIC MINISTRY Hope everyone has had a good summer, with time for R & R! Now it will soon be time to start our new Fall season. Our Singing choir (ages high school and up) will sing in church starting Sunday, September 13th, with practice at 9:15 AM. Handbell choir (intergenerational) will ring in church Sunday, September 27th, with practice Saturday, Sept. 26th at 10 AM. This should be a very exciting Fall, with our celebration of our church’s 85th anniversary. The special festive church Service will be Sunday, November 1st, with all choirs participating. If you like to sing, please consider giving choir a try. We work hard, but have fun too, always striving to sing our best to our Lord! The sounds of handbells is glorious in worship! If you are interested in participating in our intergenerational handbell choir, please speak to Carol Dort. We would like to have additional member in all our choirs! Thanks, Carol The Coach RALLY DAY CELEBRATION ‘A KID CAN CHANGE THE WORLD’ Sunday, September 27th 10:30 A.M. Worship – Heifer Mission Trip Report. 11:45 A.M. – Hot dogs, Ice Cream Sundaes, Petting Zoo & Games. W.E.P.C. FALL POTLUCK PICNIC The West End Collaborative of congregations in the Presbytery of Long Island is hosting an afternoon picnic. Fellowship with friends and family, meet neighboring Presbyterians, play on the park-like grounds of Sweet Hollow, and celebrate the gifts God gives us with an outdoor evening prayer service. Dinner will be a potluck picnic at 4pm. Please bring picnic blankets, chairs, and a dish corresponding to the first letter of your last name: A-E bring salads, F-M bring sides, N-S bring vegetables, T-Z bring deserts. Vespers will be held at 6 pm. Contact the church office with questions about the event. ATTENTION: SAVE THE DATE The Presbyterian women, with help from our congregation, would like to have a spring flingwhite elephant sale the 23rd or 30th of April 2016. We would like to sell table space to our members. The price for a large tale would be $35.00 and a small table (bridge size) would be $25.00. Any member of the congregation would be welcome to sell anything that they would like to clear out of their house or garage. Each person would be responsible for their own set up and clean up. If you have things that you would like to dispose of, but not purchase a table, then you can donate the items to our jewelry table, holiday table or our trash to treasure room. We also need people to donate raffle baskets. To make this a success, we need your help. If you have any questions please speak to Marilyn Bohm, Terry Prekopa, Barbara McVeigh, Lois DeGroff, Alice Hild or call the church office. 10th ANNIVERSARY OF HURRICANE KATRINA Youth Mission Trip Report August 29th will be the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which caused destruction throughout much of New Orleans, LA. Thousands of people are still displace as a result of this tragedy. In July our congregation, along with our sister WEPC churches sent a team of 20 young people to work with Project Homecoming, a PC USA ministry. Each day, our team members worked very hard on a number of different projects. One of the highlights of the trip was the Thursday evening dinner where we had the opportunity to meet some of the families whose homes were being refurbished. They shared their incredible stories of devastation and loss with us. They described what it was like to be displaced from their homes and community for such a long time. They thanked us for our hard work and let us know that our efforts brought hope to their lives. Please take time this week to pray for these families and all of those who are still striving to recover from Katrina. Our young people will be sharing a report about this mission trip during worship this fall. They will share some thoughts and insights as well as pictures of the endeavor. Thank you for your continued support of our youth mission trips. Your prayers and contributions have transformed the lives of our young people and the lives of those whom they have served YOUTH MISSION TRIP REPORT Heifer International – Overlook Farm This year our congregation as well as our sister WEPC churches sent 24 middle school students to the Heifer International Overlook Farm in Rutland, Massachusetts. It was an amazing time of education and discovery as these young people worked on the farm and learned about the Global issues of hunger, poverty and injustice. They did chores in the morning and evening, helped to guide the sheep and goats from the barn to the pastures, harvested garlic, milked goats and slopped pigs. They also experienced what it would be like to live in a third world country by spending 24 hours in the Global Village. They built fires and cooked their meals over the open flames. They learned about the challenges that families living in difficult conditions fare every day. They learned how to work together and depend upon one another. They learned that everything has a purpose and in that setting, very little is wasted. They also learned that when you are hungry, even cabbage soup hits the spot. Our young people will be sharing their thoughts and insights and pictures during worship on September 27th as a part of the Rally Day celebration. We wish to thank everyone for your continued support of our youth mission trips. We also want to extend a special thank you to the Thursday Ladies who graciously put together the prayer journal that were used during the week. DIALOGUES FOR RACIAL JUSTICE & SOCIAL CHANGE: AN INTERFAITH YOUTH LEADERSHIP RETREAT Long Island is one of the top ten most segregated regions in the United States. This manifests in many different ways- in the neighborhoods where we live, in our faith in communities, and in our school districts. This segregation and its accompanying inequities persist despite the fact that Long Island has become significantly more diverse in the last decade. Over the past year, our nation has been forced to confront the reality that the color of a person’s skin continues to have a significant impact on one’s life experiences. Leaders from many different worshipping traditions believe that all our religions have something in common and urgently important to say about the pursuit of racial justice and equality. Dialogues for Racial Justice & Social change: An Interfaith Youth Leadership Retreat will offer a safe and honest format for a select group of 60-80 high school students from diverse backgrounds, faith traditions, and experiences to listen to and share their stories with one another; to engage the particular context of Long Island; and to think how they can be empowered to imagine and build a Long Island that matches their dreams for the future. We are fortunate to be partnering with ERASE Racism, which has for many years led workshops and training for young people in schools and communities across Long Island. We plan to follow this retreat with opportunities for the participants to reunite for service activities, as well as provide leadership in their local communities. Dario Hernandez-Arroyo will represent our congregation at this leadership event. The goal of the retreat is simple: to equip young people of faith as leaders in building a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable future for Long Island. Please pray for all of the participants of this important event. SELMA, DINNER & DISCUSSION The Garden City Clergy Fellowship invites everyone to participate in a very special viewing of the movie SELMA, followed by dinner and a time of discussion. When: Sunday, October 18 at 4:00pm Where: The Garden City Community Church Why: To have the opportunity to discuss issues of race and justice then and now. 85TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Remembering the Past, Re-invigorating the Present, Re-imaging the Future Our Vision Statement Proclaims: “Believing that through Christ all things are possible, we seek to achieve God’s eternal plan with worship in our church and witnessing in our world, with heartfelt prayer and hands on service, with spiritual growth and joyful fellowship.” This statement was invented during our 75th Anniversary and will continue to serve as a road map for our future. Instead of looking back, as we did 10 years ago. We will be looking ahead. We will do in Spirit what our forefathers did in brick and mortar. June 23, 1930 – Congregation incorporated with 91 charter members June 28, 2015 – We aren’t incorporating a religious organization – we are reincorporating ourselves into the corporate body (Corpus) of Christ. July 6, 1930 – Grounds for building consecrated and broken July 5, 2015 – We are not consecrating the grounds; we are consecrating ourselves to Christ’s purpose. September 21, 1930 – Sanctuary Cornerstone laid September 30, 2015 – We are not laying a cornerstone, we are acknowledging Christ as the cornerstone (Eph.2:20) December 14, 1930 – Sanctuary dedicated December 13, 2015 – We are not dedicating a sanctuary, we are rededicating ourselves. In conjunction with the dates above, we will be celebrating the 85th anniversary. On June 28th we announced a Capital Campaign with the theme: Remembering the Past, Re-invigorating the Present, Re-imaging the Future. We will have a very special worship celebration on Nov. 1, 2015. SAVE THE DATE Presbyterian Women of Long Island Retreat October 6-7, 2015 Plan ahead to set aside time for reflection and renewal in the beautiful setting at Cormaria Retreat House in Sag Harbor, NY. The retreat begins 1pm on Tuesday and ends after lunch on Wednesday. More details to follow but in the meantime, put the date on your calendar. It’s worth taking time off from work!! CROP WALK Ending Hunger One Step at a Time Unemployment and hunger continue to plague our island and our nation. Skyrocketing food prices, over use of land and conflicts are causing famines in many places in the world. Nearly 300,000 people right here on Long Island has to turn to soup kitchens and food pantries to fee their families. CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) is an alliance of Christians, Jews, Muslims and other people of faith to fulfill our belief that we are each other’s keeper. We need your help to make a dent in hunger! This year, our annual CROP walk is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, October 18th, 2015. Registration begins at noon. We will meet at the park at 1:00 pm. More information will be given when available. Proceeds will be split between local food pantries and soup kitchens and the rest going to wherever need is greatest. Please save the date, so what you can to get your family, friends and neighbors involved in this important event. 2015 PEACEMAKING OFFERING/WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 CREATE A WORLD OF PEACE “Peace be to the whole community, and love with faith”- Ephesians 6: 23 On World Communion Sunday, Christians from around the world gather in worship to partake of the elements of bread and wine in remembrance and celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is also the time to bear witness to the unity of Christians everywhere as we seek to live out Christ’s command to work for justice and peace in a world that is deeply divided in conflict and war. Help bring the peace of Christ to communities of conflict. In too many places around the world, peace is merely a hope. Conflicts between nations, peoples, and ideas put peace at risk everywhere. During the Season of Peace, we recognize that too many people live in situations that are both unsettled and unjust. Your gift to the Peace & Global Witness Offering works to address these deep-seated problems by supporting efforts to inspire, equip, and connect Presbyterians engaging in ministries of reconciliation and peace around the world. Through missions, work projects, and education, we witness to the peace of Christ for our sisters and brothers as they face some of the greatest challenges of our time. . CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 STARTING SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 9:15 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Worship Service 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour AUGUST 30 SEPTEMBER 6 SEPTEMBER 13 SEPTEMBER 21 SEPTEMBER 20 SEPTEMBER 27 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN GARDEN CITY 91 CHESTER AVENUE GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 EVERY THURSDAY 10:00 AM Thursday Ladies 9:30 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Worship Service – in Sanctuary 7:30 PM Session Meeting 10:30 AM Worship Service - Communion 10:30 AM Worship Service THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN GARDEN CITY 91 Chester Avenue, Garden City, N. Y. 11530-3928 Phone: 516-354-1848 E-mail: gardencitypc@aol.com Fax : 516-354-1846 SEPTEMBER 2015 Rally Day Celebration “A KID CAN CHANGE THE WORLD” Dear Friends, In July we sent our Middle School “Kids” to the Overlook Farm in Rutland, Massachusetts. The Overlook Farm is a working farm and educational facility operated by Heifer International. Heifer International’s mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth. It all started with a cow. Moved by the plight of refugees of the Spanish Civil War as he ladled out meager rations of powdered milk, Dan West, an Indiana farmer, realized that the people needed ‘not a cup, but a cow’: Cows could produce nutritious milk so families would not have to depend on temporary aid. From that simple idea, Heifer International was born. Seventy years later, Heifer has expanded its mission and the variety of livestock provided – from goats, geese and guinea pigs to bees, silkworms and water buffalo. By giving families a hand up, not a hand out, Heifer enables them to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity. This fall we are participating in two exciting endeavors. The first is a partnership with the ‘Our Precious Angels Nursery School to participate in Heifer Internationals Read to Feed Program. We will be helping to pass on an important message to children: it is possible to end two of the world’s most awful tragedies – hunger and poverty, while making the world a better place for all. Read to Feed encourages children to connect both learning and with taking action to create a just world. It is a literacy program that the nursery school will use with their Pre-K students. The second initiative is being sponsored by the Empowering Mission Team of the Presbytery of Long Island. They are encouraging churches to work together to purchase a Heifer ‘Ark’. The cost of an ‘Ark’ is $5,000. It includes: 2 water buffalos, two cows, tow sheep and two goats along with bees, chicks, rabbits and more. We have 57 churches in our Presbytery, so if we all work together, we should be able to accomplish this goal. On September 27th we will hold our Rally Day Celebration. During our 10:30 AM worship service our Middle School students will share a presentation about their summer mission trips to the Heifer Farm. Following the service, everyone is invited to participate in some festivities on the front lawn. We will have hot dogs and ice-cream sundaes. We will also have some games and a petting zoo. The Our Precious Angels students and families will be invited to this fun filled event. The proceeds from these activities will be used toward purchasing an animal for the Presbytery Ark. Please invite your friends and neighbors to this exciting event. Blessings & Peace, Pastor Wanda