Chapter Development Session Application PRSSA 2010 National Conference Washington, D.C.: Oct. 15–19 The Capital Connection: People, Press & Politics Deadline: May 7 E-mail your application to Kion Sanders, vice president of Chapter development, at Direct questions to Kion by e-mail or at (843) 259-0751. Requirements Chapter Development presenters must attend the scheduled rehearsal in Washington, D.C., prior to the presentation. Each presenting school can have no more than five presenters unless discussed with the vice president of Chapter development in advance. Presenters must agree to be committed to the presentation from June to September. Presenters must be willing to maintain regular communication with the vice president of Chapter development and their assigned National Committee member. The Faculty Adviser must approve participation. Each Chapter must be available for a 10-minute call with the current vice president of Chapter development. During this call, you will have five minutes to pitch your session and five minutes to answer questions from the vice president of Chapter development. Phone conversations will only be held with Chapters whose bids we have questions about and need a further explanation. Provide all of the information below: Name of College/University: ______________________________________________________ Proposed Title: _________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ________________________________________________________________ Contact E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ Contact Phone: __________________________ Alternate Phone: _____________________ Contact Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________ Faculty Adviser Name: __________________________________________________________ Faculty Adviser E-mail: __________________________________________________________ Faculty Adviser Phone Number: ___________________________________________________ Faculty Adviser Signature: _______________________________________________________ Names and E-mails of Proposed Presenters: (1) ____________________________________ ______________________________________ (2) ____________________________________ ______________________________________ (3) ____________________________________ ______________________________________ (4) ____________________________________ ______________________________________ (5) ____________________________________ ______________________________________ Outline Attach your one to two-page presentation outline, which should describe what you would like to cover in the session and any activities you’re planning. Make sure to address the following points in your proposal: What topic would your Chapter like to present at a Chapter Development Session? What successes has your Chapter had in this area? Why do you feel your Chapter is qualified to present on this topic? How might you creatively present this topic?