Structure of HSNP Numeracy - Four levels of proficiency

Multiplication 5
Money & decimals by single digit numbers
Know times tables up to the 12th multiple
Use place value and times tables to multiply multiples of 0.1 by
single-digit numbers, e.g. 4 × 0.3
Find factors of two-digit numbers
Multiply amounts of money by single-digit numbers
Multiply numbers with one decimal place by single-digit numbers
using the grid method
For this unit you will need:
0 to 10 cards (see resources), loop cards (see resources), ITP Multiplication
grid at and also available as a weblink, access to an online
book shop, Tables grid game from
Number facts grid at
Watch out for pupils who:
do not know their times tables. This lack of knowledge will really
slow down their work in multiplication and division so use previous
terms (weeks 4 and 9) as necessary; also encourage them to turn
the multiplication round, e.g. if they don’t know three 8s, to use
eight 3s, to use doubling, e.g. double four 7s to find eight 7s and
tricks to remember facts such as 7 × 8, 56 = 7 × 8, 5, 6, 7, 8;
make place value errors when multiplying decimals.
HSNP © Hamilton 2014
Stepping Up Term 3
Multiplication 5
Session 1
Objectives: Know all times tables up to the 10th multiple; Find factors of
two-digit numbers
Teacher input with whole class
 Display the Tables grid game from And choose ‘all tables’. Explain that pupils need to decide where a
given number will be on this multiplication grid. Ask pupils up to the
board in turn to click on the appropriate square. Often there will be
more than one possibility. If they are wrong they lose the class a life!
Can every pupil in the class click on a square before the class run out of
Ring some of the numbers such as 24, 36 and 48 and ask pupils where
else they could go on the grid and why. Ask pupils to work in pairs to
list all the pairs of factors for each number, including those not on the
Paired pupil work
 Pupils each shuffle a pack of 0 to 10 cards (see resources) and place in
a pile face down. On the count of 3 they each turn over a card. The
first person to say the product wins both cards, which are added to the
bottom of their pile. Continue until one person has won all the cards,
or three minutes whichever is sooner. The person with most (or all)
cards wins.
Teacher input with whole class
 You might wish to time how long it takes to complete the loop using
the loop cards (see resources), to see if the pupils are any quicker!
HSNP © Hamilton 2014
Stepping Up Term 3
Multiplication 5
Session 2
Objectives: Use place value and times tables to multiply multiples of 0.1
by single-digit numbers, e.g. 4 × 0.3; Multiply numbers with one decimal
place by single-digit numbers using the grid method
Teacher input with whole class
 Use Number facts grid at to
display a multiplication grid, choosing U × 0.t. Click on the outside
square to reveal the numbers to multiply together. What is 3 × 4? So
what is 3 × 0.4? Agree that this is a tenth of the answer to 3 × 4. Pupils
copy and complete the table as quickly as they can. Click to reveal the
answers for them to check.
Use the Multiplication grid ITP at Click between the
digits in the two-digit number to create a decimal point. Use the
toggles to select 3 × 4.2. Click in each cell, discussing the answer as you
do so. Repeat.
Paired pupil work
 Pupils shuffle a pack of 1 to 9 digit cards (see resources), take 3 and use
them to make as many different multiplications of two-digit numbers
with one decimal place by single-digit numbers as they can, using the
grid method to find the product.
HSNP © Hamilton 2014
Stepping Up Term 3
Multiplication 5
Session 3
Objective: Multiply amounts of money by single-digit numbers
Teacher input with whole class
 Use an online website supplying books. Ask pupils to choose (an
appropriate!) favourite book and search for this book to find its price.
Write the price on the board, e.g. £7.65.
 If the English department wanted to buy 6 of these books how could we
find the total cost?
 Ask a third of the class to multiply £7 by 6, a third to multiply 60p by 6
and a third to multiply 5p by 6.
 Draw a grid on the board and ask a pupil from each group to mark in
the product. Ask pupils to add up the three products.
£42 £3.60
30p £45.90
Take several other suggestions for which books to buy and write the
titles and prices on the board.
Paired pupil work
 Ask pupils to work in pairs to work out the cost of six of each book,
using the grid method to help.
Teacher input with whole class
 Say that you have worked out the cost of buying 7 of each book. Say
that you are thinking of one of the books. Say the price of 7 of them.
Can pupils guess which book you were thinking of? Discuss how
rounding might help. Some pupils may also look at the final digit.
 Repeat with other books.
HSNP © Hamilton 2014
Stepping Up Term 3