I. Feudalism- 500 –1500 Europe in the Middle Ages (unit 6) It was a _______________ system of government with obligations and protections between __________ and __________ during the middle ages. (Called that because it is the period of European history between Ancient and Modern times) a. What happened? -The _____________ raided the Roman Empire and attacked the weak and defenseless -The weak needed protection from the strong -Kings did not command a strong central government like that of Roman Emperors (Because of these chaotic conditions feudalism was born) b. How does it work? King granted __________ to a person -King known as a _____________ -Person that receives the land known as a ______________ -Land that is given is known as a _________________ Lord gave the Vassal >>>> __________ and ______________ Vassal gave the Lord >>>> 1. Loyalty and _______________ service 2. _____________ lord’s court and gives advice 3. Payments of __________ of Lord’s son, daughter’s _____ 4. __________ if King is kidnapped 5. ___________ when king travels 6. _____________- one time payment for the land -___________> ceremony of getting land -___________ > trained warriors who fought on horseback with swords and lances during the middle ages Vassals got knights by promising parts of his own fief -_________ > 2 types- needed protection and the Vassals say you must work for the protection _________- owned or rented the land _________- not free to leave, but could not be sold c. Manor They were large ______ or estates on the fief. It was a fortified farm that the economy was based on _____________. Peasants work 3 days a week for the protection. Work field A & B and they would leave C unplanted. _______ the fields. The other 3 days peasant would work for himself. The seventh day was for Church. Peasants lived in a village of 50-500 Peasant huts, church, mills, and farm fields d. A way of life Distinctive kind of Society Feudal government provided a way to settle disputes Did not provide Schools Hospitals Fire protection Only provided ______ protection e. Castles Designed for _____________ not comfort Drafty, dirty, damp, dim Built of ____________ (hard to attack, but cold and damp) Small ______________, little sunlight ____________>> water filled ditch Heavy metal _________ that protected the heavy wooden door Drawbridge Dungeon f. The end of Feudalism 1. 1348 ________ _______---Not enough people after the plague, serfs now can find employment 2. Rise of _________----serfs now have a place to go 3. Barbarian attacks ended 4. Agricultural advancements made more food; better plow 5. Increase use of iron made tools better 6. Improved horse collar and invention of horseshoe made effect use of animals in farm work II. Knighthood Fought in the armies of the _______ and protected the ________ who lived and worked on the land In exchange, the peasants gave the knight their service and produce. a. How do you become one? Usually the ______ born son was trained for knighthood Noble birth -Around 10: ______ helped the ladies of the castle & trained for war -Teen years: ______ –polished armor, cared for horses, carried swords (weapons) and shields for the tournaments into battle. -_____: perform a heroic deed in battle (sword or slap on face then given fief) b. Chivalry_______ of honor knights followed. Sets the standard for bravery and manners for medieval Knights. Idea of Courtly Love. 1. Women would not fall in love with a man unless he proved himself three times on the ___________. 2. Knight is not allowed to use his strength against someone that is _________ then himself. 3. Do not attack an enemy unless he has a ________ and is _______ you. (No sneaking up) 4. Knight only fought for ______ or lady—not to show your strength 5. Lead a _________ life and Well-dressed life, polite 6. Highest ideals of ____________ (writing, poetry, singing, love songs, and playing musical instruments) Tournaments and Jousting began in France in the mid 11thC As a peacetime training exercise for knights. Big groups fought mock battle over large lands—losing group had to pay a ransom or lost possessions. In the 13th C, it became more organized and only two Knights jousted at a time. Lances to knock opponents to the ground. c. Armor Armor completely covered the knight’s face and body. They all looked a like. Each knight chose ________- unique colored pattern or picture, which everyone recognized, called a “__________ __ ________.” Chose pattern that remained on the family and was passed on. Even the thickest ________ (up to 70lbs) could not stop a bullet & they became too expensive.________ was the first piece of armor made.Chain Mail> mesh of inter linked metal rings III. The Legend of King Arthur Alfred or Arthur, a great king, united the British people sometime between the 6th and 7th centuries. The following is the English tale of King Arthur. 1. Sir Thomas MaloryHe wrote the story of King Arthur in the 15th century. He based it on King Alfred the Great or Arthur who united the people of Britain around 6th and 7th Century. 2. ArthurHe was the son of Uther Pendragon and Igrain. He became king when he pulled out the sword in the stone. He started the kingdom of Camelot and was the pure virtues of Chivalry. 3. EctorHe was the Noble lord who raised Arthur. He raised him as a Christian and made a deal with Merlin the sorcerer that Arthur would not known his real parents. 4. Sword in the StoneThe rock had a golden sword stuck in it. Only the true king would be able to pull it out. “Whomever pulls the sword out of the stone shall be king.” 5. Kay- This was Arthur’s brother that forgot his sword during a joust and Arthur took the sword out of the stone. 6. ExcaliburIt was the name of the golden sword that was stuck in the stone. It was magic to the owner and made them always victorious in battle. 7. Lady in the LakeThe one who created the sword and as the legend says, still has it. She was a Druid princess who lived in Avalon. 8. Merlin He was the wizard that helped Arthur. Helped Arthur fight and defeat enemies. 9. Camelot- It was the castle and place where King Arthur lived. It was the symbol of Chivalry and courtly love. 10. GuinevereShe was the wife of Arthur but fell in love with his favorite knight, Lancelot. 11. Knights of the round tableIt was a gift from Arthur’s father in law. It was a symbol of Arthur’s administration. The table was big enough to hold 1500 knights. It was round so no knight would feel above another. 12. Lancelot- He was Arthur’s favorite knight and he fell in love with Guinevere. He fought Meliagaunt for her reputation. He was the son of the Lady of the Lake. 13. Sir MeliagauntHe was the one who threatened to expose Lancelot and Guinevere’s love affair. He secretly loved Guinevere too. He lost in a duel with Lancelot. 14. Morgan La FayShe was the ½ sister of Arthur who plotted to put her friend Accolon on the throne. She switched swords on Arthur and he realized it just in time. She was also a sorceress. 15. AccolonHe was the one that Morgan La Fay wanted on the throne and almost defeated Arthur when he got his sword. 16. MorderedArthur’s son or nephew (mother Morgan La Fay) who told the English soldiers that Arthur was dead when he was away looking for the Holy Grail. During battle, the both mortally wounded each other. Arthur threw the sword in the sacred lake. He then died. 17. GewainHe was the one who took over when Arthur died.