Harvest Church – Tour of Israel - Ariel Israeli Travel and Tours

Tour to Israel
06 – 17 DECEMBER 2014
Day 1: Saturday – 06 December
Depart King Shaka International Airport, Durban (flight details to follow) and fly to Oliver
Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg. Proceed to the International Departures
(Terminal A), at least 3 hours before our departure time.
Note: Remember that if you carry any lotions, gel, fluids or aerosols in your hand luggage that
they need to be in quantities of 100ml or less and packed in a see-through plastic container not
larger than 1 litre.
We fly out of Oliver Tambo Airport at 14h20 on Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 808.
Arrive Addis Ababa 20h50 - Depart Addis Ababa on ET 404 at 23h00. (All the same day)
Tomorrow is a long day so we encourage you to get as much sleep as you can on the flight.
Day 2: Sunday – 07 December
Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport, Tel Aviv at 02h40
After clearing airport formalities we meet our guide, bus driver and his bus.
Our pilgrimage begins ……
Along the way we will stop for a sunrise visit to the wondrous biblical gardens at Neot
Kedumim. Enjoy a biblical style breakfast as well. We then make our way to Aphek / Antipatris
. The Battle of Aphek is a biblical episode described in 1 Samuel 4:1-10. During this battle the
Philistines defeat the Israelite army and capture the Ark of the Covenant.
We then head to Caesarea Maratima – cradle of the Gentile Christian Church.
Overnight at Hotel Eshel HaShomron
Day 3: Monday – 08 December
After a wonderful traditional Israeli breakfast we board our “luxury” bus and make our way
through the Shomron and our first port of call is Shiloh where the Ark of the Covenant rested
for over 400 years. It was also here that the young Samuel was tutored by the prophet Eli.
After a visit to Tel Shiloh and watching the video we will travel on to the summit of Mt.
Gerazim (Mt. of Blessing) where Nir Lavi will be our guide. Nir will also host us for a
fascinating lunch in his “restaurant”. Kiryat Luza is a modern Samaritan Village, located on
top of Mt. Gerizim. It was built in the 1980s, close to the Samaritan Holy sites.
From here we motor on to visit the Kabir Observation Point at the settlement – Elon More.
Overnight at Hotel Eshel HaShomron
Day 4: Tuesday – 09 December
This morning after a delicious breakfast we travel to the top of Mt. Carmel – to Muhraqa
where Elijah confronted the 400 prophets of Ba’al. From here we have a magnificent view of
the Valley of Armageddon and the Kishon River where the 400 prophets of ba’al were
slaughtered. This is an ideal place for some prayer and reflection.
Down the mountain to Tel Megiddo where we stand on some 6000 years of history, covering
20 different civilizations. This was one of Solomon’s fortified cities and home to his 400
chariot horses. On to Jezreel (remember Jezebel and Naboth’s vineyard).
Our next stop is the exciting site of Ein Harod. This is the spot where Gideon whittled his army
down from 32000 to 300. You will have a chance to lap water from the spring. An ideal place to
blow the shofar. From here we can see Har More where, at Shunem, Elijah raised the widow’s
son from the dead.
Overnight at Kibbutz Deganya Bet
Day 5: Wednesday – 10 December
After a wonderful traditional Israeli breakfast we board our bus and make our way to the top
of the Mt. of Beatitudes where the famous Sermon on the Mount was preached. We walk
down the hill towards the Sea of Galilee and stop halfway to read a portion of the “Sermon on
the Mount”, continue on down to St. Peter Primacy at the lakeside. It was here that Jesus said
to Peter “follow me”.
The bus now takes us on a scenic tour of the Hula Valley which once was swamp land but has
now been drained and worked at a great cost to human life. Malaria killed many of the early
pioneers. The Hula Valley is a stopover for thousands of migrating birds.
Our next port of call is Tel Dan to see the ancient ruins. Seeing the mud gate from Abraham’s
time is a breath-taking experience. We then walk along the babbling streams of “Living Water”
(when you see it, you will understand) remembering what Jesus said in John 7:38 – that out of
our innermost beings will flow “Rivers of Living Water”.
Up to Banias or Caesarea Philippi, where the god pan was worshipped. This is where Jesus
asks of Peter “Who do you say that I am”? It is also here at Banias that we find one of the three
sources of the Jordan River – a spring of water that bubbles out of the ground and seems to
multiply as it flows downstream – just amazing!! From here we can see the mighty Hermon
Mountain. There are those (especially Protestants) who believe that this is the Mt. of
Transfiguration. We travel along the Golan Heights, past Kuneitra to the Mevo Khama
Observation Post for a fantastic panoramic view of the lake. If time allows, we will pop into
the Kineret co-op to shop.
After supper you will enjoy a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee giving you a feeling of what the
disciples and fisherman of the day experienced during the long nights spent tending the nets.
We will have a time of praise, worship and breaking of bread out at sea.
Overnight at Kibbutz Deganya Bet
Day 6: Thursday – 11 December
An early start sees us on our way to Cana, passing some of the most incredibly fertile land you
will ever lay eyes on. Cana in Galilee is the traditional site where Jesus performed his first
miracle – turning the water into wine at the wedding feast.
This is a good place to renew wedding vows and pray for our partners (or pray for a partner).
After purchasing our “wedding wine” we drive to the city of Nazareth. This was the home of
Joseph and Mary (Miriam) and you will visit Mary’s Well, where Mary was visited by the Angel
Gabriel who told her that she was the one that God had chosen to bear the Saviour of the world
– Yeshua Messiah!
This is also where Yeshua lived for some thirty years before he was rejected by those in his
village. (Luke 2: 39, 4:16, 28:31). In Nazareth we will be visiting the Nazareth Village. This
is a live, walk-in village as it would have been in the time of Jesus. “Fascinating”, is an
understatement. Leaving Nazareth behind us we drive up on to the Gilboa Mountain for a
spectacular scenic drive (Route 667). It was on this mountain that King Saul and his two sons
were killed.
Down the mountain pass (Route 6666) to Gan HaShalosha (garden of the three) to swim in the
beautiful clear spring pools.
On to Bet Shean – one of the most ancient sites in Israel – settled 5 to 6 thousand years ago.
This is the city upon whose walls the heads of King Saul and his sons were hung (one of them
Jonathan – David’s close friend). Bet Shean is the scene of an amazing archaeological dig and
restoration project.
Overnight at Kibbutz Deganya Bet
Day 7: Friday – 12 December
We bid a sad farewell to the Galilee and travel south down the famous Jordan River Valley
towards Jericho. Unfortunately local politics dictate that we have to drive past Jericho but we
will stop the bus to have a look at the oasis city and read the O/T and N/T Scriptures. Jericho
is the oldest inhabited city in the world and just behind it is Quarantal - Mt. of Temptation.
A little further down the road we will turn left towards Qaser el Yahud which is the traditional
baptism site of Jesus.
On to Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. We learn about the
Essenes and their customs. We travel along the shore of the Dead Sea till we reach Ein Gedi
(spring of the goat). It is here that David and his men hid in a cave to escape the wrath of King
Saul. A “swim” or should I say “bob” in the Dead Sea is a MUST. This is the lowest point on
earth – ENJOY!!! It is a great experience!
Our next port of call is the mighty mountain fortress of Masada (where today’s Israeli
paratroopers take and oath that “Masada will NEVER fall again……”). This should prove to be
a “mountain top” experience as we bask in the events of this inspiring story.
Overnight at Oasis Hotel ~ Dead Sea
Day 8: Saturday – 13 December
This exciting day starts at 09h00 with an amazing experience………riding a camel in the
dessert at Cameland. After this ‘adventure’ we visit Tel Be’er Sheva – home to the Patriarchs,
where we meet Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We learn some of their fascinating history and how
it has shaped our faith today.
Leaving Be’er Sheva behind us we travel to the Valley of Elath where the young shepherd boy,
David, slew the giant Goliath (over nine foot tall) in that famous one-on-one confrontation. On
to Tel Bet Shemesh where the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the Israelites by the
Our next stop is the beautiful Valley of Ayylon where the sun stood still for almost a day
allowing Joshua and the Israelites to win the battle.
We now travel up the famous Tel Aviv – Jerusalem highway, where we will pass wrecks of old
lorries that were blown up and shot to pieces, as the Jews tried to break through the Arab
ambushes on their way to Jerusalem with supplies that the besieged city so desperately
We finish this wonderful day with a panoramic view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
The view from the Mount of Olives is breath taking!! It was from the Mount of Olives that the
risen Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1:8-12) and it is to the Mount of Olives that He returns
(Zech 14:4). We walk down the Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane with its
Church Of All Nations and incredibly ancient olive trees with a root system that could possibly
date back 2000 years to the time of Jesus. On to the Jerusalem Towers Hotel, our base for the
rest of the tour.
Overnight – Jerusalem Towers Hotel
Day 9: Sunday - 14 December
This morning we make our way to Mt. Zion to visit St. Peter Gallicantu. This is traditionally
the High Priest Caiaphas’s house where Jesus was betrayed by Peter and where Jesus would
probably have been held overnight before being taken to Pilate the next morning.
Then we make our way to Yad Vashem. This is the museum and site dedicated to the memory
of the six million Jews who perished at the hands of the Nazi’s before and during World War II.
This is a MUST SEE experience. From here it is off to the fantastic Israel Museum which
boasts the Shrine of the Book containing artifacts from the Qumran Caves as well as a model
city of Jerusalem as it was in the time of Jesus. We also visit the Israel Museum.
Our next stop is the Mahane Yehuda Market on Jaffa Street. Vegetables, fruit, meat, fish,
spices, sweets, wine, clothing, house-ware and groceries, religious artifacts, nuts and various
baked goods (just to name a few) are sold here. Another experience NOT to be missed.
Overnight – Jerusalem Towers Hotel
Day 10 : Monday - 15 December
After breakfast we will make our way to St. Stephens or Lion’s Gate as it is sometimes called.
Tradition has it that Stephen – Christianity’s first martyr – was stoned to death outside this
gate (Acts 7: 54-60). A few meters through the gate on the right hand side we find the Pool of
Bethesda and the crusader church of St. Ann’s.
We will spend some time here singing a few quiet songs of worship. The church has a 9 second
echo which makes for a really beautiful sound. Thereafter, we visit the Lithostratos (where
Jesus was scourged and received Crown of Thorns and Cross) and the following Thirteen
Stations of the Cross, finishing up at the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre built some 300 years
after the death of Jesus. Lunch will be a bagel and zatar (a spice) eaten on the hoof.
We walk through the old city to the Western Wall for a time of quiet reflection and personal
We now make our way down the hill to David’s City.
Once again steele yourself for an amazing experience as you walk through the corridors of
ancient biblical history. For those brave enough, we finish the visit off with a walk through
Hezekiah’s Tunnel – a water reservoir made more than 2700 years ago by King Hezekiah.
At this point those who do not wish to walk through the water tunnel can take the dry route to
meet the others later at the Pool of Siloam which has been a water source for every biblical
period and it was here that Jesus healed the blind man. Back to our hotel for dinner.
After dinner this evening, we take a short stroll to witness and attend a breathtaking and
amazing Light and Sound Show at David’s Citadel in Jerusalem’s Old City – Afterwards we
are back to the hotel for a well-earned rest.
Overnight – Jerusalem Towers Hotel
Day 11: Tuesday - 16 December
After your usual scrumptious Israeli Breakfast you will drive to Bethlehem (in Hebrew – House
of Bread) to visit the birthplace of Jesus. In John 6:35 – Jesus refers to Himself as the Bread of
Life. You will also visit the cave where Jerome translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Latin.
Your bus will now take you to Ein Kerem to visit the Church of Visitation where Elizabeth
proclaimed the Virgin Mary as the “magnificent”. Ein Kerem is also the birthplace of John the
We return to Jerusalem to visit the Garden Tomb where we will have time to praise, worship
and break bread together.
Tonight we celebrate our ‘Last Supper’ together on this wonderful experience. Travel to Abu
Gosh-Emmaus for dinner (remember the two disciples walking with Jesus on the way to
Emmaus after His resurrection). There will be a short presentation. We then make our way to
Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv (approximately 55 minutes) to be there no later
than 21h00, to start airport formalities (which can be quite lengthy).
Day 12: Wednesday – 17 December
Depart for Oliver Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg on Ethiopian Airlines ET 405 at
00h10. Arrive in Addis Ababa (the same day) at 05h50, and then you are IN TRANSIT and
depart Addis Ababa at 08h50 and arrive at OR Tambo International Airport, Johannesburg at
13h20 (the same day).
Sadly our pilgrimage to the Holy Land has come to an end but the experiences, memories and
friendships we have made will last an eternity. We pray that you arrive back home with a
better understanding of Israel and the Scriptures and with a deeper love and appreciation for
Yeshua – your Redeemer and King.
Shalom – Le’hitra’ot
Cost of the tour is R 26 287 ex OR Tambo Airport
(Subject to the $/R exchange rate)
A non-refundable deposit of R 3 500 is required to secure your booking
The following costs are included in the tour price:
 Return Flights from Johannesburg to Tel Aviv via Addis Ababa on Ethiopian Airlines.
 Shared accommodation (Twin Rooms) in hotels and kibbutzim
 Breakfast and dinner throughout the tour.
 Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.
 One hour camel ride in the desert.
 Guided tour of David’s City.
 Guided tour of Western Wall excavations.
 Cable car ride up Masada.
 Luxury air conditioned coach with driver.
 Services of a registered Israeli Guide.
 Entrance into all National Parks and sites as mentioned in the Itinerary.
 Porterage at hotels and kibbutzim.
 Airport taxes at King Shaka, OR Tambo and Ben Gurion airports.
 Guide and drivers tips.
 Bound itinerary with scriptures and interesting facts on Israel.
 Travel Insurance
Not included in tour price:
 Lunches
 Spending money for personal extras.
NB. A single room supplement is $525