PPJ - Collegiate Quizbowl Packet Archive

Peter, Paul, and Jared
By Bruce Arthur
1. The Japanese Amagi class of warships belonged to this category of ships. The most notable German ship
in this category was certainly the SMS Von der Tann. The first ships in this category were distinguished by
the fact that they had only six Mk X guns, as opposed to the usual ten. The first British ships in this
category belonged to the Invincible class and were designed to contrast with the larger Dreadnaught
category. These ships obtained greater speed by sacrificing armor. For ten points, name this category of
warship that is smaller than a battleship but larger than a cruiser.
ANSWER: Battlecruiser
2. Qinglan Harbor is a central part of this province’s second largest city of Wenchang. The People’s
Liberation Navy has its chief strategic nuclear submarine naval harbor in this province. The capital of this
province is Haikou, and for administrative purposes this province includes the Paracel and Spratley islands.
The Qiongzhou Strait separates this province from the Leizhou Peninsula from Guangdong Province. For
ten points, name this island province off the coast of southern China.
ANSWER: Hainan
3. This group was granted special favors by the Pope in the Golden Bull of Rimini. Earlier, this group had
been given the Burzenland by King Andrew II of Hungary. This group was forced to sign the Peace of
Thorn after a siege of its capital of Marienburg. Previously, while led by Ulrich von Jungingen this group
was defeated by an army led by Vytautas the Great and his brother Jogaila. For ten points, name these
losers of the Battle of Tannenberg, a group of knights who are German.
ANSWER: Teutonic Knights [accept Marian Familiars]
4. The Bargusin Natural Reserve lies on the shores of this body of water. The city of Angara lies on this
body of water, appropriate since the Angara river flows out of it. This body is part of the Yenisei River
Basin, and this body’s wildlife includes the Golomyanka or “Oil Fish”, which dissolves into oil when
exposed to sunlight. The nerpa is a species of seal native to this lake and can be viewed from nearby
Irkutsk. For ten points, name this Russian lake, the deepest in the world.
ANSWER: Lake Baikal
5. During World War Two, the Hungarians deployed a type of this vehicle known as the Turan, which was
based on a design stolen from the Czechoslovakian Skoda company. Hotchkiss-class vehicles of this kind
were used by France during the 1930’s. A book about how to use this vehicle was written by Hans
Guderian. The T-90 is the most notable current Russian vehicle of this kind, while notable German types
have included the Tiger. American vehicles of this kind have included the Sheridan, the Abrams, and the
Sherman. For ten points, name this vehicle that runs on tracks and has a long gun attached.
ANSWER: tanks
6. Alan MacEachren is a professor who claims that members of this profession play an important role in the
shaping of legitimacy. Concepts in this profession include Tissot’s Indicatrix, also known as Tissot’s
Ellipse. Notable Islamic members of this profession include Piri Reis. Matthias Ringmann and Martin
Waldseemuller were important Renaissance members of this profession. Modern members of this
profession sometimes use the Albers or Conic methods to avoid distortions of size or shape inherent to
older projections. For ten points, give this occupation held by Gerardus Mercator, which involves making
ANSWER: cartographer
7. The Melkite Church takes its name from the fact that it recognizes the authority of the person with this
title. One ruler with this title won the Lazic War, while another holder of this title won a decisive victory at
the Battle of Kleidion. As of 2007, in Peter Austin’s alternative history map “World 4” this title is held by
Peter Austin. A famous holder of this office was advised by Tribonian and John the Cappadocian and had a
general named Narses. For ten points, give this title held by such men as Basil the Bulgar-Slayer and
Justinian, who leads an empire based at Constantinople.
ANSWER: Byzantine Emperor or Basileus
8. The mounds of Abu Habba and Larsa were believed to have been major centers of worship for this god,
whose major temple was at Sippar. This god rides in a chariot driven by Bunene. Kettu and Mesharu are the
twin attendants of this god, while the obscure goddess Aya is this god’s consort. This deity is considered
the son of Nannar the moon god. The Code of Hammurabi is dedicated to this god, who was considered the
god of justice in Babylon. This god helps slay Humbaba and is the primary divine supporter of Gilgamesh.
For ten points, name this Babylonian god of the sun.
ANSWER: Shamash
9. This language is nominative-accusative in the first and second persons but ergative in all other instances.
This agglutinative language used modal prefixes to modify verbs. “Emesal” is a dialect of this language
that is often spoken by females in literary texts. Important words in this language include “NIN”, which
means lady, and “DINGIR”, which means “god”. The native alphabet of this language is syllabic and uses
logograms. This language was spoken in the cities of Nippur and Ur and was the first to be written in
Cuneiform. For ten points, name this language spoken by the world’s oldest civilization.
ANSWER: Sumerian [accept: Emegir]
10. This place was associated with the mountain of Kur in the Zagros range. The messenger god Namtar
dwells in this place, and in one story curses a visitor to this place with 60 diseases. A lesser-known epic
about Gilgamesh sees him visit this place to retrieve a ball and mallet that he was playing with but
misplaced. One visitor to this place removed 12 veils, one at each of this place’s gates. One tale tells of a
war between the chief god and chief goddess of this place whose names are Nergal and Ereshkigal. This
place was once visited by Ishtar to bring back her lover Tammuz. For ten points, name this underworld of
the Sumerians.
ANSWER: Irkalla [accept Sumerian Underworld until mention]
11. Maxim of Lovech is the current patriarch of this Orthodox Church. Important patron saints in this
Orthodox church include St. Dimitar. This Orthodox church was first based at the city of Ohrid, and later
this Orthodox Church spent thirty years in union with Rome during the early days of the Tarnovo
Patriarchate and its important sites include the Rila Monastery. This Orthodox Church is based at the
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. It formerly had to deal with the Bogomil heresy and its past patrons have
included the Asen dynasty as well as rulers such as Kaloyan the Romanslayer and Simeon the Great.
ANSWER: Bulgarian Orthodox Church
12. This church council adopted 30 canons, and its obscure decisions include a ban on clergy serving in the
military. This church council was called by Emperor Marcian at the behest of Pope Leo I. This church
council is rejected by the Oriental Orthodox churches, which include the Syriac and Coptic churches. This
council was preceeded by the so-called “robber synod” of Ephesus. The heresy condemned by this council
had been taught by Apollinaris of Laodicea and Dioscorus of Alexandria, but most notably by Eutyches.
That heresy denied the full humanity of Christ. For ten points, name this council that condemned the
Monophysite heresy, the third major council after Nicea and Ephesus.
ANSWER: Council of Chalcedon
13. Famous Postmaster Generals from this state include Cave Johnson, while notable Senators from this
state include Felix Grundy, who defected from the Democrats to the Whigs in 1837. This home state of
Constitutional Union Party Presidential Candidate John Bell is one of two states that are connected by the
“M Bridge”, more formally known as the Hernando de Soto Bridge. Early work on the Manhattan Project
took place in this state’s city of Oak Ridge. The University of Chicago won the first of three consecutive
Teitler-era ACF Nationals in this state in 2007. For ten points, name this state with capital at Nashville.
ANSWER: Tennessee
14. The Mariner space probe discovered that this element makes up 70% of the atmosphere of Mercury.
The radioactive 269 isotope of this element is used to date ice cores, while the decay of radioactive
potassium into this element is used to date igneous rocks. This gas gives off a blue light when used in lasers
or lamps. The National Archives uses this gas to preserve the Constitution because its largely inert. For ten
points, name this Noble gas between Neon and Krypton whose atomic number is 18.
15. One figure in this book failed a correspondence course in psychology and attempts to blackmail her
husband. Minor figures in this book include an exotic dancer with a pet cockatoo, the professor Dr. Talc,
and the demented clerk Miss Trixie. This book’s protagonist engages in correspondence with a woman with
whom he “tag-teamed” professors in college, the Jewish beatnik Myrna Minkoff. A statue of this book’s
protagonist can be found in the Uptown Neighborhood of New Orleans, where it is set. For ten points,
name this favorite book of Jared Sagoff, a novel about Ignatius J. Reilly by John Kennedy Toole.
ANSWER: A Confederacy of Dunces
16. Saskatoon is the largest city in the only perfectly rectangular province in Canada. For ten points, spell
17. In dating strategy, this term is used for the practice of hitting on somebody by criticizing them.
Unsuccessful strategies for avoiding this practice have attempted to use spare change and this practice is
impossible after the end of a tossup. For ten points, name this art of losing 5 points through an incorrect
ANSWER: negging
18. Peter Austin has to go to the candy store to buy 15 identical plastic soldiers. He has 4 different colored
bags in which to put them in, and wants to know how many different ways he can accomplish this while
putting at least one piece in each bag. You can solve this problem by using the so-called object-dividers
analogy, in which you imagine the 15 soldiers as individual units on a line and place 3 dividers between
them; this would gives you a total of 14 choose 3 objects. For 10 points, compute 14 factorial divided by 11
factorial times 3 factorial, or 2 times 13 times 14.
19. Ten seconds, pencil and paper ready. Put the following inventions in chronological order, from oldest to
most recent: cotton gin, telegraph, mechanical reaper, steam engine, phonograph.
ANSWER: steam engine, cotton gin, telegraph, mechanical reaper, phonograph