Code pink – Term Baby Date: Location: Participants/Level: Interprofessional: Title: L&D Yes Fetal Maternal Hemorrhage, Acidosis and Anemia Pre-Brief: 1. Orient to equipment and location 2. We will try to do the megacode in real-time. The scenario will play out on script. Deviations from the megacode script are acceptable. 3. This scenario and your actions are confidential, privacy needs to be respected. 4. This is a safe place to make mistakes 5. The sim lead or the team has no conflicts of interest Assumptions: -Baby is 3.0 kg -Oral intubation only w (stylet) with 3.0 or 3.5 ETT (please be careful) Limitations: -O2 sat probe must be applied to get reading -Cardiac leads need to be applied to generate rhythm -The blood pressure cuff does not actually work but please have RNs apply it when you wish -UVC can be inserted and can get blood back, please do not infuse solutions into the UVC - Please do not insert PIV’s, do not inject ETT with any fluid - if you need to use the phone, call using the phone in the room using the # provided Allied professionals are clearly part of your team: o They are NRP certified, can provide B&M ventilation, chest compressions, and may intubate if within their scope of practice o Use the phone, send-off bloodwork as you see fit Sim Team – Special Notes Equipment: o o o o o o SimNewB + blood moulage + portable baby Airway Box including working ETCO2 detector UVC Line kits Pneumothorax kit N/S boluses (5 cc preloaded and wrapped)/syringes (1 and 3 cc) Meds: Ativan, phenobarbital labelled in separate container Case #1 objectives: 1. Anticipate need for extra resources – staff, blood for transfusion 2. stabilize acutely ill baby using NRP principles 3. organize appropriate health care professionals into functional team, including designation of roles, promote sharing of information, leadership skills Brief: MD called to delivery by L&D for urgent delivery (You are in a standard delivery room) 38 weeks gestation, normal pregnancy, GBS -ve 26 yo G2P1 comes in to triage in steady labour, but has severe acute abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding Fetal heart tracing is wave-like pattern around 150 bpm, very little variability and severe late decelerations OB team is setting up for c section, you are in the resuscitation area of the room next door. You have 2 minutes to prepare in the delivery room. Obstetrician hands mobile baby to team (approximately 3.5 kg), Pale – Lifeless – Not breathing-covered in blood - Blanket lifted and Sim NewB is underneath Case #1 – Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage Time On exam Vitals Appropriate action by team 0 min Cyanotic Un-responsive HR 40 Apneic SPO2 66% Dry stimulate warm, position airway, etc for 30 sec Ask re: respiration, activity, term (no meconium) <1 min Mottled pale, cyanotic HR 40 Apneic B&M ventilation, 1-2 mins Pale HR 80 Apneic SPO2 66% 2-3 minutes 3-4 minutes Pale HR 70 Apneic HR 40 Apneic SPO2 70% 4-5 miinutes Pale, cyanotic HR 50 apneic Reassess seal and equipment MRSOPA Consider intubation Intubation Think about access Chest compressions delivering 100% oxygen Give epi by ETT (3.5 cc) 5-6 minutes Pale, mottled CRF 4 sec HR 80 Apneic SPO2 70% 6-7 minutes Pale perfusion poor CRF 4-5 sec Pale but Color better CRF 3-4 sec after bolus *seizure, or decreased a/e to left side if doing well HR 160 (BP 48/18) SpO2 80% HR 180 (BP 50/24 after 2nd bolus) HR 200, BP not reading SPO2 85% >7 minutes 8 minutes Pale , somewhat cyanotic response Or Epi via UVC (0.351.0 cc) Continue to provide bag and mask ventilation by ETT Consider why baby’s apneic Check Intubation IV access, UVC placement IV access N/S bolus #2 Additional D10W Phenobarbital 20 mg/kg (or 10 x2) IV push If … If ask for glu 4.1 May also give diazepam or ativan Glucose 3.6 DeBrief: Congratulate participants for finishing! Remind them of objectives and that debriefing is confidential, safe environment paramount, for education Acknowledge technical limitations and limitations of simulated resuscitation Use advocacy inquiry technique if possible (avoid lecturing) “Eg. I noticed that you ____________, can you tell me why you did that then?” If using video play back video in real time, pause if there is a learning point to be made, or if one of the team members says something. See debriefing guide for further help.