Assignments and Lecture Outlines

Assignments and Lecture Outlines
Semester 1 - 2003
his document contains the Subject Guide and Assignment Specifications of this subject.
A set of references is provided for each lecture.
You should read the text references before the corresponding lecture.
More detailed lecture notes, containing the text of the lecture presentations are available at the subject website.
You may, if you wish, submit written answers to any of the sample exam questions listed for assignment 1 to your
tutor for evaluation.
Further information, sample questions and other materials will be made available through the Internet at the
“Central Point” website. Central Point can be found under “Student Resources” on the Faculty of business home
page, or at
Table of Contents
Subject Guide ______________________________________________ 2
Class Schedule _____________________________________________ 5
Assignment 1: Tutorial Presentation____________________________ 7
Presentation Questions for Assignment 1: _______________________ 8
Assignment 2: Spreadsheet __________________________________ 10
Assignment 3a: - Database Basics Test _________________________ 12
Assignment 3b: - Database Design ____________________________ 13
Assignment 3c: - Database Implementation _____________________ 14
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Subject Guide
Victoria University of Technology
Semester 1 2003
Faculty of Business and Law, School of Information Systems.
Subject Code: BCO1102
Subject Name: Computer Applications
Mike O’Connor
Footscray Park
Hong Kong
Michael Wong
Subject Aims/Objectives:
This subject aims to introduce students to the professional activities involved in developing and applying
information systems and the nature and importance of the supporting information technology.
The subject introduces students to the nature and types of information systems and their importance to business
processes. The student is introduced to the hardware and software technology that lies at the heart of business
information systems, and to the principles that need to be applied in the development and application of effective
information systems in business.
On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the role and application of information systems in business.
Demonstrate an understanding of the range of different types of organisational information systems and their
various roles.
Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of the nature and types of information systems and the
strategic advantage that can be gained from their applications in business.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role and purpose database management systems in business oriented
information systems.
Demonstrate an understanding of the range of ways in which electronic commerce can be used to enhance
business organisation and operation.
Demonstrate familiarity of the principles and practices involved in the development and implementation of
business information systems.
Demonstrate knowledge of basic computer technology, data communications and networks and their
application in the business field.
Demonstrate knowledge of issues related to the social implications of the use of computers in society in general
and the business field in particular.
Demonstrate skills in using and applying business-oriented computer software application packages such as
database management systems.
Demonstrate an ability to plan, prepare and successfully deliver an oral presentation on a specific information
systems issue
Theme Area: Business Processes and the Role of Business Information Systems.
Business concepts, processes. Basic business functions. Business information needs. Data v Information, The
need for Information Systems.
Information Systems for Business Management Support I – The Management Hierarchy. Management
Decision Making Information Requirements. Transaction Processing Systems, Knowledge work systems
Management information Systems.
Information Systems for Business Management Support II: - Decision Support Systems, Executive
Information Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
Strategic use of Information Systems – strategic impact, competitive advantage, Value Chain Analysis,
Strategic Information Systems, Data Warehousing, CRM, Supply Chain Management.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Information Systems for E-Commerce – Business Processes for E-Commerce. Types of electronic commerce
systems, styles of electronic commerce, inter-company information systems.
Theme Area: Information System Development and Implementation.
Database Management Systems – Role in IS, Advantages and shortcomings. Data modelling for Database
7. Information Systems Development: Systems Analysis - the need for structured systems analysis, an overview
of the tasks involved in systems analysis and design. The Systems Development Life Cycle. Project
Management, Prototyping.
8. Information Systems Implementation. Programming - Overview of programming Process, the considerations
and processes involved in building a program. Testing. Implementation issues.
Theme Area: Information Systems Technology
Software for Information Systems: - Application Software v System Software. The role and application of
operating systems software. The user interface.
10. Information Systems hardware, Basic Architecture, CPUs, Motherboards and the role of the Bus. Memory,
RAM ROM etc. Storage, input and output devices.
11. Networks and Data Communications. Transmission media, Equipment and Applications; Local Area
Networks, Wide area Networks, Distributed data processing, Client-Server Architecture.Theme Area: Social
12. Social implications of computers – Ethics, Privacy, Employment, Crime, Security, the impact of technology.
At the beginning of each workshoptime will be set aside for student presentations and discussion. For
assignment 1, each student will prepare and present a brief presentation explaining their answer to a sample exam
question. The exam is based mainly on the material referred to in the lectures (and the associated reading) and the
questions reflect the type of things you can expect in the exam.
The bulk of the workshop will normally be given over to working on learning to use the major packages (Excel and
Access) and working on assignments or carrying out exercises.
Do not assume that the time spent in workshops would be sufficient to master the software packages and complete
the assignments. Students should expect to be spending a substantial amount of time working on their assignments
outside scheduled workshops. Students should expect to spend a minimum of three hours per week working on the
subject, in addition to lecture and workshop activity.
It is essential that all students become familiar with the Windows interface, and are able to run programs and copy,
move and delete files, as these skills underlie all of the major software packages used in the subject. If you are not
already familiar with Windows then you will need to spend additional time outside the workshop working on these
skills. Your workshop leader can provide you with supplementary exercises as an adjunct to "The Microsoft
Stable" (available at
Word Processing
The documentation component of the practical work will require the use of a word processor. It will be expected
that students will be able to make appropriate use of a suitable word processor in order to prepare their assignments
to the required standard. Students with little or no previous word processing experience should expect to spend
some time early in semester working through the early exercises in “The Microsoft Stable”. Students with existing
word processing skills will find these exercises an opportunity to advance their skills. Some assistance with
particular word processing issues will be available from tutors.
In order to gain a pass (50%) in this assignment, you will have to demonstrate your ability to carry out a set of basic
tasks using Microsoft Excel. The demonstration takes the form of a fairly simple test during a workshop.
Further marks can be gained by submitting a “credit level” assignment according to the requirements listed.
Any students who cannot complete the test without help will be given another opportunity the following week, but
may not then submit any credit level work for that assignment.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
There will be a database test and a database implementation assignment. The test will be a relatively simple
exercise to be completed in class. Students who have not completed the database test will not be permitted to
submit the database implementation assignment. The database assignment will require the student to design,
document and implement a database solution to a business problem.
Late assignments & Extensions
Late assignments will not be accepted more than two weeks late. Unless an extension was granted before the
original due date, late assignments will not be marked beyond a pass.
 In exceptional circumstances, extensions can be granted at the discretion of the workshop leader, but the length
of the extension granted will not normally exceed the time to go before the due date. (i.e. if an extension is
requested a week before the due date, the maximum extension would be one extra week.)
Lauden and Lauden “Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm” Prentice Hall 2002.
Hawking, McCarthy and Nikakis, “The 2000 Stable: An Introduction to Microsoft Office 2000” Prentice-Hall
Tutorial presentation
Spreadsheet assignment
Note: Students must satisfactorily
Credit level work
complete both components
Database Assignment
to gain a pass in the subject.
Database Test
Database design documentation
Database implementation
Assignments Total
Final Exam
(ie Assignments and Examination)
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Class Schedule: BCO1102 CUHK Schedule for Semester 1, 2003 (subject to change)
Lecturer Mike O’Connor
Lauden &
Fri 28 Mar
1. Intro to Information Systems: Business concepts, processes, functions. Data Ch 1, 2
v Information, Types of Information Systems
Ch2, 3
2. Information Systems for Business Management Support: Management and P 370-377
Decision Making, TPS, Knowledge Work and Office Systems. MIS.
Sat 29 Mar 3. Information Systems for Business Decision Support: Decision Support
Systems, Data warehousing, Data mining, Multidimensional Data Analysis, ESS,
2:00 – 5:00
ERP systems.
Ch 12, 13
Chapter 7
6. Database Management Systems: Organising data files, The DBMS, Types of
Databases, Designing Databases
Sat 29 Mar Lab: Intro to Excel, / Intro to Data Modelling
6:30 – 9:30
Sun 30 Mar 4. Strategic use of Information Systems: Value Chain Analysis, Strategies for
Competitive Advantage, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship
2:00 – 5:00
Management, Information Partnerships
P 52 – 54
85 - 95
409 – 412
5. Information Systems for e-Commerce: The Information Revolution, Internet Ch 4
Business Models, Types of e-Commerce. E-commerce and the intranet.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assig. 1
Lecturer: Michael Wong
Lauden &
Tue Apr 8
7. Information Systems Development: Organisational Change, Business
Process Engineering and TQM, Systems Analysis and design, Prototyping, end6:30 – 9:30
user development v outsourcing
8. Information Systems Implementation: Programming Languages. Program
design and construction. Implementation. issues.
Sat Apr 12
2:00 -5:00
9. Software for Information Systems: Systems Software, OS Functions and
Interfaces. Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing. Application Software.
MS Excel Demo
Assig. 1
Ch 10, 11
Ch 6
Ch 5
P 140-157
Tue Apr 15 Lab MS Excel
6:30 – 9:30
1, 2, 3
Tue Apr 22 .Lab
4, 5, 6
Spreadsheet Test (6%)
Start MS Access
Sat Apr 26
10. Information Systems hardware: The Computer System,, The CPU and
Ch 5
Primary Storage, Microprocessors and Processing Power, Multiple Processors and
P 140-157
Parallel Processing, Secondary Storage Technology, Input and Output Devices
Spreadsheet Credit assig (6%)
Tue Apr 29 MS Access
6:30 – 9:30 Database Test (6%)
Sat May 3
Tue May 6
6:30 – 9:30
11.Networks and Data Communications: Telecommunications Technologies,
Computer Networks, Client/Server Computing, Peer-to-Peer Computing,
MS Access Demo Database Design Documentation (6%) Due
7, 8, 9
Ch 5
P 157– 65
Ch 8
Lab: MS Access
Sat May 10 12. Ethical and Social Impact of Information Systems
Ch 15
Database Implementation Assignment due (10%)
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assignment 1: Tutorial Presentation
Each student will make a Tutorial Presentation during the semester. The presentation will be worth 6% of the
The presentations will be an answer to a sample exam question allocated by your workshop leader. The questions
will be available on the BCO1102 web site. Note that each topic has two questions, each with a number of parts.
You will be allocated either question 1 or question 2 for a particular topic. In order to give your presentation, you
will need to prepare the following:
A class handout (enough copies for the class and workshop leader)
 A four minute class presentation, to be delivered at the beginning of the workshop, using two overhead
projector slides.
 A copy of the presentation is to be sent to your workshop leader by electronic mail.
The Handout
The handout is to be a one-page document containing an answer to the sample question in a form that would be
suitable for use in an exam.
The Presentation
Your presentation should take four minutes, and should include an explanation of one part of your answer and
some related background material. For instance, If you are allocated Topic 3 question 2, your handout will have
answers to questions 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c). In your presentation, you should choose just one of these on which to
focus your presentation.
Your overhead projector slides should include your answer, as well as some supporting material. They should not
be simply blown up copies of the words in the handout.
Some points to note:
Do not simply read the whole handout. Everyone should have a copy.
 Your presentation should discuss and explain the answer and background matter.
 You might include a discussion of alternative approaches to the question.
 Do not read out a prepared speech.
 Prepare your speaker's notes in the form of brief headings, and use these as prompts. If you are familiar with
the material (as you ought) then you should be able to talk about it.
 Either use cards (with few words) that are small enough to sit in your hand (business card size is good) or
make a sheet with big print headings (and nothing else) and lay it on the table where you can glance at it
 Practice your presentation. If you have not given it out loud (preferably to a friend) you haven’t prepared it.
 Do not put too many words on each overhead slide. Slides should support your presentation, not replace it.
 Do not block the projector.
 Structure your presentation. Even in four minutes, there is much to be gained from organising what you will
say. Make sure you have a suitable introduction and conclusion. (Ideally, you shouldn't have to tell the
audience when you have finished!)
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Presentation Questions for Assignment 1:
Topic 1 Introduction to Information Systems.
1(a) Use a suitable example to explain the difference
between data and information.
1(b) Briefly explain the difference between the “finance”
and “accounting” functions of an organisation.
1(c) Use examples to illustrate and explain the meaning of
the term “Processing” in relation to Information
Systems Activities.
2(a) Explain the Input, Processing, Output and Feedback
cycle, as it applies to Information systems
2(b) Use suitable examples to illustrate the types of
Information Systems applications that might be used to
support Sales and Marketing activities of an
2(c) Early information systems were primarily number
crunching systems processing bulk transaction data.
Briefly discuss the changing role of information
systems in organisations.
Topic 2 I.S. for Business Management Support.
1(a) Discuss the types of decisions that are made at the top
level of management. In what ways are these different
from the types of decisions made at lower levels?
1(b) What are Transaction Processing Systems? How do
they relate tom other information systems?
1(c) Discuss the role of knowledge workers within an
organisation. What sort of information systems do
they use?
2(a) From a behavioural point of view, a Manager has a
number of roles: Interpersonal, Informational, and
Decisional. Discuss the distinctions between these
three management roles.2(b) Management at each
level of an organisation have different information
needs. Identify two characteristics of information
specific to management at each level.
2(c) Briefly discuss the types and of reports produced by a
MIS. How is this related to the level of management
support intended to be provided by a MIS?
Topic 3 I.S. for Business Decision Support
1(a) Briefly discuss the main difference between a Decision
Support System and a Management Information
1(a) Briefly discuss the purpose of Data Warehousing.
1(c) Briefly discuss the particular needs of senior
management that drive the development of Executive
Information Systems.
1(b) Briefly outline three strategies for gaining a
competitive advantage.
1(c) What is the purpose of Supply Chain management?
2(a) What is CRM? How can it provide a strategic
2(b) Use a suitable example to show how information
partnerships can be of benefit to a business.
2(c) What is meant by the term “Synergy” Use a suitable
example to show how organisations might exploit
Topic 5 eCommerce
1(a) How can e-commerce offer a business a strategic
1(b) What is meant by “information asymmetry” How
can e-commerce address it?.
1(c) Briefly describe three significant differences between
the characteristics of “Demand Side e-Commerce”
and “Supply Side e-Commerce”
2(a) Discuss the conventional relationship between
“information richness” and “information reach.”
How does e-commerce affect this relationship?
2(b) Briefly describe an example of “Consumer to
Consumer” eCommerce. How can an eCommerce
organisation profit from it?
2(c) Briefly discuss the relative merits of two different
payment options available for B2C e-commerce.
Topic 6 Data Base Management Systems
1 (a) Use a suitable example to illustrate the distinction
between fields, records, files and databases in a data
storage system.
1 (b) What is meant by Data Redundancy? Use an
example to illustrate your answer.
1 (c) Explain why it is necessary for database tables to have
a primary key.
2(a) What is meant by Program-Data Dependence? Why
is it a problem?
2(b) Briefly explain the distinction between the “Logical
View” and the “Physical View” of a database.
2(c) What is the purpose of an Entity Relationship
2(a) Briefly discuss the distinction between “Model
Driven” and “Data Driven” Decision Support
2(b) What is the purpose of data mining?
2(c) What advantages can be gained from ERP?
Topic 4 The Strategic Use of IS
1(a) Briefly explain the five “Primary Activities” in
Porter’s Value Chain.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Topic 7 Information Systems Development
Topic 10 Information Systems Hardware
1(a) In what ways is Business Process Reengineering
distinct from the Rationalisation of Business
1(b) Briefly describe the activities that take place during
Systems Analysis .
1(c) Why is it important to involve end-users in the process
of systems analysis and design?
1(a) Name the two main parts of the Central Processing
Unit (CPU). Discuss their main functions.
1(b) Describe the role of the bus in computer systems.
1(c) How can parallel processing enhance the operation of
a computer system?
2(a) Prototyping is a tool used in system development.
What is prototyping and what are its main advantages
and disadvantages.
2(b) How can information systems help companies
implement Total Quality Management?
2(c) Briefly discuss the trade-offs between End User
Development and Outsourcing s methods of
developing information systems.
Topic 8 Information Systems Implementation
1(a) What are programming languages and why do we
need them?
1(b) Briefly describe the three types of control structures
that are used in structured programming.
1(c) Two of the techniques that can be used to implement a
new system are “Pilot” and “Parallel Operation”.
Briefly describe each and compare their relative
2(a) What are the main differences between low level
languages (1st and 2nd generation) and high level
2(b) What is meant by the term "Structured
2(c) Explain the meaning of the following terms:
i) Object Oriented Programming
ii) Visual Programming.
2(a) What is meant by the term volatile in relation to
storage? Give one example each of volatile and nonvolatile storage.
2(b) The Address Bus and the Data Bus work together to
connect the CPU with Primary memory. Describe their
different roles and how they work.
2(c) What is a RAID system. How can it enhance the
efficiency of a computer system?.
Topic 11 Networks and Data Communications
1(a) Many organisations have to decide whether to install a
computer network or a set of stand alone computers.
What benefits are gained from a computer network?
1(b) Briefly explain the distinction between analogue and
digital signals.
1(c) What is client-server computing? What advantages
can it provide??
2(a) Briefly outline the tasks that need to be managed by a
Network Operating System (NOS).
2(b) Discuss the differences between the way microwave
systems and wire cable systems transmit data. What
are their relative advantages?
2(c) What distinguishes a peer to peer network from other
types of network?.
Topic 12 Social Implications
Topic 9 Information Systems Software
1(a) Briefly explain the difference between Application
Software and Systems Software.
1(b) Briefly outline the major functions of a computer's
operating system.
1(c) Briefly explain the distinction between Word
Processing and Desktop Publishing.
Ethical and legal issues are becoming increasingly
important to those who develop or use information
systems. Use examples of one ethical and one legal
issue to illustrate the issues that face developers and
users and discuss the actions that ought to be taken in
each case.
As computer systems become increasingly complex
and more interconnected, issues of vulnerability to
abuse or accidental damage become more significant.
Discuss a substantial area of vulnerability and the steps
that might be taken to protect the information system.
2(a) Briefly describe what is involved in the scheduling
functions of an operating system.
2(b) How can a multiprogramming operating system
enable a single CPU to run more than one program at
the same time?
2(c) What are the essential features of a Graphic User
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assignment 2: Spreadsheet
This assignment makes up 12% of the assessment for the subject.
In order to gain a pass in this assignment, you will be required to demonstrate to your workshop supervisor
the basic tasks necessary to complete the pass level requirements of the assignment. This demonstration will
take the form of a brief practical test, conducted in the workshop one week before the complete assignment
is due. The test is compulsory. If you are unable to complete the test unaided, you may try again the
following week, but you will not be allowed to submit the credit level requirements.
You must be able to complete all of the tasks listed below for the Pass level test.
Completion of the test will be worth 6%.
You may also submit one or more of the Credit level tasks listed below. These will be worth additional marks.
Your Credit level assignment must be submitted securely bound in a folder or plastic sleeve, and should include
at least the following:
A clearly labelled disk containing a copy of your worksheet. (Keep a copy of any disks submitted.)
 A printed copy of the main table of the spreadsheet.
 A completed Assignment cover sheet (available from the office).
Case Study:
Your client, Westgate Motorcycle Trailers, is a small business that manufactures motorcycle trailers and distributes
them through a select set of sales agents. Sales Agents take orders from customers and pass them on to WMT.
There are currently two products: Touring Trailers, which come equipped with a locking lid, water tank, built in
icebox. Camper Trailers incorporate a fold out tent and come equipped with mattress, stove, water tank and icebox.
The company distributes their trailers through sales agents, who take orders on
commission. The commission rate is 8%.
Touring Trailer
The manager wants to use a spreadsheet to track the performance of the sales agents, and
Camper Trailer
calculate how much commission is payable each year. Initially, she wants a simple
system that will record the sales of each agent for the current year, and
Trailer Sales
calculate their commissions.
Sales Agent
Touring Camper
The company has two products, whose selling price is shown in the table at Odyssey Touring Supplies
right. The table below shows how many of each product each salesperson
Hal's Angles
sold during 2002.
The manager’s basic requirement is for a worksheet that will show the
revenue and commission earned by each sales agent for each product, with
appropriate totals.
The spreadsheet should show the sales figures from the table at right, with
appropriately labelled totals for each product. It should also show the sales
income from each product for each sales agent, with totals at the bottom.
Sales income is simply the number of items sold, multiplied by the cost of
the item.
Open Road Tours
Mike's Bikes
National Tours
Motorcycle Touring
Handy Motorcycles
Suzie's Motorcycles
The spreadsheet also needs to show the commission earned by each sales agent for each type of product. The
commission rate is 8% of the sales revenue.
Once again, appropriate totals are required.
The manager has supplied a sketch showing
the basic layout she prefers. It is reproduced
The manager wants to be able to use charts
to compare the performance of her staff.
She wants a column chart that shows the
sales figures for each agent for each product.
The spreadsheet only has to handle figures
for a single year.
Figure 1 A sketch of the proposed layout.
Sales Agent
Odyssey Touring Supplies
Hal's Angles
Open Road Tours
Mike's Bikes
National Tours
Motorcycle Touring Warehouse
Handy Motorcycles
Suzie's Motorcycles
Trailer Sales
Touring Trailer
Camper Trailer
Commission Rate
Westgate Bike Trailers
Sales Income
$ 26,775.00 $ 25,872.00 $ 52,647.00 $ 2,142.00 $ 2,069.76
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
$ 4,211.76
Pass Level Test
You will need to complete an in-class test covering the basic requirements for this spreadsheet. You will be
provided with an Excel® file containing the Names of the sales agents, and their Sales figures for 2002 (These are
different from the sample details given above).
In order to pass the test, you will need to
Add columns for each of the required extra columns: sales income for each product, total sales income,
commissions for each product and total commissions.
Create appropriate formulae to calculate the values for each column.
Create the required totals.
Put all the values on the worksheet in an appropriate format.
Create a Column chart that compares the Sales figures for both products for all sales agents.
Protect the worksheet. All cells containing formulae or labels that are not expected to be used for input by the
user must be protected against accidental change. Cells expected to accept user input should be unprotected. Do
not use passwords for this exercise.
Credit Level Tasks
Up to 6 additional marks can be gained from completion of some or all of the following credit level tasks.
The client wants to be able to easily identify those sales agents with the best performance. She wants a
column in the spreadsheet, next to the names of the dealers, that shows the words “Premium Dealer” next to
any agents whose sales are above the average for all agents. The spreadsheet will need to calculate the
average of the value of the sales made by all the agents. It will show the words “Premium Dealer” next to the
name of any agents whose total sales (in dollars) are above average. [Hint: you will need an AVERAGE() and
an IF() function] (up to 1 mark)
Sales Bonus
The client also wants to set up a bonus scheme, where sales agents receive
0 – 19 None
a bonus for high sales levels. The type of award depends on the total
number of sales made by the agent. The range of incentives is shown in
20 – 29 $500 weekend away
the table at right. Use a VLOOKUP function to look up the table of
30 - 39 $1000 Holiday
incentives and to display the incentive each sales agent would receive. (Up
to 1½ marks)
40 - 49 Touring Trailer
On a separate sheet of the spreadsheet, create a table that allows the
50 or more Camping Trailer
manager to enter the name of a sales agent and see all of their sales figures
at a glance. An example of what it might look like is
Mike's Bikes
shown at right.
You will need to use the vlookup() function to put the
results on the form. (Up to 2 marks)
Use Data Validation to restrict the entry of sales
$12,495.00 $10,780.00 $23,725.00
figures in the main worksheet to numbers greater than
$862.40 $1,862.00
or equal to zero. Be sure to include appropriate input
alert and error messages. (Up to 1 mark)
In the table created in item #3, use data validation to restrict entry of the agent’s name to names selected from
the list of agents in the main worksheet. (Up to 1 mark)
Use macro buttons to automate frequently used operations. These may include:
 Moving the cursor to each of the main parts of the spreadsheet
 Printing the main data areas of the worksheet
 Saving the worksheet
 Displaying the chart. (up to 1½ marks)
Some help with VLOOKUP(), Macros and Drop-Down Lists is available at the BCO1102 Web site.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assignment 3a: - Database Basics Test
The Database Basics Test makes up 6% of the assessment for the subject.
In order to gain a pass in this test, you will be required to demonstrate to your workshop supervisor the basic
tasks necessary to complete the tasks specified below. This demonstration will take the form of a practical test,
conducted in the workshop on the date nominated in the subject guide. The test is compulsory. If you are
unable to complete the test unaided, you may try again the following week, but your mark for the test will be
reduced. The remainder of the database assignment will not be accepted if you have not completed the test
successfully. Completion of the test at the first attempt will be worth 6%. Completion of the test on second (or
later) attempt will be worth 3%
Case Study:
The manager of Westgate Motorcycle Trailers was quite impressed with the spreadsheet you provided earlier, but
now wishes to use an Access database to keep track of sales made by the sales agents. The range of products has
been considerably expanded and is shown in the “Products” table below. She has recorded the sales details for
2002 in an Access database. You are required to and complete the database to store the data and produce some
reports. You can obtain a copy from
The database provided has two tables:
The “Sales” table contains the data
shown at right:
“Sales” Table
Field Name
You will also be provided with a table
called “Agents” that contains the
Agent Code, Name and Location of
each Sales Agent.
You will need to create a new table
called “Products” that contains the entries listed at right.
The data in the table should be exactly as shown.
Pass Level Tasks
You will need to complete an in-class test covering the
basic requirements for this database. You will be provided
with an Access file containing the Sales, and the Agents
tables for 2002. (These will be in the same format as the
sample data)
Long Integer
Med Date
Long Integer
Identifies transaction
Date of sale
Identifies Sales Agent
Identifies the product
Number of units sold
C=Cash, Q=Cheque, E=EFT
Basic Utility Trailer
Lightweight Touring Trailer
Basic Touring Trailer
Deluxe Touring Trailer
Basic Camping Trailer
Deluxe Camping Trailer
$ 867.00
In order to pass the test, you will need to
Build a database to satisfy the manager’s requirements. Start with the database containing the “Sales” and
“Staff Details” tables, and use Microsoft Access® to create the extra “Products” table, with appropriate field
names, types and sizes.
Add the necessary data to the “Products” table.
Set up the relationships that join the tables. The joins should include all records from the “Sales” Table and
any corresponding records in the other tables. You should enforce referential integrity.
Create a columnar form, with the name “Sales”, which enables the operator to examine and edit all the
information in the “Sales” table. A Columnar form shows the details of a single record at a time.
Create a query called “Sales History” which brings together the information in the three tables. The query
should show the details listed below:
Invoice No
Agent Code
Product Code
Payment Type
Create a tabular report, called “Sales History” that displays the information from the “Sales History” query.
Note: a tabular report shows a whole record on each row.
Design a Query, called “Sales Details” that includes data from all tables. It should show all the information
listed in the “Sales History” query, as well as calculating the total value for each sales record. This is to be
calculated within the query, using the following rule. Total Value is (Quantity) * (Price).
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assignment 3b: - Database Design
This assignment is worth 6% of the marks for the subject.
For this assignment, you will prepare documentation for the database to be built in Assignment 3c.
The documentation will be assessed on the basis of content and presentation.
Handing in assignment:
Your assignment must be submitted in the workshop of the week it is due. It should be securely bound in a folder,
and should include at least the following:
 A disk containing copies of the word processing files. (Keep a copy of any disks submitted.)
 A completed ‘Cover Sheet For Assignments’ form. (This can be obtained from the School of Information
Systems office.)
 A printed copy of the documentation.
The documentation must include at least the following:
A covering letter to the Manager of Westgate Motorcycle Trailers (the client), including a brief outline of the
tasks covered by the worksheet. This should be a brief single page letter, to be saved as a separate file on disk.
It is expected that the letter will be in the form of a normal business letter.
 Design Document, containing:
Requirements Specifications
o A description of the tasks to be carried out by the database.
o Detailed descriptions of the reports and forms that will be produced. You may include diagrams to show
sample layouts.
Entity-Relationship Diagram and Data dictionary
o Showing the tables to be stored and specifying the data types and/or field sizes and the relationships
between the tables.
The Documentation need only cover the pass level requirements as laid out in the Case Study.
Assume that the reader is familiar with Microsoft Access. The documentation is intended to show what is being
designed, rather than how it will be built.
The documentation is expected to be prepared to a professional standard. Credit will be given for the use of
appropriate word processing techniques.
As a minimum standard, the documentation should show the use of appropriate text formatting methods, and have
suitable headers and footers, as well as appropriate headings and sub-headings.
The Entity Relationship diagram can be prepared using the drawing tools within MS Word or any other suitable
software that allows diagrams to be incorporated into a word processing document.
In order to gain full marks for this assignment, it is expected that you will make appropriate use of advanced word
processing features such as
Use tables to produce a suitable layout.
 Use named styles to set out headings and different types of text in your documents.
 Produce a Table of Contents for the User Manual, using Word's automatic Table of Contents generator.
An assignment which satisfies these requirements will be worth up to 6 marks.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Assignment 3c: - Database Implementation
The Database Implementation assignment makes up 10% of the assessment for the subject. The assignment is
to be handed in during the workshop of week 12.
 In order to gain a pass in this assignment, you will need to complete the database at least to the standard
described in the Pass Level Requirements below. If all Pass level requirements are not satisfied, no credit
will be given for Credit Level tasks. An assignment that satisfies all the Pass level tasks will be worth 5 marks.
It is strongly recommended that you complete the Pass level tasks early and have them checked by your
workshop leader to ensure you have met the minimum standard.
 You may also submit one or more of the Credit level tasks listed below. These will be worth additional
marks. Note that you do not have to do all the Credit level tasks to obtain full marks for the assignment.
 Your assignment must be submitted securely bound in a folder or plastic sleeve, and should include at least the
o A completed Assignment cover sheet (available from the office)
o A clearly labelled disk containing a copy of your worksheet. (Keep a copy of any disks submitted.)
o A printed copy of any forms and of the first page of any reports.
Case Study:
The manager of Westgate Motorcycle Trailers was rather taken with the work you provided earlier, but now wishes
to have an enhanced database to keep track of sales and customers. She asks you to design and build a database
system using Access to store the data and produce some reports.
The client has produced a spreadsheet containing the sales data for the past year as well as a list of all the customer
contact details. You can obtain a copy of the file from the BCO1102 website.
The Sales table has data on InvoiceNo, Date, AgentCode, ProductCode, CustomerNo, and PaymentType.
The Customer list includes CustomerID, Family Name, First Name, Address, City, Pcode and Phone
The product list and list of Sales Agents is unchanged from the previous database task.
The Client wishes to have a system that presents the user with an initial screen based form containing a number of
buttons. The buttons need to provide the following options.
A form to enable entry of new sales data.
A form to enable the user to inspect, edit and add entries to the list of Sales Agents.
 A form to enable the user to inspect, edit and add entries to the list of Sales Agents.
 A form to enable the user to inspect, edit and add to the list of customers.
 A report that shows the following details for each sale: Date, Invoice Number, Agent name, Product
Description and price, Customer Name Address and Phone number. The table should be sorted in order of
Customer Surname and Firstname.
 A report that shows all the sales details above as well as the Agent Code and Agent Location.
This report should be grouped by sales agent, and sorted by date. (i.e. the report is to be divided into sections,
one for each agent. Each section should begin with the Sales Agent’s details and hold all the data about each
sale. The details should be sorted by date.
 A summary report showing the total value of sales by each of the Sales Agents
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003
Pass Level Requirements
In order to pass the assignment, you will need to
Use MS Access to build the database to provide all the features listed above.
Import the data from the sample data spreadsheet provided, and add any additional data tables.
All Tables are to have suitable field descriptions visible in design view.
All Fields are to be designed with an appropriate format and/or size.
Appropriate Relationships are to be created for all tables. Referential integrity is to be enabled.
All forms and reports that use data from the database are to be based on queries rather than directly on tables.
All field sizes and formats in forms and reports are to be appropriate to the data displayed. E.g. a two
character Code does not need a space 15 characters wide, while a name might not fit into a narrow space.
Money should be shown in a $ format
All command buttons should have obvious meaning.
Credit Level Tasks
Additional marks beyond a pass can be gained by including some or all of the features described below.
Include data validation measures to ensure that only valid data is input. These may include:
o Use appropriate Validation rules and Validation text in tables to restrict the range of values that will be
accepted. (up to ½ mark)
o Use suitable form controls to limit some inputs (such as product codes) to those selected from a list. (up
to ½ mark)
o Use Visual Basic Code to ensure that all fields are correctly entered before processing a command.
(Warning: Not for the feint hearted) (up to 1 marks).
On the forms that allow tables to be inspected and edited, include command buttons for “Add”, “Delete” and
“Cancel” as well as “Search” and “Close”. (up to 1 mark)
On the forms that allow tables to be inspected and edited, include command buttons for “Next Record” and
“Previous Record” and remove the standard (too small) navigation controls that usually appear at the bottom
of a form. (up to 1 mark)
Create a form that will display data as a ‘Main/Subform’.
The main part of the form should display the details about a Sales Agent, while the subform should show
details of all their sales. Include some summary data (total sales etc.) in the main form. (up to 1 mark)
It has been discovered that many Lightweight Touring Trailers purchased between 14 August 2002 and 3
October 2002 had defective the plugs fitted to connect up the brake lights, tail lights and indicators. These
plugs may fail without warning and represent a danger to the rider. Use the Mail-Merge facility of MS Word
in combination with a query in MS Access to prepare a letter to be sent to all purchasers of Lightweight
Touring Trailers who purchased their trailers during the suspect period advising them of a safety recall.
Owners will need to return their trailers to the Sales Agents to have a replacement plug fitted free of charge.
(up to 2 marks)
Appropriate use of some other advanced feature of Access that you have negotiated in advance with your
workshop leader.
Information Systems for Business. Semester 1 2003