Whole Doc

24 December 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal Against Refusal of Outline Planning Permission
Land Between Hillside View and Greenlands Road, Peasedown St John, Bath
As you are aware, Pegasus Group recently submitted an appeal against the refusal of
planning permission for development at the above site on behalf of Edward Ware Homes.
The Appellant intends to submit an amended Illustrative Masterplan to the Planning
Inspectorate for consideration during the appeal. It is therefore necessary to consult
interested parties to notify them of the submission of such an amended plan.
The application was in outline form, with only access as a detailed matter for
determination. All other matters are reserved, therefore the Masterplan remains
Please find enclosed a copy of the following documents:
The previous Illustrative Masterplan as considered at Planning Committee
(Drg Ref: PL01 Rev F); and
Amended Illustrative Masterplan (Drg Ref: PL01 Rev G).
This plan incorporates the following amendments:
Additional public open space in place of removed business units to the south of
the site to extend green corridor onto Greenlands Road;
Removal of allotments to the north of the site to allow for relocation of apartment
building to align with terrace to the north;
Green corridor surrounding retained hedgerow widened to provide space and
access for maintenance to both sides of the hedge;
Dwellings to east of retained hedge turned to face hedge, with footpath included;
Additional tree planting in car parking area; and
Omission of building within ‘green square’.
Essentially, the amendments constitute an improvement to the scheme, which is made
possible by the removal of elements that were not principle controversial issues as raised
by the Planning Authority. The scheme is fundamentally unchanged as a proposal for 89
houses; however the minor realignment of some areas allowed for by the removal of the
allotments and business units results in additional opportunities for more space
surrounding the important hedgerow, better relationships with the form of adjacent
development and additional vegetation.
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If you have any comments on the amended plan, please send these to
, by
Yours faithfully
Jim Tarzey
Email: jim.tarzey@pegasusp.co.uk
Peter Kozak – PINs (by email)
Rachel Tadman – BaNES (by email)
Edward Ware – Edward Ware Homes (by email)
Suzanne Ornsby QC (by email)
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