Evaluation of Bachelor/Master in Business/Chemistry

Evaluation Form
for the evaluation of programmes in the CoRe-project
Name of the institution
Ghent University
Name of the qualification
Bachelor of Chemistry
Level of the programme
Tuning subject area
Information has been collected about the above-named qualification from three kinds of information
 Transcript
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
For each of the evaluation criteria mentioned below, please fill out which information has been found in
which information source. Based on this information, please mention the (substantial) differences with
the national system and draw an evaluation conclusion.
Entry Requirements
A diploma of secondary education;
A diploma of higher ‘short-type’ non-university college education with
full curriculum;
A diploma of advanced adult education (referred to in Flanders as
‘Social Promotion Education’, with the exception of the Teaching
Proficiency Certificate; or a certificate of studies taken, which, under
applicable statutory regulations, European directives or international
covenants is duly recognised as being equivalent to one of the
diplomas detailed above
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
Not included
Formal Duration and Study Load
180 ECTS credits = 25-30 hours/credit
829 hours Semester 1; 795 Semester 2; 828 Semester 3; 770
Semester 4; 780 Semester 5; less than 900 Semester 6
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
Not included
Structure and Contents
158 credits derived from course units in chemistry, physics, biology or
mathematics – including a Bachelor project of 18 credits:
Mathematics I: Fundamental methods
Physics I: Mechanics
General chemistry I: Structure of matter
Foundations of cell biology and genetics
Introduction to organic structures
Informatics: information retrieval and editing
Mathematics II: fundamental methods in mathematics and statistics
Physics II: waves, optics and thermophysics
General chemistry II: changes in matter
Geology: system Earth
Chemistry, society and ethics
Applied mathematics for chemists
Inorganic chemistry: basic principles
Physical chemistry I: chemical thermodynamics
Organic chemistry: reactivity
Analytical chemistry: principles
Organic chemistry: reactivity
General biochemistry: molecules of life
Chemical bond
Structural analysis
Organic chemistry: reactivity
Spectroscopic methods of analysis
Environment, safety and quality
Introduction to polymer science
Quantum chemistry
Physical chemistry II: electrochemistry, chemical kinetics
Synthetic methods in organic chemistry
Analytical separation methods
Crystal chemistry
Bachelor’s project
Philosophy and science
Economic English III
Company Law
Molecular genetic basics of biotechnology
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
Not included
Formal Rights
Access to the Chemistry Masters programmes offered by the
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
Access to a Masters programmes
Function of the Programme
Access to the Chemistry Masters programmes offered by the
Diploma Supplement
Competence profile
Access to a Masters programmes
(Substantial) Differences with UK system
There are no substantial differences between this degree and a UK degree in Chemistry
Evaluation Conclusion
This degree would be considered comparable to a British Bachelor degree
Analysis Form
for the evaluation of the competence profile
The main goal of the CoRe-project is to evaluate the value of a competence profile for the purpose of
international recognition of foreign qualifications. In order to evaluate the competence profile of this
particular qualification, please answer the questions below.
Does the competence profile contain relevant additional information?
(which could not be found in the transcript and/or Diploma Supplement)
Not really, the transcript was very comprehensive including specific outcomes of the different
years within the degree, and appendices breaking down into further detail the modules
Are the formulations of competences clear, brief and specific?
No, they are divided into 3 categories but these are embedded in text and unclear, possibly too
specific regarding the chemical competences.
Competence targets for a Bachelor in Chemistry
Evaluation comments
1. Chemistry-related cognitive abilities and skills
Knowledge and understanding of essential aspects
concerning chemical terminology, nomenclature,
conventions and units
Knowledge and understanding of description and
properties of different states of matter, concepts and
principles of chemical thermodynamics, quantum
mechanics, chemical kinetics
Knowledge and understanding description and
mechanistic interpretation of the most important
chemical reactions, properties (inclusive structural
aspects) of the elements and the compounds, main
synthetic reaction pathways in organic chemistry, the
relation between the bulk properties of matter and the
properties the individual particles, basic knowledge of
macromolecular chemistry, chemical processes of
biological molecules
Able to apply the knowledge within broader contexts
related to chemical sciences
Able to apply the knowledge to solve qualitative and
quantitatively problems of a chemical nature, and can
adopt and apply methodology to the solution of
chemistry-related problems.
Able to apply their knowledge in a broader context
related to chemical sciences
2. Skills related to the conduct of laboratory work
Able to conduct a whole range of laboratory
procedures and use of instrumentation in synthetic
and analytical work
Able to perform experimental work accurate and to
evaluate the experimental results critically and
Have the ability to present the results and
interpretations in a scientific way (written as well as
oral communication)
3. Generic Skills
Have acquired numeracy and calculation skills and
correct use of units, information technology skills
such as word processing and spreadsheet use, data
logging and storage, subject-related use of the
Have the ability to reflect on the ethical and
environmental responsibilities, linked to the
application of their knowledge and judgements and
are able to engage in team-working. In the mean
time they have the ability to work autonomously
They have learned the learning skills that allow them
to continue to study in a manner that may be largely
self-directed or autonomous, and to take
responsibility for their own professional development
They have attained a standard of knowledge and
competence which will give them access to Master
What information is missing in the competence profile?
Entry Requirements
Duration and study load
Information on structure and content of the course
Specific outcomes within the field of chemistry
Does the information in the competence profile give you a better
understanding of the level and content of the programme?
Yes, but the transcript also provides the outcomes and a better understanding
Does the information in the competence profile affect your evaluation
Please give your comments and/or recommendations for the improvement
of the competence profile for recognition purposes.
The structure in its current format makes it difficult to identify the outcomes easily. The
outcomes once identified are too specific and it is possible to become lost in the detail, the
profile would benefit from more generic outcomes for the graduates of this programme.