Science 9 Physical Science: Characteristics of Electricity (CE) Criteria Mastery 4 Great work! This is going extra well for you! Independent 3 You did it and you did it on your own! I am connecting…I am applying… I got it! Instructional 2 Good start. You are beginning to make sense of this on your own. I need some help Intervention 1 Spend some extra time with the criteria and ask for help. I am stuck and need direction. Level EU 9.1 (SI) Inquire → into motion and characteristics of astronomical bodies in the solar system and universe How do we identify astronomical bodies in the universe? EU 9.2 (SI) Analyze→ scientific explanation of the formation and evolution of our solar system and the universe I can explain the development of models of astronomical motion including discoveries that moved that understanding forward. I understand and can apply my knowledge to make predictions about similar phenomena on another planet. I can describe the motion of most astronomical bodies in the solar system and universe. I can point out differences and similarities between types of astronomical bodies. I have some understanding o the motion of astronomical bodies but will need to work and get help in order to make this clear to me. I can provide description and critique scientific theories of the formation and evolution of the universe. I can describe the motion of astronomical bodies in the solar system and universe. I can point out differences and similarities between types of astronomical bodies. I understand motion and characteristics of astronomical bodies in the solar system and universe and can use this knowledge to explain phenomena I can see from earth. I can use the evidence presented to support current scientific theories and the formation of the universe and solar system. I can give a description of the scientific explanation and theories of the formation of the universe and solar system. I can provide a vague or irrelevant description of the scientific theories of the formation and evolution of the universe. I can compare/contrast, using detailed explanations, various cultures’ explanations of astronomical events. I can provide explanations of how astronomical occurrences are interpreted by various cultures. I can provide explanations of how at least one culture describe astronomical happenings. I recognize that various cultures have their own explanation for astronomical events, but I need to seek additional help in organizing and relating this information. I can give a detailed description of human technologies by using programs that were developed for space exploration. I can give a description of a human technology or a program developed for space exploration. How has the universe evolved? How has our understanding changed over time? EU 9.3 (CP) Examine → how cultures represent and understand astronomical phenomena How can astronomical phenomenon be interpreted? EU 9.4 (DM, TPS) Analyze → human capabilities for exploring/understanding universe (technologies and programs that support exploration) How can we explore space? Why should we explore space?