Cardboard Construction Project –

Cardboard Construction Project – Inspired by “Three Cheers for Chairs”
For this project your task is to create a cardboard chair without using any fasteners, tape or
adhesives. The inspiration for this assignment is the article titled “Three Cheers for Chairs”
which you have already read.
One important difference with your assignment is that you must build your chair as a 1/2 scale
model. This means that testing each chair’s tolerance will not involve a person sitting on it but
instead we will place weights on each one to see if it can carry the load.
One quote from the article that I want you to focus on is, “design doesn’t just happen.”
Professor Glen Hougan is reinforcing the importance of working through a number of different
solutions. Please keep this in mind throughout the entire design process.
Here are the requirements for this project:
You have been assigned a partner and you will work with this person. Both of you must complete
the sketches individually. At the beginning of the project you will indicate on the sheet provided
who was responsible for the designated sections of the ‘chair’ construction. At the end of the
construction you will re-evaluate partner participation. At any time during the construction
phase should it be evident that you are not participating either by wasting time or absences or
other undesirable behavior, your participation in the ‘partnership’ will be terminated and you will
not be given value for the finished product regardless of any participation up to that point.
In groups of 4 you will brainstorm different designs for your chair. Groups are assigned. Then
individually you will complete the following:
1. First of all you must complete 4 sketches of your potential chair designs. These designs
should be distinctly different. Remember there are many different types of chairs
including stools (with backs), rocking chairs, benches, etc.
2. Measure two chairs/stools at home to determine appropriate measurements of all sections
of the chair. Record the measurements and hand in on Monday, December 5 at the beginning
of class.
3. Next I would like you to choose one of your four designs and on separate sheets of paper
sketch the complete chair (in 4 viewports—TOP, FRONT, SIDE, PERSPECTIVE -- 2 views
to a sheet) and each component of the chair that will have to fit together (2 pieces to a
sheet). This might include the legs, seat, side, back, etc. Identify in your sketch how each
piece goes together (use of tabs, folds, etc.). Identify each sheet with name, view, and
Page 2
4. Construct a mini-version of your chair using large index cards or file folders. When that
5. Create a highly refined sketch for this design on 11” x 17” paper. Your refined sketch
should have accurate measurements (based on your chair). On separate sheets of paper (blue
lined paper provided), sketch each component of the chair that will have to fit together.
6. The last step before construction starts is to render your 1/2 scale model. This means all
your original dimensions will be divided by three. Please create a version of your model in
Rhino with the scaled measurements shown.
7. Build your model from cardboard using the one sheet of cardboard issued to you. Initial all
cut-out pieces.
Evaluation Criteria
Initial sketches
(plus additional in-class requirements)
-are they well drawn?
-are they distinctly different?
Refined sketch -are all measurements shown?
-are the parts labeled?
-does it show how things are put together?
Component sketches -is each part of the chair represented?
-can they be constructed from cardboard?
-are all measurements shown?
Rhino depiction
-does it look like the refined sketch?
-are all measurements shown?
-has it been converted to 1/3 scale?
Minature model
-is it well constructed (straight cuts, ?
-will it hold the weight?
Here are some VERY informative websites to check out: VERY IMPORTANT SITE (have to scroll a bit—link on
armchair does not work, but this is an interesting example.
catalogue of cardboard furniture
DUE DATE: December 14