Spatial pattern and scale of Everglades macroinvertebrate communities along nutrient and hydroperiod gradients Shawn E. L. Smith, Joel C. Trexler, Florida International University, Miami, FL The periphyton mat and its associated invertebrate community are an integral part of the Everglades food web, so it is important to understand their distribution and response to variation in the physical environment. While several groups have described macroinvertebrate community dynamics across a nutrient gradient, the consistency of these patterns across a range of hydroperiods has not been addressed. In Fig 1: Floating periphyton mat in wet prairie Eleocharis sp. slough. this study we sought to determine the spatial scale and distribution of the floating periphyton mat and its associated macroinvertebrate community. We used this information to design a sampling study that sought to describe the response of the community to both enrichment and variation in hydroperiod. A deeper understanding of these community dynamics will enable researchers to better identify trophic interactions and determine the impact of environmental stressors on this system. In the wet-season of 2000 we conducted an intensive sampling survey in 10 m northern Shark River Slough, ENP to describe the densities of macroinvertebrates in the 90 m floating mat and to detect 2 1m any spatial patterns that may exist between 0.5 and 90 m. Four sites were established approximately Fig 2: Nested-L sampling design for 1 km apart along a transect each site (each dot represents 1 sample) parallel to slough flow. At each site, approximately 100 6-cm diameter cores were taken from the periphyton mat in a nested-L pattern (Fig. 2) in both July and November 2000. Epiphytic algae in the water column was sampled in the absence of a floating periphyton mat. All animals greater than 1 mm in length were removed and identified to lowest feasible taxonomic resolution. Epiphytic algae samples differed from periphyton samples in both physical structure and community composition. We found that periphyton from the floating mat contained more inorganic CaCO3 than epiphytic algae from the water column (P=0.054), while it contained 350-550% more amphipods and 50-175% more Dasyhelia spp. Epiphytic algae, however, contained 25-50% more chironomids than surface periphyton. From July to November we saw an increase in water depth, periphyton percent cover, and abundance of all major invertebrate groups (P<0.01). While we saw more spatial variation in July when abundances were lower, a nested ANOVA revealed no general patterns in spatial variation at any scale. Analysis of semivariance also failed to detect significant spatial patterns at a scale smaller than 25 m. Total number of invertebrates /g AFDW In December 2002 we sampled sites at two levels of phosphorus enrichment (enriched and unenriched) and three hydroperiods (short: <200 days since last dry-down; long: >400 days since last dry-down; and very long: >4000 days since last dry-down) in a factorial design. This was replicated in WCA-3A and Shark River Slough, ENP, although no ‘very long’ sites were available in Shark River Slough. At each site, 15 6-cm diameter periphyton mat cores and 15 6-cm diameter benthic floc cores were taken within a 10 x 10 m 600 area. Soil, floc, and periphyton Hydroperiod were also collected and 500 Short (<200 days) analyzed for total phosphorus. Long (>400 days) We failed to find any 400 Very Long (>4000 days) significant differences in the total number of invertebrates 300 from the two areas, or consistent patterns in the total 200 number of invertebrates in sites with different hydroperiods. It 100 was clear, however, that enrichment caused almost a three-fold increase in the total 0 Enriched Unenriched number of invertebrates in each Nutrient Level sample (P<0.001). We also Fig 3: Effect of the interaction of enrichment saw a significant interaction and hydroperiod on the density of macrobetween hydroperiod and invertebrates in the periphyton mat enrichment. We found that when short hydroperiod sites were enriched, they experienced almost a six-fold increase in the total number of invertebrates (P<0.001), with more than twice as many invertebrates as any other enriched sites (Fig. 3). Similar results were found when most taxonomic groups were treated individually. This research was funded in part by the NSF Florida Coastal Everglades LongTerm Ecological Research Program and a US EPA STAR Fellowship. Shawn, Smith, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, FL 33199, Phone: 305-348-4032, Fax: 305348-1986,