Freezing or wrapping, the role of particle size behind the mechanism of nanoparticle − biomembrane interaction Shengwen Zhang, Andrew Nelson,* Paul A. Beales* Centre for Molecular Nanoscience, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.; KEYWORDS nanoparticle, giant unilamellar vesicles, supported monolayer, membrane interactions, lipid lateral mobility, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ABSTRACT Understanding the interactions between nanoparticles (NPs) and biological matter is a high priority research area due to the importance of elucidating the physical mechanisms underlying the interactions leading to NP potential toxicity as well as NP viability as therapeutic vectors in nanomedicine. Here, we use two model membrane systems, giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and supported monolayers, to demonstrate the competition between adhesion and elastic energy at the nano-bio interface, leading to different mechanisms of NPs − membrane interaction relating to NP size. Small NPs (18 nm) cause a ‘freeze-effect’ of otherwise fluid phospholipids, significantly decreasing phospholipid lateral mobility. The release of tension through stress-induced fracture mechanics results in a single microsize hole in the 1 GUVs after interaction. Large particles (>78 nm) promote membrane-wrapping, which leads to an increased lipid lateral mobility and the eventual collapse of the vesicles. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy on the supported monolayer model confirms that different sized NPs interact differently with the phospholipids within close vicinity of the electrode during the lipid desorption process. The timescale of these processes are in accordance with the proposed NP/GUV interaction mechanism. 2 1. Introduction With the advance of nanoparticle (NP) engineering, intensive investigations into their potential industrial and biomedical applications have been initiated.1-3 Various studies using NPs to assist the intracellular delivery and controlled release of drug molecules have shown encouraging results.4,5 However, significant safety concerns have arisen, with supporting findings from cytotoxicity studies.2, 6, 7 Thus, the issue addressing how NPs interact with the biomembrane has become a pressing concern.1, 2 Whether NPs are seen as the therapeutic solution to enhanced drug delivery or a potential health threat, the mechanisms behind the NP-biomembrane interactions are yet to be fully established. The complexities of cell membranes and the diverse properties of NPs make it extremely challenging to study the interactions between the plasma membrane and NPs. This work takes a reductionist approach to study the interactions between spherical SiO2 NPs with narrow size distributions and dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) model membranes at physiological pH. It has been reported that SiO2 NPs adsorb on the biomembrane surface8 and SiO2 NPs across a broad range of particle sizes perturb the permeability barrier of biomembranes, even at very low concentrations.9 Two complementary model membrane systems, giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) and supported monolayers, are used in this work. Free-standing bilayer GUVs are of a similar size and morphology to native cells and facilitate microscale imaging and analysis,10-12 while supported monolayers allow detailed electrochemical investigations at the molecular level.13 DOPC is used as the sole component for the biomembranes, eliminating possible complexities arising from compositionally-distinct domains in multi-component mixtures. DOPC has a melting temperature (Tm) ≈ −20 °C, hence is in a fluid, physiologically relevant state at room temperature. Moreover, Hg supported DOPC monolayers have been reported to undergo a series of well-defined and reversible electric field induced reorientations (Figure SI-1).13-16 Monitoring how these structural transitions are influenced by extraneous stimuli gives insight into the interactions at this nano-bio interface. 3 2. Experimental Section 2.1. Materials DOPC and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(lissamine rhodamine B sulfonyl) (18:1 Liss Rhod PE) were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc. (Alabaster, AL). Dextran, Alexa Fluor 647, 10,000 MW was obtained from Invitrogen Molecular Probes. Colloidal SiO 2 NPs (LUDOX SM-30) with 18 nm (dia) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich Ltd. 30 wt% suspension in water. Colloidal SiO2 microspheres of 78 nm were purchased from Polyscience, Inc. as 5 wt% aqueous dispersion. 180 nm AngstromSphere SiO2 particles were purchased from Fiber Optic Center Inc. as dry form and dispersed in water according to the technique provided by the supplier. The particle size was measured in both 100 mM KCl + 10 mM PBS and 165 mM NaCl + 10 mM HEPES electrolyte at a particle concentration of 500 g mL-1 (Zetasizer Nano S, Malvern Instruments Ltd.). The SiO2 colloidal systems are stable for at least 3 days. 2.2. Methods Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) measurements were conducted on DOPC GUVs. GUVs were prepared by the electroformation technique in a 300 mM sucrose solution described previously from DOPC with 0.5 mol % fluorophore (Liss Rhod PE).12 The experiment was conducted at room temperature. Confocal laser scanning inverted microscope Zeiss LSM T-PMT/LSM700 and Zeiss ZEN software were used for the experiments. Glass bottom culture dishes (MatTek), pretreated with 10 % BSA solution to prevent GUVs adhering to the glass, were used for microscopy. Microscope buffer (10 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1- piperazineethanesulfonic acid + 165 mM NaCl) of pH 7.4 was added such that GUVs sedimented to the bottom of sample and sat on cover slip. The FRAP data fitting was performed with IGOR Pro (Wavemetrics, Inc). 4 Electrochemical studies were performed on DOPC monolayers supported on mercury film electrodes (MFEs). The fabrication of the wafer based MFEs had been described previously.14, 17, 18 All potentials in this paper were quoted versus the potential of a Ag/AgCl:3.5 mol dm–3 KCl reference electrode separated from the electrolyte by a porous glass frit and a Pt counter electrode (Metrohm UK Ltd.). Supported DOPC monolayers on MFEs were developed by initially spreading 13 μL of a 2.54 mmol dm−3 solution of DOPC in pentane (HPLC grade, Fisher Scientific Chemicals Ltd.) at the argon|electrolyte interface in the electrochemical cell, followed by slowly lowering the MFE through the phospholipid on the electrolyte interface.14, 19, 20 The integrity of the monolayer was confirmed with rapid cyclic voltammetry between −0.2 and −1.6 at 40 V s–1.14 The KCl (0.1 mol dm–3) electrolyte was prepared from Analar KCl (Fisher Chemicals Ltd.) calcined at 600 °C for 5 h and dissolved in 18.2 MΩ Milli-Q water with added 0.01 mol dm–3 phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The impedance spectroscopy measurements were carried out by applying the logarithmically distributed frequencies between 65000 and 0.1 Hz at −0.35 V, the position of zero charge (PZC) for Hg, and −1.32 V (the DOPC desorption potential) using Autolab (Ecochemie, Utrecht, Netherlands).14, 19, 20 An AC amplitude of 0.002 V was applied during the measurements. The impedance data obtained were then transformed with EXCEL (Microsoft) to the complex capacitance plane, plotting C’ vs –C” in the unit of F cm-2. All the electrochemical measurements were conducted in a Faraday cage. At the desorption potential, the RC time constants were obtained from the impedance data: RC = 1/(2f1), with f1 as the characteristic frequency for this process where the imaginary capacitance reaches a maximum value. The electrode capacitance, C, can then be calculated from C = RC / Ru, of which Ru is the uncompensated resistance. The second relaxation process of DOPC desorption with and without the presence of NPs can be analyzed in a similar manner, except for the adsorption of 182 nm particles, of which is calculated from an impedance model developed for this system. 14, 19, 20 3. Results and Discussion 5 3.1. NP-biomembrane interactions on GUVs Morphology of the GUVs is studied by confocal microscopy. The morphology changes of GUVs after interacting with SiO2 NPs are remarkably dependent on the size of NPs. Significantly, 18 nm NPs create unusual crinkles and permanent holes in GUVs (Figure 1a-d), transforming the previously smooth, spherical GUVs into crumpled ‘paper bags’ with microscale openings. These unusual holes and curvatures on the GUVs are also shown in 2D (Figure 1d). 10 kDa fluorescent dextran was added to these samples and was observed to immediately enter deformed GUVs, confirming that these are indeed holes, not dye-excluding lipid domains. In rare events, the spherical GUV buckles into a ‘helmet’ morphology without forming a micropore (Figure 1c). Nonetheless, crumpled, ‘pot’-shaped vesicles with a single micropore are more commonly observed. In direct contrast, the outcome of the interaction between GUVs and 182 nm particles is dramatically different. During the initial interaction, wrapping events can be clearly observed on the surface of GUVs (Figure 1e). These wrapping events deplete the lipids, and eventually lead to GUV breakdown. This striking size-dependence of the NP-biomembrane interaction can also be observed in their distinctly different effects on lipid lateral mobility. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is employed to investigate the modifications in lipid lateral mobility.21 Diffusion coefficients, D, are calculated based on the mobility of lipid-based fluorescent probes within the bilayer of GUVs. Normalized fluorescence recovery curves are presented in Figure 2. The FRAP data are fitted to a classic fluorescence recovery model:22, 23 f(t) = A × {exp(−2τD/t) × [I0(2τD/t) + I1(2τD/t)]} (1) in which t is time, A is the recovery level, τD is characteristic recovery time, I0 and I1 are modified Bessel functions of the first kind. Diffusion is calculated from D = w2/4τD (w is the radius of the circular bleached area).22 6 Figure 1. Confocal laser scanning microscopy of DOPC GUVs after NPs interactions: (a-d) GUVs after 20 min interaction with 18 nm SiO2: (a, b) reconstituted 3D images of GUVs with unusual curvature and stabilized holes; (c) a helmet shaped GUV; (d) 2D confocal image of deformed GUVs and dextran fluorescence leakage after interaction with 18 nm 25 μg mL-1 SiO2 NPs; (e) 3D reconstruction of a GUV 7 interacting with 182 nm SiO2 NPs; (f) schematic view of our interpretation of the effect of size on the NP-membrane interactions: small NPs adsorb on to the membrane (top) and the membrane wraps the large NPs (bottom). Depth profile is shown in Figure a, b, c, and e. Insets to c: 2D and 3D view of the same GUV; insets to d, additional deformed vesicles from the same experiment; inset to e: 2D view of a GUV undergoing a wrapping event. Figure 2. Representative FRAP recovery curves of DOPC in the presence of 18 nm SiO2, 78 nm SiO2, and 182 nm SiO2 with particle concentration of 500 μg mL-1. Recovery curves are fit to equation (1) for each data set presented (red lines). Inset presents the initial recoveries and the fittings. The good fits of this model to our data in Figure 2 suggest that the intramembrane molecular dynamics of DOPC with and without the presence of NPs are well described by a single characteristic diffusion coefficient. Attempts to fit the fluorescence recovery using two coexisting diffusion coefficients within the membrane did not improve the fits. This confirms that, on microscopic length scales, the GUV bilayers display uniform lipid dynamics, suggesting that the membrane consists of a single homogeneous phase on these length scales. Mean values of diffusion coefficient are listed in Table 1. Typical recovery level is between 90 – 95%, which we attribute to bleaching of the fluorophores. 8 Table 1. Mean diffusion coefficients of DOPC in GUVs before and after the interactions with SiO2 NPs (datasets ranging between 6 to 12 GUVs per measurement). Sample NP concentration D (μm2 s-1) S.D. ± GUV 0 3.10 0.34 18 nm 5 g mL-1 3.12 0.64 25 g mL-1 0.61 0.72 50 g mL-1 0.18 0.12 500 g mL-1 0.25 0.14 50 g mL-1 3.01 0.37 500 g mL-1 5.64 1.80 50 g mL-1 2.66 0.36 500 g mL-1 7.14 2.40 78 nm 182 nm We find that small NPs substantially decrease lipid mobility, while larger NPs lead to a discernible increase in lateral diffusion in the membrane. The average lateral diffusion coefficient (D) in DOPC GUVs is 3.1 ± 0.34 μm2 s-1 (Table 1) and is consistent with literature values.24, 25 We observe a negligible change in D when the GUVs are exposed to SiO2 NPs at low concentrations, e.g. 5 μg mL-1 for 18 nm NPs, 50 μg mL-1 for 78 nm and 182 nm particles. Significantly, D decreases when increasing the concentration of 18 nm SiO2 NPs. This decrease is also dependent on incubation time, suggesting a progressive interaction, and is ~45 times lower after 60 minutes’ interaction with 18 nm NPs (Figure SI2). This progressive decrease in lipid mobility suggests that the ‘freeze-effect’ does not proceed by a sharp first order phase transition as would be expected for a thermodynamic fluid-to-gel phase transformation in a membrane crossing its Tm. Notably, D increases after exposing DOPC membranes to high doses of 182 nm and 78 nm NPs. The increased mobility is attributed to defects in the GUV 9 membrane created by the wrapping mechanism. Moreover, the substantially larger SD suggests that these disorganized lipids are far from equilibrium. 3.2. NP-biomembrane interactions on supported monolayers Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a non-invasive, yet extremely sensitive method to study interactions at the lipid interface. In this work, EIS is applied to corroborate the interactions of the DOPC assemblies with SiO2 particles and to gain further insight into the mechanisms at the molecular level. In this classical model of a DOPC monolayer supported on a Hg electrode, the configuration of the assembled phospholipids can be varied by altering the applied electric field (Figure SI-1). Close to the PZC of Hg13 an intact DOPC monolayer exists with its apolar tail groups physically associated with the apolar Hg surface14, 15, 17, 20 resembling the outer leaflet of phospholipid bilayer vesicles. Such a supported monolayer can be electrically represented by a simple RC circuit of solution resistance R and monolayer capacitance, C, in series. Following an EIS measurement, this circuit gives rise to a single RC semi-circle in the complex capacitance plot19 with a specific capacitance of ~1.8 μF cm–2 (Figure 3a.1). Some impedance terminologies are illustrated in Figure SI-3. Primary EIS results suggest that SiO2 particles of all sizes adsorb on supported monolayers but do not alter the dielectric constant or thickness of the DOPC monolayer. The monolayer capacitance is not significantly modified after interaction with each of the three SiO2 NP samples (Figure 3.a.1), as is also confirmed by AC voltammetry results (Figure SI-4). However, additional and identical capacitive elements arise at low frequencies after DOPC interaction with all sizes of NPs (Figure 3a.2), showing a similar structural interference of adsorbed NPs with a well-oriented phospholipid monolayer.8, 19, 20 The high affinity of DOPC for Hg compared to SiO2 constrains the lipids to the Hg electrode and therefore allows us to separate the initial NP adsorption process from subsequent structural changes in the lipid layer induced by NP – DOPC interactions. This can be clearly demonstrated by quantitative comparison of relative adhesion energies: at the PZC of Hg, DOPC has a spreading pressure, or adhesion energy, of 10 52 10-3 J m-2,13 much greater than the adhesion energy between SiO2 and phosphatidylcholine, which has been measured as 0.5 − 1 10-3 J m-2.26 Thus particles of all sizes adsorb on the DOPC layer on Hg at this potential. Crucially, the size-dependence of the NP-biomembrane interaction becomes evident near the lipid desorption potential, where the lipids can leave the Hg electrode and freely interact with the NPs in solution. Close to the lipid desorption potential, the surface pressure, or adhesion energy, of DOPC on Hg approaches zero.13 This allows the lipids to leave the Hg surface and to interact freely with the NPs, yet still physically remain in the vicinity of the electrode.15 At high frequencies, the lipids (and NPs) are outside the double-layer of the electrode, giving an extrapolated characteristic capacitance of ~20 μF cm-2, typical for an uncoated Hg electrode (Figure 3b.4).13, 14 At low frequencies, adsorbed NPs substantially alter the secondary low frequency relaxation process and this modification is dependent on the NP diameter (Figure 3b). The secondary relaxations of the impedance profile represent the adsorption-desorption of charged species into and out of the electrode double-layer13, 20 coupled with the fluctuating electric field. Time constants, τ, for this movement are presented in Figure 3b.4. In the absence of NPs, τ is associated with the movement of desorbed DOPC assemblies, which are formed when the DOPC bilayer structures leave the electrode surface. Notably, τ is 11 times smaller in the presence of 18 nm NPs, suggesting that small NPs adsorbed on DOPC stabilize the SiO2-lipid bilayer transition state within the Debye length of the electrode, hence facilitating adsorption-desorption of DOPC. In contrast, τ is two orders of magnitude larger in the presence of 182 nm particles, indicating a hindered adsorption-desorption process, where desorbed phospholipids wrap around large particles moving away from the electrode surface. These results are consistent with our findings from the GUV experiments indicating that desorbed DOPC bilayer structures wrap around the larger particles and form hybrid organic-inorganic structures away from the electrode surface. The extended mechanism of bilayer wrapping hinders the lipid adsorption-desorption process in the presence of the electric field. 11 Figure 3. Impedance spectroscopy presented in complex-capacitance plane of supported DOPC monolayer on Hg in 0.1 mol dm–3 KCl with 0.01 mol dm–3 PBS buffer pH 7.4 before and after 50 minutes’ interaction with SiO2 NPs of 500 μg mL-1 at (a) -0.35 V with schematic view presented in a.2; 12 (b) -1.32 V with a schematic view of the interactions of b.1: DOPC; b.2: DOPC with 18 nm SiO 2; b.3: DOPC with 182 nm SiO2; b.4: summary of time constant (black dot) and extrapolated zero frequency capacitance (blue triangle) with error bar marking the SD from a set of 3 experiment results. In general, particle size, shape, charge density, surface chemistry and crystallinity determine how particles interact with biomembranes.3 In this current system, we interpret our observations to arise from the balance between adhesion and elastic energies at the membrane surface.27 Quantitative analysis shows that the bending energy barrier for DOPC membranes around 18 nm NPs is two orders of magnitude larger than that for 182 nm NPs (Supporting Information – 5). Thus, the energy required for membrane bending is the dominant barrier when particles are small,27, 28 suppressing membrane wrapping.29 Adhesion arises from Van der Waals forces and electrostatic interaction between the negative charges (circa 2 µC cm-2)30 on the SiO2 surface and the positively charged region of the DOPC P−–N+ dipole, which is believed to alter the tilt angle of the head group, condensing the surface area per lipid.31 This increased lipid packing density reduces lateral mobility, resulting in a rigid membrane with high lateral tension, i.e. a ‘freeze-effect’. This tension is eventually released through stress-induced fracture mechanics, which creates a single microsize hole in the membrane. In a recent study with binary GUVs, solidification of membranes has been shown to cause pores in the presence of surfactants that minimize the line tension created at the rim of the pore.32 Therefore we suggest that small SiO2 NPs may also function as ‘line-actant’ to stabilize holes within biomembranes. Since the adhesion energy between SiO2 and phosphatidylcholine membranes is in the range of 0.5 − 1 10-3 J m-2,26 we can estimate that bending and adhesive energies equate for a particle size in the range 28 − 40 nm (Supporting Information – 5). For 182 nm particles (clearly outside this range), wrapping is energetically more favorable, as observed by fluorescence microscopy and supported by electrochemical results. NPs of 78 nm diameter interact with DOPC GUVs in a similar, but less aggressive manner. A 13 moderate increase of lipid lateral mobility gradually followed by GUV breakdown is observed, which is also attributed to the defects in the GUVs created by the wrapping mechanism. A phospholipid matrix forms the major part of the plasma membrane, implying NP-phospholipid interactions alone can compromise its barrier function.9 Indeed, recent work with lung alveolar carcinoma cells suggests non-endocytotic uptake of the very same 18 nm SiO2 NPs at 4 °C, a temperature at which active membrane trafficking through ATP driven endocytosis is inhibited.33 Therefore, the fundamental NP-biomembrane interaction mechanisms we report here are still applicable to complex biomembrane systems and biological cells, and will facilitate further work in both nanomedicine and nanotoxicology. Conclusions With highly consistent observations at microscopic and molecular length scales, we demonstrate the size-dependent interaction mechanisms between NPs and biomembrane models. Small NPs cause a ‘freeze-effect’ of otherwise fluid phospholipids, significantly decreasing phospholipid lateral mobility. The tension created is released through stress-induced fracture mechanics resulting in micro-sized opening in GUVs. Large particles promote membrane-wrapping, which leads to moderate increases of lipid lateral mobility and the eventual collapse of the vesicles. The size-dependent interaction mechanisms are confirmed electrochemically using the same phospholipids within close vicinity of the electrode during the lipid desorption process. The size-dependent mechanisms of NPs − membrane interaction are attributed to the competition between adhesion and elastic energy at the nano-bio interface. ASSOCIATED CONTENT SUPPORTING INFORMATION 14 Details of electrochemical data analysis and supplementary information on the model membrane systems are available in Supporting Information. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Authors: * Tel: +44 113 343 6409. Fax: +44 113 343 6452. E-mail: * Tel: +44 113 343 9101. Fax: +44 113 343 6452. E-mail: ACKNOWLEDGMENT A.N. and S.Z. thank the Brian Mercer Award for Innovation (2008) from the Royal Society (U.K.) for funding this work. P.B. thanks the Biomedical and Health Research Centre (BHRC) in Leeds for funding and support. This work is also supported by the ENNSATOX programme funded by EU FP7 under grant agreement no. NMP-229244. ABBREVIATIONS DOPC, dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine; EIS, electrochemical I mpedance spectroscopy; FRAP, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; GUV, giant unilamellar vesicles; MFE, mercury film electrode; NP, nanoparticles; PZC, position of zero charge. REFERENCES 1. Nel, A.; Xia, T.; Madler, L.; Li, N., Toxic Potential of Materials at the Nanolevel. Science 2006, 311, (5761), 622-627. 15 2. 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