Clark College Vancouver, Washington B Fall 2009 TEC 087—Applied Office English 3 cr. Syllabus Class Information Section B Monday/Wednesday Scarpelli Hall 217 1:15-2:30 p.m. Instructor Information Marilyn Hale Office: Scarpelli Hall 208 Office Hours: M/W 10-12 or by appointment 992-2224 Course Description This course reviews and develops fundamental skills in dictionary use, spelling, business vocabulary, editing, word usage, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. It provides practice in basic writing skills for business letters and memorandums. Prerequisites Completion of DVED 094—English Basics or ENGL 097—Writing Fundamentals eligibility. Text and Supplies Business English at Work. Jaderstrom/Miller. McGrawHill/Irwin. Third Edition 2007. Course Content Dictionary Usage Spelling and Vocabulary Words Frequently Misused Capitalization Number Style Nouns and Pronouns Verbs and Interjections Adjectives and Adverbs Prepositions and Conjunctions Subjects and Predicates Complements and Appositives Phrases and Clauses Periods, Commas, and Apostrophes Semicolons, Colons, and Quotation Marks Other Marks of Punctuation Writing Effective Sentences Editing Business Letters and Memos Composing Business Letters and Memos College-Wide Abilities Clark College has identified six campus-wide abilities that form the foundation of our educational emphasis: 1) critical thinking/problem solving, 2) information technology, 3) communication, 4) lifelong learning, 5) effective citizenship, 6) global/multicultural awareness. I will promote the BTEC 087—Applied Office English Syllabus Page 2 Information/Technology Ability, Communication Ability, Life-Long Learning Ability, and Critical Thinking Ability. Student Learning Objectives and College-Wide Abilities 1. Improve and expand vocabulary in career situations by recognizing definitions and using the vocabulary in sentences. (Communication, Life-Long Learning) 2. Utilize all sections of a dictionary to discover syllabication, pronunciation, definitions, spellings, abbreviations, and other facts by completing exercises that require using a dictionary. (Life-Long Learning, Information Technology) 3. Use the four steps to improve spelling accuracy in written documents by applying the following: 1) checking spelling in a dictionary, 2) questioning the spelling of often misspelled words, 3) making a list of misspelled words, and 4) using mnemonic devices and spelling rules. (Communication, Life-Long Learning, Information Technology) 4. Strengthen use of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms to gain accuracy and improve writing skills by selecting the correct usage based on the context of the sentence and using these words correctly in written correspondence. (Communication Life-Long Learning) 5. Capitalize words correctly, adhering to the principles of capitalization usage, by selecting correct capitalization in exercises as well as in written assignments. (Life-Long Learning) 6. Select the correct number style—either words or numerals—both in exercises as well as business writing situations. (Communication, Life-Long Learning) 7. Identify the different parts of speech and master their correct usage by identifying them in exercises. (Communication, Life-Long Learning) 8. Identify varied sentence patterns and use them in classroom exercises. (Communication, Life-Long Learning) 9. Choose the correct usage of punctuation, especially related to the business office by proofreading and editing for correct punctuation in exercises and writing assignments. (Communication, LifeLong Learning) 10. Develop skills, confidence, clarity, and effectiveness in writing with an attempt for perfection in applying the basic rules of written language by completing memorandum and letter assignments. (Communication) 11. Write effective business letters and memorandums by integrating format, purpose, content, structure, audience, and tone. (Communication) 12. Edit and evaluate one another’s work as well as one’s own work during group editing sessions. (Critical Thinking) Methods of Presentation Lectures, demonstrations, discussions, assignments, quizzes, tests, interactive groups. Grading Unit tests Quizzes Writing Assignments Final Examination 50% 25% (lowest score will be dropped) 15% 10% BTEC 087—Applied Office English Syllabus Page 3 Grading Scale Tests and Quizzes 93 to 100 = A 73 to 76 = C 90 to 92 = A69 to 72 = C87 to 89 = B+ 66 to 68 = D+ 83 to 86 = B 61 to 65 = D 80 to 82 = B58 to 60 = D77 to 79 = C+ 57 or less = F Writing Assignments 1 to 2 errors = A 28 to 35 = C 3 to 5 = A36 to 45 = C6 to 9 = B+ 46 to 50 = D+ 10 to 14 =B 51 to 54 = D 15 to 20 = B55 to 57 = D21 to 27 = C+ Grading of writing assignments based on grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, format, tone, interest, originality, complete coverage of assignment, easy readability. Attendance and Testing Policies In case of absence, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the assignment sheet and to stay on schedule. Writing assignments turned in late may be lowered a grade for each day late. Please notify the instructor in advance of the class if unable to take a unit test as scheduled. Also, make arrangements with the instructor to reschedule the exam within the week. Student Responsibilities Students are responsible for insuring that their personal conduct is in accordance with the following guidelines: Treat the instructors, other students, and other Clark College employees with respect. Refrain from engaging in harassing or demeaning behavior or any other behavior which disrupts the learning environment. Students engaging in these types of behavior will be asked to leave the classroom. Repeated occurrences will lead to dismissal from the course. Comply with the policies and regulations established by Clark College, including the Code of Student Conduct. Academic Honesty Academic honesty is required at all times. Anyone caught cheating will receive an automatic fail for the particular test/assignment. Plagiarism, which is also a form of cheating, is representing another individual’s work as your own. Support Services Available One of the best places to get help is the Tutoring Center located in HKH 102 and the Annex located in AA4 106. Computer software is also available—please check with me. My door is open and I am available to meet with you during office hours or other times by appointment. BTEC 087—Applied Office English Syllabus Page 4 ADA Accommodations If you have emergency medical information that should be shared, or if you require assistance in case the building should be evacuated, please make an appointment to see me as soon as possible during the office hours indicated on page one of this syllabus. Any student with a disability who may require some consideration or assistance in order to fully participate in this class should contact the Disability Support Services office at 992-2314 or 992-2835 (TTY), or stop by Gaiser Hall 137. Business/Business Technology Division Faculty Philosophy We believe our role is that of a facilitator of your learning. Your role as the learner is to actively participate in your learning experience both in and out of the classroom. We will encourage you to become proficient in your field of study, update technical skills, and improve personal growth necessary for the changing needs of the workplace and society. We firmly promote a safe, positive, and respectful classroom environment. Emergency Information In emergencies, students should do the following: 1. Inclement weather or emergency information Go to or call 360-992-2000 as your first means of getting information. The College does send notices to radio and television stations, but the College’s web site and switchboard are the official platforms for the most accurate information. 2. Immediate emergency communication alert To receive immediate notice on emergencies, you can register your cell phone number to receive text pages and your email address to receive email messages. To do this, go to . Select “Subscribe” on the left, and follow the instructions. Mass communication will also be sent to all college employee phones and computers. 3. Fire Alarm Evacuate the building through closest exit; evacuation maps are located in the hallways. Take personal belongings only if it is safe to do so. Remain at least 50 feet from the building. Notify others of evacuation. Do not re-enter building until instructed to do so. 4. Parking Lot Identifiers New parking lot identifiers using colors and numbers have been assigned to all Clark parking lots. To help emergency or security personnel locate you, please refer to these identifying features. 5. Security Escort Security Officers are available for escorts please call 360-992-2133. BTEC 087—Applied Office English Syllabus Page 5 The Academic Early Warning System Your instructor may use the Academic Early Warning (AEW) system in this course to let you know if she has concerns about your academic performance early enough to give you time to improve. If your instructor uses AEW to let you know what you need to work on, a letter will be sent to your home along with a list of free campus services that can assist you. As not all instructors will use AEW, it is your responsibility to be aware of how you are progressing in your classes.