
20.1. Defining New Objects and Commands
If you have existing libraries, you may skip this section and go on to
``Compiling a New Version of GENESIS'' (NewGenesis.doc).
Constructing the Library
The files in the ``Scripts/examples/newlib'' directory illustrate the
steps to follow in constructing a new GENESIS library:
1. Set up a directory to contain the new library and all of the code
files to go into it. For example:
mkdir newlib
where 'newlib' will be the location of the new library. As described
under ``Compiling a New Version of GENESIS'' (NewGenesis.doc), this
directory should be created as a subdirectory of the one in which the
new version of GENESIS will be compiled. The following steps refer to
files which are created within this library directory.
2. Create an external header file.
contains the lines:
The example file ``example_ext.h''
#include "sim_ext.h"
#include "example_struct.h"
The file ``sim_ext.h'' is a specific GENESIS header file which must be
included. It resides in the ``genesis/include'' directory, and
includes several other files which make a number of necessary definitions. ``example_struct.h'' is a user-defined structure definition
file which must be created.
3. Create the structure definition file. If new object functions are
being added this file should be of the form
#include "struct_defs.h"
struct mystruct {
fields ...
struct another_struct {
other_fields ...
etc ...
The structure names (e.g. mystruct) are arbitrary but must not conflict with any existing structure names. ``TYPE'' specifies a list of
basic object fields. It should be selected from one those defined in
These are macros which define a set of fields depending on the class
of the object. The ``fields'' of the structure are additional fields
that are completely user-defined. When writing a new object definition, you will pick one of the above types which most closely matches
your needs and supplement it with any needed additional fields. For
example, a new segment class object might have a structure definition
struct mystruct {
The ``newlib/example_struct.h'' structure file contains:
#include "struct_defs.h"
struct example_type {
You can find other examples in the ``genesis/include'' directory. The
documentation for each GENESIS object gives the name of the file which
defines its data structure.
If no new structure definitions are to be added, then simply create an
empty structure file. This can be accomplished using the UNIX shell
touch "my_struct.h"
4. Create the files containing C code to define any new routines or
objects. Your .c files should contain shell functions of the form:
int argc;
char **argv;
or object functions of the form
struct my_struct *element;
Action *action;
The names of these functions are arbitrary as long as they do not conflict with existing function names. If there is a conflict it will be
reported during the link phase of compilation as a multiply defined
function. In this case the function should be renamed. As a suggested
convention, all shell functions should be prefixed with ``do_''.
In the ``newlib'' directory, we have a separate file (``command.c'')
for the new shell function (to become a new GENESIS routine) and
another (``example.c'') for the new object function. These could have
been combined into a single file, however. Note that the shell functions look like any normal C function, except that they must have two
arguments, ``argc'' and ``argv'', which will be used to get the actual
arguments passed by the Script Language Interpreter.
The file ``newlib/command.c'' illustrates a simple function which will
be bound to a new GENESIS command which returns the number of arguments:
#include "sim_ext.h"
int do_example(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
printf("%d arguments passed to %s\n",argc,argv[0]);
** functions can return values which can be used in the
Note that it begins with a required inclusion of the definitions in
Source files which define object functions must also include a header
file giving structure declarations. ``example.c'' accomplishes this
in a somewhat indirect way with the initial statement
#include "example_ext.h"
Thus, ``sim_ext.h'' is included, as was done with ``command.c'', and
an additional structure declaration file is also included, as
described in step 3.
The format for object functions is somewhat more complicated than that
for shell functions. In the skeleton object function given above, the
example function ``MyObject'' takes two arguments: (1) the pointer to
the instantiation of the object structure (element) and (2) the
pointer to the instantiation of the structure that specifies the
action to be performed (action). Code which selects and implements
the various actions which can be performed is given within the two
curly brackets.
The code for the example object ``ExampleObject'' is listed below in
``An Example Object Definition''. It has detailed comments explaining
how to specify the actions performed and the way that messages are
processed during the PROCESS action. The section on actions in ``Elements'' (Elements.doc) describes the actions which are common to many
GENESIS objects. In general, the best way to write an object function
is to begin by examining the source code for an existing object which
is similar. The documentation for each object gives the name of the
file and the name of the function which implements the object.
5. Create a library startup script. Once you have written functions
to define new GENESIS shell commands or objects, you need to
associate them with the command and object names which will be
recognized by the SLI. This is done in a ``library startup
script''. The script is typically given a name of the form
``LIBRARY_NAMElib.g'', where ``LIBRARY_NAME'' is the name of the
library. For the example we have discussed so far, the script is
called ``examplelib.g''. Although the file name is given the
extension ``.g'' (for historical reasons), this is not an ordinary
script which may processed by GENESIS at run time. Instead, it is
processed by during compilation by a program called ``code_g'', and
it contains ``library startup commands'' which are not recognized
as GENESIS commands, and are not listed by listcommands.
The following startup commands (described in the GENESIS Startup
Command Reference) are used in library startup scripts:
Binds a compiled C function to the name of a GENESIS
Adds a new class identifier to the list of object classes.
Defines attributes of a GENESIS object and gives it a name.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------In addition, code_g recognizes the ordinary GENESIS command,
addaction. This command is described under ``Extended Objects''
(Extended.doc) and in the GENESIS Command Reference section. In a
library startup script, it is used to add a new action name to the
list of GENESIS actions, and to associate a numerical value with
it. This same numerical value is used in a case statement within
the object function C code, in order to select the action to be
All four of these commands are illustrated in ``examplelib.g'':
addfunc example do_example int
object example_object example_type ExampleObject exampleclass
device \
"M.Wilson Caltech 2/89" \
1 input \
1 input \
2 arg1 arg2 \
-readwrite input "Input variable, altered by ADD and
output "Running total of input at each
step" \
"exercise in creating new objects" \
"keeps a running sum of its inputs"
The first line associates the command name ``example'' with the function do_example, defined in ``command.c''. The optional argument for
the data type (int) is needed here, because this routine returns an
integer value.
Next, a new class name (exampleclass) is defined, as well as a new
action name and associated number. The final object command is continued over several lines. It is of the form:
object name data_type function class [class] ... [options]
Here, the new object will be given the name ``example_object''. In
its defining function (ExampleObject) it was given a data structure of
type ``example_type'', defined in step 3. The object may belong to
more than one class. In this case, it is assigned to the newly
defined exampleclass and to the pre-existing device class.
It is required that any actions which the object performs be listed
following the ``-actions'' argument. The code in ``example.c'' gives
the statements to be executed for the actions RESET, PROCESS, and
If messages are used by the object then the ``-message'' option must
be defined with the following arguments:
a. the name of the message can be any string. This is used by the
addmsg command. In this case, ``example.c'' defines ADD,
b. the case number of the message type must correspond to the value
defined in the code definition (see the MSGLOOP of
c. the number of arguments to the message.
d. the names of the arguments are arbitrary and are used for
documenting purposes (there MUST be as many names as there are
The names of the object fields (plus an optional descriptive string)
are given with one of the options ``-readwrite'', ``-readonly'', or
``-hidden''. These option names also give the protection that is
assigned to the fields. In this case, we want to be able to set and
inspect the ``input'' field. As the ``output'' field will be calculated by the object, it should be readable, but not writeable by the
user. In other cases we may wish to use fields for internal
calculations, but keep them hidden from the user. These are specified
with the ``-hidden'' option.
The remaining fields are added for the purpose of documenting the
object and are optional.
6. Create and Edit the library Makefile. The ``genesis'' directory in
the GENESIS distribution (for example, ``/usr/genesis'') contains a
file ``Libmake'' that is used as a template for the Makefile. Copy
it into the library directory, giving it the name ``Makefile''.
There will be a list of seven variables which must be set. These
variables are:
a. GENESIS should contain the name of the genesis system files. For
= /usr/genesis
This is normally written into the Libmake file at the time GENESIS
is installed. If GENESIS has been moved, or you are modifying
libraries provided by someone else, you should check to be sure
that the path is correct.
b. LIBRARY_NAME is the name that you will use to refer to this
library. It can be any name which does not conflict with
existing libraries. For example using the specification in step
= example
The LIBRARY_NAME will also be entered in the 'liblist' file residing in the parent directory of the library directory, as decribed
in ``Compiling a New Version of GENESIS'' (NewGenesis.doc).
c. STARTUP is the name of the library startup script, described in
step 4:
= examplelib.g
d. STRUCTURES is the name of the .h file containing the structure
definitions created in step 2. Only one filename is allowed. For
= example_struct.h
e. EXT_HEADER is the name of the external header file created in
step 1. Only one filename is allowed. For example:
= example_ext.h
f. TARGET_OBJ is the name of the of the object file which will be
created for the libarary. This should be called
LIBRARY_NAMElib.o, where LIBRARY_NAME is the name of the
library. For example, with the library ``example'', this would
= examplelib.o
This name (with the path to the library) is also used for the USERLIB variable in the Makefile (derived from Usermake) in the parent
directory, as decribed in ``Compiling a New Version of GENESIS''
g. OBJECTS is the list of object files
the new library. The names of these
the source code (.c) files with the
For example, with source code files
(.o files) to be included in
files should be the same as
.c extension changed to .o.
``command.c'' and
= command.o example.o
An Example Object Definition
The file ``Scripts/examples/newlib/example.c'' illustrates features
which are common to the source code for many GENESIS object functions:
#include "example_ext.h"
** example of how to define a new object function
/* M.Wilson Caltech 1/89 */
** The user can give the object function any unique name.
** Similarly, the arguments to the function can have arbitrary names.
struct example_type *element;
/* If the element is to receive messages, this pointer (MsgIn *msg)
must be
** declared.
MsgIn *msg;
double value;
** The debugging level can be assigned at runtime within the
** interpreter using the 'debug' command. The function
** will cause GENESIS to print a standard message consisting
** of the name of the function called, the name of the element,
** and the name of the action being executed.
if(debug > 1){
/* just prints out information which helps see what is
happening */
** SELECT_ACTION is a macro for a switch-case statement switching
on the
** action requested.
** There are a number of predefined actions (see sim_defs.h)
** which are typically used by elements. PROCESS is one of them
** New actions can be added in any element. Use the 'addaction'
** command in the object definition script to inform the simulator
** of the new action. The case number asssigned to new actions
** is relatively arbitrary as long as it does not conflict with
** the case numbers of other actions defined in the element.
** (you should get a compiler error if there is a conflict).
printf("code for the new action\n");
element->input = 0;
** This is the way in which messages are processed
** MSGLOOP is a macro which scans all incoming messages and
** executes the code in the appropriate case statement
** depending on the message type
MSGLOOP(element,msg) {
** The case number assigned here must be defined in the
** in the message section of the object definition
** (see examplelib.g)
case ADD:
** The function MSGVALUE allows you to access the
of the message arguments passed into the element.
The first argument is just the msg pointer,
the second argument is the argument number
Thus to get the first argument of a message use
MSGVALUE(msg,0). To get the second (assuming there
more than one argument in the message) use
Note that the return type from
MSGVALUE is always type double
You are free to place whatever code you would like
in here
value = MSGVALUE(msg,0);
element->input += value;
printf("adding a message value of %f\n",value);
value = MSGVALUE(msg,0);
element->input -= value;
printf("subtracting a message value of %f\n",value);
printf("processing arguments %f and %f\n",
printf("Unknown message\n");
** In this case
** using output
** You are free
we add the element field 'input' to 'output',
to maintain a running sum.
to place whatever code you would like in here.
+= element->input;
has been processed\n");
** The RESET action is used to return the element to a known
** initial state
case RESET:
element->input = 0;
element->output = 0;
printf("element has been reset\n");