EUROPEAN UNION DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION IN CHINA 欧洲联盟 欧洲委员会驻华代表团 PRESS RELEASE Beijing, 12 November 2003 EU-China: Agreement on strengthened environmental cooperation Today, the European Union and China signed a political agreement on strengthening environmental cooperation. This comes less than two weeks after European and Chinese leaders called for a strengthened environmental dialogue during the Sixth EU China Summit, held in Beijing. The agreement was signed by Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström and Minister Xie Zhenhua of the State Environmental Protection Administration in Beijing during Ms. Wallström’s visit to China. The strengthened cooperation will, among other things, focus on climate change, biodiversity, and water. Talking ahead of the signing ceremony, Margot Wallström welcomed the agreement: “The eyes of the world are on China. With 1.3 billion people and a dynamic growing economy, China’s development has major global significance. We will work together to ensure that China chooses the path of sustainable development”. The dialogue will address common global environmental issues in order to follow up actions agreed at the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development. It will also promote collaboration in concrete efforts to address global climate change within the framework of the Kyoto protocol, which has been signed by China as well as the EU. A key objective will be to cooperate in further developing and implementing multilateral environmental agreements. With regards to bilateral cooperation, both sides draw lessons from a series of joint cooperation projects aimed at restructuring the provision of industrial energy, improving energy efficiency, and local industrial restructuring through capacity building in local governments and clearer production methods. For each field, China underlined the areas in which it welcomes further cooperation with the EU, such as capacity building and human resources training, biodiversity conservation, water resources management, and programmed on automobile emission standards. The dialogue will take place in the first instance between senior officials designated by the European Commission and SEPA as a focal point of the EU/China environmental policy dialogue. They will be in charge of cooperation and future arrangements including the EU China environmental dialogue at ministerial level. Commissioner Wallström 15 Dongzhimenwai Street, Beijing 100600, China. Tel + (8610) 6532-4443; Fax + (8610) 6532-4342 EUROPEAN UNION DELEGATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION IN CHINA 欧洲联盟 欧洲委员会驻华代表团 invited Minister Xie to visit Brussels in the summer of 2004, to take stock of progress in the strengthened cooperation. Commissioner Wallström arrived in Beijing on Monday, kicking off the first ever visit by an Environment Commissioner to China. During her stay in Beijing, Ms. Wallström met with Vice Premier Zeng Peiyang, in charge of Environment, and also with Vice Chairman Zhu Yuli of the Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation Committee of National People's Congress. On Tuesday, the Commissioner travelled to the city of Shenyang to see by herself the social environmental challenges in the heavily industrialised province of Liaoning, and inspect the EU’s largest cooperation project in China. With funding of more than 37 million Euro from the EU, the Liaoning Integrated Environmental Programme aims at assisting the regional government in its efforts to restructure the province. “The project is going very well. That is why we have decided to extend its duration until June 2005”. The project is contributing to the development of environmental planning, management and enforcement capacities, as well as environmental awareness; it encourages cleaner production, waste minimisation and recycling, energy efficiency and alternative energy sources; and supports economic and social restructuring. Protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development is one of the three key areas for cooperation between the EU and China in the Country Strategy Paper that sets priorities for EU assistance to China. Current EU projects in the field of environment with China include LIEP, the Energy and Environment project, and the EC-China Environmental Management Cooperation Project (EMCP). Another project, on Vehicle Emission Control, was completed at the end of the first semester of 2003. Two new projects are currently under preparation. For questions regarding Ms. Wallström’s visit, please contact the press officer Isabel Ramallo, at 65324443 ext 269, 13911603579 or For more information on EU China relations, and cooperation projects, please visit: 15 Dongzhimenwai Street, Beijing 100600, China. Tel + (8610) 6532-4443; Fax + (8610) 6532-4342