2. logging into the usc web application

Purpose of the document:
Instructions for use of the web interface for the User Support
Centre (USC)
Boris Kodelja, Janja Šrubar
Date of document:
14 September 2008
Date of last amendment:
24 June 2010
Instructions for use of the Web Interface for the
User Support Centre (USC) ISARR Information
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Table of contents:
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 3
LOGGING INTO THE USC WEB APPLICATION ........................................................... 4
Knowledge database ............................................................................................. 6
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) ................................................................. 7
Guides "How to …"(HOWTO) ......................................................................... 8
User documents ............................................................................................. 8
OPen issues .......................................................................................................... 9
Error reports on the operation of the isarr system modules ...................................11
Explanation of fields ......................................................................................12
TELEPHONE SWITCHBOARD .....................................................................................14
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The User Support Centre (hereinafter: USC) is a web application developed as a
website portal, which allows users to interactively communicate with staff trained to
provide assistance for the use of ISARR system modules. The purpose of the USC is
to provide advice to new users of the system who encounter various system modules
for the first time. For this purpose, various methods of assistance have been
developed and take the form of a Knowledge Database, divided into thematic units
such as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Short Guides (HOWTO). The USC
also contains user documents and interactive screens that allow specific questions
relating to a module's operation to be posed. Users receive answers to their
questions via email.
Another functionality of the USC is to provide an entry point for the submission of
error reports, for remedying errors already discovered and resolving potential errors
occurring during the future use of the ISARR system modules. The USC coordinates
the operations of the 4 consortium partners responsible for the correct functioning
and maintenance of system modules. The USC provides a simple way in which to
submit error reports to users, meaning there is no need to have to know who deals
with the resolution of questions, or how reporting an error should be undertaken.
When an error report is entered into the system, the USC is responsible for properly
assigning the matter to the appropriate contact and for informing the user about the
solution. This means that the user can continue to work.
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The USC web application is available at http://projects.ipmit.si/sites/cpu.
A new web page opens, as shown in the picture below. It is a close type application
and a username and a password are required to access relevant information; both
are received when access to the ISARR system modules is granted. If you have not
received your username and password, please contact your coordinator at the
management authority to provide you with instructions for accessing the ISARR
The only content accessible without a username and password are the ISARR system
presentation and publications. This is where documents relating to the training and
instructions for the use of various ISARR system modules can be found. These
documents provide a general overview of the system, outline system functionalities
and are primarily intended for new users who encounter the system for the first
time. However, they do not allow access to ISARR system modules without a valid
username and password.
To enable the use of all functionalities within the USC web application, it is necessary
to log into it. To do this, click on the
button in the top
right corner of the application. A window opens asking for your username and
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Enter your username and password into the appropriate fields and log in by clicking
The USC application, with all its functionalities, appears on the screen, as seen
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On the left hand side of the screen, there is a menu of links to various
functionalities of the USC application. The "Support" section provides a
choice of screen masks for submitting user questions, reporting errors in
the application's functioning, submitting requests for upgrade or
development and for on-site support and for customer requests, i.e. SSV
technical support. All types of claims can also be selected when entering
a new report.
The "Documents" section provides documents relating to the ISARR
information system, a knowledge database in the form of a Wiki library
and the above-mentioned ISARR presentation and publications. All
system functionalities can be accessed by clicking on the URL link.
As shown in the picture below, the application is designed so that its
initial page enables automatic review of the user's error reports currently processed,
and provides access to the user's questions not yet appropriately answered. Users
who wish to access documents or the knowledge database must click the URL link in
the menu on the left side of the screen.
The knowledge database was designed as the first entry point for users experiencing
difficulties in using the ISARR system modules. The knowledge database is not rigid;
it is dynamically built and regularly updated. It contains advice for the use of the
system; the FAQ section stores many answers to problems experienced by users to
date. The knowledge database is recommended to users, because it enables users to
solve many difficulties on their own. By clicking
on the left hand side of the
screen under the "Documents" section, a page with links leading to various support
categories appears on the screen.
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By clicking the "FAQ" link, a user accesses frequently asked questions, which are
systematically grouped within modules and module sets.
3.1.1. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
As shown in the picture, FAQs are grouped to module sets (MVP, MJR, MPP, MRS,
MSP and MAP). Some of the links have not yet been activated yet, but, as already
mentioned, the knowledge database is a dynamic document which is continuously
being updated and restructured. Users can browse through the entire collection of
questions and answers, or look up a particular chapter of interest to them. Users can
scroll through the knowledge database by clicking the URL links shown on the
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3.1.2. Guides "How to …"(HOWTO)
By clicking the "HOWTO" link, a user moves to guides that summarise the most
frequent examples of how the functionalities of various modules are used. As shown
in the picture, guides are grouped by modules to enable easy scanning.
3.1.3. User documents
By clicking "Docs", the third set within the knowledge database, a shortcut to
documents relating to the ISARR system is opened. The first two types of help (FAQ
and HOWTO) are primarily intended to overcome difficulties associated with the
functioning of modules; user documentation is very detailed to facilitate the selftraining of new users. It includes detailed instructions on the operation of modules,
and an explanation of all the fields and actions enabling their proper functioning.
If a user does not find appropriate help or an answer to his/her problem within the
Knowledge Database, the USC application provides one more type of individual
support to users – specific questions can be addressed to the USC operator in
electronic form.
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The "Open Issues" section is intended to facilitate interactive communication
between a user who is faced with a problem and an operator whose task is to help
users. A user can submit a question in two ways. As already mentioned, the user can
browse through current error reports and questions appearing on the initial page of
the application. A new question can be entered to the system by placing the cursor
and clicking the
button. Another way to do this is to select
the menu on the left hand side of the screen; the application opens a window
through which questions can be posed and browsed.
By clicking the
button, the entry form for posing questions is re-opened:
The application only requires 4 pieces of data from the user, the first of which is
"Module", which is obligatory information (all obligatory information in the application
are marked with a red asterisk ). This information allows the administrator to focus
on the module relating to the question posed. Under "Type of Help", the user selects
the option from the drop down menu
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best suited to the problem at hand. The user then selects the "Objective" for the
question; Objective 1 refers to projects in the territory of Slovenia and Objective 3 to
cross-border cooperation projects. Next, the user describes the problem in question
in the window for that purpose. The application also allows attachments to be
submitted, thus making it easier for the user to explain the problem, because a
screenshot showing the part of the application causing problems can be attached.
The attachment is added by clicking the
button; after that, a window
opens and a click on the
button enables the user to select a file from a
personal computer (word, picture) and attach it to his/her question by clicking
button. After all the required information is in place, the question is
entered by clicking the
writing a question).
button (this time appearing on the screen form for
When the question is entered into the USC web application, an administrator at the
USC is notified and can immediately begin to solve user's question. After the question
is replied to and entered into the system, the user receives an email with a solution
to the problem.
A user can monitor the progress of his/her question by clicking the
link. If
more than one question was posed by the same user who would like to see the
details of one question only, this can be done by clicking the icon on the left hand
side of the question title. If the user wishes to expand the question or modify it in
any way, he/she must click the
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icon appearing next to the
icon intended for
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If a user encounters an error that hinders the normal functioning of the ISARR
system, the error can be reported on the USC portal. The portal administrator will
see to it that the report is properly dealt with, that the matter is resolved and that
the user is informed about the solution by email.
A user
appearing on the initial page of the application; another way is to select the URL link
on the left hand side of the screen which opens a new window intended for
the submission of error reports and for browsing those already submitted and their
status. By again clicking the
button, a new screen form appears that facilitates
the submission of report on a system error as shown below:
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3.3.1. Explanation of fields
The logic behind a registration of the request is basically the same as in the case of a
registration of the user question. Given some key differences, let us see in more
detail the fields to be completed.
Module: from a drop down menu, a user selects the module for which the
error is reported.
Type of claim: from a drop down menu, a user selects the type of request
that best describes the type of report.
A user may report an "Error" and a "Cardinal error". The difference between the
two statuses refers to an error only occurring at the user's workstation, or to an
error resulting in a standstill of all workstations. The "Cardinal error" status is
assessed in cooperation with the Office of the Government of the Republic of
Slovenia for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy by the USC and can be
changed; regardless of its new status, the error will still be considered and the
problem resolved. Besides these two statuses, a user can also register a
development proposal and/or an error elimination. An error elimination does not
refer to errors in the functioning of the application, but to errors associated with
poor understanding of the application's functioning. In this case, a user registers
error elimination; thereupon, the USC administrator re-sets the programme to
coincide with the last functioning settings. The status "User support" is used for
closing the questions of the user question type; thus, questions are classified
under appropriate categories as described in the previous chapter.
Objective: the user chooses Objective 1 or Objective 3, depending on
whether it refers to a project of cross-border cooperation or a project within
Code of the operation: the correct code of the operation where an error,
disturbance, etc. occurred must be entered.
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Subject: this field is obligatory and must be completed with a short
description of the error.
Screen mask: if possible, enter the name of the screen mask where the
problem occurred (e.g. Entry and registration of a document, etc.)
Error description: A comprehensive description of the error, with all details,
is entered into this field. The more detailed the error description, the easier
the identification and elimination. As in the case of the registration of user
questions, this section enables a user to support his/her description by
attaching a file in the same way as when posing a user question, that is by
clicking the
Reopening of the claim: the number of the first report is entered when a
user has already registered a claim referring to this problem and the matter
was awarded a solved status, but the user continues to experience the same
Once all the required fields are completed, registration must be confirmed. This is
done by clicking the
button. The error is entered into the system and is
assigned an identification number, which enables a user to monitor the status of
his/her report. It will appear at the top of the initial page, because reports are sorted
If a user wishes to review data on the report or possible changes of the registration
made by the application operator or administrator, he/she can do so by clicking
button. If a user wishes to change some data concerning the report, he/she
can do so by clicking the button. "Claim status" shows the progress of the report.
When a claim is registered, the status "Submitted" is assigned to it by the
application. The "In progress" status is assigned to a request when an administrator
at the USC assigns it to a competent person for consideration. When the request is
completed, its status changes to "Resolved". At that moment, several consequent
tasks are performed: the error is closed and can no longer be viewed on the initial
page. A user can review it by clicking the URL link
; a window appears
where all reports, including those resolved, can be examined. Then the user who
reported the error is informed about its correction via email; likewise, all potential
users appropriately subscribed also receive information thereof.
When all necessary tasks are performed, the report is considered to be resolved and
concluded; the user can then continue with his/her work.
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In addition to all the forms of e-communication and problem solving described in the
above chapters, telephone assistance is also available to users. If a user needs a
quick solution to the problem or did not receive adequate assistance via the USC web
application, he/she can call the following phone numbers:
+386 (0)1 3009 815 – Objective 1
+386 (0)1 3009 803 – Objective 3
Telephone assistance is available to all users of the ISARR system and CPU web
portal between Monday and Friday (every working day) between 8.00 am and 4.00
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