Booking Form - Midlands Early Music Forum

Midlands Early Music Forum
Saturday and Sunday 17 and 18 April 2010, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
The David Turnbull Music School, Solihull School, Warwick Road,
Solihull B91 3DJ
Claudio Monteverdi
Vespers 1610
A workshop for singers & instruments (A440)
Tutor: Philip Thorby
Contact: Jim Rowley 0121-240 3664
Thanks to your enthusiastic response through the advance booking forms, we
already have a pretty full house for this workshop, celebrating the 400th
anniversary of Monteverdi’s 1610 Vespers. If you have already made an advance
booking, then please confirm it by returning the enclosed booking form and
cheque as soon as you can. If you have not made an advance booking, there may
still be space for tenors and basses, and possibly some instruments (depending on
the confirmations from the advance list). In particular we need tenor soloists!
The instruments still open are cornetti, sackbuts, and strings.
The proposed timetable is:
Chorus singers: Saturday and Sunday, 10.00 am for 10.30am to 5.00pm.
Continuo players: as chorus singers.
Cornetti and sackbuts: Sunday as above. Welcome to come and sing on Saturday
if they so wish.
Other instrumentalists: Saturday afternoon, from 2.15pm, and all day Sunday.
Welcome to come and sing on Saturday morning if they so wish.
Solo parts for singers: they will be chosen once the bookings are in. The aim is for
the soloists to meet, at the Music School, on the evening of Friday 16 April from
7.00 to 10.00pm. Please allow for this if you are offering a solo.
Music will be provided, and the fee includes the cost. We shall be using Clifford
Bartlett’s edition – with the red cover, so that the Magnificat and Lauda Jerusalem
are transposed down a fourth. If we buy in bulk in advance the publishers will
give a discount, and after crediting the hiring fee the cost to you will be £8.50
(instead of the normal £15). It is essential that you order and pay when booking.
Fees: these are set out on the booking form. As the cost is comparatively modest,
thanks to the generosity of Solihull School in allowing us to use the premises,
there are no concessions this time.
2.00– 5.00
Registration and drinks
Morning sessions with comfort break.
Lunch - it may be best to bring sandwiches, as local pubs and
shops are a bit of a walk – ok for brisk walkers.
Afternoon sessions, with break for tea.
On Sunday there will be a workshop performance at 3.30pm. Family and friends
By car: leave the M42 at junction 5 and take the A41 for ‘Solihull’. After about
500 metres fork left, leaving the A41, and at the next roundabout take the second
exit. You are now in the Warwick Road. At the second set of traffic lights, turn
right into Solihull School. The David Turnbull Music School is at the back of the
site, beyond the main school buildings, and we should be able to park fairly near
the Music School. Ask Jim Rowley if you would like a map – contact details
Please complete the enclosed Booking Form and send it as soon as you
conveniently can with your cheque (payable to ‘MEMF’) to: Jim Rowley, 2 The
Haybarn, Sutton Coldfield B76 1DE
Please let Jim know if, after booking, you find you can’t make it, even if it’s at the
last minute. On the morning of the workshop, you can get Jim Rowley on 078767
04 782
Instrumentalists: please bring a labelled music stand, and please arrange your
own insurance cover if required.
Neither MEMF nor the School can accept any responsibility for any property lost
or damaged.
Saturday and Sunday , 17 – 18 April 2010, 10.00am to 5.00 pm
The David Turnbull Music School, Solihull School
Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine
Tutor: Philip Thorby
Booking Form
Name(s)..................................................................(continue on back if necessary)
Address …………………………………………………………………..….
Singers - Voice:
Soprano / Alto / Tenor / Baritone / Bass
Do you wish to be considered for a solo: Yes / No
Instruments (A440) – what will you play? ……………………………………….
Music: Please say if you will bring your own King’s Music red cover score: ……..
Cheque enclosed: £…………………..
Fees: Normal fee, including hire of score:
Fee with purchase of score:
Fee for brass players for Sunday only
Please complete this Booking Form and send it, with your cheque (payable to
‘MEMF’), to: Jim Rowley, 2 The Haybarn, Sutton Coldfield B76 1DE
If you would like an acknowledgement, please send an s.a.e or give an email address,
and ask for an acknowledgement.
Please tell Jim Rowley if you would like a lift, or if you are willing to offer one.